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File: 655 KB, 1356x915, Nick Land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7863372 No.7863372 [Reply] [Original]

“If Zizek=Pure Ideology, then Land=Pure Autismo.” – Anon, /lit/
. . .
So the last Nick Land thread (http://boards.4chan.org/lit/thread/7848910/nick-lands-dark-enlightenment)) can’t be bumped anymore by users and is going to die (R.I.P @ 340 replies). Here’s the resources gathered thus far:
. . .
Fanged Noumena:
. . .
nick land youtube videos

1994 - land being autistic about computaz
(full documentary here)

1994 - meltdown audiovisual performance presented at a warwick uni conference (protovaporwave)

---------land flees to china----------

2013 - land speaking at futurism workshop (more autism)

2014 - land's 'exit over voice' political program (more autism)
. . .
Identity (created by associating with linguistic signs)-->Differences-->Categorization/Classification-->Power Structures-->Oppressive systems of conformity/assimilation (Outcast=deviant and Other) = ALL ILLUSORY BULLSHIT.
Rhizomatic Plane of Immanence where All is One. 100011110100001010100100010101010 (binary source code that can PROGRAM). neither 1 or 0 but both simultaneously.

>> No.7863384

which authors, and which of their works, are necessary to read before reading Land?

then, having read those, where do I start with Land?

I am autistic, and I know a (very) little about Land, so I am fairly sure I'd enjoy him.

>> No.7863386

>i dont even know how to use 4chan

fuck off reddit.

>> No.7863404

there were a bunch of links to articles and papers in that thread mang

>> No.7863461

His twitter account is @outsideness
. . .
Ray Brassier commenting on Nick Land's philosophy.

. . .


. . .
. . .
Nick Land's articles in China Daily and Shanghai Star #EXPOSED
. . .

>> No.7863463



. . .



. . .
. . .

>> No.7863466

Deleuze and Guattari are a must. This may help:


>> No.7863477


It depends on what parts of Land you decide to get into. His DE stuff is probably the most accessible assuming a background in philosophy of science, classical and Austrian economics, and the modern liberal tradition of political philosophy embodied in thinkers such as Locke, JS Mill, and Rawls.

His CCRU material should be approached with a lot of background in the occult, D&G, cybernetics, and numerological systems such as kabbala.

The rest is more or less basic bitch academic postthisandthatism. It can be safely ignored, but if you're completionist then know Kant, Marx, and Holderlin going in

>> No.7863498
File: 64 KB, 1920x1080, chapman brothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, be somewhat familiar with the chapman brothers.

( -IACAns-A-rnetAfetr shIst-neCRQphIhAC= nun = RA peR -so - fA R -Q.ff - t RA C k - h e -get s -DRQppeD--=)

>> No.7863591

Does anyone have a pdf copy of Fanged Noumena?

>> No.7863594

check OP's post, bro.

>> No.7863597

also Hyperdub Records

>> No.7863608

eye-ball guy kind of reminds me of the residents.


>> No.7863609

I won't repeat Land's philosophical influences, but here's what you should know to understand Moldbug:

de Tocqueville: Democracy in America
de Jouvenel: On Power

>> No.7863645

it's weird how there's a tacit acceptance of Land in the arts
any other right wing thought is instantly purged and doxxed and blacklisted and death threats are sent yet people can comfortably name drop Land
I think it's either total ignorance or the trendiness of D&G

>> No.7863718

Why does /lit/ have such a hard-on for this guy all of a sudden?

>> No.7863773


This article does have some nice descriptions of how he might have developed the 'tism

>> No.7863792

Specifically just to piss you off

>> No.7863793

he does actually have autism memes aside
said he was on the spectrum on his blog

>> No.7863794

stop forcing this fucking cockfaggot on /lit/

>> No.7863798

Mein Gott... the raw meme potential...

>> No.7863968

>stop having fun guys

>> No.7864218


It's because he has written a lot of articles refuting White Nationalism and Antisemitism.

He also balances his discussions of Human Biological Diversity with a necessary measure of "biotemperance"

Really though, his esoteric writings are way more interesting than his political stuff.

Start with Fanged Noumena and don't skip the intro by Brassier. Then read the CCRU corpus, published as an ebook: www.ccru.net

"Capital interprets left accelerationism as damage and routes around it" - Land

Also, Brassier is even more autistic than Land.

>> No.7864244

but he doesn't refute (reject is probably a better word) them out of moral indignation
white nationalism he sees as unfeasible because it would require the purging of the majority of white people (i.e. in this context white has been turned into an ideology)
antisemitism he sees as a misguided recognition of Cathedralism (and his wife is Jewish lmao)
I think very very few of the art crowd that namedrop him occasionally actually read his blogs, his name isn't really attached to them at all

>> No.7864374


Houellebecq is another right-wing thinker who can be brought up in these circles without a problem.

Maybe the pendulum is shifting?

>> No.7864733

The 'art crowd' is into him due to whatever influence he had on spec. real. and oop
'right-wing""" does not really apply at all, that's very obvious

>> No.7864800

>right-wing thinker
Lmao how memy are ppl on this board

>> No.7864880

Speaking as someone who enjoys the esoteric ramblings of Aleksandr Dugin, (eg Eschatology in the Metaphysics of National Bolshevism), Nick Land's posmodernism just irritates me

>> No.7865098

>white nationalism he sees as unfeasible because it would require the purging of the majority of white people (i.e. in this context white has been turned into an ideology)
i wouldn't say that's strictly accurate. his main contention with any race-based ideology is that it is inherently collectivistic. to him, it's not coincidence that the racialists par excellence were national _socialists_

>> No.7865108

as for antisemitism, he identifies this it as a base materialistic envy. the stupid masses hating the rich and successful elite (again, the socialism). he links antisemitism with the same anti-chinese sentiment in south east asian countries where chinese perform the role of the elite jew, again a material envy (socialism)

>> No.7865112

He's practically a living meme

>> No.7865134

>It's because he has written a lot of articles refuting White Nationalism and Antisemitism.

i wouldn't say that it's this that has 'absolved' him at all. he is foremost a biological determinist when it comes to humans, nature > nurture. this itself is a controversial stance for most well thinking left wingers, not least the marxist arts crowd.

the reason why he has art associations is entirely because of his pre-china period before he developed 'dark enlightenment'. he was much more of a wacky accelerationist marxist than the reactionary machiavellian that he's morphed into. a lot of these people who used to be into him are now embarrassed about it and try not to mention it.

the most famous person associated with him is kode9 of hyperdub.

