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/lit/ - Literature

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7888947 No.7888947 [Reply] [Original]

What do you study, /lit/?

>> No.7888951

What do you study? Lit.

>> No.7888953

economics and mathematics

>> No.7888958


Bad career choice. I mostly read philosophy nowadays, but at least I get to apply it/cover myself in chemicals.

>> No.7888960

Psychology and Religious Studies.

>why, God, why?

>> No.7888965


Because I find it intrinsically valuable and wortwhile, and because being cultured is better than being a plebeian swine.


I'd appreciate it if no one else got on board this redditesque attempt at a lame comment chain.

>> No.7888967


1.5 years left.

>> No.7888974

I study cinematography at University. Probably going to end up teaching it, and that's fine with me. I'm learning German by myself and I read a lot of philosophy tho.

What are Religious Studies?

>> No.7888980

How do you find it? Do folks still use film?

Any good books on moving image that go into philosophy? I've read from Barthes and Sontag but it's all stills with them.

>> No.7888993

english and drama, which seems to make sense in the grand scheme of /lit/

>> No.7888997

Urban Planning

>> No.7889004

Well I don't study the "practice" of cinematography, I mostly study film theory. Maybe that wasn't clear. I'm working on a few movies with a friend though.
I really love it, I'm passionate and brilliant in class, but a lot of people are bored by it. It's not always really fascinating, I'm afraid.

My favorite book on moving image is Andrei Tarkovsky' Sculpting in Time. It's a weird book, which contains considerations about cinematography and art in general, but also the thoughts of Tarkovsky about our century, our time, his relationship to religion, to what he calls "sacrifice". It's absolutely stunning, but I think you should watch some of his films to fully understand it.

>> No.7889007

Literary Science for fun, I work at a real job at the same time.

>> No.7889013

what would you rec out of architecture, economics and psychology?

I'm a bit confused myself, and each of them sound interesting to me.

>> No.7889014

What's your job anon?

Might be a bad career choice, but are/were the studies themselves interesting?

>> No.7889019

Literary Science if i get in. If don't, i'll just off myself.

>> No.7889020

Law. 3.5 years left will probably take me 5.

>> No.7889021

not him but Religious studies is what is says. you learn about different religious beliefs, and how they apply

>> No.7889023

what can you share about the art form? Significance of shots, stuff like that

I know basic stuff like stringing action scenes together where you place the action should be the same on each cut so it's not jerky, high shots distancing emotion, low shots being dominant, lens length affecting perception and claustraphobia, but I was wondering what else there is out there that makes cinematography

I was in the same boat, and I went to math instead of literature and have never stopped regretting it. You should seriously think about how you want to spend your time, and don't let anyone influence you. Don't think about how much money you'll make either, because money is meaningless.

>> No.7889025

Apparently the proper translation is Comparative Literature.

>> No.7889026

They're fascinating. A lot of people expect it to be a jolly - they're surprised when they find themselves being taught about post-structuralism and semiotics.

It's reasonably involved and there's a lot of emphasis on developing a visual code to make a point, rather than just making pretty pictures. It's good but I'm quite uninspired at the moment.

It's good though - what you expect to make, and what your style becomes, are usually very different things...

Ah fair enough. I'll look into it. Tarkovsky's been on my radar but I've not seen his work. Thank you for your time.

>> No.7889029

architecture and psychology are SUPPPPER saturated by girls who have nothing better to do and have some costanza obsession with "being an architect" or want to diagnose themselves with 1000 mental conditions.

>> No.7889030


>> No.7889038

Languages and Literature

I have a forklift license if everything goes wrong

>> No.7889039

Got a couple of years left of chemistry and I'm not smart enough to make anything of myself with it

Everything will be alright though r-right /lit/?

>> No.7889042

Haha fucking upboted dude


>> No.7889044


Computer Science. I hate it, and wish I'd studied philosophy instead.

>> No.7889046

Biochemical Engineering.

I feel like I chose the worst engineering field, jobs-wise, but it is very interesting.

>> No.7889066

Medicine. Yippee.

>> No.7889069

don't worry anon nothing will ever be alright

idk you at least have SOME financial stability

us artfags are FUCKED

>> No.7889074

Accounting and Finance.

Not very interesting, but I'm good at it.

>> No.7889076

Of course it will, dude.

>> No.7889078

What do you? Study lit.

>> No.7889080

Well I could not share a lot of stuff, there are tons of books written on the subject, I would not know where to start. I know a few french references but there probably is the same kind of books in english, books about Film Analysis, etc. The "classics" in France are "L'analyse de films" and "L'image" by Jacques Aumont and Michel Marie, but I don't think they're translated in english.

My opinion is that cinematography is all about "realism", which goes way deeper than picture itself. It's a whole way to think filmmaking. I really like the Bazinian theory, which you can read about in "What is Cinema?" by André Bazin. It's a combination of articles he wrote in the french cinema press in the 40's and 50's. To be really short, Bazin says cinema is essentially realist and explains what "reality" means in cinematography.

No problem. I don't even like Tarkovsky that much, but I think he's one of the only director (along with Bresson, Kurosawa, and let's say Welles) who fully understood what cinema was about.

>> No.7889082


That's only if I graduate and find work, which are big ifs.

>> No.7889086

oh, so you don't really know anything about filmmaking at all

got it

>> No.7889095

Economics, or to be more precise the module I chose is more towards kinda like marketing rather than economic analisys 2bhf

>> No.7889098

>>7889026 (I'm the cinema guy btw :^) )
>A lot of people expect it to be a jolly - they're surprised when they find themselves being taught about post-structuralism and semiotics.
Well it's kind of the same for me, and I'm actually glad. I think learning about these art forms should not just be "technical", it implies a knowledge of art history and theory.

I guess you're american, so you study theory, history, etc, and you also have to practice photography for school?

>> No.7889110

Well, that's not really what I'm learning. A friend of mine just made an internship on the set of a movie and told me that nothing we learn at university will ever help us to actually make movies: it might give us influences, help us to understand what cinematography is as an art form, but nothing about the technical aspect of cinema.

It's a bit like people who study the History of Art, they may never actually paint, but simply learn to analyze art forms, to understand their position in history, etc.

>> No.7889113

Math and computer science. I love them both.

