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/lit/ - Literature

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787066 No.787066 [Reply] [Original]

I imagine /lit/ looks like this.

>> No.787089

not necessarily, I for one am Ásatrú....

>> No.787112

lit is full of fat ugly fucks

>> No.787114

Well yes, that's obvious...

>> No.787116

I'm no fucking atheist. HAIL ERIS!

>> No.787121


>> No.787122

Muslim here. And before you make any wild accusations, yes, I am a radical terrorist.

>> No.787138

Atheism is a religion as much as bald is a hair color. Fucking retards.

>> No.787146

You clearly do not understand the definition of religion.

>> No.787149

That's not true.

>> No.787152

Religion is the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief and worship,[1] usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

Atheism = a lack of theism.

>> No.787155
File: 28 KB, 390x390, djmh-jesususeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Imagine /lit/ looks like this

>> No.787156

not this again

>> No.787158

I lol'd.

>> No.787161

im not fat.
and i dont look like a faggot.
woo yeah.

>> No.787162

And here I thought I was the only Muslim on /lit/...

>> No.787166
File: 49 KB, 604x453, christmas chris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i look like this.

>> No.787170

everyone thinks this of every board on 4chan
it isnt true

>> No.787171

Is considering oneself a god atheism?

>> No.787172

lol pretty much the same actually just not white.

>> No.787175

And may you climb your tower to the top floor.

>> No.787183
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I believe in a different kind of god.

>> No.787187

fucking quaker reporting in.

>> No.787203

you guys are messed up, i'm goin back to /b/ where it's safe

>> No.787210

Pantheist here.
Saying gods don't exist is equivalent to saying the universe doesn't exist.

>> No.787215

Only if you don't believe in your existence.

>> No.787216



>> No.787220


>> No.787256

23 23 23 23 23

>> No.787263

Nope. We have solid proof that the universe exists (protip: you're living in it). God(s), not so much. Only unexplained phenomena that religious nuts will automatically attribute to magic.

>> No.787270


>> No.787279

I'm not very certain

>> No.787281

Arguing with an atheist is a little like arguing with a religious fundamentalist. The best course of action is to let them think they're right and move on.

>> No.787285

Oh my god, you just took your first college philosophy class, didn't you? Fucking christ.

>> No.787307


Sure, Philosophy is fun, but let's drink beer and have sex with girls instead.

>> No.787314

>I can't prove that anyone is living, anyone is living in the universe, or that the universe exists, so I resort to ad hominem

fascinating tale, chap

>> No.787349

If you don't believe the universe exists, you're either arguing for the sake of arguing or are fucking retarded. Actually, those are pretty much the same now that I think about it.
I experience the universe in five different senses. It could all be fake and life could be some sort of dream-like state, but there's no LOGICAL reason to conclude that. I can look outside my window and see my quiet little neighborhood outside, I can hear and feel the fan oscillating ten feet away from me, I can taste the gum I'm chewing right now, and once I get hungry enough, I'll walk into the kitchen and smell whatever it is I decide to start cooking. There's no fucking reason to assume that any of these things are fake or that they don't exist when they're clearly right there in front of me.

>> No.787351

lol no.

>> No.787356

Second, I wish Nietzsche was taught second year.

>> No.787359


>> No.787379

What if we are all secondary characters in someone elses story?

>> No.787387

we aren't even secondary, we're all merely generic background characters.

>> No.787391

What's the matter chump, can't do it? Yea, that's what I thought. Thanks for coming out though.

>> No.787392


then...who is the main character? how do we know?

>> No.787398

Do we need to know? I mean do background characters in literature acknowledge the fact that they're background characters? I'd assume not, but I'm not really sure. God may exist, he may not, who gives a fuck? We'll all find out some day, so I'm biding my time until it happens.

>> No.787399


>> No.787400

>I experience it, therefore it must be true
>I'm fucking retarded

>> No.787410

I don't even know what to say. The stupidity of what you just said is just so overwhelming.

>> No.787415



>> No.787435

It seems like you're arguing for some sort of Berkley-like idea that we can't know anything to be true. You can believe that if you want, but it's stupid too. You clearly don't believe this, because you aren't drinking gasoline of jumping off tall buildings, or picking fights with random people, because yuo believe these things are real, based on your past experiences. Experience has taught you that fire is hot, and knowledge from other people has taught you that drinking poison is bad. You believe these things, you believe in an outside world like the rest of us, and the fact you haven't killed yourself yet becuase you think that truck driving down the road really isn't there so you step in front of it, proves it.

>> No.787443

God doesn't exist, faggots. It's not a debate.