>> No.7865142

exactly his biography is fucking ridiculous and deserves to be known to everyone

>> No.7865150

he also was one of the conceptual inspirations for vaporwave

> Accelerationism is the notion that the dissolution of civilisation wrought by capitalism should not and cannot be resisted, but rather must be pushed faster and farther towards the insanity and anarchically fluid violence that is its ultimate conclusion, either because this is liberating, because it causes a revolution, or because destruction is the only logical answer. It sporadically found voice in the work of twentieth-century continental philosophers François Lyotard, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari but was explored most thoroughly and alarmingly by the British philosopher Nick Land during the 1990s. With William Gibson’s cyberpunk fiction and Apocalypse Now’s Colonel Kurtz among his reference points, Land’s heady, nightmarish philosophy melted together scholarship and art into a staccato stream of penetrating and, in hindsight, disquietingly prescient tableaux. “Life is being phased-out into something new,” said Land in his 1992 essay ‘Circuitries’. “And if we think this can be stopped we are even more stupid than we seem.”


>> No.7865156

ie the memeiest thing that's ever been created.

>> No.7865160

Maybe because he's such an over the top edgelord it's impossible to take him seriously, same goes for hipster darling Varg and the rest of the 90s Norwegian Black Metal scene. They kinda blur the line between political extremism, mental illness and avant-performance art.

>> No.7865286


This article leaves out Daniel Lopatin (aka Chuck Person) who is a huge fan of Delanda and Kristeva.


>> No.7865302

would have loved to take a class with Land as the professor. sounds nuts.

"He would sweep his audience into a speculative vortex of philosophy, economics, literature, biology, technology, and disciplines as-yet unnamed – before immobilizing them again with some startling claim or gnomic declaration. And as Land spoke, he prowled the classroom, sometimes clambering absentmindedly over the common-room chairs like an outlandish mountain goat, sometimes poised squatting on the seat of a chair like an overgrown mantis."

his writing style is pretty crazy and fun to read

"Land’s search for another way to think thus took the form of an experimentation with writing; but it also went beyond writing. The quest for some ‘signal’ that was not merely the repugnant narcissistic reflection of the Human Security System would demand a total disregard of normative method. Land sought channels of communication with the ‘outside’ not in an interminable and internal critique of philosophical texts, but in popular culture"

>> No.7865307

>Aleksandr Dugin
got a pdf of any essays he wrote so i could read up on him?

>> No.7865315

>a lot of these people who used to be into him are now embarrassed about it and try not to mention it.
Very true. The guy basically pulled a 180 regarding a lot of this thoughts and ideas. Rather strange to here him talk of eugenics and white nationalism in the manner he does.

>> No.7865321

>The guy basically pulled a 180 regarding a lot of this thoughts and ideas. Rather strange to here him talk of eugenics and white nationalism in the manner he does.


Are you saying he was a white nationalist before?

>> No.7865331


Do you have a source for any of this?

>> No.7865363

There is a doc here in which some folks are trying to interpret Land's hyperstitional system and make it useful:


>> No.7865373

Russia post-1991 is meme utopia

>> No.7865390

Is he talking about the deep web here:

>Once it was said that there are no shadows in Cyberspace.
Now Cyberspace has its own shadow, its dark-twin:
the Crypt.
>Cybergothic finds the deep-past in the near future.
In cthelllectronic fusion - between digital data-systems
and Iron-Ocean ionic seething - it unearths something
older than natural mortality, something it calls U nlife,
or artificial-death.
>Of A-Death there can be no lucid recollection, but
only suggestion, seepage, hints ... and it is by collating,
sifting, and shuffling-together these disparate clues that
a pattern can be induced to emerge, a pattern which
ultimately condenses into the looming tangled shapes of
subtle but implacable destiny.
>Sprawling beneath public cyberspace lies the labyrinthine
underworld of the Datacombs, ghost-stacks of
sedimented virtuality, spiralling down abysmally into
palaeodigital soft-chatter from the punch-card regime,
through junk-programming, forgotten cryptoccultures,
fossil-codes and dead-systems, regressively decaying into
the pseudomechanical clicking-relics of techno tomb clockwork.
It is deeper still, amongst the chthonic switchings,
cross-hatchings, and spectral-diagrammatics of unborn
abstract-machines, that you pick-up the Main-Flatline
into the Crypt.
>The Crypt is a splitting - a distance or departure -
and it is vast. Nested into the cascading tick-shelves,
it propagates by contagion, implexing itself through
intricate terraces, galleries, ducts and crawl-tubes, as if an
extraterrestrial megamodule had impacted into the chalkout
data-cliffs, spattering them with scorch-pl l nrtl lrp<: !'!nd
intestinally complicated iridium body-parts. As it pulses,
squirms, and chitters to the inhuman rhythms of ceaseless
K-Goth carnival, it reminds you that Catajungle was never
reducible to a sonic subgenre, but was always also a terrain,
a sub-cartesian region of intensive diagonals cutting
through nongeometric space, where time unthreads into
warped voyages, splintering the soul.

>> No.7865455

Since the Cathedral has ascended to global supremacy, it no longer has need for Founding Fathers, who awkwardly recall its parochial ancestry, and impede its transnational public relations. Rather, it seeks perpetual re-invigoration through their denigration. The phenomenon of the ‘New Atheism’, with its transparent progressive affiliations, attests abundantly to this. Paleo-puritanism must be derided in order for neo-puritanism to flourish – the meme is dead, long live the meme!

- Nick Land, The Dark Enlightenment

>> No.7865496

I've never seen anything so autistic before.

>> No.7865541

pls share.

