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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 57 KB, 200x197, notre dame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7879214 No.7879214 [Reply] [Original]

How patrician is your uni? Got accepted to pic-related but I'm not so sure of the culture.

>> No.7879225

My cousin went to that uni, she came back pregnant. lol

>> No.7879227

I think uni depends on what you're studying desu. My uni has a great English/Philosophy department, but our History and classics departments are a bit lacking.

>> No.7879231

Inb4 Oxford pasta

>> No.7879259
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This is where I go every day. Anyone else go here?

>> No.7879270
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>> No.7879284
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Not quite charismatic enough for Oxbridge...

>> No.7879300

First time round I went to one of the meme Oxbridge reject unis (didn't actually apply to Oxbridge, bitch of a career advisor told me not to even though I was predicted top grades in all 5 of my A-levels). Now I'm unironically doing a postgrad sports degree at a university which only cares about sports. Hate how little the people here care about the arts and humanities, we don't even have hipsters/SJWs because everyone is just a sport-mad athlete.

>> No.7879307
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Stem hell.

Honestly it's a very nice place filled with some great people and the opportunities for me are insane. I just wish I had a friend I could talk to about books or art, that's all. Too many of the people I spend time with mold their personalities around things reddit likes.

>> No.7879308 [DELETED] 

>tfw Universidad de Oviedo

>> No.7879309

literally god-tier campus
people lie on the internet

>> No.7879316
File: 23 KB, 329x120, UNCO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in the slightest

Then again, I am a pleb

I'd love to go to an expensive out of state /lit/ school though

>> No.7879317
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i just checked mine and it ranks 501-550 in the world

>> No.7879343
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Who /UofT/ here?

>> No.7879357
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One of the last Canadian universities that isn't infested with Asians or SJW's.

>> No.7879382
File: 222 KB, 1067x796, Universidad-de-Oviedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Universidad de Oviedo

>> No.7879393

>not france
Jesus christ, nice campus though

>> No.7879394

>i'd love to go to an expensive out of state lit school
no you wouldn't, unless your dad is paying. don't romanticize student loans. they suck ass.

>> No.7879397

who /mcgill/ here?

>> No.7879408
File: 179 KB, 548x1874, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got memed into LAC, it's one of top 5 in the US. i hate it here, it's full of stemtards. our top 3 majors are: Math, CS, Economics. Chem and Bio are close behind. there are <10 English majors per year. there are literally zero serious writers. if i knew LACs were so culture-deficient and so fucking pre-professional, I would've taken that financial gamble at columbia or princeton. idk maybe i just got unlucky.

>> No.7879424
File: 128 KB, 1365x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not very patrician here but its good

>> No.7879529

Which campus?

>> No.7879531

me! MacDonald campus tho

>> No.7879548 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1200x1200, uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any opinions on USC?
for graduate school in CS.

>> No.7879552

wrong board, friend

>> No.7879562

Rejected from Durham but got into Oxford. Still no clue why.

>> No.7879571

What did you apply for? English is ostensibly a better course at Durham but i don't get that warm and fuzzy prestige that Cambridge would have given me.

>> No.7879588

Ancient, Medieval and Modern History

>> No.7879592

If the T stands for Toronto.

>> No.7879594
File: 86 KB, 400x425, acadia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2nd best undergraduate university in canada reporting in

>> No.7879644

Non-Anglophone countries have universities in them?
Strange how they never seem to be relevant to anything

>> No.7879649

>not Sjw
kek. u go to the most cucked school in canada bruh. U have nothing good ur business isn't western tier, ur eng isn't U of T tier, ur comp sci isn't Waterloo tier, ur English lit isn't Mcgill tier, ur science isn't UBC tier.

>> No.7879656
File: 10 KB, 450x350, WaterlooLogo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best Undergraduate University coming thru on u hoes
>try to disagree with me

>> No.7879657
File: 6 KB, 300x88, standalone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good enough to take some pride in.
But not good enough to make you feel like you've made it yet; keeps you on your toes and working hard.

>> No.7879674
File: 66 KB, 480x640, 1411054460037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when studied English Lit at UBC


>> No.7879676

what u studying m8?
im trying to get accepted into chem engy but i already got accepted for life sciences

>> No.7879680
File: 46 KB, 250x250, 250px-UBA.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his uni isn't a national meme

>> No.7879693

I heard once that a lot of Brazilians go to Argentina to study, is it true?

>> No.7879698

well wouldn't u rather study in a white country than a country full of a crime and floppy butts?

>> No.7879702

Well, I would, but that doesn't answer the question.

>> No.7879729

It's true, UBA is one of the best universities in latin america, so every latino wants to study there. It's free, migrating to Argentina is trivial and its level is comparable to the best US state colleges, but likely not in league with Ivy ones.

>> No.7879731
File: 75 KB, 1400x488, UofT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's the best by your estimation?
inbf >>7879656
I've been very impressed by Classics at Waterloo

>> No.7879732

nano science. It's a new program but it's an applied physics-chemistry specialization.
Life sci is pretty amazing here but it doesn't really matter if you're trying to get into med school anyway. Western life sci is pretty Lit from what I've heard. the Eng is definitely amazing here, you're looking at a mid nineties average IIRC? I got accepted into the nanotech eng as well so I'm just basing it off that.

>> No.7879743
File: 11 KB, 220x220, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your uni is proud to be top 800 in the world
>tfw could have gone to Kings
>tfw dad died during my A-Levels
>tfw ex left and could have done humanities anywhere but chose commerceat this place because I wanted to be flexible
>tfw looked down upon by everyone when they ask where I study
>tfw most of my friends got into Oxbridge/Ivys

I wrote to my lecturer calling the place Kafkaesque and that was the only way I've ever been able to solicit a response. He replied with a link to his blog :(

I'm in my final year. I'm filled with remorse but I'm clawing my way through an Econ degree to postgrad Law at the best local Uni, on top of taking the CFA exams, with sights set on an eventual LLM at somewhere like LSE. I'm gonna make it ... right?

>> No.7879751

oh ya i remember back in the early 2000s when every dumb ass business pleb thought nanotechnology would be "the next big thing" but then steve jobs invented the iphone and created the next big thing, sounds like u dudes are like living ten years ago

>> No.7879756

Only party people who couldn't get into Dalhousie go there.

>> No.7879757
File: 65 KB, 569x320, 2015_CUNY-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brooklyn college.

>> No.7879761
File: 71 KB, 1280x540, UniOfManchester.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 50 school
>mainly only for Oxbridge rejects

>> No.7879767
File: 15 KB, 280x122, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isnt bad in itself, im doing engineering and the profs/facilities are great.

The students however... I literally get aids everyday from the omnipresent sjw atmosphere.

[Spoiler] I should have gone to UOIT [/spoiler]

>> No.7879768

you sound like someone trying too hard to sound knowledgeable about anything. You and everyone's drunk uncle would probably get along well.

>> No.7879771

Ever notice how schulich kids call themselves schulich kids and not York kids?

>> No.7879775

>majoring in nanotech

u fell for a meme that expired 10 years ago brah lol but then again latin america ain't exactly a hotbed of innovation and i can see why

>> No.7879778
File: 106 KB, 768x1024, 4B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not studying right now, but I'd like to. What are your thoughts on Political Sciences / Philosophy career?

>> No.7879798

according to mclean's, mount allison is the best and acadia is 2nd best

yeah... my program (eng lit) is p tight tho
and we do party hard
>muh having sex regularly
can't knock it breh

>> No.7879802


I'm sorry, just all the people I didn't like in high school went to Acadia or St. Fx.

