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/lit/ - Literature

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7884602 No.7884602 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ u are 2patrician4me

>> No.7884605


i started reading 3 years ago and i'm already way ahead of 75% of these frauds

>> No.7884611
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>i started reading 3 years ago and i'm already way ahead of 75% of these frauds
>i started reading 3 years ago
>i'm already way ahead of
>these frauds
>3 years ago

>> No.7884626

>i started reading 3 years ago

I doubt you're ahead of most people from /tv/ or /fit/, much less 75% of /lit/.

>> No.7884632

You could read the average re/lit/or's goodreads library in a year or less.

>> No.7884654


>American Psycho
>The Fountainhead
>Catcher in the REEEEEEEEE

The average /lit/ patrician

>> No.7884656
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Don't forget 1984

>> No.7884659

If you haven't read at least 1000 books already, what the hell are you doing on /lit/?

>> No.7884666

I have some bad news for you about your fellow posters.

>> No.7884674

Goddammit I'm on my phone in the dark reading incredibly close to my screen with one eye because I'm super nearsighted and that GIF made me drop my phone and say "what the fuck, oh god" loudly. I would be mad if I wasn't so relieved it was fake

>> No.7884678

you've bigger problems than spiders m80

>> No.7884803


kys immediately thx

wew lad

>> No.7884816

*kysses you immediately... with tongue!* ;3 anything for you, anon.

>> No.7884876

adorable response

>> No.7885285

fucking Ree

>> No.7885302
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>tfw you're too patrician for 4chan but you love memes so you stay here and make fun of the plebs

>> No.7885342

that's my feel, i just come here to shitpost when i need a break from writing code

>> No.7885344

yo operant wut is that gif from look like some campy ass hippy movie from the 60s possibly british

>> No.7885363


this pretty much

I could post at much higher quality and relevancy but I rarely get inspired by the discussion here and I'm too lazy to start those discussions myself

so instead I spend most of my time making semi-elaborate shitposts about irony, postmodernism, meme philosophers and ideologies

it's a form of throwaway art and my posts are above-average relative to the quality of the board, but I still feel like the proverbial pigeon who shits on the chessboard

I wish I could be the change I'd like to see but I can't. I'm sorry /lit/, I tried

>> No.7885368

so even on the internet, you're real smart and just too lazy to show it. riiight.

>> No.7885371

no, I am smart and an "achiever" in real life, though I could very easily be NEET and on the internet those tendencies of mine come through

>> No.7885377

>tfw you're too patrician for life and only refrain from killing yourself because you enjoy making ironic statements and seeing how people react to them
>tfw your life is a joke, but the joke is on everyone around you

>> No.7885433

hell, i have some bad news about him

>> No.7885438

i spy with my little eye

>> No.7885441
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>> No.7885460

rawr <3

>> No.7885487

i can probably count on one hand the number of people on this board who've read more than 1000 books

>> No.7885561

no shit

even at the pace of one book in two weeks it would still take about 39 years to read 1000 books

jesus christ I know reading books is supposed to make you smarter but taking some basic calculus lessons now and then can't hurt

>> No.7886487

>even at the pace of one book in two weeks

>> No.7886501
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>one book in two weeks
I read a book in 1-5 days

>> No.7887208

It's from the movie Italian Spiderman.
Watch it. Easy 9/10

>> No.7887288

How much do /lit folk read really. I probs read 2 books a month, don't consider myself a patrician, have read about a 3rd of the books on the chart. I think of myself as low to middling. Can I get some perspective?

>> No.7887294
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If every book you read was from the doorstopper list maybe, and if you still spent a generous amount of time on other hobbies. I meet these people in real life who tell me "Oh, you read? Well, I don't have any time for that!" Yet they still spend hours every day watching soap operas on netflix.

>> No.7887299

A book in two weeks is about 20 odd pages a day. Which is like an 50 mins or less (for me). Not exactly MEGA READ

>> No.7887375


>> No.7887480 [DELETED] 

20 pages a day is fucked. How can you be satisfied by that little? How do you even keep track of all the literary elements going on?

