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/lit/ - Literature

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7856982 No.7856982 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a new chart thread.

>> No.7856985
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but why, it's the same shit everytime

just check the archive

>> No.7856987
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>> No.7857211

Just go and look at the wiki. They're all collected over there.

>> No.7857444
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>> No.7857452
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tell me what to read next lads

>> No.7857482

Can someone post the Shakespeare chat or his top 3

>> No.7857505

journey to the end of night.

>> No.7857513

Could someone post the top 100 authors chart?

>> No.7857525
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here. memorize it

>> No.7857560

much obliged

>> No.7857668
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captcha: patrician piedmont

>> No.7857722
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>> No.7857751

there's so many books here, what one do I pick if I want to get into criticising and understanding literature?

>> No.7857810

Do we have a chart with notable works from each literary period to peruse? I want to do a survey of all lit. Bonus points if it's only British and American lit. Even more points if it includes specific sub genres

>> No.7857814

Contrary to the popular belief it takes a lot more than reading a few books to be a good literature critic.

>> No.7857896

Never seen that one before, thanks, that's actually very helpful.

>> No.7857923
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now do me

>i really dont read much

>> No.7857930

journey to the end of night

>> No.7858011


>> No.7858019


>> No.7858022

stoner by john williams

>> No.7859994


>> No.7860004

The list might not be shit if it didn't have a memebook at the start

>> No.7860014

Dorian gray

>> No.7860043
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i'm still reading crying lot (hence the line) but i'm also reading lord jim

/lit help me decide what to read next on the list

also do you go through authors works or do you just jump around different books/genres/movements?

>> No.7860049

Dune, American Psycho, and Roadside Picnic

>> No.7860057

Obviously Borges you uneducated cretan

>> No.7860065

I'd fuck Camus and Calvino

>> No.7860075

i liek u m8

>> No.7860080

> tfw no Hamlet
You're not going anywhere without it, read it next for sure, than maybe Crime And Punishment.

>> No.7860164

would you suggest reading anything before hamlet?

i'm quite new to reading

>> No.7860581

i've read 45 of these. not bad, i guess. Infinite Jest and V. are my next two.

>> No.7860613

Avoid the meme trinity. It's really a waste of time unless you're an exit level reader. The books are way too dense and jumping into them without prior knowledge will just lead to confusion and misunderstanding. I really don't think they're good recommendations at all

>> No.7860632

not anon you're talking to, but i'd suggest reading all the major Shakespeare tragedies and comedies (also watching them) before going on and reading anything else, if you haven't done so either in school or on your own. really amazing stuff.

>> No.7860679

What is the meme trinity??

>> No.7860711

Just read a fuck ton of Harold Bloom, my friend.

>> No.7860718

Has anyone read the Nabokov lectures? I've been thinking about picking that up.

>> No.7860726

Infinite Jest, Ulysses, and gravity's Rainbow. Go with borges

>> No.7860731

the meme trilogy are the three books people who have spent too much time on /lit/ pretend to have read. they are

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow

each one is an education in and of itself and worth reading and rereading. if anyone tells you to avoid them, avoid that person instead.

>> No.7860735

yes, by all means do so. it gives you an idea of how he conducted his lectures. the bit about tearing the covers off Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde gave me a good laugh.

>> No.7860739

IJ is shit and others are masterworks of style and prose over content.

>> No.7860749

>DFW that high
>Lev that low
>Asimov present at all
>Flaubert, Whitman, Mann, Yeats, Pound AFTER Alan Moore, PKD, Delillo, AND STEPHEN KING
>a woman anywhere on that list
>Melville AFTER Vonnegut

This board. Christ on a cracker.

>> No.7860755

Cool, thanks. I'll check it out.

>> No.7860776


Actual patrician detected

>> No.7860830

The brothers karamazov

>> No.7860837
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Just made this one

>> No.7860840
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I refuse to read any book before 1920.

>> No.7860847

I bet you're a smart, sensible person

>> No.7860853


>> No.7860880
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Life is too short. It takes a long time to finish a book. There is nothing worth reading in any book before 1920 that hasn't been rehashed anbd improved in a book after that period.

You're welcome.