>> No.7879803

Sculich kids are generally cunts, but I can understand their desire to distance themselves.

i do the same thing desu, we engineers call ourselves Lassondians instead of York students. As pretentious as it sounds, it carries more weight than "York Engineering"

>> No.7879806


Shit desu senpai.. Do something to pay the bills.. Unless you get into the absolute top tier.. Skilled tradespeople will earn more money than you.

>> No.7879807

Actually I'm in nanoscience not nanotech, and the industry applications are beyond just the technology sector. It's fine though I'm not even sure you can spell nanoscience.

>> No.7879812


Guessing your cutlery etiquette is pretty good though!

>> No.7879817


Only good if you're from a country that needs an undergrad for practicing law.

>> No.7879818

Going Cambridge to read Law in October. Most people I've met so far think that GoT/HP are the dual pinnacles of modern lit, so I hope they're not indicative of everyone.

Loughborough? Also, yeah I got the "you're just wasting your time" speech from a shitty career advisor too.

>> No.7879821

not anon but
>implying your uni is better.

>> No.7879825

I'd go with Philosophy if I had to choose between those two.

>> No.7879826


LLM is pointless unless you want to go into legal academia. Which is pretty pointless as most legislators don't care about legal scholars.

>> No.7879829

Fok off Ryersonfag

>> No.7879834

Do english people dislike foreign students? Real talk

>> No.7879836


I'll never understand how Osgoode is attached to your fork holding factory.

>> No.7879842


I want to specialize in cyberlaw or alternatively do an LLM in Switzerland which would allow me to practice in SA (undergrad) as well as Switzerland then in 10 years when things are politically tumultuous here due to the massive uneducated/unemployable/lumpen youth demographic I'll start a private wealth firm and get people's money into safer places.. Alternatively I stay here do the Bar and practice and do an MBA at like 30.. Partners at law firms here can still pull in $1000 000 at like 45.. I have a Swiss passport so studying there would also be cheaper..

And also I though an LLM was only a solely pedagogic degree in the USA? In the UK it could help out in a legal career

>> No.7879854


Depends, mainland Chinese and Indian people are generally disliked on the whole. But everyone else is well received so long as you actually try and socialize with English people. International students have a tendency to flock together which is super off putting because it's hard to get to know them. But like I said, if you try to become friends with English people, they're receptive of that. Everyone wants that exotic foreign friend.

That being said, if you're North American or a lesser thought about European country you'll have an easier time of it.

>> No.7879867


No, I'm doing law in the UK right now, in both countries it's just for academics. Very few firms will care about your LLM, just your JD or LLB. Actually most of my lecturers only got their LLM's after years of practicing and got bored of it.

>> No.7879877
File: 162 KB, 1462x1462, 1452378850188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


top bantz m8


>> No.7879918

>could have went to Berkeley
>instead rolled with ucr bc full ride

I made a mistake bros. I ended up getting a scholarship for track, joined a frat, drunkenly jumped off a roof as a pledge and broke my ankle. I no longer run track and am now stuck in the bible belt of so cal. Fuck this place

>> No.7879921

My college has a decent Engineering program but I'm in CS so, bummer.

>> No.7879924

That sucks, Chad.

>> No.7879926
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1458012941409s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attending a university

>> No.7879931

>turned down berkeley for some hickplace no one heard of

u cudve lived the good life of a patrish noblemen, but now ur just some fratfag from the middle of nowhere

>> No.7879934


>> No.7879936

the last time anything good came out of france they all moved to america to get aids and die, moreover the last guy in germany who was vaguely relevant was also a fucking nazi

>> No.7879937


Berkeley is a liberal hugbox shithole

you're not missing anything

>> No.7879939

>How patrician is your uni?
not at all. the only thing the professor had on me was diction and experience. the class was a joke.

sorry fdu students, its a waste. do what i did and minor in science. itll help you so much.

>> No.7879949



>> No.7879953

So is ucr; in fact, it's probably worse. The other day, two trannies were topless screaming obscenities into a microphone in the middle of campus- while standing on the stars and stripes

>> No.7879965
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How is it there? I was pretty dead-set on attending for 2 years, gaining CO residency and then transferring to Boulder for in-state tuition. Had a fat scholarship and everything.
Last minute decided to stay in-state and now go to pic related. It's a "public ivy" and the intellectual atmosphere here is great, especially in my department (philosophy). However, we are also consistently ranked as one of the top party schools, and are in the Big 10 so we also have more than our fair share of drunk bros and sluts that don't care about school whatsoever and are just there for their business/nursing/early childhood ed degree. Madison is a great city, though, and I'm glad I'm able to attend here while it still has its prestige, as a whole boatload of problems are hitting the UW system right now.

>> No.7879979

You wouldn't be escaping the sjw so don't sweat it on that, any college/universty in trunno is infested by sjw's


What did you major in? You're a complete fucking retard btw, you don't have the smallest clue as to what the other anon is studying. He'll find a good paying job easily, the application nanosc has are endless.

>> No.7879987


Interesting. Part of me feels I just need to claw my way up but with a CFA - I should be sorted for a mid tier finance job. Do you not think an LLM would add any credence to my resume. Oxford also has a MFL (Finance and Law) dual programme and I think if I claw hard enough it could be an option.. I can score over 700 on the gmat with ease. Also do you plan on practicing in the UK? What are your prospects?

>> No.7879989

>he'll find a job

if u just want a job why don't u go to plumber school, it's cheaper and easier

>> No.7879991


Ooh. That's going to have to change. Diversity is our strength Anon, it's 2016.

>> No.7880032


I'm toying with a lot of options right now, but I'm currently getting a 1st in everything at a mid to high end Russell group uni.

The CFA is a good way to go, depending on how ambitious you are, you can get a decent finance job with that and be set. But within law, LLM is an after thought for people who want to do research or did badly on their LLB. It never helps to round out your resume, but a LLM from any uni isn't going to be a game changer unless it's from Oxbridge.

Bearing in mind, I'm no expert on any of this, so don't let my ramblings affect your decision making.

>> No.7880050

>good paying job

At least quote properly retard. I don't know about you but I wouldn't be comfortable on a plumber salary and with the repetitiveness of the job. I agree though, if you only want to make a living there's easier ways.

>> No.7880058

>implying plumbers aren't some of the highest paid tradesmen in the united states

not only do u suck at picking a major u don't know much about careers either, enjoy your boring h1b tier "engineering" job, pleb

>> No.7880070

dawg you sound like a butthurt NEET

>> No.7880077

i just searched for "nanotechnology" jobs within a 100 mile radius of manhattan...there are only FIVE (5) that pay above 95k! lmao dude, the average was 55, if u call that "well paying" then u more pleb than i even imagined, hahaha

>> No.7880085

good for you dawg, now that we've given you your neglected attention pls go.

>> No.7880095

hey maybe when u graduate u can apply for an h1b and work 12 hours a day next to some guy who smell like curry, see u later brah

>> No.7880096


petrol engineer or gtfo

>> No.7880102

lol, have u seen oil prices my dude? that shit is dead in the water, man where do u guys get these wacky career plans? is it a third world thing? so glad i live in a developed country

>> No.7880105

What do you aspire to be?

>> No.7880111

i already have all of my economy needs satisfied, i'm on that self-actualization tier now son

>> No.7880149

What do u do for a living? Yeah petrol engineering has gone to shit but they're just glorified chem engs so they'll be alright.

