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/lit/ - Literature

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7867335 No.7867335 [Reply] [Original]

Do litizens use Twitter?

I'm curious.

>> No.7867353

yes. I use to loathe all social media but I made a twitter because some promotion needed an account to sign up. Now it consumes my life

>> No.7867358

/lit/ content to follow?

>> No.7867361

No, I already have more than enough ways to waste my time.

>> No.7867369
File: 157 KB, 500x456, 1453506324691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I use it to post updates on my story which doesn't get read by anyone except me.

>> No.7867374

Is there?

>> No.7867423

I did when I fell for the "authors need a digital platform" meme.

>> No.7867428


>> No.7867430

Yes. I actually love it, it's fun. The limited characters can lead to a surprising amount of creativity.

Also you have direct access to creative people of all sorts. Many don't respond if you tweet at them, but some do.

What's more, a lot of the publishing world is on Twitter. Lots of agents and editors.

>> No.7867449

Yes, only to shitpost letter to number coded nonsequiturs at various people and incompetently shill for my self-published Amazon stuff. My Twitter name is #305222

>> No.7867457

there was a guy who was called heavyxvowel and i still think about his tweets

>> No.7867469

Yes. I follow scientists, journals, governments and NGOs. No news outlets or people I know. Give a mouse a cookie and you'll be out on your ass homeless by sunrise; same goes for clickbait.

>> No.7867621

I do it, but only cause it's a very handy way to contact celebrities
i've actually gotten replies from Ronnie Filyaw, Alex Grecian, Steve Parker and Tom Siddel
none of them are very big celebrities

>> No.7867628

Neil Gaiman once sent me an encouraging tweet when I was feeling bummed about my writing being rejected.

>> No.7868279 [DELETED] 

/lit/ uses https://discord.gg/0ssJKGTbo2pwEiQC

>> No.7868303

I've never even been on the twitter website.

my fiancé uses twitter. I have a farcebook account I use to keep up with old friends. but mostly it's ads and stupid content on my feed. I've never used tumblr either.

>> No.7868312

That's nice of him.

>> No.7868315

Yes. I retweet book stuff and push updates from my blog, which is about books/book covers.

>> No.7868342

I don't tweet but I use Twitter for sports and news. It's the fastest way to get current info I think

I don't use it for any lit purposes

>> No.7868345

University presses, publishers you enjoy, reviews you enjoy, lit blogs and publications you enjoy.

It's not hard to build a good feed if you already know what your taste is.

>> No.7868346

I use it for the news or to see what friends are doing. Some gossip here and there's fine.
The only author I follow is "Jihadi" John "Inshallah" Green, for the meme factor.

>> No.7868820
File: 60 KB, 1440x384, IMG_20160330_122934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is deep as fuck

>> No.7868839

its new sincerity, he isn't trying to be deep he is just speaking his emotions

>> No.7868841

Gaiman is a really nice person.

>> No.7868845

I just follow porn stars

>> No.7868849

Mira Gonzalez and Tao are essential

>> No.7868854

mira seems like such a stupid annoying hipster

>> No.7868882

what is a hipster and what is wrong with being one?

>> No.7868913

I don't really know. they just act annoying.

>> No.7868982

being a hipster is inherently wrong, it's not that there's something wrong about being a hipster; anyway, not everything they do is bad

>> No.7868999

Mira is a second rate Megan Boyle.

>> No.7869393

You don't get it

>> No.7869400

the chick that won that singing contest in the UK?

>> No.7869425

some chick that thinks selling her body will give her something to write about

>> No.7869463

I was really against Twitter until I started using it. Now it's really the only Social Media I use.

I can't go on Facebook anymore because I was beginning to lose respect for everyone I knew.

LinkedIn was, is, and likely forever will be a joke.

Instagram is all right, but I haven't really gotten into it, yet. A lot of people I know use it, though.

SnapChat I do not understand at all, especially considering Snapchat doesn't actually delete stuff. Doesn't make sense to me why you'd use that instead of text.

But I'm old fag so don't decide based on me.

Although, I admit, part of my decision was thinking about how amazing it'd be if we had Shakespeare's Twitter, or Joyce's, or Poe's, or Pynchon's, Hemingway's, Proust's, Kafka's, or someone like Lincoln's or Teddy Roosevelt's or George Washington or Caesar or Constantinople or whatever historical figure you'd want. How interesting it'd be how our opinion of historical figures would have changed or maybe how much it wouldn't change if we had their social media history. The concept is interesting is all I mean.

>> No.7869482

Stop shilling your bullshit discord faggot gay shit fag hoply shidgfmk

>> No.7869510

i troll normies, media people and all those terrible journalists working today. (usually unsuccessfully)

once margaret atwood responded to one of my troll posts tho, and i got an image up to 400 000 views.

it is a game with characters isn't it?