>> No.787458

Right. Religious fags never seem to want to accept the burden of proof.

>> No.787481

Just because fire is hot, and I'll feel pain if I get burned, or I'll die if I jump off tall buildings doesn't mean we're not the collective dream of a sleeping alien.

>> No.787495
File: 33 KB, 449x529, anonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lit kinda looks like this

>> No.787506

But of course, you have solid reasons for believing our existence is fake. Please share.

>> No.787510
File: 57 KB, 495x495, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life is a dream
>die if I jump off tall buildings
Seriously, do you know how retarded you sound?

>> No.787544

If there are no practical consequences whatsoever, then it's not interesting/worthwhile to speculate about.

>> No.787551

You're arguments are fucking stupid. They're based on the assumption that anything that isn't 100% improbable is just as legitimate as the much more probable explanations. You have absolutely no reason to believe that we are living in a dream, and you have every reason to believe that the world you experience does exist (via your five senses that connect you to the world around you). There's no reason to believe that unicorns exist, but just because you can't objectively prove that they don't exist doesn't mean that it's a legitimate theory that they do. You have to have logical reasons for believing shit, not just wild assumptions because you're trying to look intellectual.

>> No.787566

This thread has nothing to do with literature. Also, anyone who wears an atheist shirt is a faggot.

>> No.787605

Atheism = cool
Obnoxious, "oh, you're a christian? Let me tell you why you're wrong" atheism = fucking lame

>> No.787661


>> No.787680

1000 years ago we have no reason to believe that atoms or electrons existed. We have no idea how the process of crystallization in the atmosphere worked and we thought lightning was the work of gods. It was logical to believe a supernatural being was responsible for that stuff now, but now we know better. Don't pretend to assert that reality is the way it is when you only have your five senses to go by.

>> No.787687

It sounds like many of you do not know what pantheism is.

For shame.

>> No.787718

How do we "know better" if not by using our 5 senses to learn about the world? I don't understand what you're saying, because it sounds like you're saying "you can't trust anything to be real...we used to be ignorant but now we know more about reality" which is just silly.

>> No.787733


>has not heard of Democritus

>> No.787735

I'm saying we know more about the properties of our universe than we did in the past. We use our five senses for this, yes, and using the scientific method to advance our understanding is important. BUT, that doesn't give any more actual validity to the universe. Of course it's real to us, but it would seem that way when you're a brain in a vat....

>> No.787737
File: 25 KB, 292x450, carlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"Don't pretend to assert that reality is the way it is when you only have your five senses to go by."

>does not know that all modern technology is an extension of the human senses

>> No.787739
File: 52 KB, 198x255, feyerabend3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paul feyerabend laughs at your 'scientific method'

>> No.787746

Okay....and that proves the universe exists, how?

>> No.787751

Again, you're going off assumptions. You apparently assume that someday we'll be able to prove that reality as we know it doesn't exist, and that therefore makes your assumptions valid. It doesn't. If someone thousands of years ago thought everything was made up of atoms because of the singular reason "uhhhhhhh, you can't prove it's not!", then yeah, they'd be fucking retarded too. And I'll assert that reality is the way it is because five senses are all we have to go by, they're the only way we can experience the world around us. Unfortunately for you, you don't have any fucking senses to perceive how fake reality is, you don't have any tools that measure the unreality of your world. You just have these stupid, stupid assumptions based on absolutely nothing.

>> No.787756


And what about the other 99% of Atheists who don't even bother to engage you?

>> No.787757

ok i'm done arguing with kids now. you can't say we know more about the world, and we can't know anything about the world, and believe both things.

>> No.787758

since when is shit like quantum teleportation an extension of the human sense

>> No.787760

Yep, just assumptions. So until you can prove you're not a figment of my imagination your accusations are meaningless.

>> No.787762

I counted that as just "atheism"

>> No.787764
File: 48 KB, 300x553, Brahman_by_GodTears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i think solipsism is a bit retarded. I pondered over the whole idea for a bit, and ill admit i struggled over it for a while but then it hit me. If im some semi-amnesiac god who likes to torture himself by not being rich and happy, and im the only thing in existence, what in gods names defines what i am? You can't have backgrounds without foregrounds or innies without outies or Me's without others- and thats when i became a hindu.

Yes your a brain in a vat, and that vat is your body, and whose existence is supported by the whole universe- get with it cartesianfag.

>> No.787765

>atheism is a religion
>atheism by definition a lack of religion

>> No.787767
File: 41 KB, 480x481, chaosmagick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


telepathy, bitch

>> No.787769

Yes you can. For example, the structure or even the existence of DNA wasn't known until decades ago. It's helped us enormously in understanding ourselves. These are properties of the universe we're coming to understand. Now, WHAT the universe is can never be known, which is what I'm arguing. You can't say we're not a video game.