>> No.7860882

Influx of actual reddit. They spawned during that time, not sure in how high numbers they stayed.

>> No.7860888

go ahead and list your top 10 favorite books

>> No.7860892

lmao, tragic

>> No.7860910

Can't rank in particular order but these are the top 10 books I have read.

Stoner- John Williamson

The Da Vinci Code- Dan Brown

The Road- Cormac McCarthy

The Wolf of Wall Street- Jordan Belfort

Mud, Swear and Tears- Bear Grylls

1984- George Orwell

Casual Vacancy- JK Rowling

The Stand- Stephen King

Breakfast at Tiffanys- Truman Capote

Ulysses- James Joyce

>> No.7860915


>> No.7860924


I think I'll go all in on Kmart Realism or even better, diet-pepsi minimalism this year.

-it's something I can write and relate to
-there are a lot of straitforward marxist/critical themes to explore
-it still feels really relevant

>> No.7860951

You should've just gone with HP 1 to 7 and LoTR 1-3.

That way your bait would've taken less time to write.

>> No.7860962
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>> No.7860974

>masterworks of style and prose over content
So basically the literary equivalent of vapourwave? Fug

>> No.7861000

Not bait, the only one that might not hold up there is the Bear Grylls autobiography but that was included because I'm interested in mountaineering and think his account of climbing Everest is one of the best I have read.

>> No.7861073

>IJ is shit and others are masterworks of style and prose over content.
excellent bait laddy

>> No.7862014

For an absolute beginner I liked How To Read a Book by Adler. It helped me and I never took the time before that to seriously analyze anything.

>> No.7862038

>that Crime & Punishment cover

>> No.7862047

are there any essential books that'd make me treat people like shit I should read

>> No.7862164

Sounds interesting. I would love to see such a chart if you ever make one.

Visually appealing and it looks interesting. Saved.

>> No.7862182

no thanks

>> No.7863278
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>not reading Tolstoy
I don't even want to know you.

>> No.7863699
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Gravity's Rainbow being the best by FAR
followed by The Divine Comedy and The Canterbury Tales

>> No.7863774

Frankly speaking I'm here because in my life I have never fully read a book that is not an science or biography book.

Could you guys please recommend me a book from that chart or should I just go with the one with the highest rating ?

>> No.7863779

the wiki is shit desu

>> No.7863780

More like there's nothing in any book after 1920 that hasn't been done simple and better in a book before.

You're like those retards who won't watch black and white films, I hate you.

>> No.7863789

I fell for the meme but the Iliad is actually quite good. On book 9 now.

>> No.7864351

atlas shrugged

>> No.7864357

>illiterate ij fanboys think this is bait

lmao stay pleb faggot

>> No.7864409


>> No.7864480
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>> No.7864809
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>> No.7864848

Are there any charts to guide someone starting w plato and Aristotle in reading philosophy from the greeks til now? I just have to get the law now to read then idk where to go from there

>> No.7864853


>> No.7864887
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What should I read next, friends?
The circled numbers are my absolute favorite books.

>> No.7866504

Seems like a lot of your favorites are longer works, often older classics, so I guess I'd recommend Dante. Or Borges, damn near everyone likes Borges.

>> No.7866512
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Anyone have dubsys chart?

>> No.7866529

Less chart, more of a thorough introductory guide

>> No.7867585

Really? This is the best you guys got? There are at least a hundred video games better (in every conceivable dimension) than any one of the overly pretentious wastes of paper on that list and dozens of masterpiece games that outdoes all of your one dimensional cave scribbles the same way the sun outshines the stars.


Thanks for confirming that I'm enjoying the superior medium. Papercucks btfo.

>> No.7867591

Where is Beat the Reaper???

>> No.7867631

Show me a few then laddie!
Over half of videogame writings were stolen from books.
The other half come from movies

>> No.7867637

Mother. Mother 2. Mother 3. Mother 4. Undertale.

>> No.7867643
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Now you are just shitposting.

>> No.7867736

Can books engage your auditory and visual senses, allow for user interaction and agency, AND improve hand eye coordination?

Video games 2 papercucks 0

>> No.7867764

no,books are not interactive.
Books make your mind fresher,and they also help improving your imagination.
Not to mention you can't live without books unlike videogames.

