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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 119 KB, 200x313, Sachar_-_Holes_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7867295 No.7867295 [Reply] [Original]

Post elder-god tier kids books itt.

>> No.7867311
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Edge Chronicles. Specifically pic related. Cool thread OP, shame I had to end it

>> No.7867312
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>> No.7867314
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>> No.7867315

I can't tell if you're pro or anti-Rand but OP said kids books

>> No.7867322


>> No.7867323
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>> No.7867340
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>> No.7867349
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>> No.7867352

Yes, and I posted a kids book.

>> No.7867357


>> No.7867360
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>> No.7867367
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>> No.7867503
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>> No.7867512
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>> No.7867522

The Little Prince.

>> No.7867523


>> No.7867537


Really really good, amazing world building and setting that changes over the course of the series (when the float rocks stop growing it blew my fucking mind), not a Tolkien clone, beautiful illustrations, sky pirates, wizards that live on a floating rock

>> No.7867557
File: 37 KB, 298x475, earthsea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than Tolkien 2bh
I remember enjoying all of these.
My parents bought me this once but I never read it, I regret that.
This was fun up until the point when it just becomes Dawkins-tier atheist crap, complete with a strawman church.

>> No.7867665

Anthem is a good novella. Not a bad thing for a kid to read in all honesty.

>> No.7867675

All these and then Spike Milligan and Redwall is 90s kidcore.

Older good stuff would be C S Lewis, Kipling and Lewis Carroll.

>> No.7867679
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>This was fun up until the point when it just becomes Dawkins-tier atheist crap, complete with a strawman church.
But God is literally in it if I remember correctly.

>> No.7867686
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>> No.7867698

I can see this; this and the God Delusion were both super popular before I graduated 8th grade.

I'll vouch for anything Roald Dahl. What a great children's writer.

There was this book Rats by Paul Zindel that was pretty good when I was a kid. Pretty scary shit.

>> No.7867721
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>> No.7867756
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so sad, so good.

anxiety successfully introduced.

>> No.7867761
File: 43 KB, 309x475, Mortal_engines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best young adult fiction series

>> No.7867801

but god wasn't god and was also a bad dude, if I remember correctly

>> No.7867819
File: 38 KB, 416x639, Hatchet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only book I have ever read twice, and I started re-reading it immediately after I finished it, and I wasn't even a reader. I didn't even read books for school.

I still remember that line "My chest is ripping apart!"

I wonder if the book would hold up if I read it now. Probably not. I was a stupid ass kid, so I could have liked schlock.

>> No.7867822
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Oh man, I loved the shit out of this book too.

>> No.7867823
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>> No.7867825
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>> No.7867855
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YEEAHAHEHABKABEBAHEHEHADBASKCASCBASJKBCASCASBKJKBASC these books are so chill they are the Harvest Moon of literature

>> No.7867864
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>> No.7867873

>Christians in charge of describing things they don't like

>> No.7867876
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>> No.7867886
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>> No.7867898

Where the Red Fern Grows

>that scene where he rubs butter on his dog to winner the contest

>> No.7867964


>> No.7868037

I liked this way better than Alice in Wonderland tbqh. It was much more eerie, and more playful than fantastical
Really disappointed by the new movie trailer, it seems to be nothing like the book

>> No.7868040
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forgot pic

>> No.7868048

I liked it too but I had to read a different Gary Paulsen book in high school and it was complete garbage

>> No.7868055
File: 79 KB, 948x1279, wonderful-wizard-of-oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember really liking this book as a kid
Also The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

>> No.7868059
File: 28 KB, 200x307, 200px-Predatorsgold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously does no one care about the most incredible quartet ever written?

>> No.7868144

nah holes was garbage

>> No.7868416

>muh individuality
definitely for kids, perfect book for this generation of whiny special snowflakes

>> No.7868431
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>> No.7868451
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>> No.7868549

These were the coolest thing when I was a kid! I've never met anyone else who has read them. Good taste anon

>> No.7868682
File: 15 KB, 211x300, Citizen_of_the_Galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heinlein actually wrote some pretty alright kids stuff. Pic related was one of my favorites.

>> No.7868809
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>Zero finds spiced peaches
>'Yo wat dat numero before uno' - Caveman, probably
>'Spooge' - Zero

>> No.7868950
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>> No.7868970

you guys are my negros
don't have pics but I'd like to add House of The Scorpion, Goosebumps, and Rats of Nimh

>> No.7869043

This is the only children's series worth reading

>> No.7869450

explain why they were good. I must have read half of them but what the fuck- most formulaic pieces of crap weren't they? Like nothing compared to Potter or Narnia it was just the same thing everytime, any minor overarching storylines there might have been can't be worth having to wade through 5 volumes of filler?

>> No.7869455

>This is the only children's series worth reading
are you fucking kidding

>> No.7869459

taming riki was my favorite, even though it was a little dark for a kid. i found it fascinating

>> No.7869479

These two and Mythology were my childhood

>> No.7869486
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>> No.7869494

devoured these at age 10

>> No.7869509

>My parents bought me this once but I never read it, I regret that.
It's not too late, anon. Sure, you can never read and understand it as a younger you would've, but there's still copies in the world.