>> No.787770

>atheist by definition is a lack of belief in God

>> No.787771

Atheism, in a broad sense, is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities

from wikipedia

>further rebuttal
However, religious and spiritual belief systems, such as some forms of Buddhism, that do not advocate belief in gods have also been described as atheistic.

>> No.787774

>For example, the structure or even the existence of DNA wasn't known until decades ago.
the shamans would disagree with you.

>> No.787776

No, until YOU can prove that reality isn't reality, YOUR accusations are meaningless. The burden of proof isn't on me, motherfucker, you're the one who hasn't offered so much as a SHRED of evidence to support your views, which are the illogical views not supported by life experience in the first place. Just give me one GOOD reason why anyone should even begin to suspect that life isn't anything more than a dream. And AGAIN, "You can't prove it isn't!" isn't a fucking reason.

>> No.787781

which is a religious concept...

>> No.787782

First you were saying that we can't know the universe exists outside of ourselves (brain in a vat), now you're saying that we can know things about the universe, but not at some metaphysical level. And if you want to assert that the universe is something other than it appears to be, you're going to have to provide evidence. Yes, I can say the universe isn't a video game, because there's no evidence that it is.Furthermore, you also know the universe isn't a videogame, because you act, in your day to day life, the same as i do, assuming the unvierse is real.

>> No.787787

what the fuck, prophetic weather conditions is a religious concept but the 8'o clock weathermen on channel 23 isnt a defacto catholic

>> No.787788

>nonbelief in god
>religious concept

Seriously, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.787789

lol why u mad bro? When did I ever say that life being a dream was a fact and that I had proof for it? Of course I don't. The option is there and it's entirely possible. Do you always get this angry when someone has a different opinion than you? lol

>> No.787798
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>channel 23
>i see what you did there

>> No.787801

Your argument about me not jumping off buildings and stuff isn't valid because just because life might be a video game doesn't mean it doesn't have consequences. People die in games. If we're all the figment of OP's imagination, maybe he's a cruel bastard who likes people to feel pain when they get burned or die when they get hit by a truck.

>> No.787815
File: 30 KB, 270x338, 1263508345066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no proof
>it's an option
Nope, you have to have at least a little proof before you can consider something possible. You can't say "I've never seen a centaur before, but it's entirely possible that they exist. Why? Well, because you can't prove they don't exist." Gather evidence before you consider possibilities. Reality is reality, plain and fucking simple.
And it's not that you have a different opinion, it's that you have a retarded opinion, again, based on nothing.

>> No.787823

Yeah, but it's a video game, dude, the consequences are fake too, you'll just respawn in another life.

>> No.787828

Maybe. Reincarnation might be onto something.

>> No.787830

I'll break it down as simply as possible

>> No.787832

Scientific experiment here: You try it out and report back to us if it works.

>> No.787836

>Theism in the broadest sense is the belief that at least one deity exists

learn to google, bro

>> No.787838
File: 77 KB, 267x394, Bukowski-What-a-load-of-horseshit-asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks reality is a simple relationship of senses and cognition.
>thinks cognition accurately reflects reality.

>> No.787839

lol, man you have no imagination. A FACT IS A FACT IS A FACT END OF STORY NO ROOM FOR ANYTHING ELSE!!!! Dream a little bit man. It's improbable that something that centaurs exist because it's hard for us to imagine something alluding our sights for so long. Same with any mythical creature, we assume we would've found it by now. However, for something as grand as the nature of the universe, we might still be in the early stages in our understanding.

>> No.787850

alluding our sights
alluding our sights
alluding our sights
alluding our sights
alluding our sights
alluding our sights
alluding our sights
alluding our sights
alluding our sights
alluding our sights
alluding our sights
alluding our sights

>> No.787853

But if you have not even a sliver of evidence, you're deluding yourself. Probably because you're weak and will never amount to anything, and thus cannot measure value by its only standard, yourself. Good luck failing, untermensch.

>> No.787856

that actually bolsters what I said, thanks.

>> No.787859
File: 92 KB, 544x400, 1273676867131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT people not realizing that our "lives" are a facade and that real life is just the passing on of our genes.

>> No.787863

I think you meant to greentext that.


>no argument
>point out spelling mistakes instead
>claim victory

>> No.787867

no that's /r9k/.

>> No.787869

So much hate. I hope you're not this hateful to everyone who disagrees with you.