>> No.7889146
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I'm in the UK, but yes, we practice a lot - it's roughly 50-50 practice-theory. I tend to attend to photography in regards to archival and memory - pushing an existential motive/response to the problems of both.

Attached is an image I made a while back.

>> No.7889156

CS programs are flooding with people right now and I wouldn't be surprised if wages drop dramatically considering how many people are graduating with the degree. Also, programming is really boring and I can understand why that anon hates it.

To the OP, I'm studying Electrical Engineering. After I graduate and get a job I might go back and study English/American Literature.

>> No.7889167

Literature. I like it a lot.

>> No.7889169

>I tend to attend to photography in regards to archival and memory - pushing an existential motive/response to the problems of both.

You were talking about Barthes earlier, I suppose you read La Chambre Claire (I think it's Camera Lucida in english)?

Well I'm not that much into photography but I like it. Where was this took?

>> No.7889170

Secondary English Education then getting my masters in Ed Admin.

The lowest paid assistant middle school principal gets 80k a year in my city so that's pretty comfy. And males are in super high demand

>> No.7889175

Yeah I've read it, though if I'm honest I don't remember much outside of the flat death and ideas of decay in it. I prefer people like Italo Calvino when it comes to photographic theory/literature. To be honest I mostly get my influence from Camus nowadays

This was in a graveyard in Sheffield. One of those ones that never has the grass cut.

wbu what are you favourite films, theorists, etc?

>> No.7889184
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Product/Industrial Design

Perfect split between artistic freedom and financial security

>> No.7889197


Mechanical engineering. I read books for fun. Wanted to study history, but I want to be employed and I can read history books in my own time.

>> No.7889218

Well I started my studies less than a year ago so I don't know a lot of theory.

My favorite films probably are The Deer Hunter, There will be blood, and L'armée des ombres, but my favorite director are Bresson (Even if I watched like 3 of his films, it always blew my mind), Tarkovski, Kurosawa, Herzog and Godard. I also LOVE John Carpenter but it's not the same kind of cinema, heh.

I guess theorists that influenced me the most are André Bazin and Serge Daney (who were maybe more Critics than Theorists), along with Michel Chion, even if I didn't read a lot of his stuff.

>> No.7889233

I'll be honest outside of those first two films I know none of those, haha. I've heard good things about Herzog but he's on my to-watch list.

I'll check out Chion and Daney/Bazin. Should be interesting. IDK desu the most "out there" I've gone with film is Beleville Rendez-Vous and Rashomon. Bit limited really.

>> No.7889240

just so you know history majors usually get jobs in insurance, academia, or other office work. Don't want you to keep the wrong impression that nobody who studied history has a job. Not all memes reflect reality, regardless of what /sci/ would have you believe.

>> No.7889260

Herzog might be my favorite of all. Aguirre, Lessons of Darkness, Gasherbrum, Fitzcarraldo... All masterpieces.

Rashomon is one of my favorite movie, if you liked it you should watch other Kurosawa films :^)

>> No.7889263

Yes I'm aware of that, but employment rates between the two are drastically on favour of mech e. Regardless, I'm enjoying mechanical engineering a lot and I'm glad I made the decision to study it. Don't want to change anything.

>> No.7889267

I'll put him on Priority.

Yeah I've been meaning to follow it up. Seven Samurai is on my desktop. Might watch it tonight. To be honest I actually prefer In A Grove. Not sure why though. I adore certain scenes in Rashomon just as much, but prefer the overall breakup that a chapter-based story brings. Whereas I felt the film could blur those lines a little more at times.

>> No.7889276

yeah, just whatever makes you happy

>> No.7889301

Oh my god watch some Kurosawa...
Seven Samurai is an absolute feat, and his Shakespeare adaptations Throne of Blood (Macbeth) and Ran (King Lear) are both really interesting interpretations and incredible spectacles.

>> No.7889307

Hows the pseudoscience going for you matey? :^)

>> No.7889311

Electrical engineering and computer science

All my peers are illiterate

>> No.7889312

I know this is a troll but psych students who don't understand the positivist argument piss me right off

I'll check em out :)

>> No.7889332

Ya trolled me. Ya memed me. I got slammed in the ham. You really spanked my balls. You really gave me the cummies. You sure yanked my eyeballs and buttfucked my brain stem. My butt hole is so bloody right now

>> No.7889339

Informatik in Germany which is similar to Computer Sciences in the USA but with more math and less programming.

>> No.7889342

you're just as bad as him you know

>> No.7889353

I know that feel bro

>> No.7889372

A mixed English/linguistics/translation degree (non-Anglo). Already working as an editor and translator (and occasional English teacher).

>> No.7889387

Chinese, Spanish, and Japanese
Couldn't keep away from lit so I found language

>> No.7889400

I receive state funding in order to research whatever I like independently.

>> No.7889401

In undergraduate I majored in psych / bio. Now I'm in a M.Sc program with a focus on neurobiology of drug addiction.

>> No.7889404


>> No.7889417

This sounds like something I'd like to do. Is it interesting? And how are psych studies in general?

>> No.7889437


I find it incredibly interesting. Research is incredibly time consuming and often tedious, but the thrill of significant results is extremely satisfying. Psychology can be pretty hit an miss, after my first year I focused almost entirely on cognitive neuroscience papers, which complimented the biology papers I was taking and ultimately led me to where I am now.

>> No.7889451

What languages do you work in?

>> No.7889456

process engineering bachelor

>> No.7889460


>> No.7889470

English, German and my native tongue.

>> No.7889488

... what is your native tongue

>> No.7889492

I'm on welfare living the literary lifestyle.

>> No.7889497

linguistics / Russian

>> No.7889508

I study life. Every day every moment. All else is folly. You lot enjoy your cubicles and you artificial 'raises'. At very best enjoy being the 'cool' relatable English professor. I'll be doing all one can do when they've understood the human condition. I'll be living.

>> No.7889509

Sorry, not going to risk a shitstorm over my nationality. /pol/ cured me of many assumptions about this site.

>> No.7889513


I've been doing some soul-searching in my gap years, and I'm going for philosophy. My main gripe with it was the fear that I would never find employment that was relevant to it, but I've come to terms with that. I've shown aptitude for it before, so I don't think it is entirely unrealistic that I could become a teacher/professor in it. That's the dream anyway. If it goes tail up, I can minor in something with better outlook for gainful and relevant employment.

