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/lit/ - Literature

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7887541 No.7887541 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /lit/ modern language to learn, aside from English? What language opens up the most literature worth reading?

>> No.7887551

German, Russian, or French

>> No.7887566

French probably.
Then Spanish.

I'd recommend the portuguese language for it has some pearls that are worth looking into.

>> No.7887589

Latin and Ancient Greek

>> No.7887594

>learning only one other language

stick to english, kid

>> No.7887601


Also Spanish.

>> No.7887606

What kind of twisted logic is that?

>> No.7887610

probably the language of memes

>> No.7887620

1. German
2. Latin
3. French
5. Spanish

>> No.7887637


What big stuff is there to read in Spanish?

>> No.7887655

Cervantes, Borges, Neruda, Marquez, Lope de Vega, Quevedo, Bécquer, and plenty more. You can argue if you like or dislike any of them, but there's no doubt there's an incredible amount of literature in Spanish worth reading.

>> No.7887662


>> No.7887677

Where's that edition of Ficciones Borges had a hand in translating/revising into english and said it was better? Or was that a dream?

>> No.7887682

How about ITALIAN!2!!2!

Dante, Calvino, Svevo, Ariosto?!?

What else do you want?

>> No.7887692


I thought Cervantes was in too old a form of Spanish to really be recognizable? Sort of like middle English

>> No.7887693

No idea. I've read both and I prefer the original one.
Borges thought a translation could surpass the original though. Maybe that's what you're thinking of?

>> No.7887694

Really? I heard it was like Shakespearean English.

>> No.7887713

Spanish is still the best option. It's not like translating to Italian and you can read the RAE edition.

>> No.7887716

> tfw you're so influential of an author that people casually use your name to refer to entire styles of English

>> No.7887722

The "universal language" for sciences and arts before WW2 was French, so probably that.

>> No.7887730

>not german

>> No.7887745

>arguing against facts

I'm sorry, but French was the lingua franca before WW2.

>> No.7887757

French was "the french language?"

>> No.7887766

What is the most efficient way to learn a language?

>> No.7887772

>lingua franca
>a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different.
you dont look smart

>> No.7887836

What about italian? Is there any literary merit outside of Dante?

>> No.7888103

Vargas Llosa

>> No.7888121

Leopardi is essential for understanding the last 2 centuries of European poetry

Tasso, Boiardo, and Ariosto are huge in the Renaissance

>> No.7888447

German, French, Ancient Greek, or Latin

>> No.7888476


Honestly, you're proving his point.

>> No.7888502

this, and in this order desu

>> No.7888582

>tfw speaking German and French but only reading in English.

>> No.7888589

French, mainly for translations.

>> No.7888597

Unless you grew up with the languages, it seems like the only way you can escape the intermediate plateau is by reading and writing.

I've got English, Japanese, and French up to lit reading levels. I started Latin (I have all declensions and am on my 4th verb tense) and then I'm thinking of doing Russian, Ancient Greek, and Modern Greek; most likely in that order.

Am I missing anything?

>> No.7888617

finnish has this one crazy book where a character walking across a room to fetch his pipe goes on for seventy pages, i believed it's called alistan's parlour

>> No.7888619


>> No.7888659
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>> No.7889230
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>> No.7889441
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Poetry - Italian / French
Philosophy - German / French
"Literature" - French / Spanish / Russian
Religious - Latin / [Greek & Hebrew]
JUST - Sanskrit / Traditional Chinese Hanzi Symbols / Ancient Greek / Egyptian hieroglyphs / Finnish