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/lit/ - Literature

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7872263 No.7872263 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please make a short non-spoiler review? I finished ASOIAF and I want to start some new multivolume fantasy series. Some Anon suggested this to me on a different board so I wondered what /lit/ has to say about it,

>> No.7872266

DragonballZ with tarot cards.

>> No.7872270

so 70% filler?

>> No.7872430

More like 60% of it is pretty decent than massive power creep that takes place of characters and stories. Bone hunters is the last good one imo

House of chains and dead house gates are pretty top notch modern fantasy, for whatever that's worth.

>> No.7872434

Cool, thnx.

>> No.7872435

Also consider joe Abercrombie. He never gets as good as malazan but at least he closes stories/has an idea of how books end before he starts.

>> No.7872453
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Sure. I saw this image on sticky and cant seem to decide where to start. What about the others?

>> No.7872475

I'm reading him now and it's absolute trash. I don't remember when was the last time I read a novel without fucking desciptions. He never fucking describes anything and is hailed like sword and sorccery, but only a moron would call a slow 600 page novel sword and sorccery.

>> No.7872491 [DELETED] 

print out this list, scrunch it up and eat it.
then read "taming riki". honestly the best fantasy novel ive ever read

>> No.7872497

My printer is out of colour. Is it ok if its black and white?

>> No.7872514

Just saw his Wiki. What are exactly young adult novels? That terminology sound pretty retarded.

>> No.7872749

The first book is filler and badly written. Try to read it with an open mind, try to stop and figure shit out and don't get mad/frustrated when you don't. Same thing applies to the second book. After you finish the first 2 you can judge properly if the series is worth it for you. If not sure by then read the 3 one. The rest (7 books and countless others ) are basically the same but bigger.

>> No.7872786

Novels for teenagers basically, marketing term to sell to people of lower intelligence.

>> No.7872799

The author not explaining anything is just really annoying and it takes a lot of focus when reading to get whats going on.
If you dont insist on mighty archmages, demi gods and dragons in your books you should consider The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, best fantasy book i know

>> No.7872861

Honestly I am sick of dragons after reading Martins last book, This could be a nice change of pace. Not a big fan of Nightwish but if the book inspired them to write a song it probably has potential.

>> No.7872863

Yeah like the other anons said the first couple books suck at basic details like what characters even look like but it gets alot better and my personal favorite is the 3rd book. It really gets good if your looking for the most epic series in the epic fantasy genre.

>> No.7872875

Oh, so basically Eragon.

>> No.7872896

Its nice to make a thread and have minimum shitposters. I should visit this board more often. I will take what you said in considertion.

>> No.7873185

On /lit/ almost every anon just complains about how fantasy isnt a genre and belongs on reddit. Fuck those guys. Another series i heard was good is The Black Company. If you like steven erikson then you might like that, erikson even dedicates some books to the author Glen Cook.

>> No.7873199

But then he completely shits the bed in Wise Man's Fear which is basically just a bunch of unrelated Kvothe novellas sewn together.

>> No.7873219

Shit taste.

>> No.7873356

After Asoiaf i read "The Name of The wind" and love it,you probable should try that book.

>> No.7873380

Already checked the catalog of my local library. I will pick it up tomorrow.

>> No.7873433

I was tired of forcing myself to read classic literature and always falling asleep way to early in bed. Currently fantasy somehow does it for me in means of escapism. In todays time a small percentage of people actually reads so I cant seem to understand complaining about someones preferences.

I saw Black Company on the other sticky image under the label "Pulpy-Goodness Tier" whatever the hell that means.

>> No.7873449

I'd thoroughly recommend Brent Weeks way of the shadow series

>> No.7873452

>I cant seem to understand
maybe if you had to see the way you write through somebody else's eyes...

>> No.7873480

What's exactly the problem?

>> No.7874818

This tbqh homie. Rothfhuss is solid. Also, just hit Sanderson hard. Mistborn series. I love Rothfuss, but that's a personal thing. Most /lit/ fags rail on it. Read it. Or just read Feist.

>> No.7875415

>... Or just read Feist
Kafka-tier post, An'ön