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/lit/ - Literature

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7864286 No.7864286 [Reply] [Original]

How many of us can actually back up our pretentiousness?

35 questions in 25 minutes.
Post your results /lit/ ;)


>> No.7864297

The Finnish version only takes 8 minutes, but maxes out at 135

>> No.7864304

Not me, but I'm not insecure enough to want to.

>> No.7864309

I already imagine I'm of a below average intelligence, and feel little need to confirm it.

>> No.7864322

130 did it in 3 minutes

>> No.7864337

123 clicking randomly without looking at anything

lol nice test

>> No.7864344

156, didn't even need to take it

>> No.7864348

Hah, did the same, 103.

>> No.7864358

i did this and got a 91...

a-am i retarded senpai?

>> No.7864368
File: 73 KB, 1160x631, IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

certified 100% genius coming through AMA

>> No.7864370

I got 130

>> No.7864394
File: 28 KB, 1139x632, uhoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally retarded, going to kill myself now. Thanks OP.

>> No.7864398


I actually made an attempt then got bored halfway through and managed to come out with 108.

>> No.7864400

>99.8 percentile
>there are more than 100 percentiles

>> No.7864407

130 m8s. I have gone up by a full 10 points on these online tests since I stopped drinking

>> No.7864442


and I read John Green as light entertainment

>> No.7864446
File: 26 KB, 250x242, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>145+ according to the tests I took in school
>115 on this test
A-am I losing it? Is this some Flowers for Algernon shit?

>> No.7864456

what fuckin ever. like IQ is even a real thing fools

>> No.7864462

Whether IQ is real or not, your score on this test is. Calling it a test-score dickmeasuring thread isn't as fun though.

>> No.7864466

t. 95 IQ

>> No.7864474
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forgot to post the image along with it

>> No.7864485
File: 136 KB, 722x605, 140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow genius

>> No.7864487

Nobody cares about your opinion then, retard.

>> No.7864494
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>> No.7864497

Because I don't give a shit about STEM tier pattern recognition? Everyone knows its bullshit

If it were questions about the Iliad or something Id ace it

>> No.7864499

Hey, cool pattern recognition video game.
Let me know when you have an original thought about something.

>> No.7864502

look at him, he's so butthurt

>> No.7864505

People tend to score higher when they're younger.

I used to have to take IQ test to qualify for my IEP and I always scored in the 140s. On this I scored 130.

I don't know exactly why but I assume it has to do with a few things.

for instance: your piers catch up to you. People who are naturally gifted at this sort of thing might not grow as much while people who aren't learn to be better at it and close the gap, which in tern raises the standard for 100 and lowers your score. IE, when you take these tests for school the average you're being judged by is set by a bunch of retarded children and teenagers.

>> No.7864506
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>> No.7864511

>I decide how smart I am based on shapes!

>> No.7864513

no one said that but you, simple minded one.

>> No.7864514

Should I put being in Mensa on my CV?

>> No.7864519

125. Am I retarded? What would Nabokov score?

>> No.7864525

I think I might apply for mensa since I scored so high on this

>> No.7864527

Paying MENSA each month actually shows you're dumber than the average desu

>> No.7864531

Still though, that's a huge shift in percentile. It's not like I've been letting my mind sit idle either. I double-majored in a STEM field and philosophy in college and work with software.

>> No.7864532
File: 43 KB, 1171x201, offdacharts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did the mean by this?

>> No.7864533

Do you think that I should put on my CV that I'm in Mensa or will I seem like the cunt I am?

>> No.7864534

>he failed the MENSA test

>> No.7864539

>I decide how smart I am based on the Iliad

this is why you have an IQ of 90 desu

>> No.7864546

Your stupidity can't be measured.

>> No.7864547

You almost certainly just developed earlier than the other kids. Once their average raised, which it does quite enormously, you stopped being as much of an outlier. 130 is still quite high anyway, that puts you as among the smartest 200 people in a 10 000 strong university.

>> No.7864552

I just realized it actually doesn't, because universities are probably higher on average. BUt among a random 10 000 people

>> No.7864553
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not disappoint, just kinda clicked through it

>> No.7864567

He's right tho. Literally anybody can pass the MENSA test. The real test comes when those who have told you what a smart kid you are ask you for your money.

>> No.7864577

>he's still this butthurt

>> No.7864587
File: 33 KB, 705x720, 1454696558717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is in the 90 percentile

>> No.7864600

people over with ip 130 are probably like 10 (real)people per country, dude

>> No.7864606

woah it's almost like a board (who's purpose is relatively academic) of upper middle class white university students is quite far above the average

>> No.7864608

130 is a lot but not that much. 140 would be quite a thing.