>> No.7865550

This must be the stims talking:

>Thanatos mimics the anthropomorphic desiring-cycle -
anticipating, enveloping, and simulating it - but it is on
its way somewhere else. Because thanatropic replicants are
dissimulated as erotic reproducers, they initially appear
as traitors to their species, especially when the shamanic
xenopulsions programming their sexuality are detected.
Nothing panics the reproducers more traumatically than
the discovery that erotic contact camouflages cyberrevolutionary
infiltration, running matrix communications channels across interlocked skin sectors. Defences are called for.

>> No.7865564

4pt.su contains most of his english work going back to the 90's. Arctogaia contains his National Bolshevist work, mostly dealing on spirituality and metaphysics. He submits to Katehon.com with synthesis of Orthodox Christian Geopolitics (his essay on St. Patrick and the Logos is fascinating). Fourth Political Theory is a good introduction to his work but you can find much of it in essays on archive

>> No.7865571


Scroll down to "Acceleration @ UF"

>> No.7865586


>> No.7865606

(1) Not at all. I don’t think Land is a supporter of white supremacy. He does, however, link racism to the concept of materialism. He believes combating racism was just an offshoot of people going against what rich elites embraced, which is embarrassing.
To question the status of racism as the supreme and defining social sin, on the other hand, is to court universal condemnation from social elites, and to arouse suspicions of thought crimes that range from pro-slavery apologetics to genocide fantasies.

. . .
(2) Land also twists words and meanings around. Words often don’t mean what we think they are in Landian-context, but are in fact there exact opposite. He does this in an attempt to deconstruct or deterritorialize certain concepts.
If independence is the ideology of slave-holders, emancipation requires the programmatic destruction of independence. Within a cross-coded history, the realization of freedom is indistinguishable from its abolition.

. . .
(3) Land tries to dissolve the nature/nurture debate, saying that both are One and essentially the same. We should not have an either/or statement concerning the two topics. I can see where Land is going with this (wanted to unify everything), but, no matter how you cut it, biology does not equal culture.
At the limit of reciprocal loathing, hereditarian determinism confronts social constructivism, with each committed to a radically pared-back model of causality. Either nature expresses itself as culture, or culture expresses itself in its images (‘constructions’) of nature. Both of these positions are trapped at opposite sides of an incomplete circuit, structurally blinded to the culture of practical naturalism, which is to say: the techno-scientific / industrial manipulation of the world.

. . .
(4) Land also notes that identification factors between species (like white/black) are going to become non-existent when humans start being spliced with animal or insectoid or bionic like features. I believe he thinks these kinds of hybrid biological modifications will act as a form of culture, merging culture with nature in this sense.
For racial nationalists, concerned that their grandchildren should look like them, Campbell is the abyss. Miscegenation doesn’t get close to the issue. Think face tentacles.
Campbell is also a secessionist, although entirely undistracted by the concerns of identity politics (racial purity) or traditional cognitive elitism (eugenics). Approaching the bionic horizon, secessionism takes on an altogether wilder and more monstrous bearing – towards speciation.
. . .
When seen from the bionic horizon, whatever emerges from the dialectics of racial terror remains trapped in trivialities. It’s time to move on.

>> No.7865673

yeah OPN has been in the accelerationist aesthetic game for a long time now

>> No.7865721

>The guy basically pulled a 180 regarding a lot of this thoughts and ideas.
i wouldn't necessarily put it like that, it's more that he started to push his little experiment into a political project (this has a lot to do with his encounter with moldbug). rather than spamming deleuzian cyberpunk memes, he's cheerleading for the collapse of the cathedral. the land of today still has the same ultimate goal as the land of amphetamine, different tactics

>> No.7865758

land actually labels himself a chinese supremacist, if anything.

>Thanks for the attention -- from which I've derived a measure of narcissistic satisfaction -- but you're getting the race stuff significantly wrong. It's true that I'm broadly convinced by the claims of HBD, which no doubt makes me a monstrous racist of some kind, but I am not a proponent of White Nationalism (and find Mencius Moldbug's critical essay on the subject fully persuasive). The currently existing societies approximating most closely to my own ideal are small, commercial Pacific Rim city states, with a dominant Han Chinese population, and a Confucian cultural matrix. My present home is in Shanghai, which I have no intention to voluntarily leave. Were I inclined to sympathize with the goals of the Skinhead movement, alternative life choices would have presented themselves.

also his sinophilia is apparent even in his early writings. and this was in the mid 90s when china was only getting started with its economic reemergence

"neo china arrives from the future"

another text mentions how cantonese and machine code is the language of the future,

>> No.7865764

>biology does not equal culture

yes it does

culture is biology expressed on a mass scale

>> No.7865771

what i'm concerned about are these statements that the dark enlightenment goes against egalitarian ideals (which is odd considering land advocates for rhizomatic structures) and that the movement calls for the dissolution of democracy in favor of monarch-like structures.

i can see why land thinks democracy doesn't work in corporate-based economic structures, but that doesn't mean democracy should be abandoned (even though it has serious flaws) in favor for some type of monarchy. also, let's remember that democracy doesn't actually exist in america (it is more or less an oligarchical establishments), making many of the claims land makes about democracy not that great.

not sure if it moldbug or land is making the bulk of these statements (i read fanged noumena and really liked it), but it seems like a movement that is completely against the bwo and the plane of immanence.

if anyone could explain, it'd be appreciative,

>> No.7865777


>> No.7865786


>> No.7865790

not exactly. culture is believed to be socially constructed thanks to language.

biology is an impartial body (though not born tabula rasa, it's tough to even identify what human nature actually is outside of a human's innate ability to learn a language, at least according to chomsky).

nature--> biology on the genetic and hereditary level.
nurture--> cultural concepts, beliefs, ideologies and memes.

though some speculate that the two are linked, we don't really have any scientific evidence to say they are. as i said, we know little of human nature. however, it is common for people to confuse culture with nature thanks to the persuasive nature of subconsciously instilled and behaviorally-embedded ideologies.

sure people create culture, but what culture you create stems more from your cultural nurturing and not your biological nature.