Are videogames art?

Videogames are not the next stop for the art train,deal with it.

>> No.7867773
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>Dan Brown

>> No.7867891
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Anyone got a jap literature guide?

>> No.7867905
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>> No.7867917

No shit detective conan

>> No.7868069

I didn't say I wanted to be a good literature critique, I just want to understand literary critique

>> No.7868917

I feel triggered seeing Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep ahead of A Scanner Darkly. IMHO Do Androids Dream... was highly overrated but I found it to still being an enjoyable read.
(They have same amount of votes so whatever)

>> No.7868928
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>that Crime & Punishment translation

>> No.7868946

I'm gonna need that jap lit guide too senpaitachi

>> No.7868948

isn't it one of the most recent ones there are?

has anyone here read it? What is it like?

>> No.7868954
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Would you prefer this one?

>> No.7868966

greatest cover to any book ever. Raskolnikov would be proud

>> No.7868990

Serious question

Do you guys buy all your books as physical copies or just download them for free somewhere? Trying to get into /lit/ so plz no bully.

>> No.7869045

physical copies of novels
get distracted on PC and reading off the screen makes me feel like shit after a while.

>> No.7869168

Physical copies every time, screens hurt my eyes after a while. I tend to read one book at a time and save up for the next one while I read. What stuff have you read so far?

>> No.7869199
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Political right wing stuff

>> No.7869296

who the christ thinks HL Mencken was a conservative

>> No.7869298

Everyone's a conservative if you just go far enough left, my friend.

>> No.7869692
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Gonna dump what I`ve got

>> No.7869695
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>> No.7869700

where can I read Internet Dreams?

>> No.7869706
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this is all senpai

>> No.7869718

/lit/ is shit. Leave while you can.

>> No.7869722

This is good bait.

>> No.7869761

You don't: just like half the things in that image, it doesn't exist.

>> No.7869787

American Psycho

>> No.7869905

too much russia

>> No.7869969

>Tao " Bret Easton Ellis" Lin

How did a twitter celebrity end up on a list of authors?

>> No.7870000


Infinite b8, all three are great

>> No.7870031

Can I get /lit/'s guide to Harry Potter?

>> No.7870052

read 5 first, then continue in descending order (4, 3, 2), then alternate chapters between 6 and 7 before finishing with 1, read backwards, word by word. If you haven't read HP this way you have no business criticizing it.

>> No.7870114
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I found it on my own.

>> No.7870117

If you aren't totally sure, you can grab a random number generator and generate a number from there.

Or you can try out a book from the least colorful cover on that list. It's hard to go wrong if you end up reading an epic poem or a sombre play by mistake.

>> No.7870127

I'm fine with digital copies.

Since I have a stock of chart pictures in my hard drive, I tend to keep chart recommendations in mind if I find physical books.

>> No.7870133


>> No.7870295

What should I read by Camus?

>> No.7870299

None of it.

>> No.7870305

What should I start with of Kerouac/Burroughs and what book?

>> No.7870721

The Stranger, The Plague, The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays.

>> No.7870884

Is there a starter kit for philosophy? Or some kind of road map of where to start. Maybe one for political theory too, or maybe mixing the two.

>> No.7870976

mang Freud is outdated psychology.
get with the times.

Read about the Milgram experiment or the Kitty Genovese case if you wanna read about social (mass) psychology with scientific backing to it.

>> No.7870990

Philosophy? Politics?
Just start with the Greeks. I'm not even kidding, starting with the Greeks is very relevant to both philosophy and politics.

>> No.7871206

Is there any updated chart for fantasy/magic kind of thing, genre fiction.
Things like: "Magicians", "Mistborn", "Way of Kings", "Warbreaker", Dungeon series by Cherryh etc

>> No.7871217

# 7 stoner
One of my favorite books of all time.
Some of the most emotionally tugging non Sci-fi novels i ever read.

>> No.7871330

george r.r. martin fucking spare me

>> No.7871480
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>> No.7871569
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>> No.7871757


>> No.7872579

at least u have Demons by Dostoevsky

>> No.7872585

Is this a joke?

>> No.7872991

What do you think?

>> No.7873052

I've read it and it's actually great. I think it's better than C&V.