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/lit/ - Literature

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7864051 No.7864051 [Reply] [Original]

>he pretends to have read books he actually hasn't just to seem patrician
>he forces himself to read books he doesn't like nor enjoy reading just to seem patrician
>he has a bookshelf full of books he hasn't and doesn't ever plan on reading just to seem patrician
>he hides his true taste in literature just to seem patrician
>he's more concerned with being seen as a reader/writer than actually being a reader/writer, just to seem patrician
>he namedrops books and authors he thinks will make him sound smart, just to seem patrician
>he uses big words not because they convey what he is trying to say well, but because he thinks they make him sound smart, just to seem patrician

>> No.7864058

>he just makes the same point over and over again

just say they pretend to be patrician senpai

>> No.7864069
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You forgot the big one

>he thinks the pleb/patrician meme is real

>> No.7864072
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>makes fun of the out-group
>thinks this makes him part of the in-group

>> No.7864076

>he thinks pleb is bad and patrician is good

>> No.7864078

These are all pretty different and distinct points, senpai. Some have to do with posturing, some have to do with concern about aesthetic and perception over actual substance, some have to do with a false sense of intellectual superiority, and some have to do with a lack of genuine identity. I guess the bookshelf one is a bit redundant but I was just trying to hammer in my point, you dig, senpai?

>> No.7864083
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>being this unself-aware that you don't realize you're doing the exact same thing in your own post

>> No.7864127

I definitely read books I'm not sure I'll enjoy our understand.

Fake it till you make it. I mean I might as well have read TCoL49 upsidedown but hey, I read it.

>> No.7864146
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a few more

>he calls people plebs for not liking the books he likes

>he calls people plebs for not liking books that /lit/ worships

>he says shit like "you don't like it because you don't understand it"

>> No.7864345

>he feels insecure about his own pleb/patrician status enough to make a post about others being plebs on a vietnamese caricature image posting site

>> No.7864363

ffs OP. click here and watch this one video patrician roman republicans don't want you to see about how a trendy horseboy pleb used this nifty /fa/ trick to become emperor overnight

>> No.7864365

great thread familia i'm glad there's all this literature discussion going on

>> No.7864395

Fuck these horrible threads.

>> No.7864625


>waah it's not DFW Circlejerk Thread number 65465478315637214733 help help trigger police

>> No.7864630

gr8 post

>> No.7864636

>he forces himself to read books he doesn't like nor enjoy reading

what's wrong with that?

>> No.7864665
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>he browses /lit/

>> No.7864672

"posturing" would have been sufficient.