>> No.7865803

>in favor of monarch-like structures.
i'm not sure he necessarily favours that. what he wants is a complete splintering and fragmentation of sovereign states into smaller city states. this is moldbug's 'patchwork'.

people would have ultimate exit rights (they can move freely from state to state) but no voice (no democracy or politics).

each of these states will have run their own political systems and people will move between them as if they were shopping. all politics is left to the market and becomes a consumer decision.

the world is a marketplace of experimental systems, the most attractive states will attract more citizens and the most miserable will simply collapse

land's contention is that the states that currently embody (exit, no voice) the most (singapore and hong kong) will 'win out'. here's a clip from the 1994 documentary he was featured in already championing this ideal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Lnw5AK5lNs

this video is perhaps the best distillation of what he wants

>> No.7865825


Read some Steven Pinker, watch Hjernevask, then come back


>> No.7865836

Moldbug doesn't necessarily argue against democracy as much as "demotism", (rule in the name of the people), which also includes fascism, state communism, etc. So the finer distinctions about the degree of democracy in America are completely irrelevant.

Once you have abandoned anthropocentrism, who gives a flying fuck about egalitarianism? In any case, abandoning egalitarianism politically is the whole point.

>> No.7865856
File: 33 KB, 633x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how it worked out.

>> No.7865901

>though some speculate that the two are linked, we don't really have any scientific evidence to say they are

yes we do. culture is biology expressed on a mass scale. culture did not arise from the ether. it is expressed group biology.

stop shitposting and do some reading, you're on the reading board

>> No.7865902

thank you. this makes more sense and models a rhizomatic model much better as long as we keep the nomadic roads free and open.

still, that first video talks about programming and controlling people far too much for my liking. it seems to mimic the state structure that war-machines are needed to combat against. also, more technology should mean less work, not more. as chomsky writes: "the economic success story of Singapore under Lee Kuan Yew, whose harsh tyranny is another of those famous triumphs of democracy and capitalism" (http://chomsky-must-read.blogspot.com/2008/03/dd-c07-s09.html).).

it sounds like an interesting idea, but i'm skeptical, if not altogether creeped-out by both of those videos. way too much control for me.

pinker is not a good academic to cite (at least, to me). also, there is far more evidence contrary to what you say than there is to support it.

only shows that the society is more efficient because it controls and works its people to the extreme. it's a harsh controlling system. see chomsky quote above. i can make the charts go up, but that doesn't mean the quality of life is.

again, land's earlier work was fun and focused on d&g to a great extent. i think his political work is misguided and, in fact, goes against many of d&g's ideas, which is why so many people who used to like land are distancing themselves from him now.

>> No.7865913


Have you watched all of Hjernevask though? It blows social constructivism the fuck out.

>> No.7865929

so you have hard evidence that shows that humans are linked inherently and genetically to the cultural concepts and memes they create and adhere to?

then why will a child (who is born in the usa, but who has two parents that emigrated from japan) adopt usa mentalities and dispositions instead of the ones his parents had?

answer: because unlike hereditary traits like eye color, skin color, etc., these cultural traits are not inherited but LEARNED through social experiences.

this is pretty much common knowledge, but go ahead and defend your POV all you like (even though you have little to no scientific evidence to back it up).

>> No.7865946

This guy is the perfect match for 4chan. I predict he'll spread all around the site in a way similar to Stirner

>> No.7865951 [DELETED] 

Biology is just expressed math :^)
Le reductionism meme kys tbqh faeme

>> No.7865952

>cultural traits are not inherited but LEARNED
>cultural trait
>genetic raw material of an organism will not determine what "cultural traits" it is most susceptible to "learn", it's totally just floating around in the ether bro haha!

there's good reason to believe you're the same retarded anon I always have this discussion with on /lit/ and I'm tired of fucking explaining why you are wrong

your belief is nonsensical and you should stop shitposting immediately

>> No.7865956


Citing that show does little to disprove actual social constructivist theories. that show took a bunch of fucking retarded feminist extremists and made them look like fools before they overstepped their bounds to the nth degree with outrageous statements.

yes, there are biological differences between men and women. science easily shows that, but that doesn't disprove the effect that nurture has upon human dispositions. all social constructivism states is that people are influenced by their environments. wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.7865959

>he doesn't believe in reductionism

im embarassed 4U

>> No.7865961

>the effect that nurture has upon human dispositions

whatever dispositional changes that came about as a result of this were already in the genetics



you're an idiot

>> No.7865963

>can't make an argument and proceeds to sperg out

>> No.7865964

didn't answer my question. not surprised. nature and nurture are two aspects that influence people. BOTH affect human beings. saying people are solely determined by nature and not at all by nurture is fucking retarded.

>> No.7865967

>all social constructivism states is that people are influenced by their environments

By that definition literally everyone is a constructivist.

>> No.7865968

>can't make an argument

your argument is nonexistent


where did culture come from my friend?

>> No.7865974

Literally retarded ppl have hijacked the thread

>> No.7865979

>fools before they overstepped their bounds
*because they overstepped

>> No.7866000

Your argument is essentially like saying that natural selection is an object and not a process / abstracted force. You're making a linguistic error.

>> No.7866009

culture is established by language. this is why language and culture evolve together. this is why you don't speak the same way people did in the 1950s or 60s. this is social constructivism and no one fucking denies it (except you). language shapes culture and culture shapes language. some speculate that human beings have an innate ability to learn a language (chomsky), however, what concepts we create vary from culture to culture, person to person, and place to place. the concepts we create are not determined by inherited genes as if they were skin color, eye color, etc. they are learned behaviors that we acquire through experience.

i'm done discussing these things with a troll like you. if you can't combat my statements with actual evidence, then i have nothing more to say.

pretty much. social constructivism simply states that many of the mannerism and ways of thinking we have are learned by acquiring and sharing language.
true, there are notable differences between people (men have testosterone while women have estrogen, making us sexually dimorphic creatures), and there are differences. but not all of these differences are determined solely by biology. culture has an impact. as i said it is BOTH nature and nurture. to say culture has no impact upon our dispositions is rather insane.

>> No.7866023

>to say culture has no impact upon our dispositions is rather insane.

Indeed. That's why nobody says it. You're tilting at windmills.

