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/lit/ - Literature

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7871657 No.7871657 [Reply] [Original]

>get STEM degree
>still more knowledgeable about writing/literature than humanitiescucks

>> No.7871665
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>be STEMpleb
>go on /lit/
>occasionally see someone who probably has an English degree talk about literature with that nuanced insight gained through education that you will never acquire

>> No.7871675

>he spat
>they rode on

>> No.7871681
File: 1.02 MB, 1237x681, bjch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be normal person
>have sex, unlike STEM autismos
go back to your memes, boy

>> No.7871682

>Do STEM degree
>am not terrified of and incompetent at logic and mathematics like humanitards
>am not doomed to frequently commit embarrassing logical fallacies like confusing A implies B with A implies B
>am surrounded by students with a higher mean IQ and better work ethic than humanitards
>humanitards are so insecure about the fact I can use logic and make useful inferences about the real world using empirical evidence that they try to make positivism, and by extension the scientific method, a dirty word using memes

Brainlets, when will they learn?
aren't you embarrassed? If you're too stupid to study STEM or at least law or economics then you should have just gone straight into the labour force.

>> No.7871693

>implying literature and language aren't the best way to foster logical, reasonable thinking

>> No.7871699

who dat be

>> No.7871701
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>confusing A implies B with A implies B

>> No.7871712

>Go to STEM high school
>get high scores on the ACT, effectively having my most of my college education paid for
>First semester, skip all of bio
>still get an A in the class
>decide to do a theatre BFA anyways

What can I say fellas, I love Boleslavsky. Am I fucking up?

>> No.7871713

Are you forgetting a couple words in that sentence, Frogman?

>> No.7871717

If you can support yourself, who cares

>> No.7871719

seconded. I furvently searched for differences between the two things that anon wrote and found none.
this is why people need to study language

>> No.7871736

>get humanities degree
>still have better job prospects than failing STEM-cucks

>> No.7871737

dark days for people in STEM

>sinking huge amount of tuition fees for STEM degree
>increasingly hostile job market

>> No.7871743

>trying to get STEM degree
>become severely depressed because I dont care about engineering
>drop out

The STEM meme ruined my life

>> No.7871745

>caring about what other people do

>> No.7871746
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>someone tells me that since starting their literature degree they've had no time to socialise

>> No.7871747

Hello pahjeet

>> No.7871750

>confusing A implies B with A implies B


>> No.7871760

This STEM/humanities dichotomy is not natural; it is enforced by academia so you common folk don't accidently stumble onto the hidden truth.

Learning one without another is completely useless. It is a crusade for overspecializtion, skill segregation, and generally making people depend on superstructures putting human-halves together to form something functional.

>> No.7871769

mmm yes let's turn every degree into a liberal arts degree

>> No.7871770

>be an English major
>Get that "insight" which is just smugness parading as intellect
>going to a coding bootcamp after 5 years of depression in hopes to actually make money

Just read books, and books on literary movements.

>> No.7871775

Only idiots think they only need one over the other. Specialization is for insects.

>> No.7871806

You'd benefit from it, pahjeet. Reading comprehension, in particular.

>> No.7871807
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I study mathematics but I have always loved music, literate, and poetry. It's amazing how many mathematicians have mathematics degrees and how many creative-writers have creative-writing degrees though. I feel like Erdős in a sense that when people stop doing mathematics they have "died" in some sense. This is also true for literature & music imo which is why I spend many hours furiously working to balance STEM, philsophy, and art.

I have met STEM-fags that do not read lit, this is pathetic imo. I have also heard "literature" students (I am not making this up -- prepare yourself) call STEM students "nerds", NERDS?! She says at an elite university! my my, she will no doubt marry a banker and have a vanity job as a "publsiher" because she is an upper class brainlet.

I'm not so arrogant as to call myself a "Polymath" as such since that is reserved for true genius. I do however see myself in the tradition of the "Renaissance Man"; Spinoza, Descartes, and Newton (to a lesser extent); the "Elightened Amatuers" of the 18th century aristocracy, and the 19/20th century polymaths.

>> No.7871809


welp time to kill self

>> No.7871811

>try to trumpet logic
>reveal 5 major spooks currently cucking your brain

>> No.7871834


>> No.7871841
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>I am a master of logic and mathematics. I can logically debase any argument made by you simple minded apes through my knowledge of the sciences. you pathetic humanitards will never have a comparable intellect
>proceeds to post sad frog pictures on a japanese image board

>> No.7871850

it's k. gud post.

