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7894745 No.7894745 [Reply] [Original]

Books you regretted buying.
I'll start.

>> No.7894765
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I was thirteen and I knew it was shit.

>> No.7894782

my 37 year old friend bought those books for me with a hearty recommendation. she has a phd

>> No.7894787


i like king but that new collection was pretty mediocre

>> No.7894790

Why do you regret it?

>> No.7894794
File: 384 KB, 1500x1388, game-of-thrones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire and Ice series. Books were so awful I quit midway through the second one. I'll stick with the show.

>> No.7894845

I bought a Warhammer and Witcher book (read The Last Wish) and stopped buying video game books.

>> No.7894864

It just wasn't interesting. The best by far was Mile 81 though. I felt cheated because none of them were really scary and the reading was tedious because the suspense was so weak. PLUS I wanted some goddamn monsters and there really weren't any except in Mile 81. Almost none of the stories left me thinking (Afterlife and Mister Yummy are exceptions though.) Those 3 and Summer Thunder were the only good ones in the book, but none of them even came close to stuff like Dolan's Cadillac and his earlier collections.

>> No.7894867

*those 4

>> No.7894868
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>> No.7894876

In what? Is it STEM related?

>> No.7894877

I was pretty much done with this guy after I read the fifty year sword.

>> No.7894897

expertise does not extend across all realms

>> No.7895044

It's not the buying that I regret with bad books but the wasted time attempting to read them.

>> No.7895222

It's in English Lit and she did her thesis on King Lear

>> No.7895230
File: 234 KB, 500x780, shit angel trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a bunch of teenage boy fantasy nonsense.

>> No.7895236

well the witcher was a book long before it was a video game.
im actually looking forward to reading the witcher books as soon as i can get my hands on one. everyone says its bad but ive gotta find out for myself.

>> No.7895612

I don't think they're bad; The Last Wish was fun a fun time. I just am not interested Fantasy too much.

>> No.7895638

Doing a thesis on Shakespeare isn't very impressive, there's a wealth of information and books discussing his work. She sounds like a pleb that used Shakespeare as a launching platform to an easy bog-standard quality PhD. Good on her I guess, you should call her Dr. Pleb,

>> No.7896116

Fuck you asshole. You talk shit as if you actually are a doctor, but you're not. You're just an envious little prick with nothing better to do than try to belittle my friend's work. Kys jizzbucket.

>> No.7896121

I actually wanted to buy this. I heard its the good version of harry potter.

>> No.7896128

thesis was probably an examination of gender dynamics and micro aggressions in Shakespearian verse

lol women

>> No.7896140
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>being baited this hard

Your friend is still a pleb, though.

>> No.7896142
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>> No.7896177
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>> No.7896183


>> No.7896256

Whats worse is when someome decides to get you books without consulting you at all, like someone bought me Girl on the Train for my birthday cos they knew I liked reading.

>> No.7896372

Highly enjoyable as a 14 yo desu

>> No.7896574
File: 99 KB, 1256x800, A-Series-of-Unfortunate-Events.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually got the entire series up to book 12, read them too
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, i just realized how dumb it was.
each book barely evolved on the mystery at all, the events made no sense, and not in the funny way, but in the dopey way
There was pretty much nothing to them at all, just different settings for the same crap over and over again

>> No.7896619


for some reason I always remember that one part where someone's sick and the cure is wasabi, but they only have horseradish so they use that instead.

>> No.7896637

Damn… like, it's sweet they would think about buying you something based on your interests, but they could've found out at least an author or the type of books you're interested in.

>> No.7896647

>buying books
$120 for an Icarus Illumina HD, $10 for a 16 gb microSD card, and an Internet connection for a lifetime worth of books.

>> No.7896658

And Wasabi, a three-syllable word, was Sunny's first word
And she just naturally had a perfect understanding for everything about making food
And was just as able to survive hours without food as her siblings
and could deliver luggage all on her own to a specific room in a hotel

I know was done for
1 humor and
2 give the baby some actual characteristics
but it was so dumb, the whole series are just one cop-out after another
i don't know why i suddenly realized it, and i don't know why i even put up with it for 12 books

I guess it's like when i used to read CAD and LICD, i didn't even pay attention to what was happening, i just wanted something to spend my time on

>> No.7896711

0$ for a Samsung Tab gifted to me, 0$ for a 16G SD card found on the train.0$ for Internet Connection stolen from neighbors for a lifetime of books.

>> No.7896722
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Narrative that's all over the place, drier than the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Middle English that annoys you, unlike Canterbury Tales.

>> No.7896773

kill yourself

>> No.7896789

What was it that made you say that?
The fact that i used to read ASOUE, CAD, LICD or something else?

And if you didn't get it, i did stop reading all that years ago