>> No.7866027


>> No.7866040

>to say culture has no impact upon our dispositions is rather insane

literally nobody said this, we're pointing out the fact that your argument is nonsensical and misunderstands genetics and biology on a fundamental level

culture is expressed biology. you have been pointed in the right direction by several other anons beside me on where to educate yourself but you refuse to do it

you're the same anon who does this every time a discussion of culture comes up, and you get btfo every single time

>> No.7866051

>That's why nobody says it.

Somebody was/is saying it in this thread. See posts below.

>culture did not arise from the ether. it is expressed group biology.
>whatever dispositional changes that came about as a result of this were already in the genetics

>> No.7866054

>tilting at windmills


>> No.7866062

It's just having a disagreement about the definition of culture.


>> No.7866072

this is why i defined my usage of culture in this post (>>7865790). but nobody seems to read things in full before posting.

>> No.7866080

>still, that first video talks about programming and controlling people far too much for my liking.

for land, humans are just a bio slime to be used at capital's whim. like a pool of crude oil. just pump it into the most efficient machines (political-economic systems). the whole point of his program is that technology will no longer need humans, we are just here to service its lurch towards the outside.

>> No.7866098

this is why fans of his have started distancing themselves from him and his thoughts. the old amphetamine land was hilarious and great. the political land, not so much.

>> No.7866130


Minnesota adoption studies. Read them

>> No.7866150

The study concludes the following:
>Due to confounding of social and biological factors, it was inconclusive in terms of determining relative environmental or biological contributions to racial differences in IQ – as the study's result could be interpreted as supporting either hypothesis.

Anyways, IQ is a biased things to begin with. IQ is more a measure of SES (socio-economic status) than anything else. The more likely a person is to assimilate to higher SES, the more likely their IQ score goes up. That's an environmental factor, not a genetic one. But, like I said, the concept of intelligence varies from person to person as well.

If you want a good study when it comes to the nature/nurture debate, study twins. After all, twins are identical at the genetic level. It helps you see how environmental factors influence beings that have the same genetic compositions. Twins, even though they usually grow up in the same household and environment, due have differences in personality and disposition. They are not carbon-copies.

>> No.7866154


he's been in China too long.. I lived there from 2009-2012. The chinese place zero value on human life. Land fits right in.

Ive since returned to Chicago and made a killing in business by applying what I learned there, so theres that.

China is a place to become more of a psychopath, not less of one.

>> No.7866164


Why do highest SES blacks in the USA score worse than the poorest whites?

On mobile so no source

>> No.7866174

Blacks are animals.
Deport them, built a wall, save white children and female humans
Deus vult XD

>> No.7866211


pick one

>> No.7866221

because IQ tests are absolute trash and bullshit. if you look to the history of all standardized forms of testing, you will see that most tests were used simply to categorized and sort people base don how closely they aligned with social norms and ideologies.
tests are biased, flawed, and utterly nonsensical.

>Standardized tests can't measure initiative, creativity, imagination,conceptual thinking, curiosity,good will, ethical reflection, or a host of other valuable dispositions and attributes. What they can measure and count are isolated skills, specific facts and functions, the least interesting and least significant aspects of learning

Kohn, Alfie (2000). The Case Against Standardized Testing: Rising the Scores, Ruining the Schools

>> No.7866238


Those things are part of EQ, not IQ.

Also I meant to type SAT tests, not IQ tests

>> No.7866239


>So are IQ tests biased? It depends. The answer is likely "No" if you limit interpretations to IQ scores and what they are shown to be, but "Yes" if you extend interpretations to "intelligence," whatever that is.

>> No.7866245

he was like that before, he's just allowed allowed to express it there bc no political correct lynch mob. it was his encounter with moldbug (a silicon valley technologist) which pushed him over the edge

>> No.7866246

>you will see that most tests were used simply to categorized and sort people base don how closely they aligned with social norms and ideologies.

Wow it's almost like blacks score less highly on tests selecting for traits held by the creators and maintainers of said civilizations in which those social norms became prevalent!

Get the fuck out of here with your pseud crap. Race denialism is neo-creationism. Human evolution did not stop from the neck up.

>> No.7866257

Ah a fellow race realist! Deus vult my b/rother!

>> No.7866261

Testing and assessment of any kind is ultimately illusory, whether it be IQ, SAT scores, etc. All it does is divide people by superficial differences that have no bearing on anything. This is called tracking. If people had more background in Educational Theory (which is a fascinating subject), I wouldn't have to explain myself so much. Testing is fundamentally harmful to humans.


>> No.7866263

Keep your shitposting on /pol/ please.

>> No.7866266

Woman initially scored higher and the tests were adjusted...

>> No.7866267

Stop breaking my comfortable concept of reality bigot!


>> No.7866272



>> No.7866284

No, the shitposting that it invites triggers me.

>> No.7866303

>superficial differences with no bearing on anything

It's embarrassing that a human being is capable of mental gymnastics of this calibre.

This is where egalitarianism has gotten us: people like the above anon are free to spread their illiterare neocreationist feelgood fantasies.

>> No.7866305


wtf are you on, bro? we get it, you like eugenics and believe fully in racist pseudo-sciences that are determined by bias and discriminatory tests. we get it. you like shit that helps you confirm your own biases. now stop posting.

>> No.7866312

say what you want, bro. i cited numerous sources here in order to back up my claims as to why testing in general is absolute bs. you have cited nothing. have a nice day.

>> No.7866318

If you want him to stop posting, stop replying to him you dumb idiot.

>> No.7866319
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I am a race surrealist

>> No.7866329


>> No.7866337
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>> No.7866347


This is why no one should take Land seriously, at least on a political level. I enjoy Land's writings, but not his politics.

>> No.7866350

Zizek, Dugin and Land should be /lit/s official meme triad of contemporary IRL shitposting

>> No.7866353

And numerous other people have cited sources and attempted to show you why you're wrong. You're not listening.

There is an obvious explanation for the modern egalitarian science denial. It is Calvinist and Puritan in origin. All of the New Atheist Big Bang Theory-watching kids who grew up in fundamentalist homes ended up jettisoning the god part of their parents religion (commonly as an angsty way to get back at mommy and daddy) but kept the Puritan / Calvinist aspects and Christian idea of egalitarianism. This is why the Dawkins and De Grasse millennials are self claimed atheists but are still insufferable in their pseudoscientific moralizing.