>> No.7871882

>Be STEMcuck
>Think Breaking Bad is the height of all literature
>Can't find a job because companies just bring in Chinese kids to work for them

>> No.7871885

>be engineering and english double major at top university
>can advance human knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways
>just go work fo ra hedge fund scamming rich people out of their money anyway

top kek

>> No.7872021

>get STEM degree cuz muh jobs
>couldn't find work in field
>end up as an accountants assistant
>build fences on the weekend
>work very hard 6-8 months of the year
>e.I. for the winter months where I stay inside, read all day, and take accounting courses online.

You never know how things will work out

>> No.7872035

Sounds comfy Anon
Is it manageable financially?

>> No.7872041

this is why I'm doing marketing

best of both worlds

>> No.7872046

>best of anything

lmao @ your life

marketing is literally the retard degree for brainlets who cant into STEM or humanities (just like most of business outside of high tier finance/econ)

>> No.7872050
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>too STEM minded for the humanities crowd
>too humanities minded for the STEM crowd

>> No.7872058

Not really. I still live in a small apartment with my gf. No car. Hopefully when I'm actually an accountant I'll be better off

I wish I never went into STEM. If I had known it would have been so useless I would have majored in English, Philosophy, or Linguistings

>> No.7872059
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>Marketing is literally applied psychology
>every class and assignment is useful and directly links to live application, unlike STEM or Humanities where you're bombarded with useless busywork
>The Degree requires a good level of math no matter where you take it

You're thinking of shit like Communications or Sociology

>> No.7872066
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>do STEM because muh Carl Sagan
>really just interested in the philosophical part of science
>will probably end up in something like a bank

>> No.7872116

>Marketing is literally applied psychology
lol keep telling yourself that
>every class and assignment is useful and directly links to live application, unlike STEM or Humanities where you're bombarded with useless busywork
sounds like you're too dumb to into real knowledge
>The Degree requires a good level of math no matter where you take it

that just sounds like you're stupid and are too fixated on false dichotomies to realize you're just a retard

>> No.7872145
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>that guy just went to books so you have no one to blame but yourself

>> No.7872157

>Enlightened Amatuers
>Ah my killed - ers
Learn your french before pretending to be a Renaissance man, crétin de bas étage.

>> No.7872158
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>STEM degree
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as STEM, is in fact, STEAM, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, STEM + Art. STEM was already debunked, as demonstrated by: http://stemtosteam.org/ http://steam-notstem.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STEAM_fields
STEM is just half the brain: the core that allows Arts & Humanities to excel. The core is an essential part one's development, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete autist. STEM is normally used in combination with Art + Design in mind: the whole educational system is basically STEM with Arts & Humanities combined, or STEM + Art. All the so-called “STEM” fields are really programs of STEAM.

>> No.7872166
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>> No.7872169


>> No.7872170

>be STEMfag
>still write better shit than untalented fags who sacrificed everything to become a writer

>> No.7872191

>go through college without taking a single marketing class
>get job in marketing anyway because I'm not an idiot
>quit job
>work freelance from home for more money
Why would anyone go to school for marketing? I studied math and philosophy in school so I could actually learn something. Marketing is an easy career to finance my arts and studies.

>> No.7872197

>can't fathom the idea of a person taking their studies seriously for a reason other than grades
STEMlogic on display

>> No.7872202

>Why would anyone go to school for marketing?
If you want to go to a higher level than freelancing in your garage desu

>> No.7872233
File: 29 KB, 450x370, 1458397098580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw studied English
>mfw did substantial internships in publishing, nonprofit sector, and marketing
>mfw work on (and shitpost literally right now from) a tugboat

>> No.7872246

>study medicine
>looking to go into psychiatry
>100% employment rate, great pay, respect
>join the ranks of doctor intellectuals (R.D Laing, Lacan, Freud, Jung)
>Have fun plebs

>> No.7872247

Just goes to show that degree really dosent matter, its just a jumping point..

>> No.7872249

>Never went to university
>Earn more money than anyone I know who went to university

>> No.7872251

thats not hard if you dont know anyone

>> No.7872259

Enjoy being a stain on psychology and medicine.

>> No.7872282

The stem kids at my college that I know are absolute logical vacuums. It's really awful.

