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7859242 No.7859242 [Reply] [Original]

As a senior in high school, for an "honors class" we are required to do book reports. I did The Stranger by Camus and Crime and Punishment. I want to read something that will challenge the audience.Any ideas for novels that will shock/and or awe my classmates?

>> No.7859259

The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler

Genealogy of Morals - Nietzsche

Oh shit, you said novels.


The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea - Mishima

Call of the Wild - London

Lord Jim - Conrad

All of those will trigger people.

>> No.7859263

Better to Never Have Been
Do it you won't. Faggot.

>> No.7859268

Camp of the Saints


>> No.7859275

Bataille, de Sade

>> No.7859277

What's triggering about Call of the Wild?

>> No.7859318

Note's From the Hyena's Belly

>> No.7859330


>> No.7859342

Book of Night Women by Marlon James, or Brief History of Seven Killings.

You get to talk about Jamaican immigrants moving to nyc to get buttfucked and a slave witch serial killer

>> No.7859345

House of Leaves

>> No.7859439

social darwinism

>> No.7859460

Technics and Time, 3: Cinematic Time and the Question of Malaise

>> No.7859511

Finnegan's Wake - Please check in and let us know how the book report is going as you make it.

>> No.7859845

Naked Lunch

>> No.7859855

Fanny Hill

>> No.7861259

This tbqh if you want edgy

>> No.7861273

Nobody is going to be impressed no matter what you read. If you're lucky, then maybe one of your classmates will be impressed by what you write about the book if what you write is actually any good. But I wouldn't count on that either.

The best thing you can do is pick a book that is actually interesting to you, that provokes the most thought of your own about the novel itself. This will provide you with the best material with which to write good papers about the novels.

Everyone in your class is only really out to get an A. They give zero shits about what you're reading. You could be reading a handsigned copy of an unpublished JD Salinger manuscript, and none of your classmates are going to give a single fuck.

>> No.7861362

I'll second this motion.
The shock and awe will be real

"like omg, why did he talk about jizz so much?"

>> No.7861948

The Groundwork For A Metaphysic of Morals

>> No.7861955

The Pilgrim's Progress. It's an allegory of the life of a Christian, more relevant than ever, and no doubt your classmates will be horrified and flabbergasted that someone could talk about God and Christianity(!) in the modern age. They will see reflections in themselves through characters of the book, and hopefully repent of their sins.