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7854526 No.7854526 [Reply] [Original]

>the easiest way to become an atheist is to read the Bible

Is he right?

>> No.7854543
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>> No.7854553

kek, no.

It is a lot easier to just sit on your ass and watch youtube videos of people who are unironically fat fedora wearing gamer say things like "the easiest way to become an atheist is to read the Bible " or "We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."

Atheists drop out of high school to become professional gamers. They don't read at all.

>> No.7854582

xD the easiest way to loose weight is to eat in MckDonalds
Do i sound smart and edgy yet xD?

xD the easiest way to get a college degree is to partyyy as hard as you can erryday
Do i sound smart and edgy yet xD?

xD the easiest way to get a girlfriend is to become gayy d:DD;d
Do i op?
sound smart and edgy yet xD?


>> No.7854592

Are his books good?

>> No.7854594

Le trashman really said this?

>> No.7854595

>I can't interpret kaballistic allegories which means there is no divine creator

When will the profane learn?

>> No.7854614

The amount of hurt feelings in this thread is fucking remarkable, good job OP

>> No.7854623
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>> No.7854624

How anyone can read the Gospels and not come away with any feeling truth or beauty is beyond me.

People hate what they don't understand; those include fundamental truths and the realisation that there are things that go beyond their own self interests.

>> No.7854665
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Desperate plead for attention, breh

>> No.7854673
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>I'm so secure in my faith that whenever someone attacks my religion on a Jap cartoon website, I have to respond

>> No.7854682
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>butthurt atheist
>calls others manchildren

wew lad

>> No.7854684

>I have to respond
Its not like they feel the need to respond. Usually they don't care just meme with the Fedora pics. If you think a response means that they have an emotional need to respond or got offended, you should reflect on the idea a little bit more

>> No.7854685


You can still be a theist and accept the bible is completely bullshit.

Just written by greedy men who misinterpreted or ignored Jesus's original intentions as a humanist and revolutionary.

>> No.7854686 [DELETED] 


There are people out there who actually care about you.

>> No.7854689
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There are people out there who actually care about you...

>> No.7854693

>Just written by greedy men who misinterpreted or ignored Jesus's original intentions as a humanist and revolutionary.

This is a worse heresy than atheism.

>> No.7854696

>conflating God and religion
Why would you ever listen to someone who tries to disprove God by talking about a specific religion? What a retard.

>> No.7854702
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>I'm so secure about my favorite book that whenever someone attacks it on a Jap cartoon website, I have to respond
>I'm so secure about my favorite author that whenever someone attacks him on a Jap cartoon website, I have to respond

This place is made for that kind of stuff.

>> No.7854713

>Rate of christianity


>> No.7854719

You don't have to be an athiest to think the bible is retarded

>> No.7854726

Okay, who wrote the gospels, when did they write them, and what were their intentions?

>> No.7854743

What would be the cause of butthurt? The infantile adhoms spouted by enlightened servants of Jehovah like yourself?

>> No.7854750

This. Thiests have no other argument besides
>le fedora tipping athiest xdxd

>> No.7854751

Especially considering humanism is just cheap feelgood Christianity without the hard parts but with moral relativism.

>> No.7854814
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If you're a whiny and autistic little bitch who takes the stories of the bible at face value, then yeah, he's 100% right.
I'm not even Christian, but this kind of people who claim to be smarter than "teh religious sheeple" while simultaneously being just as ignorant as they are should be slapped twice every morning.

>> No.7854868


I like Penn Jillette, I actually do, but you are totally right. Penn openly admits that he tried to read Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a Thousand Faces" but he just couldn't understand it.

That should be a sign for you, if you can't even into simple comparative mythology/religion you're going to say some pretty cringe-worthy things.

>> No.7854907


Well, there's a strong case to be made for the intellectual dishonesty of the atheist side, your post being a prime example.

>> No.7854934
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He's right. Not because "hurr durr God is evil xDDD" but because if it was truly inspired by God then it wouldn't have so much filler.

>> No.7854942

>intellectual dishonesty
You mean piracy? That phrase makes no sense

>> No.7854953

>atheists still think christianity is about an imaginary friend in the sky

>> No.7854955

The easiest way for me was to learn what a cognitive bias was and how to recognize it.

