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7873021 No.7873021 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think is the best or most interesting book of the bible? Not in terms of religious significance.

>> No.7873035

For me it's Ecclesiastes. Pretty thoughtful wisdom literature. You can also read it in a sitting. Then John's gospel for his writing style

>> No.7873050

whats the definitive edition to read of the bible?

>> No.7873065

The one in the drawer of your preferred motel

>> No.7873098

Judges. Samson is an insane murder machine who kills a thousand men with a donkeys jawbone. Shit would make a great modern action movie.

>> No.7873102

Proverbs a must read.
Revelations is great for imagery alone

>> No.7873145

I've always been partial to Samuel myself.

>> No.7873164

A mix of Douay-Rheims and King James Version.

>> No.7873174

Anything old testament or end of days

I hate all the moral preaching bullshit, but if you look at it as fables and folklore, it can be kind of interesting

>> No.7873177

Proverbs and Psalms.

>> No.7873184

I like the part thats stolen o wait..

>> No.7873196


>> No.7873218


>> No.7873310

King James.
The good news bible is for babbys

>> No.7873320

Get a

>> No.7874405


>> No.7874409

And he sacrificed himself for the death of thousands.

>> No.7874423

Yeah Samson was always one of my favorites. I like when he ties torches to jackal's tails and sets them loose in the barley fields. Pretty hardcore

>> No.7874424

three books for desert island:
king james or douay rheims bible
the iliad translated by pope or fagles
the new science by giambattista vico

>> No.7874428

also, book 1 genesis is the most interesting ;-)

>> No.7874429

What is John's writing style and how is it distinct from the other gospels

>> No.7874455

<johns writing style

wasn't the book of john written like 300 years later after john by some jew

>> No.7874461

New American Bible if you want to go to Catholic heaven.

>> No.7874468

>wasn't the book of john written like 300 years later after john by some jew

>> No.7874474

then who was it written by

>> No.7874498

According to Wikipedia and atheist scholars who have a conflict of interest with Christianity..

>> No.7874502

Genesis, Ecclesiastes and Luke

>> No.7874507

Ecclesiastes, Job, Proverbs, John, Apocalypse.

>> No.7874635

John. The Coptic circles received it pretty early, which implies a 60-70 AD date. Of course Liberal scholars apply a much later date 100-200 AD because of Jesus' prophecy about the temple which came true. I'm going to go ahead and guess you aren't too well versed on this topic considering your "300 years later" suggestion is unfounded

>> No.7874644

I've always enjoyed 1 & 2 Kings

>> No.7874696

I you want to learn about life and God then go Old Testament. If you want to find Jesus go to the New Testament. That's my only complaint about the Bible. The whole second half is completely dedicated to Jesus. There's no more intellectual stories that teach you different things...the New Testament is a tough sell for me. You basically have to force yourself to find Jesus to be able to find great great meaning. Which I haven't done yet. I'm gonna do it but it's not something you can just understand without living.

>> No.7874742

My man. This is definitely the best list so far. I would consider putting Psalms or Song of Solomon on here, but otherwise, perfection.

>> No.7874941

Does it get better after Genesis? I felt it picking up more toward the time of Joseph but there was so much unnecessary information, redundant passages, and dull moments. Or should I just expect this from the whole Old Testament, or the entire bible itself?

>> No.7874973

I've always really liked Isaiah.

>> No.7875277

Johnny's gospel is remarquable but only in the original version. Biblical translations are all the same, you can't distinguish.
I like this babble from its beginning.

>> No.7875286

literally pants on head physics. (i'm not saying it gets any better in the rest of the BOOK)
>word of God
>doesn't know the rules of science that God himself created.

No, i do believe in an omni-X creator God from whom everything and everyone came.
But these religious scriptures [vedas, bible, quran, torah, whatever] are retard-tier, family.

>pillar of smoke and fire
kek, so cylindrical UFOs confirmed?

>> No.7875287

i'm an retard.
am i better off reading ERV?

>> No.7875298

I haven't read much of the Bible, but Isaiah was pretty good.

>> No.7875419


Genesis is good, and Exodus. Leviticus is a fucking slog, half of Numbers is a slog, and then Deuteronomy is pretty interesting.

>> No.7875428

Revelations is my favorite.

>> No.7875498


Most of the pentateuch is pretty boring (exodus is the exception imo) but the old testament gets good when you reach the wisdom literature

>> No.7875557
File: 1.12 MB, 2560x1600, crystal boyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crystal Boyd