>> No.7889520


>> No.7889524

you are stupid, this is an anonymous message board.......................................... I was just curious what your native language is because I study langauges, chill the fuck out

>> No.7889527
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Computer Science

Southeastern LA Univ

in music 151 class in pottle rn

>> No.7889528

This is a very different board to /pol/

>> No.7889531

The recent influx of /pol/tards proves otherwise. But yeah, I'm Polish.

>> No.7889538

to be fair I've been browsing this board for about 5 hours now and I've seen a LOT of left-wing theorists/writers etc?

>> No.7889546

Yeah, that's the usual crowd, but every other day there will be 5-10 /r9k/-/pol/tier threads about "roastie literature", the "superiority of Western thought" over "X", etc.

>> No.7889555

What are some good books on economics? So far I've read works by Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, Thomas Picketty and whoever wrote 'Freakanomics'.

I don't mind if they're left wing or right wing just anything that's worth a read.

>> No.7889563


I'm actually travelling through Poland right now. Your women are amongst the finest I have ever seen.

>> No.7889569

I don't have much experience with foreign women, so I guess I have to believe you, lol. Where exactly are you headed?

>> No.7889585


Spent three nights in Warsaw, a night in Lodz and now I'm in Krakow. I'm also dead broke now and wont be eating anything other than the handful of candy I have until I get to Slovakia on the 7th where I'm staying with a friend of a friend.

>> No.7889600

look, I'm the person who originally asked your native lang, and you're now communicating/connecting with someone else in this thread about it

told you you were being stupid
also who cares if people comment on your nationality? Are you a baby? does it really matter to you if /pol/tards make fun of you? waaaaaah

>> No.7889611

I'm not a baby, but I don't quite enjoy people harassing me because I happen to come from a certain place on the map. I may be alone in this, but 4chan has made me paranoid about sharing my nationality, and actually awakened some dormant reservoirs of the Eastern European inferiority complex. I'm a grown, educated, working man, yet I still feel as if sharing my ethnic background will lead to mockery and being looked down upon.

>> No.7889615

"Between Debt and the Devil" by Turner, just came out, excellent overview of the crisis, why it happened and what to do to fix things. He references Piketty and Friedman a few times.

>> No.7889619


>> No.7889623

Is Piketty a meme, or does he provide some actual in-depth analysis of our modern economical predicament?

>> No.7889625

Also I study Political Economy

>> No.7889631

> implying those categories are mutually exclusive
Capital is like 900 pages, it's in-depth analysis by any standard really. Also it's a pretty great read.

>> No.7889647

Music major here hoping to make the composer dream come true.

>> No.7889652

yay! you're not alone here
What country? Close to the end?

>> No.7889655

i feel like you should just get over it, 4chan is a crazy place with crazy people that say stupid meaningless shit, why take any of it personally? half of what is said is said knowing it will provoke a reaction, and 95% of it is said without caring about the validity of what's being said...
seriously, obviously your nationality doesn't fucking matter and no one that matters actually cares about your nationality

>> No.7889657

>The human condition
That term makes my ovaries cringe.

>> No.7889658

ye ole medicine

>> No.7889672

Computer Cartography

>> No.7889711

malcolm gladwell writes about interesting economics stuff like shorting stocks
F.A. Hayek wrote THE book ripping apart communist economics.
freakonomics is good too, yeah.

I just like the popular interesting stuff idk

>> No.7889731

It's dense but the data is good. His analysis is for the most part pretty tame, to be honest. Worth reading just for the infodump.

Henwood - Wall Street, Minsky - John Maynard Keynes, Lewis - Liar's Poker and The Big Short

If you're going to read Hayek read Keynes first.

>> No.7889941

Same compadre
i hate it

>> No.7889967

Gladwell and freakonomics are pop Sci drivel. Completely pointless and misleading to read.

>> No.7889971

I won the lottery, dropped out of economics major and now I'm rich but utterly lost. I wish I were joking.

>> No.7889974

I was a history major; I just graduated. Now I have a shitty job in customer service.

>> No.7889998


Is it soul-crushing and rife with suicidal ideation like I imagine?

>> No.7890015
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I could easily double major in English but its whatever

>> No.7890155

Majoring in anthropology, minoring in archaeology.

I have no illusions of finding a job in my field, especially because my grades are so shit, I wouldn't intend to anyways. When I graduate next year I'm going to help my dad realize his dream of opening a fine wine and spirits importer. Money's there, all he needs is someone young and mobile on the ground who he can trust.

>> No.7890162

Not really a study, but I'm going to maritime college. Maritime officer.

>> No.7890166

Good man.

>> No.7890175

It seems good work. Pretty much 100% guaranteed a job since they are aching for people in this field. From what I've heard, the pay is pretty good as well.
But most importantly, I can't imagine myself working in an office or a laboratory for the rest of my life. I'd rather work at sea, even if the job probably isn't as romantic as it might seem.

>> No.7890180

What specifically do you want to do?

>> No.7890188

Do you like your literature with a nautical theme, or are you just a sailor in the lifestyle sense?

>> No.7890193

I have a job. I have a B.S. in Math.

>> No.7890197

I'm a teachers assistant for autistic teens and I'm finishing my English bachelor's (two courses left). I don't know if I want a masters in education or special education. I'm used to every sort of behavior so working with the disabled doesn't bother me, but I'm not sure I want to do it forever. On the other hand neurotypical teens don't appreciate jack shit and I don't deal with back-talk well.

>> No.7890201

Maritime officer is the official name of the job. You're in charge of both the ship's systems as system engineer and of navigating the ship, as coxswain. I'd like to work on a cruise ship.
>Do you like your literature with a nautical theme
Not particularly, but the first 'real' book I ever read as a kid was this one.

>> No.7890210

How does it feel to have a B.S. in math, I wonder? Do you know what math is all about at this stage or do you have this feeling that your conception or understanding of math might in fact be radically different had you had a M.S.c. or even PhD?

>> No.7890220


>> No.7890229

Accounting. It's actually a pretty fun and interesting major. Plus you actually make good money and never have to worry about unemployment.

