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/lit/ - Literature

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7874297 No.7874297 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth the price /lit/?

>> No.7874302

I like mine a lot, but mostly because it saves me a shitload of money. I DL all my fiction books from IRC or torrents and it's pretty great. Non-fiction I still prefer paper though.

>> No.7874306

Just go to a library.

>> No.7874307

as an amazon shareholder i think it's wonderful that they are advertising on 4chan, but i'd rather they hype those new "dash" buttons than the kindle, and personally i just read on the iphone which is quite comfy in ibooks, also they need to put more marketing muscle behind the echo, we all know what a kindle does, what ppl don't know is what the fuck use the god damn echo is

>> No.7874309

i'm the opposite, pirate the shit out of non-fic epubs for my iphone, but i still buy lit shit

>> No.7874361

amazon doesn't make any money on the kindles.

>> No.7874367

it's called a loss leader u god damn imbecile

>> No.7874375

The best way to justify spending money on the machine itself is to make sure to read a free book per dollar spent on it.

>> No.7874390

I no that fuck boi but only fucking morons don't torrent books, which is where they make there money. Why would amazon advertise on a place that heavily advocates torrenting media?

>> No.7874401
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Why would I want to buy a shitty speaker that spies on me all the time?

>> No.7874776

Since I bought mine I've been reading much more than before. I had a kindle keyboard years ago and ended up never using it and just reading paper books. But the voyage is good enough for me to replace paper books. The screen is good looking with no pixelation, having a backlight is nice for reading at night, the new kindle font and enhanced typesetting fixes a lot of the issues the software previously had for reading regarding formatting, and its way more convenient to be able to download a book and start reading right away rather than ordering it online and waiting for it to show up.

If you buy it refurbished you can save a bit of money, and you can contact Amazon customer service and they'll remove the "special offer" ads for free.

>> No.7874844


>Is it worth the price /lit/?

Absolutely, if you read. After 10 books it pays for itself.

There are other benefits, like the backlight, which makes it much easier to read at night, the ability to tap any word and get a definition instantly, and hyperlinked footnotes. Its also less cumbersome to hold than anything over 300 pages. I prefer reading on my kindle to reading physical copies by far. Still buy physical copies to supplement tho because muh materialism.

>> No.7875516

I've seen this claim before, and it makes sense in terms of marketing, but... e-readers seem such basic pieces of kit. No colours, no sound, nothing obviously complex about them. What's so expensive about producing them that means you make a loss selling them for £90 or whatever?

>> No.7875518

...wut? How do I have a name appearing, and whose name is it?

>> No.7875520

The e ink technology you tit?

If you pirate yes. Otherwise you might need a little longer but it will eventually pay off. Super comfy for me.

>> No.7875524

Is that so expensive, Casey? I mean, I've seen cheap tablets for less than the price of an e-reader.

>> No.7875532

I got one for 30$ on eBay, read 3 books on it so far it's great.

>> No.7875551

That's great. I've also seen cheaper potatoes than avocados.

>> No.7875676

Yes. I use it for books I can't find in the library (a lot, actually)

>> No.7875690


>> No.7875695


>> No.7875699


>> No.7876149

>always advertised with the backlight on
You have to see e-ink in person with no backlight under natural light to see why people meme about it so much

>> No.7876184

Why? I have an old e-ink display without backlight. It... it's fine in natural light.

>> No.7876212

I bought one and read a few books on it then went back to physical books.

And Kobo is better, by the way.

>> No.7876225


Nothing beats physical books.

It makes sense to me.

I mean I don't understand owning physical movies anymore, or physical albums, or physical games other than collectors value.

But there is something more to physical books than just the pretty cover art. The feel of the paper, the weight of it. The smell of an old book is especially nice, I love seeing little notes written by someone in the early 1900s from the old books that I have found. It's really cute and it gives you a feel for history.

Also it does your eyes a service not to be fucking staring at a LCD screen all day.