>> No.7880166

>banking future success on an energy source that is being phased out
that was a hot field until about a year ago friend-o

>> No.7880170

i'm from ontario anyway, feel the same way about most ontario unis

>> No.7880178

Yeah from Vancouver and Montreal is way more of a /lit/ city to be in.

>> No.7880229

My dog, in the exact same boat here.
Law at Durham because my younger self couldn't help but spill spaghet during the interview.

>> No.7880261


Thanks. Yeah ugh CFA is hardcore but it will void the fact that I go to a shit tier Uni.. I could also do a postgrad in wealth management at a slightly better triple accredited biz school here and try get into an MA in Finance/Bus Man in the university of Zurich.. I like the idea of law though.. It's an interesting profession and many of the top entrepreneurs/captains of industry in SA come from either a Legal or Accounting background.. I know someone from my Uni who got into instead but that was before it was cucked.. Now it's a hellhole..

All I want is to get to Europe and be wealthy doing something I find purposeful.. I've given up on SA.. Every time I have hope for the country it feels like Stockholm syndrome.. Also in 2030 white people will only make up 2% of the population or something and gibsmedat economy will be in full effect.. Also sick of living behind military grade security.. The only frustrating thing about Law is that it ties me here if I want to practice it which could be a good start but I want to be in Europe with some money saved at 30.. Know a couple people from Nottingham who now have Law degrees and are doing well.. I'll see..

>> No.7880278
File: 93 KB, 1280x589, James_Madison_University.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to die here

>> No.7880289
File: 1.30 MB, 2835x1977, uppsala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>founded 1477
>top 100
>#11 of the old universities

Pretty patrician.
Also I literally get paid to study.

>> No.7880307


Sup Jamal?

>> No.7880321


You can always just do what many students from countries like Canada and Australia do and simply complete a first degree and decide to go to Britain to do the LL.B and go from there.

>> No.7880328

Davis may be the only non-hugbox, other than STEMfag only UCs; we have people occupying the administrative building, and people only talk about them to say how much they despise them.

>> No.7880346


only good things bout jmu are mountains and shit ton of hot girls

>> No.7880363


There aren't mountains here only foothills

>> No.7880369

this guy males a great point. i fucking hate international students who only hang out with eachother. seeing them do that makes me want to deport them. like why are you even here if youre not at all receptive of or interested in my culture?

the ones who hang out with the general population are typically well-received though, especially if theyre from somewhere cool. its fun to have belgian/korean/etc friends.

>> No.7880371

sicut cervus

>> No.7880378

just get an easy 4.0 and go to grad school. Cal sucks anyways desu.

>joining a frat at ucr

>> No.7880382 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 804x804, university_of_phoenix_logo_9251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7880385

>How patrician is your uni?
It's probably among the least patrician in the country. I really regret going here.

>> No.7880416

why the cal hate though

they're not all hugbox shitheads, it all depends on what you study. where else can i legitimately gush over sappho for years with my former prof?

>> No.7880453

>tfw just out of the top 100 unis

life's hard when you're a brainlet

>> No.7880457

ey any princetonians here besides me?

>> No.7880463

how are the spaces?
are they plenty safe?

>> No.7880469
File: 453 KB, 750x570, tuv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw going to University of Chicago for PhD studies next year

>> No.7880475

are you planning on an academic career?

>> No.7880477

I did undergrad there. Nice place.

>> No.7880483

i studied in a huge, ultraquiet study hall there once, it was an experience

>> No.7880484
File: 24 KB, 83x114, c8afa809f09a97065f9405e846d5e637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize every university is just bad-oxford
>tfw you dont go to oxford

if you aren't feeling this feel its because you either go to oxford or you're ignorant.

>you will NEVER frolic with the dear in magdalen college

>> No.7880487

>the dear in magdalen college
Gee I wonder why you didn't get in.

>> No.7880489

The library is fucking glorious beyond belief. Enjoy it while you have it.

>> No.7880490

Yeah, focused on academia. Not just getting one for the sake of getting one or anything like that.

Whereabouts did you live? I'm getting conflicting advice about whether I should live near campus (in Hyde Park, I think), or more north. I kind of want the city vibe, but then the campus is so beautiful I also want it to be my main study spot. Fuck.

>> No.7880491

lol i go to brainlet state. my gf at the time went to UC, extremely nice place, extremely weird parties

>> No.7880493

I lived on campus in a dorm. Hyde Park is the neighborhood around campus. To be honest, I fucking love Hyde Park. You can still go into the city when you want to without too much of a hassle, and get an adorable neighborhood + convenience. I would definitely recommend staying in HP.

>> No.7880494

lol fair enough, it does have quite a type

>> No.7880497

I think I will do that. Seems like a waste not to experience it at least for the first year or two, even. Thanks anon.

How are the girls?

>> No.7880510

at u of c? I saw exactly 1 girl during an extended weekend there that was attractive. UC attracts... unique people. But my school's girls set really high standards, so.

>> No.7880523

Went to U of C for undergrad and loved it. The girls are an acquired taste .

In Med School now, and miss it like hell.
STEM people are shit.

>> No.7880528
File: 189 KB, 1310x786, universidade-federal-do-parana-ufpr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty pleb tbqh, filled with sjws but that applies to most universities nowadays

thank you based postmodernism

>> No.7880531

>STEM people are shit
redundant statement t. stemfag
CS attracts emotionally stunted children

>> No.7880587

>Because USA was taken
Great kek

>> No.7880592

>bragging about sex on lit
Shut the fuck up

>> No.7880602
File: 92 KB, 750x749, UT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright

>> No.7880603
File: 387 KB, 1191x1337, logoUNAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are plebs and we don't care

>> No.7880618
File: 464 KB, 2000x1972, Brasao_UFSC_vertical_extenso.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Se fode aí. Qual curso, anão?

Engenharia Aeroespacial aqui :^)

>> No.7880660

I go there too; what's your major?

>> No.7880690


>> No.7880807


This isn't germane to /lit/.

>> No.7880844

Going to Uni is the ultimate meme. Plebs.
Get a library card instead, worked for the wicked smart one.

>> No.7880868

>So tell me, young anon, what are your qualifications for this job?
>uuh, a library card?

>> No.7880870

>tfw não ter mais tempo para a literatura depois de começar EEL na UFSC também

Alguma dica de como reconciliar, anon? :/

>> No.7880936
File: 35 KB, 1194x365, University_of_Florida_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy school desu

>> No.7881396
File: 400 KB, 1024x1024, stanford.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no debt, because European
>starting from this Fall, amazingly funded PhD

I am looking forward to embracing the five comfiest years of my life.

>> No.7881410

>Junior University

nice community college, bet a lot of people think that's the real thing.

>> No.7881423

Yeah at Loughborough this time round. I don't think I would have got into Oxbridge if I did apply (even with predicted 3A*s and 2As I wasn't really mature enough at that age), but it would be nice to have had a proper goal to work towards and to have been motivated to take my A-levels more seriously. I think my college only encouraged people to apply if they were guaranteed to get in, so that they could say '75% of our Oxbridge applicants got accepted' on the prospectus, and shit liek that.

>> No.7881443
File: 66 KB, 226x227, Skidmore_College.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here go to Skidmore or Tulane? I've got a choice between the two and I'm learning towards Skidmore because I don't want to have to pay for a flight to New Orleans to be around rich white southerners all day.