All you did was come full circle. You are new creationists.

>> No.7866362

Well Dugin is a fascist after all.

>> No.7866366

Technically so is Zizek.

>> No.7866367

What science would that be that the poster denied? Is Chomsky a science denier? Are you for real?

>> No.7866370

I always thought he was a communist.

>> No.7866375


>> No.7866381
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>new right

>> No.7866387

He's literally 4chan philosophy. Does he browse 4chan?

>> No.7866393
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Even on a rhizome, some stalks reach higher.

>> No.7866394

>Testing and assessment of any kind is ultimately illusory, whether it be IQ, SAT scores, etc. All it does is divide people by superficial differences that have no bearing on anything. This is called tracking. If people had more background in Educational Theory (which is a fascinating subject), I wouldn't have to explain myself so much. Testing is fundamentally harmful to humans.

this is some next level shitposting

>> No.7866401

New Atheism is more of a product of post-cold war liberal-rational triumphalism, which is also why it is pretty much dead and discredited.

>> No.7866402

>Testing and assessment of any kind is ultimately illusory.
>Testing is fundamentally harmful to humans.

alright i knows its poe's law but i'll bite

It's always hard to debate these types because of how they use rhetoric to stretch and make vague the meaning of their arguments.

If IQ is so bullshit then why is the IQ distribution for the intellectual class so skewed upwards?

Why do the most successful businessmen all have significantly higher IQs?

The implications for what you are saying are ridiculous. Should the marines simply stop their physical exams for recruits and expect the reduced efficiency to be made up for in Educational Theory brownie points and a thumbs-up from a professor?

IQ is not perfect, nor does anybody claim it to be. but you really have to have your ideological head up your ass to deny reality this badly.

>Citing Noam Chomsky
fuck im baited

>> No.7866413

He's certainly aware of it.
If we turn Land into an ebin /lit/ meme, he might grace us with a visit.

>> No.7866447
File: 398 KB, 1072x881, Nick Land - 4chan Philosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's literally 4chan philosophy

>> No.7866457

He linked to an archived 4chan thread in one of his posts about the Microsoft twitter chatbot that got /pol/'d.

4chan is more alt-right than it is NRx and, as has been pointed out, ideologically .Land doesn't care much for the alt-right, but all these communities laugh at roughly the same things and he's admitted it's entertaining to him.

>> No.7866513
File: 1016 KB, 1550x1239, rlym8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Testing and assessment of any kind is ultimately illusory
That isn't even what the chom skom was saying in that video.He was saying within the context of the educational system it creates incentives for teachers that negatively impact the way they behave, and it limits options for children who might be able to fruitfully pursue paths regardless of particular test scores.

Testing is not illusory, it tests for a specific ability. You might not agree with that ability as being something useful to measure, but it isn't just made up.

>> No.7866521

And I would say you're having a difficult time seeing beyond the cultural ideologies society has instilled into your mind. You find meaning in the differences society manufactures because you have been taught to believe that they have significance. However, the MEANINGFUL ways in which people are different is entirely symbolic. Meaning is a social construction (this is nothing new). There is no pre-set meaning to life. What meaning you make is just that: it is something you make with your mind. If you want to believe in such illusions and imaginings, and find meaning in them, that's your business. However, they have no basis in reality whatsoever. Nature is mute; it does not speak or associate with any of the concepts mentioned (ranking, iq, sat score, economic status, etc.). We are dirt and energy alike. Nature doesn't care, only society (which is a oppressive Power structure) does. But, go ahead, and believe in them all you want.

>> No.7866531

>Testing is not illusory, it tests for a specific ability. You might not agree with that ability as being something useful to measure, but it isn't just made up.

I agree with you. What I was saying that the WAYS in which test scores are used to track and categorize people is wrong since it divides them up, creating divisions in society.

Tests are helpful tools teachers can use to see what kids do and do not understand, but when we use them for means of generating hierarchies, we become oppressive, alienating Others due to superficial differences based on results (which are often flawed and highly inaccurate).

>> No.7866532

if you're in your teens and casually browsing lit i recommend not looking into any of this and reading the great russian novels instead

>> No.7866544

Are the battery of tests the special forces use in order to weed out the unsuited an illusion? I supppose a doctor's MRI machine, as well as the MCAT he took to get his positon, was an illusion and runs on voodoo.

You're an idiot and a shitposter.

>> No.7866552

what's so wrong with hierarchy? IMO the weak are going to go down anyways, so we might as well help them so they can't keep the ubermensch down

>> No.7866562

I see what you mean, but why is it bad to divide people in society? Seems like a necessary element for specialization

>> No.7866564

>Tests are helpful tools teachers can use to see what kids do and do not understand, but when we use them for means of generating hierarchies, we become oppressive, alienating Others due to superficial differences based on results (which are often flawed and highly inaccurate).

Know / Do Not Know (or alternatively Pass / Fail) is a hierarchy as well. Should we abolish grades? According to you education is oppressive because it privileges some over others.

>> No.7866565

Mein Gott, you've no reading comprehension.... 4chan memes rotted your brain

>> No.7866566

>compares an MRI machine to a standardized test
Really? These things aren't even remotely the same.
One is a scientific tool that measures something impartially and objectively.
The other is a culturally subjective and skewed test, measuring not physical and objective things, but, instead, cultural concepts that have no basis in actual reality.
You can't compare the two at all! Again, people are blurring the line between culture and nature. Don't do that. There's a reason why physics is not philosophy.

>> No.7866582

>The other is a culturally subjective and skewed test, measuring not physical and objective things, but, instead, cultural concepts that have no basis in actual reality.

False, it measures an applicant's knowledge base and thus suitability toward a career in medicine, to excellent precision.

Are you going to shitpost this entire thread?

>> No.7866583

>Should we abolish grades?
Actually, if you read John Dewey, yes. Grades should not exist in educational establishments. Schools are meant to be institutes that are democratic. Students should shape the schools. Schools should not shape the students. Please read Dewey.
Divisions often lead to segregation in society. Also, when you sort divisions on a hierarchical scale, you create oppressive power systems of control, where acceptance is found in conforming and assimilating to the dominant ideals of the social structure. The more you deviate from this model, the more outcast you become. It is completely anti-democratic since the society is shaping the person instead of the person shaping the society.

