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/lit/ - Literature

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7864262 No.7864262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, when is suicide acceptable/understandable?

>> No.7864265

When you've finish your backlog.

>> No.7864268

When living becomes more painful than dying.

>> No.7864274 [SPOILER] 
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when no gf

>> No.7864275

There's more to life than just gf's

>> No.7864279
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but no gf is all there is to death

>> No.7864281

yeah but no one wants to be the guy who has never ever had a gf even if they want one

>> No.7864288

Even if the only option is a landwhale or some ugly beast?

>> No.7864289
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>> No.7864292

When you accept that cowardice is fine.

>> No.7864293

peer pressure is bad for you. You must retreat from your friend group and external social circle. Cut all non necessary speaking.

>> No.7864295

i dont have a social circle or any friends at all

>> No.7864300

then no worries about being the only guy who's never had a gf because there's only you.

>> No.7864306

why is it acceptable to kill yourself when you accept cowardice is a part of your being

>> No.7864314

If I kill myself will I come back as the spook of cowardice? Are you american? Is this thread good?

>> No.7864315

Plenty of people have never had a gf, it happens very often in Japan and other Asian countries

>> No.7864316
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When your existence results in net suffering (factoring in your impact on others, too).

>> No.7864320

When you are no longer contributing to the society you are living in.
A.K.A. 80+ years old, too many diseases to count, no job, living off of social security and nobody will miss you when you die.

>> No.7864331

But what if you are 80 years old and still buying books, for example. You may be living off of social security, but still contributing to society in some way.

>> No.7864338

What about literally every other male on the planet?
Its not like other people dont exist just because im alone

>> No.7864339

That pic is so fucking comfy.

>> No.7864349
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>> No.7864367

Why would you worry about the lives of people you've never met and never will?
You sound pathetic

>> No.7864371

Why wouldnt I worry about literally being the most inferior human on the planet?

>> No.7864375

If your reasoning for wanting a girlfriend is that everyone else has one then you're just anchoring your happiness to social norms.

>> No.7864376

Pull the trigger then or figure it out on your own. That's how life is. I'm sorry your mom breast fed you until you were 14.

>> No.7864381


fill the emptiness, don't become it.

>> No.7864382

People want a gf because that is literally your reason for existing, your neurology is hard wired to constantly desire companionship if you dont have it

>> No.7864406

How silly.

>> No.7864411

If they find themselves unable to get a woman to desire them, there is usually two conclusions that follow in the minds of men: either women are 'sluts' that can't appreciate them because they are being penetrated by 'Chads', or they are inadequate.
And there is nothing worse for a person not yet established and secured in the social system than to feel inadequate.

>> No.7864419

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

this thread is not about literature or philosophy. it belongs on /r9k/

>> No.7864420
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>> No.7864425
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We could also recommend OP some literature instead of complain.

Most antinatalist philosophy also tends to touch on the subject of suicide, for example.

>> No.7864426

Never had a gf and fit neither of these stereotypes.

>> No.7864431

What if you are inadequate?
For people who arent inadequate, relationships just come out of nowhere, if youre good enough people will want you
Ive accepted im not meant to ever have anyone like me, but it still feels bad

>> No.7864445

making these people feel like they are welcome here and have potential to contribute something valuable is false and cruel and it will kill this board.

best to just encourage them to nut up and finally kill themselves, or better yet the mods could actually do their job.

>> No.7864451

are you angry?

>> No.7864453

>What if you are inadequate?
That's what I was implying.

Those are usual conclusions that I, personally, observed on this website, of course I am in no way arguing this based on certain and factual statistics.

>> No.7864459

/lit/ is an /r9k/ offshoot, the board exists because of 'these people'.

Curiosity about ethical questions like OP shows is very often a starting point for people to get into reading and philosophy, and if you're encouraging people to deepen their understanding and read relevant material they can very well get to the point where they have something to contribute.

>> No.7864469

Buying things isn't contributing to society. Its only considered a contribution on the presumption that people with money have generated that wealth.

>> No.7864484



Although I'm a little less judgemental in the case of someone who's 77 years old and has Parkinson's and diagnosed with terminal Leukemia. They explain to their spouses and their family that they just don't want to go through the battle and they've decided to die.

I still wouldn't ever do it, but I'm a little less judgemental in those cases.

>> No.7864486

OP here. I have no desire to kill myself.

I just thought I'd post this to a board that will actually discuss it instead of posting dank memes. I see it was a mistake as your fake outrage/shitposting isn't any different than something I'd read on /b/.

And yes, this thread is philosophical. Stop pretending to be mad and just go find another thread.

>> No.7864488

What about euthanasia?

>> No.7864495




The body will die. Just stop treatment.

>> No.7864504

Are all the people here opposed to suicide religious ?

I'm wondering if there are any irreligious arguments as well.

>> No.7864515

OP a good person to read on suicide, history, and anti-natalism would be E.M. Cioran. I enjoyed all of his works, but I read the translated versions in English. I would tell you to start with "A Short History of Decay" if you're interested.

>> No.7864526

I'm glad you compare yourself to filthy animals anon. We are also 'wired' to forage and have sex but I don't pick up food from the trash and rape women.

>> No.7864562

You dont forage because you have ready access to food

You are aware being sarcastic and belligerent doesnt constitute arguing right? This isnt Reddit

>> No.7864644
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>gf because that is literally your reason for existing,
Monogamous partnership only came about during the last 5% of the existence of humans, anon. gfs are a meme, not hardwired.

We are social creatures of course and desire company, but a gf is just one of the many ways to get it, and arguably an inferior one that causes a lot of stress and problems.

It's more prudent to focus on rewarding relationships with friends and family and view romantic relationships as optional if not downright undesirable.

>> No.7864650

>Monogamous partnership only came about during the last 5% of the existence of humans,