>> No.7881449
File: 214 KB, 1100x1267, oxford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying History at Oxford. Isn't as glorious as you all think it is.

>> No.7881469

Ayy, I'm reading English


>> No.7881478

LMH buddy. Not exactly cream of the crop I know. You?

>> No.7881491


Worcester. College life is fairly top tier, all the people here are into sports and clubbing though, very little /lit/ chat

>> No.7881505

Americans, how patrician is UWash? Is it basically Ivy or bust over there?

>> No.7881512

do you lament the utter destruction of your country?

>> No.7881513


Really? Little /lit/ chat even among the other English students? But yeah, strong party scene at LMH too. Maybe should have tried for Merton...

>> No.7881514


>> No.7881532
File: 55 KB, 262x381, Universitycollegedublinlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>University College Dublin

Jimbo Joyce represent.

>> No.7881560

>Not TCD

jimbo joyce is not being repped by ucd

trinners for winners

>> No.7881594
File: 44 KB, 765x605, 1411212491072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current uni is a mediocre state school, but I'm looking to transfer.
>tfw start hearing back within the next month

>> No.7881595


can anyone here help me decide between edinburgh or manchester

>> No.7881603
File: 137 KB, 400x400, Kenyon_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic relates

>> No.7881609


¿En qué facultad estás? Filosofía y Letras aquí, último semestre de Letras Inglesas. Puedo decir con seguridad que somos muy patricios. Letras Hispánicas y Clásicas también, aunque los primeros se enfocan más en ser lingüistas.

>> No.7881611

Northwestern checking in.

Unless USC comes back with better financial aid offer.

>> No.7881630
File: 62 KB, 768x263, King&#039;s college Cambridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sleep literally 100 metres away from a 500-yr old chapel.

>> No.7881638
File: 34 KB, 325x326, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related for undergrad, headed to Pitt for grad. Love both so far, willing to accept middling pleb status

>> No.7881659


Take a look at the faculty members.

>> No.7881664

any uni of lelbourne buds here? found some somewhat literate people at college but not many, at least among first years. nice city and uni tho. english modernism and avant garde is a great class

>> No.7881676
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>> No.7881770

>tfw you went to Bard College, aka tumblr: the school
>tfw you dropped out after two years, even more of a depressed, neurotic loser than when you went in
>tfw student loans to pay off and don't even have a meme degree to show for it
At least I learned all about the misogyny in Shakespeare! :^)

>> No.7881794
File: 168 KB, 845x1024, University_of_St_Andrews_coat_of_arms.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oxford reject reporting in.

In the end I could have gone for Kings College but went for St Andrews because fuck London

>> No.7881795

Any UNCW fags in here?

>> No.7881843

I'm thinking of going there. Either UNCW or App. What's it like?

>> No.7881873

Which campus? Seattle is great, depending on what you study. It's definitely not ivy or bust here, most state schools (at the main campus, not some satellite in the middle of nowhere though some satallites can still be good if they are still research oriented) hold a decent amount of weight. UW will do the same for you as lower-tier ivys (brown, cornell) as far as getting you a job, provided you have the connects.

>> No.7881914

I go to another UT but it's not as good compared to UT austin. Graduation rate is 35, acceptance is 100 lol. It has a decent engineering program though

>> No.7881975

>University of Essex

Alright for Law/Political sciences.

Everything else is kinda shit.

not patrician/10

>> No.7882020

Why the fuck did you go to a lesbian college?

>> No.7882043
File: 49 KB, 550x290, southampton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the least patrician of the Russell Group.

>> No.7882061


Jimbo and Flann hit UCD hard, and basically changed the game of literature as we know it.

Beckett went to Trinity, wrote maybe two admittedly really good plays, and then a load of edgy hogwash for teenagers.

Come fight me at the secret lake, bitch.

>> No.7882066

Yeah, Seattle. English, which I hear it's alright for. That's good to hear, thank you. I turned down The New School because I'm not the monopoly man, feels good to know that wasn't crazy.

>> No.7882088
File: 205 KB, 800x1026, chekhov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no comfy non-patrician university to motivate me to transcend the ephemeral academic epaulets of mere mortals, and become known for the greatness of my work itself, unaided by any name recognition or nepotism
>tfw being at a big fancy university that subtly encourages you to sit around and masturbate with other smug fuckers who got in because their parents gave them a slightly better shot at the lottery
>tfw the atmosphere of self-satisfaction slowly seeps in through all your pores and even your butthole, until one day you realize you've become a complacent bourgeois fuck
>tfw no comfy dogshit university that forces me to do cool shit like ferret out other people like myself who actually care about learning, start reading groups from scratch, and generally distinguish myself in unique, qualitative ways that actually require thought and soul, because there are no easy-peasy ready-made quantitative ego boosters set up already
>tfw sitting in quantitative ego-booster "aren't we smart for getting into this university" go-nowhere pseudo-patrician circlejerk #8492489124398 with a bunch of rich yuppie cunts and realizing with horror that you are actually more or less happy to be there, happy to be jerking off and pretending to be patrician with a bunch of other douches in a gay game of kayfabe

>> No.7882125
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I learned a tremendous amount here. One more year to go m8s.

>> No.7882136
File: 43 KB, 600x400, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U of M reject checking in

>> No.7882138

That's unfortunate. I'm at Wadham, studying physics, but most of my friends are English students. They talk about lit and politics a lot. One of them is Terry Eagleton's son (not that I've read his stuff lol)

>> No.7882139

Hi! I too attend UW Madison. Is the philosophy department good? I'm looking into doing that for my undergrad.

>> No.7882188
File: 38 KB, 404x514, eagleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Plebeians,

My name is Oliver, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are poor, uneducated, layabouts who spend every second of their day refreshing inane threads. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any elite, wealthy Hermione-esque pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun mocking people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to amateur theatrical productions of Jane Eyre.

Don’t be a stranger. Just insult me with your finest wit. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the debating team, and Editor of the student cultural magazine. What forms of culture do you partake in, other than “spamming Kafka threads”? I also get straight A’s, and have a wealthy patrician girlfriend (She just praised my poetry; Shit was SO bloody choice). You are all plebeians who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my amour

>> No.7882190

your gf's jaw is stronger than yours dude

>> No.7882193

What university do you go to?

>> No.7882197

Umm, pardon me but do you know what university I attend? If not please take the time to do your research before punching above your cognitive weight.

>> No.7882199

Hey! Another Yellow Jacket here. I'll be your friend and talk about books with you.

>> No.7882216

I wish I'd applied to Edinburgh.

Currently living in London and I hate it. Too many niggers, shitskins and slavs here.

>> No.7882249

are there any lit qts in college? high school senior in a slump here, need reassurance

>> No.7882300

Umm...I don't know if this is what you're asking but I've been described as "cute" by plenty of guys and I'm studying Lit right now at Bennington (going to Yale for my MA though!). I was sort of quiet and studious in prep school (people called me Hermione like all the time haha) but really when you go to college, or at least one as good as mine, you're generally surrounded by people who are just as cultured and interesting as yourself. I mean in like relationship terms college is definitely the place to be if you're looking to meet someone as intelligent and open-minded as yourself. And since Freshman year is a great time to sort of explore yourself and try new things you're likely to meet girls and guys just as adventurous as yourself in that regard. Over the past two years I've literally sucked more dicks than I can count on both hands. I've been the protagonist in three gangbangs (once all black XD!) and pretty much just got all the wildness out of me that had been stored up for so long. I've been pissed on, eaten guys asses, been slapped, choked, manhandled, sodomized, forced to vomit, it's just so liberating to just get it all out of your system and move into womanhood ready to settle down with a guy knowing you won't have that nagging feeling of "I wish I'd just tried new things...". The guy I'm with now actually introduced me to /lit/. He's just the best. We do all sorts of cute things together. He's so shy! I was the one who had to approach him and pretty much ask him out. I'm his first eve girlfriend! Aww! But we're already talking about marriage and I think he really does love me. He's so cute!