>> No.7869514

oh and these, sometimes they respond to DMs

>> No.7869517

It's a trolling sim, so yes.

>> No.7869542

despite three trolling accounts, I've never really been able to get into the elite level trolling accounts. i just have a couple hundred followers one each.

I think the entire programme has made me a better writer though.

>> No.7869594

wow this is the gayest thing I've ever seen, the /mu/tant cancer killing /lit/ in it's purest form

>> No.7869616

How is that an emotion wise one?

>> No.7869641

This, it's fun to see how hard you can flex your vocabulary in 140 characters

>> No.7870043

I unironically like a lot of Kanye's tweets.
>all positive energy

>> No.7870059

I hope not, it's one of the many things contributing to the death of the human race.

>> No.7870066



>> No.7870070

I have, but I don't tweet, because I don't have friends on it... so what's the point?

>> No.7870134

So are we actually going to share our handles or just sit around wanking to Tao Lin

>> No.7870140

I tried it once in 2012, posted a few dumb stuff, didn't have any followers and eventually gave up.

>> No.7870147

I used to read.

Now I tweet.

Seriously...I have 3.5k followers, 1.25 million impressions per 28 day period (avg of last 3 months) and I haven't bought a book in over a year.

wtf happened to me.

>> No.7870158

Maybe they wouldn't have it.

>> No.7870163
File: 27 KB, 490x259, DUDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.7870181


>> No.7870184


>> No.7870200

Goddamn this is autistic as fuck

>> No.7870204

Mine is my real name, since it's a professional account.

I'd never been stupid enough to share that with 4chan.

>> No.7870207

If I could remove one website from the internet it would be twitter.

>> No.7870209

I'd remove 4chan desu

>> No.7870211

why all this hate, anon? i'd personally remove facebook

>> No.7870222

I agree. Facebook is the most odious website on the internet. Facebook is Patient Zero for horrible mundane plebs thinking they belong on the internet. Every other social media platform is better than Facebook, if only marginally.

>> No.7870238

Idk anyone who ironically likes them, he's speaking his mind, never lies and always says something really positive or just makes me happy. His tirade about believing in us was so much more genuine than any celebrity who says that. But I'm biased because Kanye is one of my biggest inspirations, mainly because I want to get to a point to just live off of my creativity and do whatever I can in as many fields as I can. Novels/poetry, movies, music, fashion, etc.

>> No.7870247
File: 25 KB, 496x496, 1395810206551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're wrong in my opinion


Because SJWs use twitter as some kind of marshaling yard. They get results too. And obnoxious celebrities get even more attention for their vapid opinions. It's seems incredibly vain and pompous. And hashtags seem stupid and my fucking university is starting to use them in it's gay newsletters.

>> No.7870251

You basically just copy other people's content. No offense but you're twitter is trash

>> No.7870272

>you're twitter

>> No.7870384


>> No.7870511

Kanye going off with the lyrics to I Love Kanye on Twitter in case any needed some lit rapid paced.

>> No.7870553


>implying probably 90% of historic figures wouldn't be on social media if they were alive today and use it to get laid everywhere they went...

Humans never change.

>> No.7870577


obviously /lit/

>> No.7870642

How can Twitter get one laid?

>> No.7870672

Not that anon but I've heard there's a bunch of hooking up between the moderately successful accounts with crossover to vine stars, etc. I'd be completely surprised if thIs wasn't the case.

>> No.7870677

Oh hi there.

I already follow you (cosmicfuhrer).

>> No.7870811

>this post, unironically
yeah id definitely remove 4chan

>> No.7870819

Yeah. But not for /lit/. About 229 followers but it's just for memes and /pol/ shit whenever relevant.

>> No.7870870

wow you have terrible content compared to other accounts like that

>> No.7870987

That means they need to be famous first, though.

>> No.7870998

What happened to Megan anyway? Are we still assuming she's dead or locked in a loony bin somewhere?

>> No.7871002

You're thinking of that other alt lit chick who's literally a hooker these days. Marie Calloway, I think.

>> No.7871017


Are you me? No, I bet you have more followers than me, you popular scum

>> No.7871019

Fame is relative on Twitter. If you have 10k followers and aren't tweeting as part of your career, you're successful.

>> No.7871414

Yes, I post in all caps and I don't even know if i'm being ironic or not anymore.

>> No.7871418


Dril's the best writer of our generation. Prove me wrong.

>> No.7871434

As far as I know no news has surfaced, so she's probably still crashed in a rehab center somewhere or on the bottom of the Hudson with an overcoat full of rocks.

>> No.7871467

I don't see the need. I've had an account on fb for over a decade now and I almost never use it. Every now and then I use it to get in contact with someone, otherwise I would have deleted it a while ago. So I really don't need yet another social media account.