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7854184 No.7854184 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread: No tidying edition


>> No.7854189
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>> No.7854193
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>> No.7854201
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>> No.7854490
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Step aside patrician coming through

>> No.7854494

You've got a few titles that I would consider high-brow, but the amount of shit-tier plebwash on your shelves is damning

>> No.7854502

hows that grace of kings?

>> No.7854504

itt hoarders

>> No.7854505

these are literally all the titles i would consider pleb-identifiers in one shelf

>> No.7854521
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>> No.7854524

literally kill yourself

>> No.7854554
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>> No.7854559
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>> No.7854561
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>> No.7854564
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>> No.7854568

>please kill me

I think that's your shelf talking. Fix that shit.

>> No.7854571

what part of
>no tidying
do you not understand

>> No.7854575
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No tidying

>> No.7854576

Yeah OP means don't clean up before you take the picture, not for the rest of time.

>> No.7854578


what part of
do you not understand

>> No.7854589

I'm not just going to put the books on the ground

>> No.7854644


Jesus christ just get another god damn shelf.

>> No.7854650


>> No.7854657
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>meme trilogy together

i like you

>> No.7854661

Contact was gr8

>> No.7854668

>right next to "please kill me"


>> No.7854709

Really nice.

>> No.7854712
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>> No.7854774

Sounds like you don't know what the word patrician means.

>> No.7854778


>> No.7854917


>> No.7854923



>> No.7854946
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>> No.7854952

All that fucking asian lit I want...
How have you afforded all of that?!

>> No.7854954
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>> No.7854961
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I don't think anything there cost very much, besides those 4-volume sets. But, it'd be because I have a pretty okay job, plenty of extra income and almost exclusively buy used and cheap.

>> No.7854962

This has to be the worst.

I hope you're a female/gay black man

>> No.7854963
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>> No.7854967
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>> No.7854970
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>> No.7854971

>Douglas Adams
>Ray Bradbury
>Ready Player One
>Genre fiction
I'm sure /r/books would appreciate your collection. Please don't post here.

>> No.7854978
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With a bonus Lego shelf.

>> No.7854981
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>> No.7854986
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>> No.7854994
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>> No.7854996
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>> No.7854999
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Start of the non-fiction bookcase.

>> No.7855008
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Children's shelf on the second one on this. I'm going to be getting more and moving them to some separate bookcases in the bedroom soon.

>> No.7855013
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Final bit. I also got some more Hardy, Utamaro and the second Proust volume yesterday, which aren't in these.

>> No.7855021
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>> No.7855030

This is like a patrician who started reading 2 months ago

>> No.7855034

not far off anon

>> No.7855142
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is my masterpiece

>> No.7855169
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Wow congratulations. It takes real talent to make 4chan lurker, former /b/tard, pedophilia researcher, actually have to turn away in disgust and repulsion.

>> No.7855174


>All those German translations/original Russian works

My deutsch/pyccкий язык nigga

>> No.7855192

greetings нoчнyшa
where u at

your post is invalid if you can't name that shade of blue I used there

>> No.7855200

>name that shade of blue
I really- I really can't look at it long enough to figure out.

>> No.7855213

take a picture of the entire thing you cunt. even if we can't read titles. that's a lot of books. do you buy used? how old are you. how long have you been reading. have you read most of those? I like you

>> No.7855247
File: 1.98 MB, 3226x1815, room back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already dark out so I can't take a new one, but here's one of the general set-up.

Pretty much only buy used, the only times I buy new are when I get gift cards on my birthday/Christmas or if it's super cheap. I'm 26--been reading forever, but only started serious reading when I first came to /lit/ in 2010. I've read more than half of them now, barring anthologies. Lately I've been buying the stuff I read as ebooks/from the library that I really liked, so the percentage read and reread is going up a lot.

I'd probably like you too, anon.

>> No.7855342

goddammit that's a fucking nice set of books. that is my dream to cover a wall in fucking books I've read. or mostly read.

>> No.7855393
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Recently re-organized ;)

>> No.7855400

Sorting by publisher? Looks nice.

>> No.7855406

>women & men

love you man

>> No.7855407

On the left shelf yes, there's not really much rhyme or reason on the right shelf other than a few.