I can find it interesting and have passion in what I do while I make enough money to fund my hobbies and other things I enjoy.

>> No.7890233

>Accounting. It's actually a pretty fun and interesting major.

to each his own i guess i found accounting insufferable

>> No.7890243

Mathematics and computer engineering

I like literature as a hobby, however, and that's why I'm here

>> No.7890245

This. How can someone find Accounting interesting, especially someone with literary taste?

>> No.7890250

Yup, to each his own. I'd probably dislike whatever you do.

I mean don't get me wrong, accounting can get very tedious or dull, but at the end of the day I love it. It just kind of clicks for me

>> No.7890276

I have a BSc in physics. It was mostly pretty fun. I started a masters but stopped it when I realise I'm not cut out for research.

>> No.7890282

Honestly I never thought I'd like it. I always thought I'd be an artist of some kind. When I grew up I was always writing novels or stories. I was very good at drawing and painting. In high school I started learning music and got really into photography. Lately I've been getting really into film and thinking about getting a camera for it. All this time really loving literature and philosophical thought. The last thing I ever thought I would do is be an accountant.

But I went to college and took a class in it. I loved it. The analytical and problem solving aspects really appeal to me. It seems like the polar opposite but it really isn't.

The only problem is that it's hard to find people with similar interests in this line of work. A lot of people are really shallow and just want to go home after work, drink a beer, and watch football. Not many people are the type that want to have a thought provoking conversation with you.

>> No.7890283

i work in finance which is very very close to accounting, but i think the accounting aspects are ridiculously tedious -shrug-

>> No.7890287


>> No.7890348

doing my phd in sociology

>> No.7890349


>> No.7890351

First year biology at an English university. Having trouble keeping up with my reading, but it'll be worth it for those sweet crop science bucks.

>> No.7890371

>education pals

Adolescent to Young Adult Education w/a focus in Language Arts (specifically literature)

How bout that Vygotsky?

>> No.7890380

>sweet crop science bucks
Isn't biotech dead in poorope?

>> No.7890384

3rd Year Law but I'm doing it purely out of interest so I'll have no career prospects.


>> No.7890398

I work at a crematory. College dropout. Aspiring writer of novels, comics, and scripts for film and television. I also make short films.

>> No.7890413

I feel like your job would be a pretty cool experience for writing some stories.

>> No.7890415

Creative Computing and English focused in Creative Writing with minors in Computer Science and Art. It's great.

>> No.7890427

There's already a TV show about it called iZombie.

>> No.7890446
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It has helped to internalize concepts of impermanence and mortality. I doubt that I would write a story about a crematory specifically but maybe someday down the road when I have more experience under my belt. The best aspect of the job is that it allows for a considerable amount of down time during which I can read and write.

>> No.7890451


BA in history, philosophy, and English literature.

History has always been my best subject because I'm good at trivia; Philosophy I began as a way to look smart (but it actually made me smarter); English because it was easy and, when I declared, I thought my girlfriend was pregnant, so I decided being a high school history or English teacher was steady enough. She wasn't pregnant, but I got to read some decent stuff. Now I'm a tutor, but I'm thinking about drifting for a while. I'm scared of the notion that I'm making the conscious decision to be homeless. If i were to do it again I would still like to be acquainted with everything that I officially studied, but I would've probably been a chemist.

>> No.7890459

Urban Planning in grad school.

>> No.7890462

English Literature, almost done my undergrad.

>> No.7890463

Electrical engineering
Gotta find a way to penetrate the lit social circles so that I'll have someone to discuss literature with

>> No.7890477

That sounds pretty awful desu.

The thing that popped into my head would be the different types of family members and their reactions and how working there must over time make the job seem almost mundane in contrast to the way the families would be experiencing it.

Basic stuff.

Hope you end up using it for some kind of creative writing at least, and I'm happy for you. Wish I had the time to read for pleasure without feeling guilty for not doing my uni reading.

>> No.7890484

Applied Mathematics (Concentration in Physics)

>> No.7890485

Nothing! I feel like it makes me want to read more to make up for it.

>> No.7890505


nothing im a loser

>> No.7890511

Ancient Studies

>> No.7890518

Never 2 L8 m8

>> No.7890523


I don't know what I want to do but I can guarantee that whatever it is is not financially stable at all.

>> No.7890528

Mathematics and German.

>> No.7890544

Philosophy and German on the side.
If I could choose again I would probably pick translation, but I really like my studies.

>> No.7890573

Physics, second year. I'm pretty sure I regret my decision but I'll power through and see what happens from there.

>> No.7890591

English Translator

>> No.7890600

2nd year English major, minoring in biology.

>> No.7890605

electrical engineering

>> No.7890609

English and mathematics
Love both
May wanna teach one day, who knows

>> No.7890618

Not american, we don't have the major-minor system. Studying architecture

considering philosophy or language on the side

>> No.7890624

>x or y on the side
that's a minor, yup

>> No.7890627
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tfw this thread makes you realize 90% of /lit/ is probably smarter than you are.

>> No.7890639

Not him, and I'm only guessing, but my country doesn't have the distinction either, so it's like having two majors, and, in the end, receiving two degrees.

>> No.7890641

Right. But isn't it so, at american colleges, that you sort of chose two subjects at the same time? Or is the minor just some optional, "voluntary" courses you chose if you'd like?

>> No.7890643

I don't have a minor/major system either but I'm still doing the equivalent.

I hadn't heard of what you're talking about, though.

>> No.7890644

I highly doubt that. Attending classes at a university alone doesn't mean much.

>> No.7890646

>BS in chemistry
I-I'm s-sorry anon...

>> No.7890649

Actually I'm not doing that, but my friend is.

I guess you just take another subject which is like 1/3 of your credits, yet receive the equivalent of a bachelor's degree nonetheless. It's not called a minor but it has the same purpose. Or perhaps I'm mistaken?

>> No.7890654

Well, I can choose to apply for both a Mathematics program and an English Lit. one. I then study them both for three years and receive a BA in English and a BSc in Maths. That's double the workload, though, and nobody cares if you can't keep up, it was your choice to begin with.

>> No.7890670


I've been told all my life that I am basically a retard (aka "learning disability) because I couldn't grasp standard mathematics in middle school and highschool.

