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7854790 No.7854790 [Reply] [Original]

Is Atlas Shrugged a good read?
>muh objectivism

>> No.7854824

No. I read only it so I could understand references to it.

>> No.7854838

I am reading it rn. I dont understand why people think of of it as a meme book. Its quite a read holding my attention so far. At least much better than my two previous reads which was the Republic and the War of The Worlds.

Read it desu, you will read it sooner or later, so do it sooner

>> No.7854840

I hear the 50 page John galt speech was a bit much.

>> No.7854861

It's great actually.
You can feel that the plot is there just to support Ayn's philosophy, but it works perfectly. Loved it (just as I loved the Fountain).

>> No.7854894
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Okay, awesome! Thanks for the replies everyone I'll be sure to check it out.

>> No.7854897

I read it as a joke, but it got me interested in liberalism. So I went on to read Hume, Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and contemporary economic theory in favor of free market.

Liberalism is great but objectivism itself is shit. I hope people read it, become interested in liberalism and then cast Rand out the window.

>> No.7854905


I only read the far more concise "Anthem" and that was enough Rand for me. On to better things- life's too short...

>> No.7854965

I enjoyed it quite a bit, yeah.


It's heavy going but out of 1100 pages it's not that much of the book.

>> No.7855086

>Liberalism is great
its a mental disorder

>> No.7855137

>its a mental disorder

Yes, the political and economical movement that gave you everything you have and ever will is 'a mental disorder'.

>> No.7855473

Which version of Atlas Shrugged is the best? I was thinking of getting the Signet version but the text is very small, which would lead to eye-strain for me.
>inb4 e-book

>> No.7855534

Modern day liberal ideology is a mental disorder dummy, >>7854897 was talking about classical liberalism.

>> No.7855577
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Ayn rand wrote above average fiction.

And she wrote it in her second language.

She was a below average philosopher.

Her ideas were at least interesting, if flawed.

Depending on your politics, you might say she was at least on the right track.

If you come at it from the other way, you might say she was wrong but was an interesting character.

Anyone who loves her or hates her is a moron who fell for the memes.

The fountainhead and atlus shrugged are worth reading if you're american, because she's culturally important.

>> No.7855585

>The fountainhead

No it isn't. It is shallow and boring.

>> No.7855594

It really is. It took me about a week to read the book, and the speech was a solid three days of it. It's just so much harder to read through a repetitive political screed than a narrative.

>> No.7855603


I enjoyed it. It sparked an interest in architecture in me. It's not great, but it's a good book.

Full disclosure: I considered myself a libertarian at the time (and was also 20).

>> No.7855617
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>b-buh buh buh
She correctly identifies and dissects what's repugnant about loser socialist ressentiment bullshit slave morality and hangs it on the wall for all to see.

>> No.7855623

There are chinese musical cartoons made for little girls that have more subtlety than Rand. I don't understand how anyone manages to read fifty pages of her drivel, let alone a thousand.

>> No.7855643
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>muh subtlety

Pure meme regurgitation.

>implying subtlety is inherently preferable


I bet you subscribe to the amazing atheist's youtube channel

>> No.7855644

I'm currently read it. I am 300 pages in and I really like it. I am looking at the world in a completely different way. I have actually started caring about economics, politics, and business. I feel like this book is important.

>> No.7855666

The most overrated environmental disaster the body of literature has ever known.

>only occultists appreciate it for obvious research related reasons

>> No.7855713


if i was an impressionable teenager with no understanding of history, human rights policies, etc, maybe i'd like her

>> No.7855722

Nice to see the stereotype about Rand supporters being teenagers is true. Don't worry, you'll outgrow it eventually

>> No.7856886
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> I am looking at the world in a completely different way
> I have actually started caring about economics, politics, and business

Is this how right-winged people become politically aware?
Reading fiction?

>> No.7856914

Your way of reasoning is why I hate humans.

>> No.7856915

I'm reading The FountainHead, and I can feel the energy objectivism thinking can impart. I don't agree with it on a political scale, but as an individual it makes sense. Steve Jobs was clearly a Randian now that I'm reading her. That whole think different is from Rand.

>> No.7856925


is there a problem with becoming politically aware through reading fiction?

fiction can cause people to question many things...

>> No.7856932

Good call. Anyone who doesn't like "Anthem" definitely won't like the longer books.

>> No.7857013

I read it for AP Lit. It's pretty good,the only big problem it has is that it portrays the lower class as leeches sucking at the success of the rich. But aside from that if you've got the time it's a good read.

>> No.7857203
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is it better than Bioshock?

>> No.7857230

Idk mane idk

>> No.7857234

Love that book. Ayn wrote a really well developed pulp. Holgrams, magic metals, engine that runs on air, alt universe US. The characters follow the mold and are either totally evil or totally good and virtuous. She liked Robert Howard, Ian Fleming, Hammet, Spillane and it shows.

The characters act like pulp characters, they move at a fast pace, as does the plot itelf. The philosophy you can take or leave but you can imagine a character making those very speeches.

>> No.7857240

Huh, interesting.