>> No.7882309

am i getting memed on

>> No.7882312
File: 38 KB, 1280x1245, cornell_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place is objectively shit, with culture informed by a union of stemtard manchildren and liberal special snowflake children--a far cry from the glory days when Pinecone, Bloom, and Nabokov were all associated with it.

I'm a degenerate so I enjoy it desu

>> No.7882316
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>> No.7882330

Damn that escalated

>> No.7882345


>> No.7882367

hah, I've got you all beat in plebbiness: Truman State University. It's in Missouri. It's also a dull hell that it's taken me all year to even begin to figure out how to effectively deal with. The trick is to not give a fuck, obviously you want to do well in your studies, but seriously, do what YOU want to do, say what YOU want to say, be your own. The people here are massive pussies and the most they'll do is screech at you and tell an S.A. that you're mean. If the people like you and find you interesting, they will come, if they don't, trust me, you're better off for not knowing many of them

>> No.7882370

How is it there Anon? Did apply for Politics but went elsewhere.

>> No.7882374

I heard it's mostly about humility and learning to fight sailors

>> No.7882379

You saying UoM is mainly for Oxbridge rejects? Nah mate.

Big up the Ali G

>> No.7882401

I live in New Orleans if you have any questions

>> No.7882402

Yeah, I clutched a lit cutie. You'd be surprised. Although, unfortunately, the ones at the top of the class are usually less, erm, aesthetically inclined

>> No.7882408

I went to ND. What do you wanna know?

>> No.7882416

I wish unis had a screening to filter out children, like an Adult 101 course to weed them out. This isn't going to happen, of course, since it goes against the costumer service and coddling model of unis nowadays: the costumer is right, pass him or get fired.

>> No.7882426

I'm not sure what you're saying, I've been on 4chan long enough that I can no longer tell the difference between sympathy and bantz

>> No.7882477
File: 18 KB, 193x189, CSM_Seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the least /lit/ school in the world. Full of stemfags that unironically hate books. They don't even have any English classes. Mine from HS transferred in as general electives. Worst decision of my life.

>> No.7882504
File: 27 KB, 400x200, IC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My good friend went here and I visited frequently. Can't speak for the academics but everybody I met was a pretentious faux-intellectual who regurgitated pitchfork articles and what their philosophy 101 professors teach them. I know that kind of bullshit comes with the territory, but you're more likely to have a good college experience in a setting like nola than you are in bumfuck upstate new york where it's only exciting in the summer when classes aren't in session (i'm from the area so I can rep)

OT, i went to pic related for the theater department but ended up picking up a double major in lit studies because the professors were actually really knowledgable and I read a lot of interesting and diverse work.

>> No.7882514

George Saunders, top based living author, went here, don't be so down brother

>> No.7882515

I hate everyone I met who attended Sarah Lawrence. Bunch of hipster faggots who hang out at the KGB every night pretending to be Marxists.

>> No.7882562

You can say that about most colleges not in the deep south though. Especially liberal arts colleges. I'd rather have that experience in Berkeley than most other parts of the country tee bee kew ache mi famiglia

>> No.7882589


That;s the accommodation by Somerville, right?

>> No.7882595

Berkeley has pretty good research. John Searle is there, one of the most important philosophers of the last 100 years. But it's full of retarded morons and SJW cucks who have their shit turned up to 11.

>> No.7882642
File: 29 KB, 135x133, UWRF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my school is just rednecks and dumb whores that want to teach elementary school

I don't anyone goes to a more pleb school than me.

>> No.7882647

Current Stanford undergrad here, studying history and classics.

What are you gonna get your grad degree in?

>> No.7882649

Also, it's even comfier than you could ever imagine, so long as you can ignore the startup assholes

>> No.7882660

feels bad man

>> No.7882679
File: 43 KB, 277x510, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cortei toda a forma de entretenimento que não leitura/música, esporte ou socialzinha de sexta-feira. Os estudo estão cada vez mais puxados, e olhe que ainda estou no ciclo básico. Evitar a TV e o 4chan ajuda pra cacete.

Um dia desses eu saio do campus aqui de Joinville e nos esbarramos aí na Capital. Podemos conversar sobre literatura melhor que os maconheiros de letras e os autistas de exatas, anão :^)

>> No.7882780

I don't even know these schools

How do people even keep track of what us good and worth it?

>> No.7882881

ayyy I have a ton of friends who love it there. Looking there but leaning towards OSU for undergrad and then moving to a bigger school for grad

>> No.7882888

Hahaha what the fuck man just transfer to Madison or Milwaukee already

>> No.7882908

FES zaragoza, planeo hacer mi segunda carrera allá. ¿Clásicas o Inglesas?

>> No.7883028

where do you go? b/c I go to a school that's like this

>> No.7883033
File: 113 KB, 305x299, Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 6.09.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /Rutgers/ here?

Going there next year. I hear their philosophy program is second in the country.

Parrish enough?

>> No.7883037

isn't that where the coding prodigy goes? That little kid from this video?


>> No.7883054

>The students however... I literally get aids everyday from the omnipresent sjw atmosphere.
If im remembering correctly, york has the largest social sciences faculty in canada, so that's your reason why.

>> No.7883076

bigger problem with york is that it's 98% whitewashed suburb muslims and lazy dyke hag professors who couldn't get tenure somewhere better. it leads to a limp-wristed activist "culture"

same with UofT mississauga, it's just a muslim campus

uoft st. george is the FOB chinese campus but at least they're too culturally chauvinist and ghettoized to get into the SJW shit. mostly just quiet.

not sure about scarb tho

>> No.7883078
File: 175 KB, 551x542, fetch[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7883088

right here niqqqa
what major are you?
comp sci here

>> No.7883126


Modern languages - French and Italian.

As for the startup people, my internal fortress is quite ready. Gimme your couple of things about the university that I should know before getting there.

>> No.7883134

I wish I were you

>> No.7883174

I go to a Junior/Community College. I got into some of my "dream [read: meme] schools" but by the end of high school I was so sick and tired of the joke that the American education system had become in my eyes. I decided that, instead of choosing whatever school had the most prestige, like 90% of my Korean peers did, I wanted to do what I thought was best for my future. So for now, I just read, work hard on my assignments, work out, write in my free time, work and save money, all so that I can have a more enjoyable and fulfilling college experience when I transfer, hopefully to MIT. Ask my pleb self anything if you're still a high school student interested in the college search.

>> No.7883190

You should write up some of your basic thoughts for a pastebin or something.

I can't use them myself but /lit/ has so many people in positions that you could probably shed wisdom on.

>> No.7883195
File: 105 KB, 730x730, Michigan_State_University_Logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not patrician at all.

>> No.7883199

>98% whitewashed suburb muslims
muslims make up < 5% of the york population. so no not really. I don't really see that as a problem either, they aren't the ones attending social science classes.

