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7889843 No.7889843 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel and what do you do when pic related happens to you

>> No.7889865
File: 30 KB, 300x339, 1456538200005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7889866


Nice rhyme my friend

>> No.7889870

What's the Wordsworth Ulysses cover like?

>> No.7889871

if you didnt buy wordsworth maybe this wouldnt happen to you desu

>> No.7889878

i try not to buy books with stickers on the cover

>> No.7889881

it's actually decent. there's a retarded version with bloom and dedalus on it but there's also one with just a picture of a bridge

>> No.7889884

i dont buy books

>> No.7889897

this, I think that Wordsworth releases two covers - the meme ones and there are some which have a rather simple painting.

>> No.7889902

Why would anyone choose the meme cover?

>> No.7889914

cos they like memes senpai

>> No.7889916

why would anyone choose the boring cover?
baka desu senpai

>> No.7889923

when will TLOTIAT get a wordsworth release, thats my question

>> No.7889931

Because they're hilarious to look at. Wordsworths are flimsy garbage anyway so I don't know why anyone would buy them as anything other than goofy-looking conversation pieces.

>> No.7889933


maybe the owner has a fetish of doing this.
just imagine all of the employees editing images as their boss just keeps muttering behind them "yes, yes, now crop that face and make it look mildly bad, but make it look like you guys are trying; hmm yes, yess, now insert some monks behind him"

>> No.7890039

I'm going to work my way up the Wordsworth corporate ladder, for you.

>> No.7890061

Soak it in hot water and remove the remains.

>> No.7890069


>> No.7890080

Nail polish remover and baby oil can also be used

>> No.7890081
File: 22 KB, 300x500, 9781853260414-uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the picture ones are older editions, and then later they began with meme pink-chip actor photographs.
Source: brough their The Great Gatsby a year or two ago which didn't look like the pic related which I see in stores now.

>> No.7890085

that kind of material is actually suuuuper easy to get off

just rub your thumb hard against it back an forth and the sticky label will ball up and come off real easy

unless thats not the material i think it is, in which case you're fucked

>> No.7891235
File: 57 KB, 640x360, gene_green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean when I accidentally buy wordsworth?