>> No.787880

>Religion (Latin religare, "to bind") is the belief in and worship of a god or gods
okay, so far so good
>, or any such system of belief and worship, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs
oh and a loss for your argument.

>> No.787891

>or any such system of belief and worship

Are you arguing that this means having any sort of belief in something makes it a religion? Like if I believed in gravity, does that make me a gravitist?

>> No.787896

since you don't worship gravity, no. don't bring semantics into this.

>> No.787906

So please to explain what atheists worship? Apparently I've been doing it wrong :P

>> No.787908


My boner

>> No.787914

I can assure you, sir, they do not.

>> No.787917


Looks like it's time to Evangelize

>> No.787928

I was an atheist before I was smart.
My parents weren't stupid.

Also atheism is the lack of religion, not a religion in istelf.

>> No.787931
File: 95 KB, 390x331, 1260307634587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism is like an iMac. It doesn't do shit, uninformed people buy into it and it will cost you dearly in the end.

>> No.787937


Pascal's wager earns you an automatic fail. If you want to troll, learn to do it correctly.

>> No.787938

Troll harder

>> No.787945


>> No.787948

i don't know what you worship. maybe an ideal of scientific advancement. maybe nothing. But your atheism does not preclude a lack of religion. If we were to move beyond defintions from wikipedia, in order to escape such semantic traps, you would see this.

>> No.787952

So are you saying it's impossible to not worship something? Because that's essentially what you're saying. If atheism isn't a lack of religion then we can't escape it at all?

>> No.787955

People like you should have a whole separate internet.

>> No.787961

Atheism is a lack of belief in god/gods. It's not a lack of religion. You can have a lack of belief in god/gods and still be a Buddhist.

>> No.787962


No matter how you try to escape it, a longing for God is not a belief but a human condition.

>> No.787976

Yeah, don't try to tell me what I long for. K? K.

>> No.787984

What does that have to do with atheism being a religion or not? Under your own admission you said atheists worship "maybe nothing." And in that definition you yourself pulled up you said a religion must believe in a god (nope) and worship it (nope) I fail to see how atheism meets those requirements.

>> No.787989

fuck you

do you see what you do to /lit/? fuck you

>> No.787995

>religion troll thread
>120 replies

When I go to see the wonderful Wizard, I'm going to wish for a brain for /lit/.

>> No.788000


>> No.788005


Atheism is a religion because it relies on a bunch of assumptions like nothing created everything which cannot be proven. Ah, but when a religion is proven (like by the work of Christian apologetics) it becomes reality. You should read their work, very interesting. Makes you want to think.

>> No.788006


>> No.788008

2/10. You had me going for minute, but still too obvious.

>> No.788010

Atheism has nothing to do with trying to explain how the universe began. That's science, which is completely separate. Atheism is just the rejection of religion as a legitimate source of truth. That's it.

>> No.788012


>> No.788021


>> No.788024

go back to r9k plz.

>> No.788026


>> No.788057
File: 63 KB, 817x356, image002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all niggas...

>> No.788061

I don't wear glasses, I' m not fat and I' don't have greasy hair.

But I am an atheist. But not an obnoxious one.

>> No.788082
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>> No.788102

actually he's dead on.

>> No.788106

wtf does this have to do with books?

>> No.788134

Books have been written on the subject. See >>788044

>> No.788143

isnt it kind of egocentric and prideful to say the entire universe was created for one species?

>> No.788145


>> No.788149
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>137 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

cannot face palm hard enough

>> No.788313
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>> No.788320


immedIately RemoVE YoUr IlLEgAL cLone TiNy.4Chan.orG FRoM YOuR seRVER, chRistoPHeR "sCumBAg thIef" PooL aR-bEar, AND REdirEcT IT (anD The stOLEN At doMain) To WwW.AnontalK.Se. THeN SenD sySOP usd $530,140 iN coMpenSATiOn aNd Put A PeRMANeNT TeXt Ad fOr At On THe ENtIre SITE OF 4ChAN AND we Will bE Even. sHoULd YoU RefusE, YoU WilL BE SuEd for $97,497 PEr NAnO seCond. if the PeRSOn ReAdiNG ThIS IS noT "MooT", e-mail HIM At MooT@4chAN.ORg AND PUt presSUrE ON Him To SET tHINGs right. tHAnk you FOR lIsTEnING. akuizlvmgwbxkmuqtwxkijhaprwk

>> No.788336

this and hindu gods are the hottest. I think there's even a few trap gods in hinduism. fucks yeah!

>> No.788418
File: 1018 KB, 3403x1737, TheTouch-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously /lit/. I thought better of you. Can't you tell a thread filled with trolls from a thread filled with morons?