>> No.7883213

I might give it a shot if there is interest; I'm pretty passionate about how I feel the US (and somewhat Canadian) education system is failing its students so I don't think it would be difficult to get something typed up.

I pretty much was on the Ivy track for a long time, preparing for SAT's, taking as many AP/IB classes as possible, etc. until I realized that it wasn't really what I or many of my peers wanted. Now I just feel bad for people who let their families dictate their lives.

>> No.7883223

Don't you still need to be on that kind of grind at junior college if you want to transfer to MIT though?

>> No.7883233

Thanks for fucking up my bracket

>> No.7883242

lol you're welcome
there were people that were legitimately sad, kinda funny

>> No.7883247


>> No.7883257

Honestly, it's completely different. I have no problem with a strong dedication to learning, but I came to realize that virtually nothing in the "Ivy track" is for learning - it's more about who can do best in preparing to take a test. By contrast, every one of my classes at my JC is dedicated more to understanding, because there is no "end game" beyond simply learning the material.

The primary difference is basically that, in one, you study a test for a year, then take the test to evaluate how well you can do on the test, while in the other, you learn what you need to further your knowledge with no ulterior motive than simply improving upon your own skills.

>> No.7883259
File: 222 KB, 1524x1484, university-of-birmingham2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Birmingham

I'd rate British universities in five tiers:

1. [Tip-top universities]
>Imperial (for STEM)
>London School of Economics
>St. Andrews

2. [High-tier Russel Group - vaguely equivalent to Ivy League, although not quite]
>King's College London
>University College London

3. [Mid-to-low-tier Russel Group universities and high-tier ex-polytechnics]
>Queen Mary, London
>Royal Holloway
>(Uof) East Anglia

4. [Good upper-tier ex-polytechnics]

5. [Low-tier ex-polytechnics]
>De Montfort
>Northampton (unless you're going for criminology+'police sciences')
>Nottingham Trent
etc. etc.

6. [Kill yourself tier]
>Anglia Ruskin (In Cambridge)
>Oxford Brookes (In Oxford)

>> No.7883266

They're talking about March Madness and how Michigan State losing messed up his picks.

>> No.7883267

>Tfw took them 5 whole months to reply
>Went for Birmingham and insured Royal Holloway
fuck Southampton.

Also, what's up with this goddamn new captcha bullshit?

>> No.7883269


>> No.7883284

but wouldn't the courses at your dream(meme) schools be like that too?

>> No.7883285

>bumfuck upstate new york where it's only exciting in the summer when classes aren't in session (i'm from the area so I can rep)

Speaking of upstate oblivion:

Is Hamilton College /lit/ approved?

>> No.7883297

Not really; the learning may be more strenuous but the intent is to give you a deeper level of understanding, not to make you do good on a test that you prepared for and which you will immediately forget the contents of.

>> No.7883317

But obviously I can't comment with 100% certainty since I've never attended myself; however, I would say the primary difference between college/university as a whole in comparison to the upper-echelon of high school is that you are supposed to be learning and internalizing the material in college for the purpose of implementing it in your career, while that's not really the purpose of a high school that only prepares you to take a test. Obviously, not all schools are like this, but the school that I attended, which happens to be one of the highest-ranking in California, was.

>> No.7883349

go to bed hunting

>> No.7883358

st andrews were rude to me on the phone when i applied :(

>> No.7883370

That's what I mean, if college as a whole is different from high school, why go to junior college instead of once of the other schools that you got into?

>> No.7883379

should i go here, or >>7882136? Albion is offering me a fuckton of money, but State was my dream school growing up

>> No.7883381
File: 77 KB, 500x500, University_of_Pittsburgh_429104_i0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician level about 6/10

>> No.7883388

I'm doing medicine at St. Andrews.

I think I actually want to end my life.

>> No.7883420

Their philosophy department is excellent, at least.

>> No.7883451


Care to clarify what, exactly, a "fuckton of money" means? I'm just curious.

>> No.7883487

i.e, i only have to pay $4k a year out of pocket and then $7k a year in loans after i graduate vs paying $18k a year at state

>> No.7883489

>muslims make up < 5% of the york population.


>> No.7883494

This thread is shit.


>> No.7883507

I went to Hamilton for my freshman year. Didn't necessarily hate it, but I found the town boring and none of my classes were engaging me. Transferred to Williams. Life became much better.

>> No.7883514

i find college impregnation hot

>> No.7883515
File: 446 KB, 1040x540, FyZ9EZD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm studying horticulture at a community trade school so I guess it would likely rate a 0/10.


>> No.7883520

switch to plumbing
move in with your parents to save cash
save enough to pay for uni up to a doctorate's with some spending money to have fun
live a comfy life

>> No.7883531

I have a good friend at albion. Albion you'll get a huge party school environment. If you want to go to place and stick out -if you're not a fucking idiot or got into better schools than State but went here for the $- come here. It also depends on your major, anything business/engineering that's not even a fucking question, State. Anything, like literature etc. Idk, I live in the dorm with a bunch of the english and creative majors, most are idiots and the non-idiots are so racked in insecurity they inhibit themselves.

I don't like it here much but that's cus I think I'm smart.
So yay.

>> No.7883535

Have you considered that may be studying horticulture because I actually like plants and landscaping?

Also, I have no interest in "higher education" institutions. I already live a comfy life.

>> No.7883537

what's different between Hamilton and Williams? i thought they were both preppy new england small liberal arts colleges in the middle of nowhere. seems pretty similar to me.

>> No.7883538


>> No.7883539

>Have you considered that may be studying horticulture because I actually like plants and landscaping?

>> No.7883549

Yeah I know... Studying something I enjoy, while also networking with like minded people is an insane idea.

>> No.7883550

Lmfao this nigga's only friends are plants

>> No.7883553

>plants and landscaping

>> No.7883561


It's a shame, but even the other people on my course in college are quite uninteresting - the sort of people who got in because they worked hard and consistently, not because they're particularly gifted or passionate

Tbh I get my /lit/ kicks out of college. I'm a part of a 'secret' society which talks intellectual shit over drinks, far more my thing

(has to be said)

Is it as truly SJW as we hear of?

>> No.7883566

Were the academics strong, at least? It strikes me as elite enough.

>> No.7883573

>Lmfao this nigga's only friends are plants
t b h at least he has friends

>> No.7883580

Go to bed you soil PH knowing bee cuckold

>> No.7883581

Oh sorry, I thought you meant in comparison to high school. My reasoning for going to a JC was the realization that, first, all of the colleges I applied to were not really the schools I would have wanted to go to without any outside pressure, and secondly, I felt that my high school years drained any interest I had in learning; branching from that idea, I basically wanted to have a better foundation for living a happy life during and after college - I lift more, I dedicate time to doing things I'm interested in, I work and save money, I just overall live a life that is more fulfilling than I have in the past.

>> No.7883602

oh i gotcha. I guess i just assumed that MIT was one of your dream schools in high school

>> No.7883610
File: 10 KB, 225x225, albs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys tell me, I'm assuming not very patrician.
Some of the English professors I've had are smart. The general student body is a load of assholes from Long Island/NYC, but I've met some pretty great people too from those same areas. They really only give money to the business department and the nanotech school, which I think just pulled out of SUNY.
Upstate New York is okay, I'm from upstate New Jersey and it doesn't seem much different than that, just bigger.

>> No.7883624
File: 107 KB, 785x500, 2040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
worst staff and management I've ever had to deal with in any institution of any kind
I transferred from Universidade do Porto, which is miles better despite being ugly af

>> No.7883625

Are you joking m8

Oxbridge are their own tier, let's be honest.