>> No.7866592

>democracy good, segregation bad

Mein gott, pure ideology!

>> No.7866601

>. Also, when you sort divisions on a hierarchical scale, you create oppressive power systems of control, where acceptance is found in conforming and assimilating to the dominant ideals of the social structure. The more you deviate from this model, the more outcast you become. It is completely anti-democratic since the society is shaping the person instead of the person shaping the society.
I don't have a problem with this at all, but if you do, then I concede that for your ideal society, testing might be harmful.

>> No.7866603

didnt read the posts youre replying to but its probably not someone advocating for democracy

>> No.7866613

>knowledge base
Based on what criteria? How do you define knowledge? What are you really looking for when you measure something as abstract or as culturally contrived as "intelligence"? Where do these terms even originate from? These terms are culturally constructed.
Words and concepts are alive, changing all the time. They vary and are relative.

For example, say I word an exam in "standard english" (as all exams are). If I come from a cultural background (say were ebonics is the primary discourse used), am I at an advantage or disadvantage when I take that assessment? Does me doing well on that assessment have anything to do with my intelligence (or what skills the test is supposed to be measuring)? No. Instead, it measures me based on how well I speak standard English. See the problem with assessments?

Again, if you studied Education Theory, you would realize that people are not supposed to be assessed based on one means of measure (standardized tests). Assessment should include numerous different ways (projects, reports, oral speeches, group learning, one-on-one interaction, etc.). There are as many ways to assess people as there are people in the world.
So do you get why standardized tests are a big problem for people who come from minority cultures, or for people who learn in ways that differ from the normative consensus?

>> No.7866614

online orgies of absolute stupidity

>> No.7866615

>blatantly ignoring the special forces example

While we're at it, all sports teams should abolish any kind of hierarchical entry system based on performance. It is oppressive and undemocratic. If my adopted wheelchair-bound aboriginal fetal alcohol syndrome child wants to play for the Patriots, he should be allowed. Demotism is good!

>> No.7866628


If I am advocating an ideal, I suppose it would be in support for personal freedoms. Yes. I oppose power systems of oppression. But I don't see why I should be sorry for that. I am not trying to create some kind of Utopian paradise. I am simply pointing out the various ways society seeks to oppress people and keep them subservient to the system by enslaving them to false ideologies. If I am wrong for wanting them, then I am happy to be wrong.

>> No.7866633

Worthless drivel tbph

>> No.7866639

>minority cultures, or for people who learn in ways that differ from the normative consensus?

I don't care about people from minority cultures or for people who learn in ways that differ from the normative consensus, I care about whether or not my doctor passed the necessary qualifications. As do you, assuming you don't fly to Africa and get treated by a witch doctor every time you come down with a cold. You're a hypocrite.

>> No.7866640

my brain just short-circuited trying to process why the q in your tbqh looked so wrong to me
i mean to get off this fucking website

>> No.7866645

>blatantly ignoring the special forces example

Your right. Gays never used to be allowed in the military. Oh, wait, they are allowed in the military now, though, aren't they? The military changed its definitions of what they found to be suitable and non-suitable. See how these means of measure are subjective and relative like I said? See how what these things measure changes over time? See how they are not as objective as we think they are?

>> No.7866649

What is the Dark Enlightenments response to Stirner type thinking?

What are their views on the rennisance?

>> No.7866658

My gott the neckbeard stench in that post.
You don't even get what this is about

>> No.7866662

>I don't care about people from minority cultures or for people who learn in ways that differ from the normative consensus

Well, you should, since we would probably have far more educated people in this country if our schooling systems weren't such shit, driven on the basis of standardized test scores.

> I care about whether or not my doctor passed the necessary qualifications

Yes. So do I. But doctors don't just pass multiple choice tests before they get certified do they? No. There are a long series of various types of assessments that they have to pass and take before they get certified. See the difference? There are multiple means of assessment, not just one. This makes the assessment much more well-rounded and accurate overall.

>> No.7866670

That some tests optimize better than others doesn't mean tests should be abolished across the board. Not all and every iteration of every test is equal, which is a concept you seem to have trouble understanding. Finding which tests are better at optimizing is literally the goal of education. This is also constantly happening to life on a large scale via evolution / natural selection. Your retarded ideology is equivalent to saying that natural selection is oppressive. No shit.

Answer the question: why don't you solicit a witch doctor for your medical needs?

>> No.7866676

NRx and Stirner go hand in hand imo if you consider the NRx project to be concerned with describing the world as is
stop talking IQ test you fucking nerds

>> No.7866686

>Finding which tests are better at optimizing is literally the goal of education.
No. The goal of education is to create what is referred to as "lifelong learners." This means people that are capable of independently teaching themselves.
If you studied anything in the field of Education, you would have known that.

>> No.7866691

>your views are different from mine so you're a neckbeard

This always gets trotted out whenever someone's losing an argument.

I do get what this is about. You like democracy and you want to make the world less oppressive because muh feelings. I, and other people, don't care about that. That's all this conversation boils down to. Everything flows downstream from that, including your botched and incomplete knowledge of science and philosophy.

>> No.7866700

I didn't make the neckbeard post. That was some other anon. My response to you was here >>7866662

>> No.7866702


>> No.7866716

>doesn't understand optimization and testing
>doesn't understand science or philosophy

Apparently the education system where you live IS shit, because it has failed you.

>> No.7866718

History of science and philosophy would be more usefull in the case you're arguing for...
But then again you're just 4chaneducated lmao

>> No.7866723

>shaming an anonymous person based on percieved superficial traits

why do you use the language of oppression? you're Othering me right now ugh

>> No.7866726

" I understand science "

>> No.7866736

" I shitpost snarkily on a cartoon website "

>> No.7866741

If creating independent thinkers (who can critical and analytically think for themselves while having the skills necessary to problem-solve their way through certain problems) is a sign of failing, I don't want to know what success is.

>> No.7866747

true. true. my bad.