>> No.7869528

Seconding these. I enjoyed them around 3rd-5th grade. Wonder how they'd hold up now.

>> No.7870270
File: 26 KB, 345x600, Epic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the holes movie was awesome

>> No.7870342

Best in the series imo

>> No.7870348

fuck no

>> No.7870360

shit, this reminds me: wasn't there a book series about a bunch of owls? I don't remember much about it, but they talked and there were a bunch of different owls, I think there was a war at some point. Does anyone know the name of it?

I liked Nix's other series more desu, Keys to the Kingdom and Sabriel especially were my shit

>> No.7870854
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>> No.7870863
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Nothing beats this.

>> No.7870874
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Best book I ever read. Tremendous content. All my friends love it. Everyone says they start reading and they can't put it down!

>> No.7870876

The guardians of gahool or something

>> No.7870878

Sabriel is GOAT, as far as I'm concerned nothing else Nix did will ever come close

>> No.7870883

meant for
for the owl books

>> No.7870886


>> No.7870907
File: 44 KB, 317x475, TheHouseoftheScorpion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book blew my mind when I first read it. Got it on a whim at one of those Scholastic Book Fairs.

Do they even have those anymore?

And Nancy Drew. Kicked the shit out of the Hardy Boys, and she was able to get out of situations half the time without needing to be rescued.

>> No.7870911
File: 19 KB, 290x475, firebringer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one. I did enjoy Watership Down, but not as much as this.

>> No.7871357

Right in the nostalgias. I loved this.

>> No.7871593
File: 1.46 MB, 2448x3264, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah my man, I still have my copy.

>> No.7871732

>mfw the "eagle" readers got to read this while "pleb-bird" readers like me had to read The Cay or Hatchet or some shit.

>> No.7871735

that one about a man made of cheese who goes around Griefing people

>> No.7871749
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Not sure if this counts, but we read it in 6th grade

>> No.7873118
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>mfw reading stream of consciousness ebonics as a 10 year old

>> No.7873150

Curse Of The Gloamgozer FTW

>> No.7873155


>> No.7873166

I've always felt they were actually shit: smug; twee; lacking in substance; Snickett is a entity; nothing I'd care to have written myself.

>> No.7873170

fkd that up

>> No.7873179

the stinking man whom was made of cheese.

>> No.7873212


>> No.7873222

great stuff

>> No.7873244
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>mfw /lit/ will never feel the glorious feel of following Stach's journey to attempt to become king because the English edition is rare and expensive AF and you're too plebeian to know Retard German

>> No.7873441
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>mfw I had honor's english in 7th grade
>so that means no black kids
>our class read this book in class
>teacher would make students take turns reading
>me and my friend would always read in a stereotypical nigger voice
>everyone laughed, including teacher

>> No.7873640
File: 36 KB, 350x475, 30119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shel Silverstein books are great

>> No.7873674

chronicles of prydain
the chronicles of narnia.

>> No.7873679

now that I think about these books were post modern af for a kids book

>> No.7873789

This, fucking this. Bless you anon.

>> No.7873804
File: 13 KB, 250x250, Diamond2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this one was fantastic as a kid

>> No.7873821

holy shit, i loved this book. forgot all about it though.

>> No.7873828


Oh baby. Forgot ALL about this one. Yeah what a good read in 7th or 8th grade. Damn.

Okay onto pic related.

I don't care, I spent all my 11 year old allowance money on these things at Scholastic Boon Fair days whenever they came around and it took me a few years to actually get and read them all. This new generation will never know the pain of wanting to finish a series they like and not being able to get the next books till the weird smelling ladies in the truck came.

>> No.7873836

body of christopher creed is a fun read for anyone. its pretty good, highly recc

the pigman is also a heavy book. teacher called me out and said, "i know youll like this". said i didnt mind it. to this day, i still kinda dont mind it. its good, might buy it and reread it now for fun

the westing game is also fun, mystery in a sense.

all 3 are fun reads for an adult, easy too. thanks for the thread op, ima read the hell out of my old gradeschool books.

>> No.7873838
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This was pic related.

>> No.7873855

im googling and cant find shit. someone please give me more info on this

>harvest moon
its how i got sold to something i know nothing about

>> No.7873885
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I had that guy come to my school in the 6th grade

I remember pic related fondly.

Was young me a pleb for enjoying gregor the overlander and guardians of gahoole?

>> No.7873923

This. Don't even remember the book that much, just remember loving the shit out of it.

>> No.7874707

More like Redditors Gold

>> No.7874709


>> No.7875081
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It's like Red Dawn the Novel. Still pissed there never was a sequel.

>> No.7875103 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 248x346, 51iO6+LaDML._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children's books can be fantastic. My favorites are Alice in Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz and Night on the Galactic Railroad.

>> No.7875351
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Moomin series by Tove Jansson.

>> No.7875427

This book was insane i loved it

>> No.7875456
File: 12 KB, 361x139, inheritance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a huge fan of this series.

>> No.7876406

Thank God somebody posted this already

>> No.7876421
File: 12 KB, 260x322, dot_and_the_line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juster's The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics is also fantastic