Warwick and Durham belong in tier 2, UCL in tier 1, Lancaster, Leeds, Surrey, Bath in tier 3, Manchester, Edinburgh, UEA in tier 2.

Also, Brookes would be a respectable ex-poly if only it weren't in Oxford. Certainly not as dire as Ruskin, which is literally laughable

>> No.7883638

Holy fuck, I couldn't even contemplate a four year course in that town

One or two years for a Masters maybe but fuck bro

>> No.7883668

I guess you could say it's one of my dream schools, but I was talking more in the sense of the meme schools I applied to thinking of the clout that would arise because they were the "ideal" schools for "dedicated students." I think there's a significant difference between quality schools and schools that are thought of as being the "top" schools, although there is some overlap. I didn't apply to MIT out of high school - the best school that I got into, I think, is UC Berkeley, but I also got into Cornell. A big bit of reflection came around when I got significantly sick and realized that a lot of the things I were doing were forced and really had no meaning. I'm sure there are flaws in my concept of how college and high school should be, but what I'm talking about right now is just casual.

>> No.7883697

Even then I would still put Imperial with Oxbridge.

Obviously, I'm generalising, I'm not grading this for a particular course i.e Literature or English. In that case things would be different.

>> No.7883705

I live down the road from ualbany. you guy have some QT's i like to fuck on tindr. Don't know jack about the academics though. The people I know who went there were on sports teams and didnt care about school

>> No.7883725

You're on par with engineers as the worst kind of collegefags.
>"give me an A, I'm gonna be a doctor!"
>sabotage fellow students' works so that you're the only one who gets passing a grade
>hide or just fucking steal books in the library so that nobody can get them and thus study
>push one of your classmates into the fucking stairs before a final
I'm having an academic PTSD.

>> No.7883736
File: 66 KB, 1304x1077, escudo-universidad-de-chile-color-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that bad. I'm studying visual arts, and it's pretty good in that regard. The literature faculty is a bit too centered around poetry, which is to be expected, and the humanities is a wannabe-commie haven, and it sucks.

>> No.7883742

I go to Tulane. There's a lot I can say about this place in the negative or positive regard? Anything you wanna know about

>> No.7883745

theres no way people actually do this


and am I exempt for being Pre-Dental?

>> No.7883769

He said med, and the uni is a medical school

>> No.7883772

Hm, grad student experience is pretty separate from undergrad. But potential things that could help:

Thai Cafe under the math corner is the best & cheapest food on campus. Law school terrace is a really nice place to study outdoors & lit at night, if you don't want to be in a library. (If you do, Green's got all sorts of nooks perfect to hide all day).

This place is pretty idyllic spring/summer/fall, and rains most of the winter. Which is still rather pleasant.

Palo Alto has all the regular suburban amenities, but no life whatsoever. San Fransisco is an hour train ride (Caltrain for like $15 which sucks, I know) away, like 30 minutes driving. There's awesome hiking/camping nature all around if you can get a car (or a friend with one). I think traveling all over the Pacific North West / California is an amazing opportunity, especially considering you're European.

Not sure what all you want to know, or what would be useful to a grad student. As far as /lit/ stuff goes, again, I feel like you'll be in very different circles from the general undergrad populace (among whom you'll find the majority don't care about books, but there are many who do). You may work in the French dept with a prof named Landy, (http://explorecourses.stanford.edu/search?view=catalog&filter-coursestatus-Active=on&page=0&catalog=&academicYear=&q=landy&collapse=)) who has been instrumental in my education, and who I think is incredible.

>> No.7883773

Ever take a history class with Kenneth Harl?

>> No.7883776
File: 56 KB, 200x196, Southeastern Oklahoma State University_200px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't too bad. Some of the teachers are a little screwy. The most worst part of the campus I have seen is a student group called the "free thinkers." (they where just a bunch of edgy atheists) I went there expecting decent conversation; I was disappointed.
>go to get breakfast in the morning
>group called "Free Thinkers" offering free coffee
>ayy lmao "free" shit
>get a "free" cup, they rope me into talking
>they tell me that they are going to talk about masculinity and its effects on young men this evening
>I agree to go
>think of some arguing points during the day
>after I finish homework I look up some quotes to support my arguments
>go during the evening
>the group consists of two SJW chicks, a fat guy, one guy who is clearly there for the p0ssy, one tiny cuck guy, and a black woman who arrived late named, i shit you not, Princess Diamond
>the fat president spends half the fucking meeting talking about donuts and pancakes (for fundraising)
>I say "why don't we pick healthy snacks to promote thoughtfulness?"
>I am met with a sharp "No" and some laughter from the SJWs
>Princess Diamond's phone bling is jingling whilst she texts shit on her iphone37b
>we finally start to talk about the fucking topic that I came for
>immediately they start speaking of "emotional pressure of toxic masculinity"
>I was barely prepared for this
>Try quoting Socrates"It is a shame that any man should grow old without know-..."
>One of them exclaims "What about the effect on women?"
>the entire conversation shifts to masculinity and its effect on women
>try to explain that this shouldn't have an effect on them because "men have there sphere and woma-..."
>Princess Diamond stops jingling and texting then claims that this is really a race issue
>what the actual fuck
>She starts talking about how black women are underrepresented in media
>I try to say that this is not the case
>the whole fucking room explodes
>the fat president starts wagging his chins at me
>the SJWs begin chanting incantations and preparing to cast a hex on me
>the cuck musters up a slight look of disappointment
>p0ssy bro smiles and tries not to chuckle
>Princess Diamond has initiated African zulu tribal kill-mode

>"S̟̯̱͚̗C̽Ủ̘̠ͪ̆SE̩̣̳̼͍ͮ͒̌̂́͊ͬ ̳͈ͧ͐M̰͙̭̆͗ͨE̎̆̈̈́͐!̠?̠̞ͯ̌͐ͪ"

>they all start speaking at once and stumbling over each other
>I don't and even know what to say
>I start to respond
>"Let me give an example-..."
>Clock strikes 7:00
>The president announces that the meeting has ended when I am in mid sentence
>they start to leave
>I ask if we are going to continue the talk
>they don't respond and walk out the door
>what the fuck

Free thinkers, never again

>> No.7883777
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It's aight but I wish I got into Yale. Way too many stemfags here.

>> No.7883779

i listened to his ttc class on byzantium when i would do laundry one summer, it was p gud

>> No.7883784

Coming in halfway thru the convo


>> No.7883785

software engineering
can we be friends?

>> No.7883786

Yeah I kinda grew up on him because of his TTC shit and I've always wondered what he's like in person.

>> No.7883788
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Oh shit
Major? Year? Autist power level?

>> No.7883790

>grew up on his ttc shit
>all his classes are bible thumper bait

oh jesus...

>> No.7883791
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0 on the patrician scale

>> No.7883799

That's because you fell for a meme. If you're a white male, you did the impossible, though.

>> No.7883812

Which meme are you speaking of, my friend?

>> No.7883818

Well I guess I should backtrack a bit; why did you apply to, and attend, Stanford?

>> No.7883825

Thinking of going there, can you/anyone give more specific reasons on why its shit?

>> No.7883836

Should've brought up how gender is a spook.

>> No.7883837

Applied to Stanford because it's a school in California with good weather, good academics and good job prospects with a plan on doing a double major in Econ and English or something along those lines. Attended because I didn't get into Yale, which was my first choice. Was thinking of going to Pomona which might have been a better fit tbqhwy. I am a fucking white male if that means anything to dispel this so-called meme you are speaking of.