>> No.7855415

Prussian Blue

>> No.7855426

love ya too buddy

>> No.7855439

hows Satantango? i've only seen the movie :^)

>> No.7855451


International Klein Blue ya dingus

>> No.7855480

Pretty nice, but where's the Hobbit? Your collection is missing it's most vital piece. You've got the complete Hitchhiker's guide too. You're a frood who really knows where your towel is!

>> No.7855509

is the divine comedy anon with the entire shelf of one collection of a chinese author here?

>> No.7855538
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>> No.7855573

yes he's right here >>7854490

i remember him that's the bottom corner of his shelves lol, funny how triggered everyone else is

>> No.7855576

thought those white shelves were familiar

hey, who was the chinese author you had the huge collection of? Was it Mao Dun?

>> No.7855606
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>> No.7855612
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here's some of another one there are more but w/e

>> No.7855684
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>narrow bookshelves

fucking nice

>> No.7855734

>using bookshelf for shit other than books

>> No.7855735

>literally all
Dick please.

>> No.7855748

>golden dawn
>portable darkness
mah nigga

>> No.7855781
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Hey anon, I hope you come back to read this. But the book "Fry the Brain" I bought it myself, being a hunter, having been in the military, and having long range precision shooting as a hobby. Let me tell you, that book is full of shit. For every fact in that book, there's an equal lack of truth. I feel this is like the book a liberal redditor or journalist studies before they publish an article.

The information in sniping, tactics, and on the actual weapons themselves is extremely low tier. It's written by someone who doesn't know a thing about the subject, just a man who collected hearsay's and third hand information.

That, and then the book starts going off on his own political beliefs instead of focusing on the subject of the book. Horrible book, it's fun, it's written in a fun way, but the book is filled with trash information. So much, that I'd call the book a lie.

>> No.7855782

>step ladder
kek manlet detected

Nice pic though. How much of a richfag are you?

>> No.7855823

>I became an avid reader three months ago and I can't stop

>> No.7855829

If you mean the three in the middle, it's a spousal conciliation.

Not rich at all. I mean, that's an apartment furnished with Ikea stuff. But a dual income household with no serious expenses means spending a bunch on whatever you want.

>> No.7855842

despite my shit-talk about the figurines, i do envy your collection, especially the south american section to the right of the pic

>> No.7855884

is that three kingdoms from foreign press? how is the quality? i want to order journey to the west but i fear the quality.

>> No.7855908


>> No.7855911

>spousal conciliation
>but women don't like toys

So, you're a woman? Or, well, at the very least you're married to a man.

>> No.7856012

Good taste, shit organizing

>> No.7856018
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>> No.7856650
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>Dave Eggers IJ

>> No.7856651


>> No.7856926


Thanks for the heads up.


> fist bump

>> No.7856951

Terrible ordening.

>> No.7856999

I am. The architecture ones are mine, though.

It's very thin paper, but I haven't had any of them even threaten to fall apart. They're heavy, but the binding is very solid. They feel a lot like a manga if a manga had triple the number of pages squeezed in.

I'm getting the revised Yu version for Journey to the West eventually, just gotta wait until there are used copies for sale cheaper.

>> No.7858765


>> No.7858779

>no Bible
Have fun burning in hell

>> No.7858784

Pretty shit taste tbqh

>> No.7858801

>Camus and Nietzsche on the same shelf as CS Lewis
This is what a true patrician looks like, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.7858888
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You bookshelf posters have given me a glimpse of your soul. Stay safe.
"Breakfast of champions" is probably my prized possession.

>> No.7858961

>Simon Baron-Cohen
I didn't realize Borat wrote a book. How is it?

>> No.7858965

>Infinite Jest with Ellis and Palahniuk instead of Pynchon and DeLillo


>> No.7858971

I sort by year of author's birth. He's just a young'in.

>> No.7859002

That's actually a really interesting method. Sorry for memeing.

>> No.7859249

its actually his cousin or nephew or something
i didnt find it too great, the premise is interesting in that it outlines a theoretical model of gender differences and then speculates on how autism might be related to 'hypermasculinity,' but I found it a bit tedious and patronizing desu.

