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7870152 No.7870152 [Reply] [Original]

Putin walks with head held high through his great mansion in Brussels. Indeed the collapse of the EU, and soon, the inevitable fall of the despicable Americans puts him in a really great mood. Today he has many things to attend to, but perhaps the most important one is addressing his loyal subjects.
When he enters the conference room, everyone falls silent, and a servant girl in scantily clad clothing quickly rushes to offer him coffee. Ah. The small benefits of being a dictator, he thinks slurping the perfect drink, then slaps her on the butt and makes a shooing motion. "Go now". Nervously giggling she flits away, narrowly avoiding crashing into the cameraman fast approaching.
"Sir, we're ready,whenever you are. Your seating has been completed as per instructions." he points towards a magnificent chair - nay, throne - seat and back covered in velvet, wood adorned with pure gold standing atop a small stage. Next to it, a young man sits, head dejected, metal collar around his neck, loose, but strong chains attached to it preventing him from escaping.

Perfect. Just as he had imagined. Putting down the coffee he walks forward, only pausing to inspect the trembling man for a moment, then he's sitting and raises his icy eyes towards the cameras. Behind them, the crew falls silent, and the red lights come on. It's time.
"Ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honor for me, to address you today, here in Brussels. Our great Nation has had many setbacks, but with the last European pockets of resistance eradicated, we're ready to march torwards to a new age." After a pregnant pause he adds "A new age of might, unity and victory. Very soon we'll turn our eyes - and forces - to our great enemy, the wretched United states and its pathetic lapdog Canada. With our Chinese allies' swift victory over Japan, our combined strength will crush their defenses, no matter how strong they believe them to be."

>> No.7870155

He looks down at the boy next to his feet with a snide smile on his face - "Isn't that right?" he asks in a lower voice, then reaches forward to pet the young man's dirty blonde hair, who appears to be studying the floor with an intense focus.
Vladimir looks back up, and continues "When I say we've had setbacks, I'm talking about Poland of course. Petty, mutinous, backstabbing Polish. They've given us a really hard time taking over this continent. But...They're not so rebellious now, are they?" - he chuckles, then reaches down and lifts the boy's head up with his finger, eyes finally visible, anger, defeat, but also fear shining through. "They do make excellent cocksuckers however" He continues with a belly laugh. The boy's eyes swell with tears and he quickly looks down again in shame. "Now, now, none of that" continues Putin, and softly, almost affectionately pulls him between his legs and buries his hands in his hair, gently comforting his distressed prize.

Looking up as if nothing had transpired he continues. "I'm sure we'll have more difficulties along the way, but do not let that discourage you. Our enemies are many, but we're strong. We're resourceful. Nobody can deny that. Our great nation will always prevail" he exclaims forcefully then motions behind his back, at a huge Russian flag. "Glory to Russia!" he yells, and similar cries echo in the room, but also outside on the streets. Unseen to all of them, in secret, the first carriers depart from the Iberian Peninsula.
It has begun.

>> No.7870164

>implying Putin wouldn't take Turkey first and have his palace in Istanbul

>> No.7870179

more like a utopia t b h

>> No.7870191


>> No.7870516

Istambul is overrated. Everyone knows the Russians have been lusting after Europe for centuries.

>> No.7870548

Neo-Russia already looks like a cyberpunk dystopia with dank archeofuturist elements. I can't wait till Putin gets crowned as Autocrat of all Eurasia in an unprecedently lavish ceremony attended by the patriarchs of all orthodox churches plus the supreme ayatollah, the empire's top boyar-oligarchs and 2 billion+ serfs watching the whole thing via their infoscreens. All this of course, in preparation for the apocalyptic showdown to take place against the mercantilistic antichrist represented by the Trump™ Federation. May the perennial autocracy prevail.

>> No.7870587
File: 15 KB, 350x290, dugineurasia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dugin pls stahp

>> No.7870622

Meanwhile, Peter Thiel is at his seastead floating metropolis where he amuses himself by creating biotech abominations and getting his ass drilled by bionically enhanced Brazilian gigolos. Mencius Moldbug serves as Court Autist.

>> No.7870639

I haven't read in a while but I'm looking to get back into it. I'm really into dystopian novels, and I'd like so suggestions. I've already read 1984, and some maybe more allegorical/subtle stuff like Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies.

>> No.7870673
File: 25 KB, 232x346, 51cxnU60HrL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dystopia seems to be a recurring theme in much russian fiction, I wonder why?

>> No.7870774

Because they've been living in a dystopian hellhole for the past ~200 years

>> No.7870827
File: 50 KB, 500x333, Nat Bolsheviks8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man literally invented communazism. I think he deserves more recognition.

>> No.7872569

Nick Land is too Autistic to be court autist, you gotta draw the line somewhere

>> No.7872573

>Putin walks with head
stopped reading there

>> No.7872625

100 years*
People overthink him, believing he has some sophisticated plan going on, but in reality it's just basic control of average Russian with mass media.

>> No.7872693
File: 63 KB, 690x388, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We founded the Society and prepared a revolt of the simple, two-dimensionals against the complex and sly, against those who do not answer “yes” or “no,” who do not say “white” or “black,” who know some third word, many, many third words, empty, deceptive, confusing the way, obscuring the truth. In these shadows and spider webs, in these false complexities, hide and multiply all the villainies of the world. They are the House of Satan. That’s where they make bombs and money, saying: “Here’s money for the good of the honest; here are bombs for the defense of love.”

Interesting SF short story written by a top kremlin official who studied avant-garde theatre in the 80s, served as PR man to gangsters and oligarchs in the 90s and was credited for importing ideas from conceptual art into politics in the Putin era.

>> No.7872701

i'm sorry you're illiterate

>> No.7872976

>it's just basic control of average Russian with mass media.
the Kremlin spooks are doing a hell of a job, playing liberals, ultranationalists and even the outside world (RT is probs one of the most successful propaganda ops of all time) like a fiddle. Makes feeble attempts of western elites at machiavelianism look downright embarrassing 2bh.

>> No.7873048

Friendly reminder that russians need the lash like fishes need water

>> No.7873092

lost me at the use of "nay".
why must you go for "nay", unless it's some sort of Monty Python sort of satire? keep your writing style coherent. or at least say "niet" for extra authenticity or whatever nonsense pickles.

>> No.7873195

Seriously, sillicon valley techlords are max 10 years away from bond villian status

>> No.7874254

Gotta defend Orthodoxy, though. Gotta retake Constantinople.

I agree that Putin probably wouldn't live there, though.