I'm convinced language teaches logic. I'm convinced of it.

>> No.7872287

>The A looks like an abused asshole

>> No.7872288
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>never go to college
>furnish myself with a wonderful education tailored exactly to my interests
>excel in ever conceivable way
>now finishing the book that will shake philosophy out of its hundred year coma

You don't know this feel

>> No.7872289

>going to university is a guarantee of having a job and money

>> No.7872294

Must be nice having daddy pay for med school.

>> No.7872299


>> No.7872340

Lel what thesis are you putting forward that will do this?

>> No.7872355

>now finishing the book that will shake philosophy out of its hundred year coma
From that statement alone it is plain to see you know nothing about philosophy. So no, you won't.

>> No.7872359

I live in Scotland, paid for by the state

>> No.7872366

>Lit Major
>Steadily realize your major doesn't dictate what level of inquiry you work in
>Some people just aren't cut out for logic and reasonable analysis
>Stop making genuine value judgments about people based on their major and start focusing on trying to get people to articulate themselves in a reasonable manner

Please come back when you stop throwing shit at each other and start trying to educate others for the sake of something other than bolstering your own intellect/measuring your degree-dick against others'.

>> No.7872370



Can you even into tautologies, master of logicismos?

>> No.7872371

>flunk out of computer programming twice
>get into computer engineering, succeed with incredible marks
Maybe I just didn't enjoy fucking WEB PROGRAMMING FUCK

Now, with memes put aside, is education honestly appropriate for literary fields? In the federal/institutional sense. Could you educate yourself in the different fields of literacy, given enough time and funds?

>> No.7872381

It's all based on experience. At my last job the marketing director had an engineering degree.

Marketing degrees are worthless.

>> No.7872387

Only if you plan on being self contained. Without proper education and classroom experience you will almost invariably wind up doing something wrong; there is no one around to guide or bounce ideas off of you to get you to think about complex theories and ideas in any other sense than your initial judgment of them. Moreover, writing analytic papers and doing productive work in literary fields requires peer based analysis and revision. That includes professorial input as well collegiate input.

>> No.7872396

If its all based on experience then why is the degree worthless? You can easily find the necessary experience in marketing with the marketing degree, much easier I'd say than with an engineering degree.

This is why these undergrad bickerings are pointless. Endless contradictions for the sake of dickwaving.

>> No.7872417
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ah, jokes on you.
I'm a dropout and know shit aboout literature.

>> No.7872420

You get discredited for using ad hominem.

>> No.7872425

ad whominem? sorry I don't speak gook

>> No.7872433

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you very much, I'll heed this advice. Peer review totally skipped my mind - maybe I'm a bit too self-centered. Time for self-improvement!

>> No.7872445

Is this board only called /lit/ because /pseud/ is too long a tag?

>> No.7872448

>the job market for stem is worse than for english majors
What kind of delusional world do you live in anon

>> No.7872449

poor bait. btw logic is required for philosophy.

>> No.7872455

>all these plebs who don't realize your major literally doesn't matter and the quality/reputation/ranking of your school is what does


>> No.7872457


>> No.7872458
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I am unironically attempting to do this
Currently pursuing an undergrad in astrophysics while reading through the canon, teaching myself to paint, and picking up french
I'll live up to the ideal of a renaissance man or die trying

>> No.7872460

Blatantly wrong
Maybe between humanities doesn't matter, but if you're telling yourself a biochem major and a history major have the same opportunities you're kidding yourself

>> No.7872466
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i'm dismissing your post with as much evidence as you used to support it

>> No.7872474
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>The sky is blue anon
>Where is your proofs stemfag I don't see any evidence

>> No.7872477

What resources are you using to learn painting anon? Did you paint that one yourself?

>> No.7872480

nigga a gender studies major from harvard has more opportunities than any STEMlord from state school

>> No.7872501

>am not terrified of and incompetent at logic and mathematics like humanitards

Not necessarily true

I consistently got A's in math and sciences (including computer science) in high school, and thought myself very competent at them. I mostly went for English to spite my parents, who were eminently practical and wanted me to make money. They couldn't quite understand that I wanted more to be wise than wealthy; I was good at math &c but I didn't want to devote my study to it when I could study humanity.

It was an impulsive choice. Swift wrote that a man ought to have money in his head and not in his heart; in a rather unbalanced way, I've had it in neither. I've used university as an opportunity to gratify my excesses of sensibility. I don't claim this was the superior choice. But it has nothing to do with being afraid of the sciences.

