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File: 103 KB, 394x519, Aleister_Crowley_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
789271 No.789271 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of the wickedest man in the world?

>> No.789290

He must be very warm down there.

>> No.789291
File: 56 KB, 450x488, o2Jp57zvPjzv6dj9nR7N6IYEo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.789296

Who the fuck is that stupid fuck

looks like a stupid fuck

>> No.789363


That's Aleister Crowley. He did so many drugs, he thought he was a magic wizard.

>> No.789437

He's good.

>> No.789461

not wicked at all, reqd his shit and realise he was basically the western version of daoism and and aspects of the hindu religion, which is varied, and was pretty on track for bringing eastern philosophy to the west with some stupid golden dawn and rausicruscian bulllshit intermingled... i apologize typos i am drunk and standing while typing

>> No.789462


He was also completely HIGH as HELL.

>> No.789464

why do you insist on saging every post. Stop it asshole

>> No.789467

Have you checked his email?
He's not saging, it's just "wat"

>> No.789472


>> No.789477

this is also true...on the hashish to be precise...

>> No.789485

I'm tired of this shit.
There are millions of fucking idiots on the internet.
They're not all trolls, they're just stupid.

>> No.789490

hashish is just a condensed form of marijuana.
I smoke a lot; I don't think I'm a wizard.

>> No.789493


When I vape enough weed, I feel like a goddamned Super Saiyan or some shit.

When I take Mushrooms I feel like a wizard.

>> No.789501

Did he have anything to do with H.P. Lovecraft? Like, would either have read of the other?

>> No.789503
File: 27 KB, 335x400, aleister-crowley1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.789504

When I take shrooms I feel....insane.
Like this is how a crazy person must feel.

>> No.789508


>I feel insane

That's me on LSD.

>> No.789514

Hemingway met him once and described him in A Moveable Feast. He wasn't too impressed.

Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of the Law is a hell of an expansive religion and belief system. Whatever you think of the man, you should take some time to think about what that means.

>> No.789515

Hmm that's next on the list for me.

>> No.789516



I think you mean "vague" and/or "noncommittal."

>> No.789519

Lovecraft may have read him, but I doubt he read Lovecraft.

>> No.789527

Expansive as in "extremely vast." Everything is permitted. That's expansive.

>> No.789542


>> No.789548

They lived in roughly the same time periods, but I doubt they had much interaction.

Lovecraft wrote kitschy stories about unfathomable, unthinkable beasts.

Crowley did lots of coke, had lots of orgies, and became an unfathomable, unthinkable beast.

Lovecraft wrote because he wanted money and led a boring life.

Crowley lived an absurdly boundary-dissolving life and wrote only to have enough money to continue living in such a way.

I have no references, but I'll bet that the Most Wicked Man in the World wouldn't be too impressed with Cthulu.

>> No.789560


The Necronomicon tries to imply that they're connected.

>> No.789579

That's because the Necronimocon is a generic title given by money-loving publishers to random collections of works about the Cthulu mythos. There are nearly a dozen books published with that title. Many of the stories included in such collections weren't written by Lovecraft.

Crowley is well-known in Occult circles but obscure enough in main-stream society that he's namedropped by people trying to gain occult cred. Any reference to Crowley is a ploy by publishers to gain more readers and has no connection to Lovecraft's actual thought process or influences.

>> No.790107

not wicked enough. he didn't sell weapons to corrupt south african governments. also he took way too much cocaine.

>> No.790220

He did the whole sex, drugs and whatever counted as rock and roll routine back then and excused himself by claiming he was a wizard.

>> No.790240

Pre-Ozzy Ozzy. I dig it.

>> No.790271

There have been others that have also claimed to be the anti-christ or some shit.

>> No.790335


Back when Crowley did it it was still shocking.

Then Marilyn Manson comes along and does the same shit and the public is like "ho-hum, whatever."

>> No.790348

he had a mean sense of personal style.

>> No.790358

Only if you think shopping at Hot Topic and wearing pentagram shit is a 'mean sense of personal style'

>> No.790367


What the fuck does her wear in any of these pictures that one could find in a Hot Topic?

>> No.790371


Do they sell those triangle shaped hats there as well?

>> No.790374

I think if Crowley were here today he would dress like Lady Gaga. (Preferably sacrificing her to Horus before taking her place.)

>> No.790375

this man is my role model

>> No.790385


If ge lived today he would be a transvestite, and he found a way to be on television 24/7

>> No.790391

Probably. I saw some stoner fag wearing one of those at a trance show once.

>> No.790394


Lady Gaga is Crowley, there's websites proving it.

>> No.790397

It's true, and don't forget Beyonce's alter ego is like... Baphomet, or something.

Check Vigilantcitizen, it is hilarious. I am saging because it is not lit related, not because the thread sucks.

>> No.790474


Umm, Crowley wrote books. Therefore he is an author and therefore /lit/-related.

>> No.790481


I have two of his books sitting on my bookshelf.

>> No.790491

I've never understood the fuss over this attention whore.
Herp, I'm wicked, trust me, because I do drugs, invent bullshit numerology, and don't like Christians. Oh, and what do I think you should. Whatevs though wilt, man, whatevs.


Seriously, though, did he ever have anything insightful or interesting to say?

>> No.790495

yes, but I wasn't talking about Crowley, was I?