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7894649 No.7894649 [Reply] [Original]

why do we like it so much?

>> No.7894652

99% of authors give you a book that when you reach the last page, that's it, it's over, and you put it back on the shelf. Wallace, though, gave us an infinite jest, that goes round and round, never ending, never reaching a conclusion. So I'd say it's his generosity.

>> No.7894659

Because of that oracular foresight he stole from DeLillo.

>> No.7894663
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LMand but s O

>> No.7894672

Because it's so all-encompassing. Infinite Jest, much like the other two members of the Meme Trilogy, discusses a huge range of subjects and exhibits an enormous vocabulary. We feel like Real Smart People for reading it, and can't wait to write to mom and pop about this cool big book.

>> No.7894679
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>> No.7894691

What books need to be read before Infinite Jest? Should I read stuff by Pynchon first?

>> No.7894699

hamlet and that's pretty much it.

>> No.7894706

Why Hamlet?

>> No.7894725

because Hamlet is referenced throughout. you don't have to read it to understand the novel, though.

>> No.7894730

None books. DFW is gross fraud.

If you read Pynchon you are already lightyears beyond anything Wallace was doing.

>> No.7894806

we're all frauds

>> No.7894818


>> No.7894825

There's emotion prevalent throughout IJ that you just don't get in Pynchon works. Pynchon is nice and all but a lot of his work is him just showing off how clever he is.

>> No.7894839

Because it's smarter than us, but doesn't make us feel inferior. The ones that hate it are the ones jealous who realize it's better than anything they could write. It's genuinely clever and insightful into humanity. Is it perfect? No. But it's lightyears beyond most literature.

>> No.7894842

the people that hate it haven't read it

>> No.7894847

I think Pynchon is a much better novelist than Wallace, but this is a fair point. While I wouldn't say Pynchon's work is devoid of emotional connection with the reader, it certainly isn't as... Touching, as DFW is.

>> No.7894865

We don't. Y'all like it because you're plebs.

>> No.7894869

Such a newfag, lurk more before posting. The title is a reference to a line in Hamlet.

>> No.7894872

nice ad hom bucko

>> No.7894878

Unlike most of the retards here, I've actually read it instead of just claiming I have. And it sucked. It would have been good if it cut out 700+ pages of 'encyclopedic' novel bullshit and the pointless endnotes, maybe.

>> No.7894895

>not being able to relate to bananarama

What are you, some sort of faggot?

>> No.7894902

>Unlike most of the retards here, I've actually read it instead of just claiming I have. And it sucked.
this is what happened to me

glad I didn't buy it, falling for memes sux

>> No.7894906

you best have a solid foundation in ancient and modern literature before you start reading postmodern shit

>> No.7894910
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>> No.7894936

DFw's "emotional" content is facile at best, hallmarky at worst. He certainly can build up a good deal of pathos for his characters, but it is too messy and cheap. He invites you to revel in the patheticness of his characters, proposing that it too is your patheticness, and all of mankind's patheticness as well, and then offers an absolution of sorts, something which is roughly mirrored in his philosophy.

>> No.7895017


>> No.7895023

Infinite Jest

>> No.7895032


You forgot it's almost as hilarious as gravity's meme. Not many things make me laugh but the beginning after that eloquent inner monologue and then he speaks up and they tackle him for going full autist.

>> No.7895039

Honestly, it's not even good compared to a lot of his other work. The Broom of The System and Brief Interviews With Hideous Men were better in every way.

>> No.7895051

everyone's gonna respond to this bait

>> No.7895054

More than just the title, retard.

>> No.7895157

>after that eloquent inner monologue and then he speaks up and they tackle him for going full autist.

Wait, to me it seemed like he was having a seizure or something, and it only seemed to him like he was talking, while he actually was flailing his arms and making noises.

>> No.7895166

I've never told anyone in person who hasn't asked that I've read Infinite Jest.

>> No.7895254

>responding to b8

>> No.7896269

Finnegans Wake is better than Ulysses. GR is admittedly Pinecone's best, but Brief Interviews with Hideous Men is DFW's strongest work as a whole. If I were to propose a revised meme trilogy it'd be Finnegans Wake, Gravity's Rainbow, and Brief Interviews with Hideous Men.

>> No.7896390

>DFw's "emotional" content is facile at best, hallmarky at worst. He certainly can build up a good deal of pathos for his characters, but it is too messy and cheap. He invites you to revel in the patheticness of his characters, proposing that it too is your patheticness, and all of mankind's patheticness as well, and then offers an absolution of sorts, something which is roughly mirrored in his philosophy.
if your talking emotion, when compared to pynchon hes william wordsworth

>> No.7896418

Because you're all pompous faggots

>> No.7896634


>> No.7896660

The masses, Reddit etc, like this book so much because it is Pynchon made accessible via transfiguring the pop culture obsessed plebeian's struggle with life. Everyone can identify with a mediocre man feeling empty and failing to rise above his cultural milieu.

>> No.7896667

>he didn't get his heart ripped out by Roger and Jessica in GR and the ending of Mason and Dixon
Maybe you're just not a proficient enough reader to catch when Pynchon should be pulling on your heartstrings.

>> No.7896689

did hal watch IJ and what did he say to the people at the beginning?

>> No.7896699
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You just did.

>> No.7896716

>did hal watch IJ
no, he ate the mold.
>what did he say in year of glad (I take it you're referring to year of glad)
nothing comprehensible

>> No.7896783

>in person

>> No.7896796

This. There's a lot of emotion in Pinecone's work. It's just not as banal and gooey as what DFW does because Pinecone realized how vapid the American impulse to retreat into sentimentalism was.

>> No.7897378

>no he ate the mold

Is this the definitive theory? There's also speculation that J.I.'s wraith put DMZ on Hal's toothbrush

>> No.7897391

so the mold just took like 10 years to fuck him up? he ate it when he was a kid

>> No.7897398

I understand when he is trying to do this. it is my opinion that DFW does it better. It is also my opinion that pynchon is a better novelist

>> No.7897417

I had to bring it back to the library before I could finish it

When I start reading it again I am not sure if I should sludge through 500 pages again to refresh my memory or just keep going from there. Are there any key characters I should know for sure?

>> No.7897425

I think what happened was that J.I.'s wraith found a way to get Hal to ingest DMZ, and this catalyzed some reaction with the dormant mold. Keep in mind that DMZ is synthesized from a mold

>> No.7897430

What was in the vial that Pemulus or whoever had? wasn't it that which brought out Hal's mold symptoms?

>> No.7897434
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>not The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.7897452

why the fuck do y'all?
no, really. i haven't read it. pray tell me.