>> No.7876248

No, I like my 20/20 vision.

>> No.7876249

All that you said it's meaningless (or at least it should be) for someone who read a book both for ideas and to earnestly study about some subject or another (as opposed to being a distraction or a hobby).

>> No.7876256

If I hear one more thing about how fucking orgasm inducing a paper is, I will scream. It's just a book! Yes, it's nice to hold them, but what matters is the text.
And it's not LCD...

>> No.7876266

>LCD screen
It's not LCD. It doesn't emit light.

>> No.7876274

I don't think I read enough to warrant an e-reader. And how am I supposed to wave my dick around if no one can read the cover?

>> No.7876307


Typical woman, having to show off everything she does.

>> No.7876322

pull down your pants and wave your dick around like we e-readers do

>> No.7876331

Does that mean there's a market for e-readers with a second color display on the back that only shows covers? Hmm...

>> No.7876339
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>> No.7876349

>Donald Leon "Don" Blankenship was both Chairman and CEO of the Massey Energy Company — the sixth largest coal company in the United States


>> No.7876375

I'm getting a kobo beacause it reads epubs. Am I doing good?

>> No.7876389

>Also it does your eyes a service not to be fucking staring at a LCD screen all day.
As already pointed out it isn't LCD and doesn't harm your eyes but also
>say that while staring into your LCD monitor all day browsing 4chan

>> No.7876396

The Kobo Glo HD is pretty nice. I've had one for about a month or so now, though I've never owned a Kindle, so I can't directly compare the two. One of the main PROs I've seen for Kindles is that the selection through their store is better and that prices are less. So far, with the handful of books I've looked for, the Kobo store has had them all and they have been the same price. In the event they don't have what I'm looking for, I'll just download it somewhere.

Pretty much this. I stare at computer screens most of the day, at work and at home. The only time I've ever noticed reading on a screen to bother me, was if I was hungover or something similar.

>> No.7876437

I meant that it's better without the backlight, looks very close to actual paper.

>> No.7876447

>I stare at computer screens most of the day, at work and at home.
I do as well. Which is why time spent away from screens is so valuable.

>> No.7876475

I'm scared

>> No.7876481

I'm not agreeing with the LCD anon but you won't notice the eye strain browsing 4chan or doing most things precisely because you don't need to strain your eyes for anything. The way text is formatted on a computer monitor you're seeing way less text density, a smaller amount of words are on the screen at any given tie and they're much larger. This is fine for casual browsing but when you want to sit down and read 300 pages of a book efficiently, which means a larger amount of text per page formatted to fit a "book" format, you're going to want something as close to a physical book as possible.

>> No.7876491

You can adjust the size (and other aspects) of the text quite a bit with ereaders.

>> No.7876495

Are there any e-readers that are good for reading manga? Like lots of memory, can read SD or microSD cards, and doesn't require conversion?

>> No.7876502
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>getting a rectangular ereader
>not getting a fan-shaped ereader
Goodness me and mine, I hope you'll reconsider

>> No.7876507

You'll want something with a higher resolution than 1024x600. My old nook color does ok, but it isn't quite there.
>and doesn't require conversion
What do you mean? Just use Calibre to manage your collection.

>> No.7876514

You don't have to convert them from jpg's, or greyscale or something?

>> No.7876539

iBooks is the worst e-reader currently in use. It is also single-handedly responsible the the non-inclusive fuckups in epub.

>> No.7876547

you'll want a tablet for mango, not an e-reader

>> No.7876554

This, plus a tablet allows you to read color comic books in addition to b&w mangas.

>> No.7876587

I'd prefer something with a longer battery life that can be read outdoors. I work outside for long hours and need something to do, and would prefer a ereader over a tablet.

>> No.7876596

Not sure why you need something to do if you work outside for long hours. Seems to me you would want to get your work done, then read.

>> No.7876602

I literally sit up in a smoke stack for up to 16 hours a day with nothing to do most of the time.