>> No.7883852

I guess I'm in a similar position you're in. I've disregarded activities/clubs/sports throughout all of high school, focusing all my time onto writing novels, drawing comics, and so forth. I did well on the SATs (2250, including 800 reading), have a 3.8 GPA, and my family is now urging me to apply to a series of top schools. I honestly know next to nothing about college, and am not very interested in it; I just primarily want to better my passions, and maybe one day make a living off of them. So is college worth it? And would any supposed "top school" be interested in what I have to offer? Sorry for my ignorance on my matter, I just haven't really thought much of it until recently.

>> No.7883859

Yeah I was just hoping you weren't Korean or one of the Mexican/Black people that seem to get in so easily. The meme I was referring to was the Asian academics meme of everyone being a business, engineering, or pre-med major that attends these universities because it gives high social standing within their culture. One question though; aren't pretty much all of the Ivies considered far better than Stanford at English and Economics?

>> No.7883867

Not who you're responding to but Stanford actually has one of the highest ranked econ programs in the country, higher than a lot of Ivies. They've been recruiting a lot of Harvard's professors. This is a new thing, their econ program used to not be rated nearly as highly as it is now. Can't speak for english

>> No.7883869

Plumbers are on a fast track to making more per hour than a therapist(if they haven't already). Hire a plumber one day and you'll see. They are shorthanded and one plumber can basically own a whole city because of the shortage of plumbers. You can easily make 6 figures as a plumber.

>> No.7883885

No worries about the ignorance - I assume you're a junior/3rd year? Honestly, it really all depends on what your goals are; the meme I was referring to was the concept of only attending certain colleges and certain majors because it is what holds the most clout. That being said, very few of the top schools are memes in and of themselves (except for maybe UCLA and UCB from what I've seen) and therefore deserve much of the clout they hold. I don't know how much you lurk this board, but Pynchon (one of the two patron saints of /lit/), Nabakov, Morrison, and Vonnegut all were involved with Cornell's English program, and many other great writers, philosophers, and "visionaries" have come out of elite universities both in the United States and abroad.

Honestly, just think of college as an opportunity to get better at what you want to be doing for the rest of your life - not as something that should be used as a metaphorical jumping board to what is a contrived sense of what success is.

>> No.7883888

oh nice. have any idea of where youd want to do grad school yet?

>> No.7883889

>is college worth it?
Definitely. I'd say that even if you may be able to learn just as much if not more by being a highly disciplined NEET for 4 years, being in an intellectual environment is a pretty irreplaceable experience. Simply by being around smart peers that are interested in the same things you are will make your learning process exponentially faster and more enjoyable, plus you get exposed to a shit load of ideas and personalities. Definitely go. However, the ivy-league/top-tier meme is just that, a meme. And I go to Stanford, so it's not like I'm a bitter ivy-league reject. The main difference that I've seen between the so-called "prestigious" schools and let's say a good liberal arts school is not really a difference in intelligence but a difference in perceived intelligence. There are a bunch of kids with big, unwarranted egos around here simply because they got into a school with a big name.
To be quite honest with you, if you're going into the humanities, I'd say one of those higher-tier liberal arts schools might be good. They seem to place a lot more emphasis on trying to actually give undergrads an education and to support their learning process, so if what is most important to you is "bettering your passions," liberal arts would be good.

>> No.7883898

Ah, good to know, thanks. I guess I was just basing that off of the "old" Stanford econ program. Stanford is a beautiful school but I've heard from many people that it's beginning to turn into UCLA/UCB part two.

>> No.7883930

Well said man.
Like he said, the environment at a good college is virtually irreplaceable/irreplicable. You could "Good Will Hunting" it and maybe, maybe come out at the same level academically, but the exposure that is provided for you in attending university is what will be valuable in the long run - not discounting the credibility and academic knowledge you get from a good university.

>> No.7883935

I am a materialistic-deterministic-pragmatist so I the only conclusion I could draw was that I have a penis.

>> No.7883941

thanks so much; I'll take your guys opinions into consideration

>> No.7883948

I'm looking at doing econ or some kind of engineering thing (hence OSU). If I do engineering I probably won't do grad school, but I definitely will if I do econ. I know it's a stretch but I would love to go to an Ivy like Harvard, Yale or Princeton. Northwestern is also high on my list, but I would be happy pretty much anywhere highly ranked I think. Econ is one of the few degrees where it REALLY matters where you get your degree from. I'm not quite sure yet where I would go because each school has a different focus for research (Princeton is huge on game theory which would be really interesting) and those might be a little extreme to jump from Oregon State or U of O but I hope if I can get my name on a research paper, do well on my GRE, get some good recommendations and have some nice internships I can do it. I'm also planning on doing Honors College at either U of O or OSU, so I hope that will help (idk about UO but for OSU I would need to write a thesis which would be a major plus for grad admissions.)

Also, for undergrad it's not a matter of not getting into those big schools but more for affordability. My dad works for the state of Oregon so I get super cheap tuition, as well as Oregon schools giving out more scholarships than bigger schools.

>> No.7884027

I go to Pomona. The impression I get from people I know who go to Stanford is that Pomona is just like Stanford except it's smaller and there are fewer jerks who are obsessed with their startup. Culturally it's pretty similar (minus the startup thing) so you're probably not missing out on much (except for maybe smaller average class sizes), if that makes you feel any better.

>> No.7884139 [SPOILER] 
File: 117 KB, 489x578, 1459740381170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stand Reddit fags. They're so apologetic and apathetic about everything. Worse, their humor is cliche and trash.

>> No.7884385

Any fellow Bongs got advice?

I have offers for law from Durham and UCL, not sure which way I want to lean.

Only real motivator either way right now is that I much prefer a "city" like Durham to the cesspool of London.

>> No.7885090

durham is famously depressing due to oxford rejects desperately grasping they're intellect-ego.
london is kinda cesspooly, but degeneracy is part of the charm. youll be much happier. the atmosphere is just less seagullesque.

thats just the cities though. dont know about the teaching

>> No.7885217


Thanks, I appreciate your message. For grad students there's Eco Pass, that makes commuting - or simply visiting places - incredibly cheap.

Anyway, about the theoretical incompatibility between Stanford and Humanities: as it quite well known, Stanford used to be called, and sometimes still is, the MIT of the West. Now, the departments of humanities absolutely detested being considered just a marginal addendum in the ecosystem of a STEM-oriented university, therefore, they started to invest *a lot* of money in order to be more appealing to both professors and students.
The results are quite astonishing: today, almost every part of Stanford Humanities ranks at the top in their field (although I find these rankings absolutely ridiculous and detestable), and it is fair to say that in many areas, they outclassed by far many Ivy programs. Take Moretti's case, for example: a former Columbia professor, now thriving at Stanford.

I've been accepted and funded by every university that I've applied to (Columbia, Penn, UCLA, Oxford, Stanford), and my decision to attend Stanford is 80% based on the academic strength of the DLCL: Harrison, Gumbrecht, Moretti (he's in the English dep though), Alduy, Serres, etc etc. Furthermore, their funding is unparalleled: both stipend and other benefits.
I'm not writing all this stuff to boast on an anonymous board: I just want to shed light on some aspects that may not be 'common knowledge' about the intersections between Stanford and the field of Humanities.

>> No.7885366