>> No.7872505

this tbqhwy

>> No.7872521


>be aristocrat old-money
>study the Greats at Oxford
>literally being endowed with wealth just for having superior blood

You're all plebeian. Americans doubly so.

>> No.7872530

I literally can't express how much better my life has been since I attended Oxford. I went to a state school and gradually became the stereotypical moody, withdrawn sensitive type who both despises the quality of his immediate culture and feels a weird pride for having been raised in a sort of anti-intellectual and brutal environment. I was all set to take my Russell Group humanities BA and spend my life working as an anonymous, insecure wageslave forever thankful of being offered a job and forever too insecure to pursue my creative ambitions. The chip on my shoulder had become something of a wedge, and I felt too out of place regardless of my environment, too resentful and bitter to even attempt to make it in the artistic world. Then I finally applied for Oxford and got in to study an English MA, with reassurance that should I work hard enough a career in academia or within one of Oxford's affiliated companies would be almost guaranteed. I turned up as apprehensive as usual, and the first few days were spent regretting my decision and desperately feigning a cultured personality. But then I realized that the people there were just interesting and that the snobbery and exclusivity I had anticipated was just a myth borne out of my working class upbringing. I've since graduated, having spend the year dining in grand halls with groups of interesting people, dating several girls (one of whom, a petite Russian whose family traces back to the aristocracy, is now my fiancee). I work four days a week at a publishing company and earn £38k a year. I regularly meet up with friends from my college and visit Oxford for nights out and for meetings with my professors. The Martin Eden-esque novel I have been writing for two years has been selected for publication at a major British publishing house and, honestly, I could not have imagined a few years ago how great life could be. I come on /lit/ and see how pathetic you all are and just shake my head and chuckle. If I saw you guys on the street I would of course throw you a penny or discuss Bukowski or whatever "realist" writers you enjoy, but ultimately I would be able to tell within ten seconds if you're an Oxbridge grad and would dismiss you as a potential source of good company if you are not. I never thought I'd know what it was like to be objectively better than somebody else, for the value of my existence to be superior to the value of a stranger's, but now I do and I've never been happier. People are awed by power and prestige. All I need to do is mention the university I attended (if only for a year) and they immediately begin to hunch and look at their feet because they know they are in the presence of greatness.

>> No.7872534
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That philosophy has been in a more or less catatonic state since 1900 when Nietzsche died, and everything since has been claptrap and logomancy.

The field has to be cleared first, which is what I'm doing. Nail all these windbags and philosophasters of the 20th and 21st century to their respective crosses, and then restart from where Fritz left off.

A glorious reckoning. A kind of Kristallnacht for the pretenders and polluters of philosophy.

>> No.7872624

Learn how to play the piano, getting a cheap 88-key midi keyboard that you can slap a piano vst in a DAW is much more accesible than a real one, especially as a student.

>> No.7872642

hullo icy 2.0

>> No.7872663
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I didn't paint that one, I haven't gotten that far into it yet.
I got very good at drawing by slowly copying drawings I liked, then moving into drawing things from observation myself, then into drawing things without observation. Took about two years. I'm attempting the same thing with painting and I'm still at the copying stage. So far I've mostly just found old art deco posters I like and imitated them as best I can, and I'll get more detailed with more practice.
Pic related is the first painting I made without copying (for an ex's birthday). I looked at a photograph for the elephant head.

>> No.7872699

That's a good idea, anon. Music is the one field I'm 100% ignorant about. Maybe in the summer when I have less going on I'll give piano a shot

>> No.7872708
File: 70 KB, 500x614, rewt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Nietzsche next

>> No.7872711

Damn, that really hit home :(

>> No.7872736

>get a bachelor in humanities
>become auditor
>manage to get a promotion
>now supervise older colleagues who got a master's degree in STEM

>> No.7872738

It ruined mine too. I'm currently in a crisis where i abandoned my studies and fled the country for a year. But i need to go home and I'm still trapped in my degree. I wish i found /lit/ and started studying the Greeks years ago.

>> No.7873012

who's this spunk punk

>> No.7873018

>>am surrounded by students with a higher mean IQ and better work ethic than humanitards
philosophy has one of the highest numbnut

>> No.7873025

>lol it's just english majors

>> No.7873026

the correct answer was, "nobody takes IQ seriously"

>> No.7873045
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>>every class and assignment is useful and directly links to live application, unlike STEM or Humanities where you're bombarded with useless busywork
>directly links to live application
>useless busywork
>drake memes

>> No.7873063

/sci/ is also /pseud/ occasionally.