>> No.7864614

>he is both dumb AND poor

>> No.7864615

>interest in reading
>probably in college

>> No.7864618

IQ is mostly irrelevant when it comes to literary things. It doesn't measure creativity, level of education, or giftedness.

All it measures is how good you are with shapes.

>> No.7864624

>dumb people believe this

>> No.7864631

It measures pattern recognition abilities, which are very relevant in literature for metaphor and philosophy.

>> No.7864652

>It measures graphical/visual pattern recognition abilities
Fixed it for you

>> No.7864657

They make it "culturally neutral" so that they can give it to loinclothed hunter-gatherers without being labeled racist, and thus it is butchered to meet a standard other than ability to effectively measure intelligence. It is so far removed from human ideas of intelligence that it is basically irrelevant.

You could be a wizard at logic (prose or symbolic) and run right into a wall with an IQ test because it measures your autistic affinity for geometric forms and nothing else.

>> No.7864663

121. Eh, feels ok.

>> No.7864686

Got the same score and was even pretty happy about it until I looked back at the thread.

>> No.7864689
File: 9 KB, 211x250, 1439438629740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insignificant insects
mere pawns in my game

>> No.7864697

your game is a thread on /lit/. No one feels threatened.

>> No.7864708

fug how do I make my mind not drift away midway into the test.

gotta cut down on those food colorings


>> No.7864714

130. Guessed questions 29 and 30 because I was running out of time.

>> No.7864718

What are you trying to say?

>> No.7864719
File: 21 KB, 205x246, 1458830406300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a wretched worm emerges from his burrow only to be smeared on the sole of my boot

>> No.7864720

I'm shattered and havent slept in 30 hours so..feeling good. Also high is high tier amongst the swirling masses. We're just not apex predators in the INTP rainforest that is /lit/

>> No.7864724
File: 22 KB, 208x250, 1432605711323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this little roach thinks the game is contained to one thread or one website
I run your whole life roach. you're a puppet on a string, nothing but just another game to me

>> No.7864741
File: 109 KB, 1920x950, succ my epeen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worship me, niggas

>> No.7864765
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Do you feel in charge?

>> No.7864825

>the test is the same everytime
posting scores is meaningless

this also isnt lit in the slightest mods please delete!

>> No.7864832
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>> No.7864833

>posting scores is meaningless
as long as you only post your first score it shouldn't matter

>> No.7864842

I bet you got an 80

>> No.7864875


I was guessing by the end, none of that shit made sense to me.

am I a retard? I was doing this while I was pretty tired before any coffee.

>> No.7864882

reminder that just taking an online IQ test means you should subtract 10 points from your score.

>> No.7864898

underrated post

>> No.7864912

120, too bad it doesn't matter if you are a lazy fuck :^)

>> No.7864935
File: 26 KB, 571x402, @10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats u wasted 25 minutes of my time

>> No.7864975

I have an issue with my memory. I can't keep mathematics or shapes in my head for more than approximately ten seconds so it fucks me over if I'm not trying to rush through, defeating the purpose of actually trying to think about it.
I swear, if I wasn't concerned about the time restraint, I'd probably do better

>> No.7864980

relax. I wouldnt be surprised if half of the peeps saying 140+ are inflating their score

>> No.7864986

slightly above average score
>am i retarded

No relax, 70 is the legal precedent for retarded

>> No.7864987

112 here, actually legitimately tried to do the whole recognizing patterns thing
is the trick to stop thinking about it and just guess? i tried again with just guessing and got 125

>> No.7864997

i mean if you did it again,

the test is the same each time
so like you're gonna get a higher score because you'll complete it faster, and you know what some answers are.

>> No.7864999

>/lit/ has low IQs and tries to mask their pathetic humanities ressentiment by calling everyone smarter than them autists and stembots and reading double digit IQ garbage like Pynchon, Gaddis, DFW meme crap to feel better about being stupid and in the humanities
kekked to the stars

>> No.7865005
File: 1.33 MB, 529x352, medancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trips confirm


>> No.7865007

Those are some pretty decent nines, it's a shame your IQ reaches nowhere near that value

>> No.7865010

Just to let everyone know, this is not a very good tracker of IQ.

Clicking the answers at random got me a 95, which means there is most likely no chance of getting retarded level (~>70)

So yes guys all your scores were inflated. Which doesnt surprise me considering that this IQ test was from MENSA. An organization built around stupid people who think their smarter than they actually are feeding them money.

>> No.7865018
File: 31 KB, 376x471, 1424570550676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey everyone look at the retard with the 95 IQ!!!