Art should be consumed quickly. In the future hopefully we will just buy books in syringes to take all of them in at once

>> No.7887486

>I meet these people in real life who tell me "Oh, you read? Well, I don't have any time for that!" Yet they still spend hours every day watching soap operas on netflix.
This is L I T E R A L L Y my housemate

>> No.7887491

plebbery: the post

also you dont know what calculus is do you

>> No.7887503

they don't have time for it because of the soap operas you friggen dweeb

>> No.7887514

no one on /lit/ talks about books

>> No.7887563

but they absolutely H A V E to keep up with their shows (and pick up a new one every week). They just have to!

>> No.7887851

congrats, so instead of 40 years it takes you 16-18 years or so

nobody here has read 1000 books, deal with it

>> No.7887858

Sometimes I read three books a day.
Contrary to popular belief, not all classics are 800 pages plus.

>> No.7887914

>nobody here has read 1000 books, deal with it

as someone who has read somewhere between 1.5k - 2k, you're retarded lad

or maybe i've just bitten the ebin b8. in which case you rused me good !

>> No.7888029
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>i started reading 3 years ago
Ok buddy.

>> No.7888033

If you're above 20 and obsessed with books to the extent you'd go on fucking 4Chan to discuss them then it's more likely than not you've read 1000 books

>> No.7888203

This is true but keep in mind 50% of the /lit/ population see reading as a means of 'self improvement' and have come from /v/ or /tv/ or /mu/ less than a year ago because they think reading Blood Meridian and DRIVE: The Novelization will help them with women.

>> No.7888210

>because they think reading Blood Meridian and DRIVE: The Novelization will help them with women

I feel sorry for any man who believes this.

>> No.7888264

holy shit anon are you me

>> No.7888269

>Much reading deprives the mind of all elasticity; it is like keeping a spring continually under pressure. The safest way of having no thoughts of one’s own is to take up a book every moment one has nothing else to do. It is this practice which explains why erudition makes most men more stupid and silly than they are by nature, and prevents their writings obtaining any measure of success. They remain, in Pope’s words: For ever reading, never to be read!
>Reading is thinking with some one else’s head instead of one’s own. To think with one’s own head is always to aim at developing a coherent whole — a system, even though it be not a strictly complete one; and nothing hinders this so much as too strong a current of others’ thoughts, such as comes of continual reading. These thoughts, springing every one of them from different minds, belonging to different systems, and tinged with different colors, never of themselves flow together into an intellectual whole; they never form a unity of knowledge, or insight, or conviction; but, rather, fill the head with a Babylonian confusion of tongues. The mind that is over-loaded with alien thought is thus deprived of all clear insight, and is well-nigh disorganized. This is a state of things observable in many men of learning; and it makes them inferior in sound sense, correct judgment and practical tact, to many illiterate persons, who, after obtaining a little knowledge from without, by means of experience, intercourse with others, and a small amount of reading, have always subordinated it to, and embodied it with, their own thought.

>> No.7888289

Sounds like excuses favoring ignorance to me.

>> No.7888299

This is true. Reading overmuch can homogenize your inner world, make your conceptions commonplace and cliche. Like a bright light, it can dim your vision.

For every sentence you read, you should think ten of your own.

>> No.7888315

Tfw safe under my clean sheets in my newly developed suburban house in almost completely pest-free SK, Canada. Didnt even flinch

I have not seen a roach, rat or spider bigger than half a pinky in 3 years

>> No.7888316

>all this mental gymnastics to justify being a lazy shitposter who cant focus enough to read


>> No.7888325

>lacking this much self-awareness
>being a finite jest

>> No.7888330

>Reading overmuch can . . . make your conceptions commonplace and cliche
>followed by a cliche similie
>followed by a useless normie-type lifestyle recommendation
you must read a lot

>> No.7888393

That's me too, I'm not patrician enough for /lit/ or real cultured circles but simply can't socialize unironically anymore. No one cares anyway, because my friends are kind of like me and I look good and healthy.

>> No.7888401

Well, even though some might consider literature a deeper experience that borders on what would be modern myth, it is still mostly seen as a hobby. So you can't devalue the hobby of someone who likes to play Yu Gi Oh or play with his plants just because yours is "deeper" (I agree it's deeper and more worthwhile).