The only classes I ever did good in was History because my teachers were nice to me and non-fiction is interesting. But even then I failed my AP euro history test in my senior year because of anxiety and I have hated myself for even trying.

I have really fucked psychological reactions when people start talking about college and education, I get seething pains of regret and self-loathing, I still get nightmares about highschool and my teachers making fun of me in front of the classroom for being stupid.

I am never touching college as long as I live.

>> No.7890673

Yeah 90% of /lit/ is most likely smarter than you. At least it's not /b/.

>> No.7890689

>Yeah 90% of /lit/ is most likely smarter than you.
You know, I could delve into my collection of the most retarded threads this board has seen, but will instead ask: how new are you? Someone in another thread already made a point about how incredibly dense, uninspired and imitative people on /lit/ are, so I'm not going to bother.

>> No.7890692

Currently working on the thesis paper for my Bachelor degree in Graphic Design and about 15 ECTS away from being able to write a thesis paper and get another Bachelor in Communication Studies. With extra evening courses in Chinese.
I have a dying desire to take a course in literature and/or writing abroad in an English speaking country (I'm not from an English speaking country). But I feel like I might get disappointed. For those who attend these classes; How is it like? Is it just my imagination that people are rapidly criticizing classmates works, and the teacher will be some overly cynical and grumpy (but oddly funny at times) man that will tear your papers apart and roar at you for not doing your best?

>> No.7890694

he's a tripfag what do you expect

>> No.7890695

He did sound real retarded.

>> No.7890698

chem eng

>> No.7890702

Einstein was considered a major disappointment for a long time. Besides, life isn't about education or making money. Not entirely, at least. Don't worry about it, bre.

At least you found /lit/, which is probably healthier than shooting smack, which some of the lesser gifted people of my home town are doing.

>> No.7890706

Classical Studies/Education/GIS

At least some of my degrees are useful

>> No.7890711

>With extra evening courses in Chinese.
This has to be time consuming as fuck, right? I want to pick up some Chinese before heading there to teach (inb4 alcoholic degenerate failure) English, but don't know whether to study it myself at my own pace (not much of an autodidact, though), or attend classes.

>> No.7890713

>Einstein was considered a major disappointment for a long time.
no he wasn't that's a myth/urban legend invented by retards to try to make themselves feel better for failing simple education

>> No.7890715


where'd you go? I'm doing straight anthropology but my course allows me to transfer quit fluidly so may end up doing linguistics

>> No.7890717

Are Classical Studies that different from Ancient Studies? I picked Ancient because I thought Classical would be more focused on archeology. I'm not in America though, perhaps the difference only exists where I live.

>> No.7890718

As fucking dumb as this board proves to be at times, the stickies, charts and discussions helped my intellectual growth A LOT. At least in the department of "we will point you in the direction of people far smarter than ourselves".

>> No.7890720

Foreign languages
I wish i were studying history instead

>> No.7890722

This, it's actually a Chemical Engineering degree so I get a little more in terms of job variety but I'm specializing in Biochem/Biomed with a bunch of technical electives.

Planning on doing at least a MSc with thesis after this, only way to get into the biotech industry right now is with a graduate degree. PhD would be even nicer but I'm not about that kind of time commitment.

>> No.7890725

You never did. The Kenosha Kid?

>> No.7890732


Einstein was born with a gift. I suck at math because I just don't have what it takes.

At least I got through it without dropping out.

I don't know. I don't care about anything anymore. I don't know anything. I just had to get it off my chest.

>> No.7890737

Main difference is that Classical Studies uses primarily sources, untranslated.

>> No.7890740

Fedora-tipping autistic or Chris Chan level?

>> No.7890749


I'm going nowhere in life.

>> No.7890757

Δυσλέγεις φίλε, --- I do the same.

>> No.7890772

I study film. Hopefully I can stay in academia long enough for it to kill me so I don't have to try to find a real job.

>> No.7890796

Meh.. I actually began with them out of pure boredom. I rarely get stimulated enough by my two Bachelor programmes (only one teacher has caught me being bored and actively challenged me). I do not have a boyfriend, most of my friends are scattered all across the world due to going to different universities. Those who stayed behind, got boyfriends/girlfriends, works during the day and rarely wants to meet. I'm honestly lonely as fuck and it is a way to pass the time. I only have two courses a week with Chinese, and once you get over how to pronounce the words it is basically easy road from there. For me listening has been the hardest but I fixed that with a ton of movies. Apps make everything easier, Memrise especially when it comes to remembering words. But otherwise the Chinese language is very structured and easy to follow. I should probably spend more time, but I spend around an hour on my homework each week and an hour preparing for classes. So a minimum of 3 hours, probably a maximum of 5. Absolutely 5 if exam is coming up.

Honestly there are so many tools out there that can help you, but classes makes it structured and gives you people to train with. PeraPera Chinese browser extension helps you read. Memrise for vocabulary. PinPin for pronunciation. Chinese Writer by trainchinese for writing characters. PinyinTutor.com (I only used their app though) can get you set up with Chinese people and other learners, some holds group on Wechat. Some wants to become Chinese teachers abroad and will literally help you just so they can say they have experience. Some Chinese folks just want to exchange language, English are favorable but French and German are common too. Besides, the forum makes it easy to ask questions and the response is fairly quick. For grammar and general explanation, I highly recommend: http://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/

>> No.7890816
File: 38 KB, 375x499, 51+R3CK9fsL._SX373_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Bachelor in Philosophy and 'Contemporary Studies' (whatever that means) and a minor in film. I'm currently doing an MA in philosophy. Pic related is book I'm reading right now, but not course related.
Life is comfy but what should I do after my MA? My options:
>Make a film based on one of the scripts I've written
>Somehow find a way of doing a PhD under Nick Land, Ray Brassier, Eugene Thacker or David Benatar
>Write a book of philosophy that changes the philosophical world and gets me some $$$
>Live in a cabin and read for 5 years

Thoughts anyone? :)

>> No.7890823

>>Somehow find a way of doing a PhD under Nick Land, Ray Brassier, Eugene Thacker or David Benatar
>>Write a book of philosophy that changes the philosophical world and gets me some $$$
Combine these two and you should have a good life.