>> No.7857256

Forgot to mention the Death Ray in my list of sci-fi stuff in AS.

>> No.7857386

its pretty boring

check it out if you want a really boring medium for her to pitch her philosophy

>> No.7857445

Just picked it up from the library because I couldn't find the other book I wanted to check out

>tfw 1000 pages
Welp I probably should've picked something shorter to start with like >>7854905 vut we'll see how it goes.

>> No.7857558
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it's pure shit

if you bother to read it or Fountainhead, I recommend reading Dianetics as well
if Capitalism indeed has a scripture in its doctrine, than Ayn Rand is one of it's primary publishers
image related, AS is bold faced propaganda for Western values, which makes it frightening that so many people embrace its values in their own lives, professional and otherwise
>Steve Jobs
>Ted Cruz

>> No.7857675

(If you've read it) Would you prefer Anthem as the lesser evil or is it just as propaganda-like?

>> No.7857710


The Fountainhead is better.

>> No.7857740
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Its okay.

>> No.7857756

Why do libcucks hate Ayn so much, /lit/?

>> No.7858004

Since she preached all that shit and in the end died alone and impoverished living off welfare?

She considered Aristoteles her only teacher (which is bs) and she proved him right in one thing: women are not capable of logical thinking

>> No.7858016

>women are not capable of logical thinking

It's funny how you fail to realize the influence she had on the American economy.

When they were both young adults, Ayn befriended Greenspan, who was influenced by her ideology and eventually became Chairman of the Fed and implemented objectivist ideals into his policies.

You're too much of a cuck to even realize this, and yet you berate her, claiming she's incapable of illogical thinking?


Please delete your post and leave me board.

>> No.7858023

No, not at all. All she's doing is regurgitating a much more babied, more selfish version of what Nietzsche forwarded.

there are economic policies based off what this lady shit out duder

she stole Anthem from Yevgeny Z.'s book "We". It came 5-6 years prior, same plot, but not written by a boring Romantic wannabe with a hardon for misinterpreted Nietzsche.

>> No.7858032
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> cuck someone
> "individualism and selfishness sure are great guys"
> get cucked
> "waaaah I can't believe you would do this to me how could you waaah"

>> No.7858051

How is it shallow?

I liked the fountainhead to a certain extent, but I couldn't even finish atlas shrugged. THAT book was boring.

OP, if you must read Ayn Rand, read the fountainhead. Everything else is by far less enjoyable.

I disagree. I thought the anthem was poorly done, and I only bothered to finish it because it was so short. I would recommend the longer books over the anthem.

>> No.7858054

>satan trips

>> No.7858072
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Literally muslim-tier reaction :D

I consider women my equal, it was Aristoteles, her "teacher" who said that women are incapable of logical thinking and so much she praised him that she made his statements true.

I don't doubt her influence on american economy, I just don't care enough about american economy to take it into account.

I won't even list the amount of typos or errors your writing has.


Please delete your post and do a lithuanian.

>> No.7858082
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I am Japanese.
I insist Ayn land .
She isn't popular in japan.
Why does she popular,in US?

>> No.7858112

>muh ethical egoism

Fuck off.

>> No.7858191

I found Rand's philosophy to be morally reprehensible, but overall, the writing just isn't very good. I managed to reach 400 pages, but it becomes a struggle. Especially because her idea of an ideal human is basically an emotion less sociopath. Having all of the main protagonists be robots wears on you.

>> No.7858213

>Especially because her idea of an ideal human is basically an emotion less sociopath
She has that in common with Nietszche then

>> No.7858284

relax, he was talking about real liberalism, the old kind, not modern liberalism, which is socialism

>> No.7859089

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.7859101

>her idea of an ideal human is basically an emotion less sociopath

On a political level yes but not as a person. She thinks there is a clear distinction between how people should think in terms of society and its problems and their own individual happiness.

Too much emotion in politics or business results in evangelical Christians on one end and the insane left wing Marxist youth we see rising all over the country.

>> No.7859140

It's hardly literature, but it's not much worse than any other "literature-as-sugar-coated-ideology" book - 1984 too had a long, boring speech; We was dreadfully boring, etc. etc. She actually paints a fairly vivid picture of a world in decay, almost reminded me of Lawrence. But, you won't find what's universal in the human condition in Rand.

>> No.7859151


>> No.7859364


He means classical liberalism, retard.

>> No.7859574

>be this anon
>gets it
Ayn Rand was a good fiction writer but her fiction was just to support her philosophy. Tons of great writers do that but she never really considers the possibility that she could be wrong. In her writing, collectivists are all either blind to the realities of the world or evil manipulators while the individualist protagonists are misunderstood and the ones who champion what will make the world a better place. There are people of every philosophy and background that want the best for themselves and their societies, using this fact to write fiction makes the worlds built by writers more believable and makes it more believable when we can understand how certain people in certain positions with certain mindsets come to certain conclusions about the world and how it works. Real writers shouldn't just set up the entirety of their fictional world simply to support one viewpoint, but to at least consider multiple realities.
Otherwise, its just literary masturbation which isn't very interesting. To me at least.