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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 56 KB, 401x599, The_Stand_Uncut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7861699 No.7861699 [Reply] [Original]

Explain what this book means without using "God", "The Devil", "Christ", "Good & Evil or Good Vs Evil", "Lord of the Rings (or any names from that series)".

Only then will I know if you're an idiot or not.

>> No.7861706


>> No.7861721


>> No.7861733


Foreboding future in which men with limited minds play with unlimited technology. Will humanity or inhumanity dominate a desolated america.

Will we fall or be resurrected.

>> No.7861754
File: 294 KB, 800x711, 1458080412680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stephen, King of the plebs

>> No.7861901

>Implying philosophy has any discernable value.

>Inb4 butthurt king fan

Stephen King has many shitty stories. But you people who claim exclusivity to /lit/ because your literature is more literary are the most pathetic bunch i've ever had the misfortune of interacting with. There's a reason women don't like you. It's not because there's something wrong with women.

>> No.7861927

>le intellectual virgin neckbeard meme

Most of us have no problem with women, and even if we did, it wouldn't affect the quality of what we chose to read at all.

>> No.7862017

Some hillbillies fight some dude in denim after a virus broke out

>> No.7862052

It's a revisiting of 1960s/70s values seen through nostalgia goggles and an effort to pit those against consumer culture and social isolationists.

>> No.7862138

Dipshit. Can you think of no other interpretation?
I assume women don't like him because anything you don't read "Has no discernable value" or "Is only enjoyable by retards" and anyone who idsagrees with him on any topic has "No comprehension." There is no middle ground for people like this between god-tier and complete trash. And he insists that the activity of /lit/ actually matters and needs to be regulated to keep out fiction that relates to people who haven't ventured into his particular literary neighborhood and are therefore inferior.

Therefore, he is an autist, and I guarantee you, women for the most part will not put up with him. And that I had to explain that to you doesn't speak well in your favor either.

>> No.7862191

>people (HERE, even) actually take Stephen King seriously

>> No.7862703

Its a story about cuckoldry

>> No.7862845

This honestly.

>> No.7862888

I get the guy on thr right is randall flagged but whose the guy on the left

>> No.7862893


One group with their ideology fights another group with their ideology.

The moral of the story is that ideology is the problem infecting our society.

>> No.7863128

Sorry m8, nobody reads Stephen King novels because they're shitty.
Therefore, you're not going to be getting any actual discussion for your worthless topic.
And why are you even bringing up the likelihood of anons getting with women?
How does that have anything to do with any topic in this thread?
You legitimately sound like an irate retard, congrats

>> No.7863130

we live in a post-ideological world though

>> No.7864604

>a reason women don't like you
When was this ever stated? It's irresponsible to make such high claims in order to defame one's character whilst within an argument :^)

>> No.7865898


>> No.7865916

There are ideals other than dealing with spirituality, pham.

>> No.7866048
File: 36 KB, 599x476, 1451773334000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no the whit guy is randall, the black guy is the old black woman

the stand is about the decline of the west. first, we have the collapse of the police state. it grows too bureaucratic, leading to large holes in the system. We see that its not Randall who spreads the disease but a subordinate of the military, the arm of the proverbial body of government. Following this, we have a selection: an entirely randomized selection where some live and some die, but on the whole we are left with a diminished but representative cross section of western society. From there we see two societies develop. One a progressive (in that it is efficient, stratified, and seeks to rejuvenate the scientific advancements of old) and the other a herd of scavengers with mystical beliefs and rife with ideology. The "good guys", those in opposition to randall, are simple country bumpkins and lechers, they are whores and weak minded. What is unsaid, but plain to see is that this society consists of the chaff of the previous society. What were they in their lives prior to the outbreak? They were drunks and fools, they worked minimum wage jobs and lived off the excess of their parents. They were the dregs of society and they needed the plague to elevate their worthless lives to an existence with meaning.
However lets looks at randalls society. It is organized and efficient, they move from total barbarianism and primitive life to having electricity, water and defensive measures before the misfits and feebs bumble their way into pot town usa. And their society consists of great men, men who decipher their way into top secret bunkers, people who train others to work complicated bits of machinery, clearly theirs is the superior society.
What does the weak pluralistic hodgepodge do against the superior opponents? they bring arms against their brothers because of the vodoo magic of a gypsy. Flagg did not attack, they moved on premonitions, they walked to death, while along the way they left one of their own to die a slow death by dehydration.
Do we see the parallels? Rich white america, ruled previously by the rich and powerful is being corrupted by the pluralism of the disenfranchised. King is foretelling the future of americ. The proud "Flagg" waving americans will be subsumed in a deus ex machina type coup where the weak and those not fit to rule take over. King is saying that the slave morality of the feebs, of the lechers, of the dull witted, of those with no discernible talent will overcome and destroy those who wish to build a greater society. They do this not because they fear that they will be overcome but because they fear that their primitive darkness will be contrasted by the illuminated passage of greater peoples then they. They fear the light of unfettered progress because it shows their own grossness and meanness. If trump is defeated in this upcoming election, it will be the same deus ex machina that king foretells.

>> No.7866088

Fight the voodoo magic that invades your dreams, your media, your ideology, embrace the virtue of progress or die destitute. These same people denigrate trump while they denigrate flagg. But as king showed, the society of "good guys" was corrupt even before it was settled. It was corroded by the pettiness of mysticism and plurality. It was morally weak and unjust. When they cleared corpses from the streets it was foreshadowing that one day god would strike down this evil and others would clear their impious remains from the streets as well. Flaggs city was clean, it was the city of god. A voice cries out in the desert, flagg heralded the world where a saviour would return in all his glory. But the mean and weak learned well and struck down the heavenly herald before the house was ready for the master, so too does trump cry out in a desert of sin. He heralds the death of the slave morality and the glory on high of the return of the ubermensch,

>> No.7866092

It is good versus evil.

But precluding that its just a fun dystopian story. I don't think Stephen King is a hack, but neither do I think he's necessarily creating deeply philosophical works of art.