>> No.7866753

It's obvious nobody here keeps up with recent literature in human biology. It's about 50/50 for nature and nurture.



>> No.7866756
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>> No.7866764

" my hobbies include discussing iq test on image boards, posting frogs and trying to save the ***** race "

>> No.7866766

>It's obvious nobody here keeps up with recent literature in human biology. It's about 50/50 for nature and nurture.

Dude! I have been saying this from the beginning, telling people that we are influenced by BOTH nature and nurture. And it's been a shit-show ever since.

>> No.7866776
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>I don't want to know what success is.

According to you it looks like this.

>> No.7866783

>The guy basically pulled a 180 regarding a lot of this thoughts and ideas.
this really isn't true
the CCRU was always a reaction against leftist academia and was explicitly set up to interpret Dolce and Gabbana (and others) through a non leftist lens (though I would definitely not call the CCRU explicitly right wing)
Land himself just became more explicit and direct in his politics

>> No.7866784

Hilarious how nobody is falling for the projecting/strawman part of your posts. Maybe try on pol

>> No.7866789

That study is a bit flawed though. The 50% on the nurture side is not exactly what people think of when they think of the nature/nurture debate. A lot of it is probably near-random also.

>> No.7866791


-People who understand that all humans are different and intelligence varies, just as skin color varies.

-People who deny science because they desperately want to believe that we are all the same.

>> No.7866792

" my hobbies include speaking out against systems of oppression on image boards, making welcome refugee signs and getting blown up in airports "

>> No.7866800

" i understand science "

>> No.7866801

What's wrong with that person? He seems well-fed, living in a clean environment. All his basic essentials seem accounted for. He looks happy, too. Motherfucker even has a six pack.

Oh, wait. He's not a success because he doesn't own a computer or cell-phone or a giant house or car or a shit ton of money?

You're falling victim to social ideologies (particularly those of capitalistic consumerism).

>> No.7866808

Online orgies of stupidity

>> No.7866809

I think people are more critical of Land based on the following reasons. See >>7866347

>> No.7866814

He is a credentialed witch doctor and an independent thinker. You should go to him when you start feeling sick. It would be oppressive not to.

>> No.7866817
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Because that'd be so stupid right?
What you want is a race of mutts because that will totally destroy the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie.

>> No.7866818
File: 84 KB, 640x640, donalshkreli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post

>> No.7866823

ITT: content-free shitposting after losing an argument

>> No.7866835

The day the Don cried. LMAO.

>> No.7866872

" i post content "

>> No.7866877

Some one tweet him thid thread and see how dumb he thinks this thread is. He is on twitter all the time so he won't miss it.

>> No.7866892

he hates people talking about his past so he'll probably ignore it

>> No.7866902
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>> No.7866908

This thread is too embarrassing, please don't.

>> No.7866915

grim twitter my man

>> No.7866935

Dick. At least send him the old thread link:


>> No.7866955

it's not me i just hacked twitter to find it :~}

>> No.7866958

When you die, you become dirt whether or not you are black, white, male, female.
That's science.
You are stardust: energy undergoing a constant state of transition, indistinguishable from what came before or after.
That's science.

But yeah, black, white, smart, dumb, etc. are all real natural things that aren't at all socially constructed. The politics of identity is just that: politics. It's complete and utter cultural bullshit. But keep on calling it science if you want.

>> No.7866965

alright. someone's gotta send him the old thread link. someone... anyone... is there a brave anon out there willing to do the deed because i... i.... don't... i don't have twitter.

>> No.7866977

why? what's in there that's not here?

>> No.7866982
File: 255 KB, 1221x958, see poster count.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sent @Outsideness the link to thread, but this isn't my post. you probably won't believe me, but pic related.

anyway, i'll tweet the old thread at him, too.

>> No.7866988
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it seems important that i do this

>> No.7866991


>when u die ur all dust anyways so egalitarianism

Dumbest and most unscientific shit I ever read.

>> No.7867000

we are all different and we are all the same. there, i just deconstructed a dichotomy. am i a postmodernist yet?

>> No.7867007

everything... and nothing.

>> No.7867029

Can someone link me Land's literature blog?

>> No.7867046


>> No.7867047


>> No.7867049

As always, /lit/'s left, like the entire left, only manages to further popularize their enemies than discredit them.

>hey, what if we blow up this fringe person's words and influence out of proportion and forever get him out of the limelight that way because haha the people and history is on our side

Every fucking time.

>> No.7867080

what are you talking about?

>> No.7867100


The left's classic mistake: if we get this person out in the forefront, people will agree with us.

The left did the same with Trump. "Let's give him excessive amounts of media coverage on his politically incorrect statements, that'll make people leave his cause!"

>> No.7867162


this isn't really a matter of left-right, i don't think

>> No.7867173

"Machinic practices that Land insisted on leads to practical impotence." - Ray Brassier


>> No.7867177

*pragmatism, not practices

>> No.7867566


>> No.7867596

Machinic practices that Land insisted on lead to AUTISM

>> No.7867600
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so nick is awake and seems to have ignored any attempt at interacting with us although might have had a read of our threads

>> No.7867661

>when you're basically dim Jews, you really have the deck stacked against you

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7867668

he's talking about us in an offhand way

>> No.7867840
File: 155 KB, 713x622, Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 11.01.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the context. basically he's saying that, like jews, gypsies are considered outsiders and are attributed evil qualities by their host populations, but at least for jews this is due to envy of their intelligence and wealth, not so much for gypsies

>> No.7867858

This thread was way dumber than the last one, let's not do this again.

>> No.7867862
File: 121 KB, 1024x816, Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 11.19.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is nick land's PhD thesis on heidegger at essex uni

>> No.7867915
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>> No.7868440


>> No.7868516

underated post my fellow anon. I got the Ray reference ;)

>> No.7868594


>> No.7868765
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fresh oc

>> No.7868766
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>(full documentary here)
Jesus Christ, people used to be so optimistic about the Internet and new technology in general, now that I look at this documentary its just depressing how little HAS actually changed, and always for the worse

>> No.7869767

You can almost feel the sting of the tinfoil's reflection on the cornea.

>> No.7869767,1 [INTERNAL] 
