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7883533 No.7883533 [Reply] [Original]

What is the essential cyberpunk beyond William Gibson?

>> No.7883543

The news

>> No.7883552

Snow Crash
Altered Carbon

>> No.7883558

god that book was such a rush

thanks for recs, looking to delve into cyberpunk

>> No.7883564
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>> No.7883565

Check this recommendation chart for cyberpunk.

>> No.7884450

dude, shitpost to 4chan all day LMAO

>> No.7884452

gravity's rainbow and naked lunch for some protocyberpunk

>> No.7884456

just gibson+mirrorshades

>> No.7884463

check out burroughs' nova trilogy as well

>> No.7884465

Watch all the Survival Research Labs documentaries desu

>> No.7884468

>gravity's rainbow


>> No.7884585

I really hated Snow Crash, but i'm interested in Altered Carbon. How is it other than "good"?

>> No.7886165

It's pretty much like reading a blockbuster sci-fi action flick. Also really edgy.

>The personal, as everyone’s so fucking fond of saying, is political. So if some idiot politician, some power player, tries to execute policies that harm you or those you care about, take it personally. Get angry. The Machinery of Justice will not serve you here – it is slow and cold, and it is theirs, hardware and soft-. Only the little people suffer at the hands of Justice; the creatures of power slide from under it with a wink and a grin. If you want justice, you will have to claw it from them. Make it personal. Do as much damage as you can. Get your message across. That way, you stand a better chance of being taken seriously next time. Of being considered dangerous. And make no mistake about this: being taken seriously, being considered dangerous marks the difference - the only difference in their eyes - between players and little people. Players they will make deals with. Little people they liquidate. And time and again they cream your liquidation, your displacement, your torture and brutal execution with the ultimate insult that it’s just business, it’s politics, it’s the way of the world, it’s a tough life and that it’s nothing personal. Well, fuck them. Make it personal.

>> No.7886191

>zone of anarchy contested by corrupt authorities
>scummy world of sex and drugs and short change artists
>technological conspiracy
>obsession with the fusing of synthetic and organic
>desire to transcend the human form

>> No.7886237
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Don't listen to anyone who says Snow Crash.

That book turned me off of cyber punk for good.

It's awful. Anyone who enjoys that book owns 2+ nu-metal t-shirts and writes Sonic fan-fiction.

>muh subversive irony

If you like that book, you probably say "cool beans" and have 3+ "witty" bumperstickers on your car. One of those stickers is a darwin fish eating a jesus fish.

You're a nerd who thinks its ok because you're an ironic nerd. "I don't shower because I don't fall for social conventions. I'm not like those other gross nerds who don't shower because they don't understand social conventions."

>but you don't understand, Snow Crash was good and important when it came out. it was subversive and cool beans

fuck off nerd, go shower. if a book isn't good or relevant 20 years after it was published, it's garbage.

>> No.7886254

Try Crashcourse by Wilhelmina Baird.

>> No.7886258

Rudy Rucker's wares' series. Software, Wetware, etc.

>> No.7886268

John Shirley's Eclipse trilogy

>> No.7886329

underrated post

>> No.7886356
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>a book isn't good or relevant 20 years after it was published, it's garbage
and yet, you can't even write something that's good or relevant for today

>> No.7886654

Isaac Asimov to begin with.

>> No.7886696


What does him writing anything have to do with Snowcrash being a shit book?

>> No.7886782

Snow Crash is trash and shouldn't be considered cyberpunk. It's a very blatant cash grab book that Neil Stephenson wrote without much love. The best thing going for that novel is the fact it's very easy to read and entertaining enough to complete.

>> No.7886786

OFFICIAL THREAD THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isI3ihO4Z3I

>> No.7886883

I remember enjoying the first half or more of Snow Crash when I read it 12yrs ago. Also I clearly remember it being as the first example of an author losing interest/spark as he was writing the thing. From the opening chapter it just seems to steadily descend in quality. It's worth reading though, I remember it now as intellectual action novel that mostly suffers in action bits, and shines in the slower intellectual bits that show a wide array of sources. Come to think of it now, in those parts NS must've been influenced by Umberto Eco.