>> No.7873067


>> No.7873099
File: 414 KB, 570x551, DFW gonna puke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another STEMbait thread where every refute is "i make more money xD"
>it's another STEMbait thread where people bother replying

>> No.7873108

I know a gay who did Fine Art at and has an IQ of above 140 - He's a complete retard.

>> No.7873131

it will never end, Dave

>> No.7873226

there is much that is interesting to study, but there is nothing which is interesting to be all one studies.

this is what people who study soley humanities and arts or soley science miss.

>> No.7873264
File: 30 KB, 398x517, lennon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hundred year coma
try again

>> No.7873273

/sci/ plz go

>> No.7873278

>I know a gay who did Fine Art at and has an IQ of above 140

>has an IQ of above 140

saying it this way is allowing that a person "has" an "IQ", rather than that they merely scored X on an IQ test.

>> No.7874677

lmao you're like Ishmael
How's the nautical life?

>> No.7874690

hahah so me. suck it cucks

>> No.7874732

doubtful. if you've ever posted in critique threads you can discard yourself

>> No.7874735


115 year coma

>> No.7874738

weak b8. it's like you regurgitated the absolute average of every post in every one of nietzsche-guy's threads

>> No.7874743

>not double majoring in philosophy and economics

>> No.7874756

i hope you fail, but good luck nonetheless

>> No.7874773

>be a double major in STEM and Humanities
>Laugh at people who were so narrow minded they could only manage one

>> No.7874796


You and all your ilk will be forgotten. Posterity is the harshest tribunal.

>> No.7874866

Nazi out.

>> No.7874876
File: 508 KB, 559x686, hisv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiona Tian

>> No.7874909

>Get STEM degree
>be deluded that I'm better than everyone else ever

Are smugness classes required in STEM degrees?
BTW you're laughable.

>> No.7874913
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>get STEM degree

>> No.7874918
File: 68 KB, 960x720, 1434091067475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he study to make useful inferences to get better pleasures and less pains in his life.

>> No.7875018

>If you can support yourself, who cares

He's doing a BFA in theatre; 5 years from now, he'll be starving in a ditch

>> No.7875046

that fucking picture, lmao

>> No.7875069

>do a PhD in Physics out of boredom
>end up with depression and suicidal tendencies

>> No.7875078

>Do a PhD in Physics out of boredom
>end up accelerating 9.8m/s^2 downward at an initial height of 46m and a constant horizontal velocity of 2m/s.

>> No.7875122

damn she's qt

>> No.7875339

The mandala that you posted overall is kinda bad, imo, but the elephant part is quite good. You should focus on representational art.

>> No.7875454

Oh but you're not going at a constant velocity horizontally due to air resistance. Nice try though.

>> No.7875522

>air in an empty abyss
nice try

>> No.7875537

Oh thanks man. I just made your cutoff with my economics degree. Does it still count if my interest is in behavioral game theory which is basically pseudoscience psychology justified with mathematics and microeconomic principles?

>> No.7875673

Well I did a programming degree and hated it. But now I make 85k at a job that isn't that great but is comfy as hell. Spend my free time indulging in whatever interests me. It's a nice life. I even took a few months off to travel Europe.
I wish I had the time to really write though.
Sometimes I think about taking another sabbatical to find a cheap apartment and just write. But it's more than likely I wouldn't write anything good and I would have sacrificed a year of income and used up a chunk of my savings for nothing.
The dillemas of life.

>> No.7877261
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>tfw have managed to acquiere a cultural and intellectual big enough to impress college teachers and classmates depise being lazy and practically illiterate purely through having keeping an open mind and constan 4chan discourse

>> No.7877268

>be getting stem and humanities degree
>be more knowledgeable about writing/literature than everyone in the stem program but not everyone in the humanities program

everyone post your anecdotal evidence then we'll settle for all who's betterer than who

>> No.7877428

oh my god fucking rekt

>> No.7877446

goddamn you sound like a huge faggot. 0/10 would not hang out with

>> No.7877705

You sound insecure

>> No.7877861

This applies to me too. Of course, I never gave a shit about STEM anyway. I have always been about stories.