>> No.7890827

International Relations
I'm learning to program, too, just in case

>> No.7890834

I was thinking someone would respond with such a post. I've started my book on philosophy but haven't got on the PhD bandwagon yet. Maybe I should finish the book and submit it as a PhD? What do you think? Do the good ol' Wittgenstein 'Tractaus' approach?

>> No.7890846

>Einstein was considered a major disappointment for a long time

Not true. Many "facts" about Einstein are twisted or faked to either make people feel better about themselves or to strength their arguments.

Einstein had mostly 5's and 6's as grades throughout school (the max grade at the time was 6); you can imagine how people use this to say he only got marginal 6/10 grades.

This also applies to "his" quotes. Most of them are fake or from other people. Many of his stories are fake as well.

>> No.7890868

What shit-tier MA program allows you to indulge in such nonsense under the banner of "Philosophy"?

>> No.7890880

Land isn't noted for his approval of academia. You needed to be at Warwick a good 20 years ago, and his experiences there certainly fed into his current position.

That's a lively book, though more than a little embarrassing in places. The Death of God section... its been a while though.

Brassier was teaching in Beirut last time I was paying attention.

Not a great deal of money to be made as a philosopher, need it be said.

The cabin sounds good.

>> No.7890887

No he wasn't; If you want to pull the failure who became an idol card do someone like Faulker or one of the Beats or something.

>> No.7890916

I believe the best approach would be to combine, doing a PhD under someone else might give you further insights, or at least some extra help/encouragement. I believe the key here lies with having someone to discuss your thoughts with, preferably someone who will give you a hard time, friction is always exciting but it is also good because it will give you new perspectives. I'm not a philosopher (and it makes me cringe to even think about being one) so you have to feel for yourself, what is right for you. But personally I wouldn't be so quick on writing the book first, it would probably need to be rewritten countless of times before being accepted as a PhD. Therefore it would likely be more beneficial to do a PhD and work on the book concurrently. But what do I know, I haven't even finished my BA.

>> No.7890928

>CS programs are flooding with people right now and I wouldn't be surprised if wages drop dramatically considering how many people are graduating with the degree. Also, programming is really boring and I can understand why that anon hates it.
>I'm studying Electrical Engineering.

oh wow, someone's bitter he's not getting an 80k starting salary after graduating

anon at an interview:

>oh so yeah I know baby quantum physics and ohm's law
>"that's great anon, but do you know any java?"

>> No.7890940

software engineering with a minor in philosophy

>> No.7890966

I'm currently doing Comp Sci, I've always thought it would be best for job security plus I've got a 'talent' for programming. However, my real interest is in film. I did really well in English at school but I had a really bad teacher in my 5th year who made me lose my confidence in the subject.

I'm about to buy a DSLR to practice with over summer, and I'm currently writing a short story to get back into writing. Hopefully I can make a start on some form of screenplay over Summer too. I have 5 months off so I have a loads of time to get a grip on things.

I've been thinking of maybe switching to English and Film Studies but it might end up being totally worthless. I've been told, much like Comp Sci, uni is great for getting a foot in the industry but you can learn everything yourself.

>> No.7890970

Did you read my post? I said 'but not course related' ... I'm just reading it for fun. It isn't actually very good but I want to finish the book.

>> No.7890977

>>"that's great anon, but do you know any java?"
Java? What kind of a company asks if you know any Java? Any decent company will seek to buttrape you by asking something like: "construct Hoare's Quicksort algorithm from scratch and describe its computational complexity mathematically".

Anyone who didn't pay much attention in class and whose programming skills consist of mere copy+pasting will react the same way you attributed to that anon.

>Compyut complexithy???

>> No.7890979

I'm looking to end up with a masters at the end of it, though as time goes on im highly doubting that and I'll just settle for a decent BS

>> No.7890981

I see... I figured that his whole living in Shanghai thing was a big 'fuck you' to European/American style academia. I wonder what he does in his spare time in between his blog posts. Also, how does he make a living? Hmmm.

I agree actually, the book has sprinklings of brilliance but it is rare amongst the muck that is his writing style and heavily influenced philosophical jargon.

Yeah, Brassier is still there. He seems like a coolish guy.


The cabin does indeed sound good.

>> No.7891043
File: 187 KB, 500x750, 1454615921311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MA History, PhD in a few months

>tfw what you study encompasses philosophy, critical theory, comparative literature, anthropology, sociology, and history
>tfw paid to read anything and everything all day long

>> No.7891066

Land's worked as a journalist, and providing English copy for Chinese government initiatives.

It's a young man's book, (as in, he was fairly young when he wrote it) with all that entails.

That said, he's the only consequent non-analytic British philosopher of my lifetime IMO, not that this is any great contest. The audience he's gathered online in the last few years is an unexpected phenomenon.

As a provocateur he has some conviction.

>> No.7891094

what the fuck is this reply

>> No.7891119

Study under Benatar, publish something that makes antinatalism go viral and then retire to a cabin and meditate for a decade.

>> No.7891146

I'm following the same path. Are you satisfied?

>> No.7891147

The vast majority of history majors I've met have been blithering idiots who have no conception of philosophy or higher thinking. Does this change in grad school? Why?

>> No.7891153

I'm in the process of doing Accounting

How far into it are you?
I just started, and I'm getting the concepts but I keep making very simple mistakes.

How much harder is it past the whole debit/credits idea?

>> No.7891184

Majored in Communications/Broadcast Journalism, with a focus in Creative Writing. Worked in TV production for a couple years now. Dream is to start my own production company and get some quality content out.

>> No.7891216

Graduating this year, two masters at the same time :
Cultural anthropology
Businness adminisration.


>> No.7891382

Mechanical engineering

>> No.7891400

I wanna teach philosophy at the University level and write books on the side. Yet to start studying anything. Maybe you guys have some advice (aside from insults)? I'm yuropoor so I don't know how well American academic "pet peeves" apply here apropos zizeks buttmad at some American Uni I read about among others, completely different story here.

>> No.7891412

Learn how to write a complete sentence before raising your sights.

>> No.7891469

Comp Sci. To be honest, now that I'm graduating I feel like I'd rather be doing anything but programming, so I might only do it for a little while. I think I was born to be an editor or writer, but I sort of slept through college and didn't realize how much I love writing until this year (my last). Here's to hoping I haven't fucked my life up.