>> No.7886965

>and shines in the slower intellectual bits
Do you mean all that talking heads Sumerian mythology stuff? I thought that was easily the worst stuff. On it's own, it may have been interesting, but as part of a silly pulp novel that "doesn't take itself seriously", it was very out of place and grueling to read imo.

>> No.7886995

vurt is the only cyber punk novel with any literary value.

>> No.7887049

Yeah, I felt the same way. The book opens up strong then once you get 2/3rds in you wondered what the fuck? You can tell he put this book on the back burner and came back a couple years later and finished it up real sloppy to sell. His PR agent must be amazing to be able to push so many copies of this garbage.

>> No.7887065

Yeah, it's my least favorite of his. Later works like Anathem are far superior.

>> No.7887241

Is Diamond Age good? Snow Crash was the first novel I read from him so he didn't leave a good impression in terms of quality. But his prose was clean and simple and I like that.

>> No.7887258

Much like Snow Crash, Diamond Age starts out strong and peters out as it becomes apparent Stephenson has no idea where the fuck he wants the story to go. However, it is better than Snow Crash, so if you liked SC, read Diamond Age.

>> No.7887278

I didn't really like Snow Crash. I just thought it was entertaining enough to complete. Has Stephenson ever completed a "whole" novel? He has the skills to write but his storytelling just turned to shit at the end of Snow Crash.

>> No.7888348

Yeah, i almost stopped reading after the 3rd talkie chapter with the librarian and Hiro. And it just kept going and going on and on about it. And in the end, it barely had anything to do with the plot.

>> No.7888362

Pynchon's Bleeding Edge is the best cyberpunk novel ever written

>> No.7888366

these are essential cyberpunk.
i would also add pat cadigan's synners.

go back to plebbit you little bitch

>> No.7888389

Uh, yes? cryptonomicon, anathem, and seveneves?

>> No.7888390

first post best post

>> No.7888391

nick land xD

>> No.7888463
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All of the best cyberpunk comes in movie form. It's damn hard to find though because retards call anything 30 seconds into the future with a coat of dirt cyberpunk so great stuff gets buried under Equilibrium and Pandorum.

>> No.7888631
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>> No.7888667

The Diamond Age is quite emphatically NOT cyberpunk. A cyberpunk guy is executed in the second chapter to make the point, and the rest of the book tries very, VERY hard to avoid any mention of computers or the Internet.

>> No.7888674

Diamond Age is Stevenson's ambivalent apology for Snow Crash's excesses. It halfheartedly sucks authority and tradition's fat cock until halfheartedly deciding to rebel against it again. It doesn't know what it really believes. It's pretty cringeworthy at points with its literal "m'lady" tier writing.

I strongly preferred Snow Crash because at least it was decisively 100% edgemaster.

>> No.7888709

I liked Diamond Age, but it was all over the place, and i still have no idea what was the deal with the drummers. But the whole nanotech angle, and the mixing reality with the fantasy of the book thing kept me interested.
On the other hand, just read Snow Crash a few months ago, and the sumerian mythology infodumps were horrible, Hiro was nothing else but a power fantasy, Raven was an edgelord and as the book went on he became worse, and the premise of language viruses was dumb, and would only work if everyone had photographic memory. YT was the only decent character in the book, and her story(though it went nowhere in the end) was what kept me reading the damn thing.

>> No.7890221

Man I see you in every cyberpunk thread on /tv/ and you always use that same image.

>> No.7892113

>A cyberpunk guy is executed in the second chapter to make the point,
That was glorious. Bored Confucian bureaucrats with Texas accents congratulating him on his new kid right before they pushed the button. Stephenson was always better at the moment than the grand sweep.

>> No.7892118

>Has Stephenson ever completed a "whole" novel?
Anathem and the Baroque Cycle. Cryptonomicon drops off in the end but not for long, Seveneves has a great ending but then there's a tacked-on novella about the far future.

>> No.7892972

this. this. THIS!