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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.29 MB, 2200x3037, pynchon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7886018 No.7886018 [Reply] [Original]

why does /lit/ struggle with this concept so much? Nobody seems to recognize that all you have to do to determine if something is just a meme or actually good is leave /lit/.

pic related. apparently some people on this board really believe that pynch-o is just a meme

>> No.7886026

But he is just a meme.

>> No.7886031

if hes a meme then fine but dont imply pynchon is anything but pure brilliance

>> No.7886034

Who dat? R Crumb? Take that shit to /co/ instead of /lit/.

>> No.7886038

His hype is brilliant

>> No.7886046

Pynchon rightfully belongs within the canon of book bluffers.

>> No.7886047

so is your moms dick but i dont go around calling it a meme

>> No.7886053

>3rd grade comeback
>Pynchon proponent
sounds about right

>> No.7886059
File: 11 KB, 350x263, sexy_squidward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the critical consensus is wrong but i'm right

>> No.7886078

Critical consensus is fluid. Authors fall in and out of favor.

>> No.7886148

And yet pretty much every literary critic of repute consistently holds him in high regard.

>> No.7886154

Again, he's still alive and the dust hasn't settled. Author's fall in and out of favor. If he fell out of favor would you still defer to the critics assessment?

>> No.7886181

not really, can you name many authors who were considered to be as legendary as pynchon who became unknown and poorly regarded?

would tolstoy or james joyce ever be regarded as trash?

>> No.7886184

Well, I'm part of the same tides that they are. If their opinions reasonably changed, so would mine. In other words, anything that could convince, say, Harold Bloom to denounce him could probably convince me.

Still, Pynchon's nearing the end of his life. On the off chance he publishes two, even three more novels that are absolute shit, I doubt any critics would seriously disinherit him.

Authors are often forgotten about, but very few are actually subject to major reversals of critical opinion. Not when they're praised to the degree that Pinecone is.

And anyway that doesn't change the fact that the critics are better than 4chan at determining quality, immediate or long-term