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785557 No.785557 [Reply] [Original]

I have no idea where this was best to post, but it has to do with a story so fuck it.

For plot purposes I need to create a religion, the only problem is that I suck at naming things. The primary object of worship is Lilith, Adam's first wife. I've heard of wiccans, satanists, pagans, etc worshiping Lilith up to a point. But I need a new religion as a whole. Could somebody help me out and throw out some potential names for the faith, I got nothing.

>> No.785565


>> No.785561
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>> No.785566


>> No.785568
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>> No.785569


I laughed.

>> No.785570


>> No.785571


>> No.785577
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more info required.

Basic tenets? Any other key figures? relationship to other religions? major ritual practices? European/asian cultural base?

>> No.785579


>> No.785581


>> No.785586


>> No.785583
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Demon lady worship.

>> No.785582


>> No.785588


>> No.785589


>> No.785591


>> No.785592


>> No.785593


>> No.785595


>> No.785596

don't write this book

>> No.785597
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>> No.785598


>> No.785599


>> No.785604

In Russia consortist drives you

>> No.785624

For etymologies sake, The Church of the Howling Night. Worshipers can be called howlers.

>> No.785630

>more info required

Alright, fair enough. The religion arose after an incident involving a previously undiscovered moon (named lilith in [homage?] to Dr. Georg Waltemath and Walter Gornold). This incident causes...bad things to happen physically and politically. The people fall into a sort of anarchy. The religion was created by a bunch of wackos as a power-grab attempt. As for tenets, haven't really thought it through. The MC only really deals with corrupt low-tier clergy. These guys abuse their power the way everybody in history has abused it, by raping, murdering, and pillaging everything in their path in the name of ________. Relationships to other religions? Hostile. Rituals? umm...spilling the blood of female non-believers will work. No bias.

I'll do what I want.

>> No.785641

NOTE: While a large plot object, the religion will get very little 'screentime' and would be mostly in the background.

>> No.785706


>> No.786741

bumping since I don't like any suggested names.

>> No.786769

Call them vampires make them sparkle in sunlight lol

>> No.786795

lilitharians ftw?

>> No.786823

From what you said here, id go with the Church Of The Second Moon, that is if the undiscovered moon your talking about is around Earth

>> No.786826

Make it so it's about a religion of men raping women who the "pope" of this lilithism says it's Lilith reborn.

>> No.786832

children of lilith

>> No.786924


>> No.786940

This sounds familiar, is it a parody of an existing religion?

>> No.787044

call it: cult of the womb.

>> No.787087


>> No.787094

The Firstbriders

>> No.787098


>> No.787099


>> No.787102

More like "Cult of the rib" since she was created from Adam's rib, the male members of the cult are required to give one of their ribs in order to enter.

>> No.787104

IIRC, Eve was made from Adam's rib, but Lilith was not.

>> No.787106

Oh yeah Eve was Adam's wife then what is OP talking about?

>> No.787107


>> No.787123

Right, so anyone feel free to correct me if I've got this wrong.

Lilith was created at the same time as Adam, to be his wife. But when she wanted to equals, Adam got seriously pissed off and told her to shut her whore mouth. She told him to piss off and left Eden, and Adam bitched at God for a new wife, so God made Eve from his rib specifically to be subservient to him,

>> No.787127

Black-clad teenagers

>> No.787142

Yeah what you said is right in old jewish traditions, in islam for example lilith is a monster who eats babies.

>> No.787141


An old legend that says God created Lilith as Adam's wife before Eve. However, Lilith wanted to be man's equal and not be submissive. So, God drove her out of Eden and I forget what happens there. You can Google it and find out a lot more. Then God made Eve for Adam and you know what happened from there.

>> No.787153


>> No.787178

Bene Lilitu, "sons of lilith"

>> No.787190

Satanists are atheists bro

>> No.787211

There are several dozen versions of Satanism.

>> No.787224

Lilith Fair

>> No.787227

Lilith Renaissance

>> No.787763


Lilith was originally a Sumerian night demoness taking the form of a screech owl, so her name can translate to howling/night/screech owl/demon.

>> No.787775

If you don't believe in God, how can you believe in Satan?

>> No.787800

There's a guy named LaVey. He wrote The Satanic Bible. It's not good, just a bunch of reactionary points against Christianity, but it's still something to know about just for the fuck of it because of this exact sort of exchange.

>> No.787808

It also means "of the night"

>> No.789002


From this:


>> No.789058

If you don't realize he is ripping of Evangelion you are uncultured swine

>> No.789069


>> No.789249


>> No.789315

No, seriously. A mysterious new moon? A figure named Lilith? You can't pretend you're not drawing your inspiration from that

>> No.789476

>No, seriously. A mysterious new moon? A figure named Lilith? You can't pretend you're not drawing your inspiration from that

The moon is called Lilith. Have some delicious wiki-style copy pasta;

>Dr. Georg Waltemath searched for secondary moons based on the hypothesis that something was affecting the Moon's orbit.[8] In 1898, Hamburg scientist Dr. Georg Waltemath announced he had located a second moon[9] inside a system of tiny moons orbiting the Earth.[10] Waltemeth is reported as saying, "Sometimes, it shines at night like the sun but only for an hour or so."[8][11]

>In 1918, astrologer Walter Gornold, also known as Sepharial, claimed to have confirmed the existence of Waltemath's moon. He named it Lilith. Sepharial claimed that Lilith was a 'dark' moon invisible for most of the time but claimed to have viewed it as it crossed the sun.

This was inspiration. The idea the Earth may have another moon, was appealing. In Eva, Lilith is creature. In my story, Lilith is a moon.

>> No.789513

Lilith was a creature who came to Earth inside a moon in Eva

>> No.789526

There is no creature in my story. There is nothing really extraordinary about my moon; its a chunk of rock, floating in space. The only thing that makes it even worthy of some notice, is the fact that once it eclipsed the sun it stopped moving (relative to the Earth).

>> No.789534

Regardless, your choice of imagery is stale, and you know what Eva is, so the influence is undeniable. You ought to choose different symbolism or else be prepared to be dismissed out of hand.

>> No.789561


Don't listen to this man. Trust me.

>> No.789563

Correlation does not imply causation. The simple coincidence of an object called Lilith in both Eva and my own story is hardly proof of influence. As for imagery and symbolism, I've stated in a previous post that all this nonsense plays a small part in the big picture. To try and debate this any farther is proof enough to me that you are merely trolling.

>> No.789567


Not OP here but

>your choice of imagery is stale


>You ought to choose different symbolism or else be prepared to be dismissed out of hand.

Retarded opinion. Symbolization in texts has been stolen from other texts since the beginning of time.

>> No.789598

Symbolism itself is outdated outside of mysticism and scripture. Real authors tell it straight

>> No.789605

What the fuck are you talking about? He got the idea from SCIENCE not eva

>> No.789607

****intentional symbolism