>> No.7854972

There tend to be two different kind of people in regards to religion, both of them being equally wrong. One group thinks the metaphors in religious texts are facts. Those are what we call theists. The other group knows that the metaphors are not facts. And so they're untrue, they're lies. Those are the atheists.

Both groups are entirely missing the point because the symbols are not supposed to be interpreted as facts, they are metaphors. God is a metaphor for a mystery that absolutely transcends all human categories of thought, even the categories of being and non-being. Those are categories of thought. I mean it's as simple as that. So it depends on how much you want to think about it. Whether it's doing you any good. Whether it is putting you in touch with the mystery that's the ground of your own being. If it isn't, well, it's a lie and you call yourself an atheist.

>> No.7855033

He's not a man, either...

>> No.7855625


Sure smells like Nietzsche in here. I agree anon :')

>> No.7855661

I'm not a Christian but I hate when shit like this is pulled out. I've been studying the Bible this semester, as a text it is really something. You shouldn't take the bible at face value and you shouldn't think the bible is written to be taken at face value.

>> No.7855853

Why do people assume that the spiritually minded must all be biblical literalists? And that there is no middle ground than being a literalist of one religious text, and being an atheist that denounces all but materialism? Is it not common knowledge at this point that all belief systems outline roughly the same metaphysic and choosing this faith or that is just semantics? This is /lit/. Shouldn't you have some basic understanding of the reoccurring themes in ideology and fiction? Of course it's ridiculous to take the christian bible as a historical document. That doesn't equal atheism.

>> No.7856031

Penn's the greatest. Bullshit was an amazing show, I have signed copies of both of his books, I listen to his podcast every weekend, and even I have to admit a lot of the shit he says is testimony to the fact that he isn't a highly educated man and shouldn't be regarded as a serious voice in any intellectual community. However, he makes very simple, occasionally profound, statements that are easy to digest and can make you think, whether you agree or not.

>> No.7857125

bible bump

>> No.7857128

What value should I take the bible at?

>> No.7857144


Before 4chan I thought religion was dying, but the amount of angry religious young people defending it and hating atheists has proved me otherwise.

A real shame

>> No.7857148


you are a christian lite

>> No.7857153

Or you could consider the bible written by various men with various interpretations of belief.
Some have pertinent and wise things to say, some are misinterpreted, others completely misunderstood Jesus' message, and god in general.
Not to mention the Bible has been undeniably changed from its inception, and one cannot even trust that it contains the original message.
But like any book, it should be taken with a grain of salt, as the interpretation of existence from someone who is just a human, like you or me.

>> No.7857160

Well put, anon

>> No.7857165

It's just arbitrary contrarianism, they need something to make them feel special and atheism is just too popular nowadays to make the cut.

>> No.7857172

pseudo-intellectual: the post

>> No.7857180

>You religious fuckers sure are dumb
>Hey man, fuck you!
Random anon I am responding to
>Wow, can't believe there are religious people, and I can't believe how much they hate Atheists. Wow, they sure are angry, and wow, what a real shame it is that I, noble Atheist that I am, must live among these morons whom I wish did not exist, and are the root of all my troubles.
Bravo, let's all continue misunderstanding and hating each other as we've always done, I wouldn't want to actually sit down and think of the substance of my being, and the implied connectivity we have with each other.
Might as well continue categorizing and measuring who we are so we can have a distinct separation.
I wouldn't want to co-operate or understand anyone, fuck it, let's have another war.
Who's for a religious war, so for once and for all we can decide who is worthy of existing?

>> No.7857199

What do you mean by filler? If you mean the parts where God isnt directly laying down the law then you are misinterpreting the bilbe. By looking at the stories and its "filler" you can see every little action that God deems good or bad.

Or I could just be way off on what you meant

>> No.7857236



>> No.7857884

Chapter 17 of the second volume of Schopenhauers WWR deals with this most excellently. It is indeed quite simple. And it is indeed quite silly that most people - theist or atheist - are unaware of the allegorical nature of most (non-philosophical) religious texts.

>> No.7857932

Well, yeah, but the trouble is when you get crazy poets and ascetics who try to say everything is allegorical, even the stuff that explicitly isn't, like the Resurrection.

>> No.7858040
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>read the Bible

But that requires effort.