>> No.7891472


>> No.7891489


Just kill me

>> No.7891492

Starting my undergrad at UCLA in a couple of months. Got in the college of science, but don't really know what I wanna study :(

>> No.7891510


The truth

>> No.7891653

>Camera Lucida
>a book by a non-photographer

>> No.7891657

Computer science with a minor in theater. My college has a decent engineering program for Hispanics.

>> No.7891671

major in english education double minor in geography and philosophy - eastern emphasis

gonna teach highschool

>> No.7891694

I am but I know a lot of people who aren't. I wouldn't go to PhD unless you're really, really, really sure.

Nope, not so far. Most of them are nonevents. Some smart guys but they tend just to be really good at their methodological specialties.

>> No.7891827

Economics and literary studies

>> No.7891913

Anon, you're not stupid, your teachers are. Dyscalculia isn't an intellectual disability, otherwise the psych community would say it is. They don't lie or cover things up, they would say it's an intellectual disability, but they've made the differentiation for a very good reason.

Certain concepts require certain ways of perceiving information. Just because you may not perceive one type of input in the way it's been defined (mathematical concepts for example) doesn't mean you can't penetrate through any other type of information. Your teachers, for example, did not have the intuition to understand basic psychology. By their standards, they are 'stupid' as well. It's internally contradictory and ignores published research.

I can't stand it when people who don't know what they're talking about think they do, and hurt others for their lack of critical thought. I'm so sorry you had to go through that anon. I used to get bullied by my peers since I wasn't able to communicate my thoughts well back then, there was too much going on, and I didn't have the organizational faculties to know where to start. I was riddled with anxiety, and wouldn't do that well in most science and math classes. Now I'm in college and doing quite well in my subjects, now that I have a sense of my body and don't over-complicate things. Schoolwork is actually quite simple functionally, since it is standardized after all.

I hope you can come to terms with your past. It's tough, I know. But you can go to college and prove them wrong.

>> No.7891927

Nice to see so many EE bros representing here. It's distasteful how our positivist society made it seem like STEM and humanities are mutually exclusive to people.

>> No.7891979

>all these economics majors

It's really surprised me. I didn't expect there to be so many. No wonder I can't find a job.

>> No.7891985

Neuroscience and Literature. Love both of them.

>> No.7891999

I switched majors two times. CS -> PHIL -> MATH. I have my four year in maffs now.

I'm now a salaried employing working as a programmer--which means i talk shit over our company IM and look at memes all day.

I miss college.

>> No.7892009
File: 1.76 MB, 240x180, 1452386914766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon you're not stupid

He's probably a lil bit stupid t b h

>> No.7892027

No, it's an adaptability issue. Which is a deficit, yes, but it's not stupidity. We all have our weaknesses.

>> No.7892045

Broadcast Journalism/Film Studies here. Can you hire me?

>> No.7892048

Tarkovsky is one of the most fascinating men to have ever lived.

>> No.7892054

I study the history, context, and usage of dank memes. My thesis is about 1/5th of the way done.

>> No.7892274


>> No.7892390


that sounds lovely desu. which uni?

i am more of a theoretical cs student so use math a lot.

i love philosophy but don't know if it would be a pragmatic decision to abandon CS for graduate studies in phil.

>> No.7892418

Dentistry soon, hopefully.

Started regretting my life choices.

>> No.7892424

Pharmacy. Like most people in the profession I'd rather be in med school.

>> No.7892439


jesus. looking into people's mouths everyday sounds fucking awful.

>> No.7892453

The EE fag thinks a sorting algorithm and its analysis is hard.

>> No.7892457

It's sure as hell harder than "knowing Java".

>> No.7892488


>> No.7892491

politics but hopefully i will ditch it for linguistics this year.
not that I am crazy for linguistics either, but.. eh, i don't want be a bureucrat anymore.

>> No.7892494

4chan is not an accurate reflection of what people are like in real life.

>> No.7892498

starting philosophy and literature this year

>> No.7892623

W H I C H C I T Y ????

>> No.7892639
File: 89 KB, 640x480, IAmTheLaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I study Criminal Justice.

>> No.7892682

Arts. I like it a lot.

>> No.7892687

Math and Phil senpai

>> No.7892700

I was doing both Applied Math and Literature, but recently dropped out of literature.

>> No.7892736


Oink oink.

>> No.7892790

Computational physics.

>> No.7892849

Philosophy. How fucked Iam?

>> No.7892896

Algorithms and Data structures are the core of a CS major, I'm not the initial anon who said something about knowing java, but generally knowing a language in the context of an interview would include implementing algorithms and data structures using it.

>> No.7892905


Depends entirely on where you are.

The philosophy graduates from the university I will be attending actually ended up with the highest average pay out of all humanities graduates for a few years in a row a couple of years back.

>> No.7892906

I also fell for the STEM maymay...

>> No.7892921

>hating computer science

dumbass normie and/or hindu, if u just wanted to make money u should have gone into accounting or something, leave the geek work to real geeks

>> No.7892923


Nothing right now. Started out in business, then biology, then electrical engineering, then briefly entertained the idea of a music or English major with a minor in mathematics.

I just don't think college is my thing desu

>> No.7892949

Translation and interpretation

>> No.7892955

Just buy me a revolver so I can blow my brains out familia

>> No.7892970

My BSc was a fairly generic STEM degree, not really helpful for finding a job for various unimportant reasons. But I really wanted to stay in academia for as long as possible because the real world is shit and I can't imagine a more depressing experience than getting a full-tim job.
This morning I received an email saying I was accepted onto a PhD studentship for the next three years, basically it's a part-time job (about 10 hours a week working for the uni [covering lectures, working in the school office etc.] and several days a week working in the lab on the project). Pays a nice amount for one person, covers my housing and expenses with a little left over and perhaps most importantly it gives me a lot of free time to do shit like read and write which is my true passion but would likely be impossible for me to make a living out of.
Plus if I pass the viva at the end I get to call myself Dr. which is always nice in a self-masturbatory sense.

>> No.7893042

Progress and poverty
General theory Keynes

>> No.7893046

Liberal meme bullshit read marx

>> No.7893056

Excuse me pleb you seem to have referred to Pickett's work as capital. As you should be well aware capital is the name of Marx's magnum opus. A stupendous piece of historiography and political science interspersed with some really wonderful prose and a devastating critique of bourgeois political economy. Monsieur Picketty's shameless attempt to use this to create controversy is made even more egregious due to his total ignorance of Marxs thought. He has only read the communist manifesto! Please never mention that liberal hack again. Thank you

>> No.7893119


I'm a minority, but not hindu. And because I'm a minority, I can't make money doing anything requiring social skills, because people don't want to see me.

>> No.7893245

Environmental biology & Philosophy. And yep, two different carrers, but because I think that philosophy can't be truly understood withouth science and viceversa.

>> No.7893273
File: 65 KB, 450x574, Fruitbat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry police were mean to you in your past, anon. I will try and be fair

>> No.7893385

But why Environmental biology? I think it's best to study physics or math if you want to understand philosophy better.

>> No.7893397

Hot bitches on the train to the office of my dead end job.

>> No.7893632

Ya, I'd like to study maths too. I don't estudy biology only because the philosophy but because I really like it. But besides, environmental biology is about the relationship between elements in the nature. It gives a really holistic vision about the world as a huge system and I think it has a lot of relation with philosophy.

>> No.7894440

Aerospace Engineering for 2 years but I fucked up and hated it anyways, now math at a local community college.

>> No.7895962

me too. what are you going for, LEO?

>> No.7895976
File: 81 KB, 640x640, TimesSquare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYPD is my number one choice, but I've applied to a few big city departments. They need tons of paperwork, so if you have not yet applied anywhere start gathering documents. I'm not interested in federal until I've actually done some county/city work. And you?

>> No.7895986

computer science and mathematics at a shit school haha what a fag.

>> No.7895992

I see those chairs in JAV. They take shits on them and the shit can be seen because of the transparency.

>> No.7896007

It's going to be OK, anon

>> No.7896012


>> No.7896019

I think if you take your bachelor's seriously like I did, at the end you will have a good idea of what math encompasses. But I would say that I know basically nothing about advanced mathematics of any sort.

However, I don't think I lack an appreciation for advanced mathematics. I don't think that people who do research on something like elliptical curves over the rational numbers are wasting their time or just mathematically jerking off.

>> No.7896025

Environmental Science

I'm going to kill myself if I graduate with this major

>> No.7896029

well I'm not old enough to apply but I wanna be NYPD or NJPD. I eventually wanna be a homicide detective. good luck buddy

>> No.7896053
File: 247 KB, 887x639, Manhattan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Don't let anyone get you down. I've gotten my share of hate whenever I mention career choice, but I fully believe it's an honorable profession.

>> No.7896063
File: 68 KB, 496x240, implantologija.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a choice of reason. I'll take over my mother's business and be set for life.

Besides with a private practice I could work part-time, as I don't need wealth. Comfy life, desu. Would specialize in implantology.

Unlike with the cultural studies and history degrees I which currently hold. I unsuccessfully tried to shill my way into a government job, a newspaper and a marketing job. I just cannot cut it this way.

>> No.7896068

That said I played with the idea of getting an MEd in History and Mathematics. Being a teacher sounds very /lit/ lifestyle.

>> No.7896074
File: 842 KB, 647x713, extreme desespoir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>history degrees I which currently hold

>> No.7896075

it's what I've always wanted to do. my parents support me as well. I can't imagine doing some office job starting at a computer for 8 hours a day. Have you encountered any naysayers?

>> No.7896307

I was studying psychology but quit thay to go home and take gen ed classes at the community college to save some money.

Might go into teaching now

>> No.7896319


>> No.7896329


Biological & Physical Sciences. Minors in English and Philosophy.

>> No.7896350

my homies!

>> No.7896353

please leave.

>> No.7896359
File: 524 KB, 641x359, 1459833922367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medieval International Law.

come at me, senpai.

>> No.7896364

You are exactly like me anon, but my problem is that I can't trick myself into becoming a teacher because I have social anxiety plus I heard that teaching job is pretty tiresome. I don't know what to do with my life anymore.

>> No.7896381

Corporate law :(

>> No.7896421

TV production really does seem like the dream, or at least where the jobs are at

Journalism student here

>> No.7896473

Hope when i get my degree i can translate literature, most likely will be a legislative translator, but hey; whatever works. Lenguages are awesome.

>> No.7896482

damn bro did you just use hindu as an insult? pretty steep

that being said, i'm a 'dindu' who does nuffin and gets paid 20 grand a year to sit around and read computer science paps.

turns out that CS is a lot closer to philosophy than you idealistic fucks could ever imagine

turns out that complexity theory doesn't fuck around and gives 'proofs'... that wait.... that actually work!

>inb4 you conflate computational complexity theory with the nonsense that passes for "complexity" to the general public

>> No.7896483

Consistently, it is a job that everyone in this country has an opinion on. And what does the media depict? The slim minority of screw-ups. You can't even blame people for having such an inflated negative perception but it is frustrating at times. I have virtually been an acetic during my college years, no alcohol and no drugs. I look forward to being a figure people can go to for help in bad times.

Certainly won't be cubicle work. Incredibly varied demands day to day

>> No.7896608

you'll probably do a lot of every kind. I understand you can't make a living by translating literature only

>> No.7896831

It's one of the reasons I've stopped watching the news. It's borderline brainwashing. I'm also alcohol and drug free my entire life but I'm really fascinated by how powerful some of these substances are and I feel Law enforcement and the whole country would benefit from an end to the "war" on drugs.

>> No.7896982

you'll be fine. we're all going to be fine.

>> No.7896997

All the suggestions so far have been neocapitalist.

Try 'Small is Beautiful'.

>> No.7897007

Not the anon you replied to, but it gets shit worse man

bonds and amortization and all that shit, even taxes

>> No.7897010


Do you even know how to read?

>> No.7897193

Absolutely agree that the war on drugs is a disaster. At least I will not be a hypocrite if I must enforce related laws. Thankfully I saw marijuana legalized nationwide in ten years max.

>> No.7897549

>I have a forklift license if everything goes wrong
that's... kinda cool

>> No.7897562

Comparative Literature, focusing on German and French modern and contemporary fiction.

>> No.7898561

hello, fellow nurse