>> No.7859633
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>> No.7859643
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>> No.7859646


>> No.7859651
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>> No.7859653

That I am

>> No.7860092

fuckin kiwis
clueless as always

>> No.7861066
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>he didn't read past god emperor

>> No.7861730

Is this the fucking 60's?
People that smoke are just people that want to kill themselves but don't have the balls/ovaries to do it.

>> No.7861755

p.good, but I'm particularly MIRIN those Lady Gregory books and that Faerie Queene

good bait, saved

>dat meme trilogy on display
I'd let you rim me

10/10 true patrician

>1/14 Ill just ignore you m8

>> No.7861774
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I hope you're baiting, non smokers aren't allowed on /lit/

>> No.7861784
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>> No.7861788

really nice. if you ever divorce/breakup watch that bitch closely.

fuck man, what are those nyrb titles?
i see life and fate and the anatomy of melancholy, but what others?

>> No.7861794

Cigars, though

>> No.7861816

>organized by publisher
the only thing more pleb than this is organized by color

>> No.7861832

The Stammering Century
The Stories of J F Powers
The Long Ship
Store of the Worlds
Memories of the Future
Fear: A Novel of World War I
A Handbook of Hanging
Names on the Land

>> No.7861838

kek @ 'poetry of the taliban'. I assume u left ur copy of 'poetry of the uncivilized african' on your nightstand?

>> No.7861983

>Ill just ignore you m8
See >>7855247

>> No.7862044

>having books just for show

I'm probably prejudicing, but people should have bookshelves full of the books they have already read or are currently reading. In any case if you don't have a bookshelf like then you should aim to have your own library. No halfways.

>> No.7862130


Grossman - The Road
Oakley Hall - Warlock


>> No.7862139

How much do you need to count as having your own library?

>> No.7862217

that guy is just autistic, I seriously doubt people buy books just for show even on /lit/, no one would spend cash on a book without at least a passing wish to read it

>> No.7862319
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>> No.7862326
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>> No.7862336
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>> No.7862340
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>> No.7862349
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>> No.7862359
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>> No.7862367

very nice anon, i'd like to have a political collection like yours one day

>> No.7862381

>please kill me
Fucking excellent book.

>> No.7862401

wtf is wrong with douglas adams? not cool cause he is popular? hitchhiker made me laugh out loud a couple times, he is a good writer.

>> No.7862465
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> wwwwhauouaa?! - The Martian! WHAHAHPPLEBBITTTTPLEBBITTTTTTT!!!
It was a gift, and to be totally honest, it was just as bad as I thought it would be, and then some.

And the secondary monitor is a new addition; I just didn't like having the empty space.

>> No.7862467
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, HAHAHAHAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that P&V

>> No.7862471

hey fucker, i was looking you.
>>7855576 here

>> No.7862485

> hey fucker, i was looking you.
what did he mean by this?

>> No.7862490

*looking for you

>captcha high st :^)

>> No.7862494

Well, I'm a different guy (first time posting my shelf, actually); he and I just have similarly shitty white bookshelves.

>> No.7862503

Are any of us actually "a different guy?"

>> No.7862507

Oh silly, we, I forgot that
I are you and you am me,
all one and nothing simultaneously

>> No.7862514

fugg, ok thanks anon. i saw some chinese lit there. is that three body problem? how is it? i'm guessing you speak chinese. know if the translation is any good? i can only speak a little chinese, not enough to read the book.

>> No.7862617

I have a fair amount of Japanese lit, but the only Chinese book I have up there is 'Ancestors', by Frank Ching.

And my Chinese isn't good enough to tell you how good or not the translation of 3BP is, but s'far as I know, there's only the one by Kevin Liu, and it won the Hugo, so I'd presume that it's okay.

>> No.7862866
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Just moved.

>> No.7862871
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>> No.7862876
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>> No.7862877
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>> No.7862880
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>> No.7862884
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>> No.7862889
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>> No.7863508


What is the book that says "Criti Life, Hen Lefe" on the side?

>> No.7863521
File: 38 KB, 490x252, Lefebvre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 'Critique of Everyday Life', by Henri Lefebvre. That one's published by Verso. Definitely has kind of an odd look to it, but I really dig it.

>> No.7863807


>> No.7863810

A true Patrician with a capital P which /lit/ doesn't deserve but need in these desperate times

>> No.7865144

Thanks anon, but I don't make much difference. I've already been here the whole time.

Are you gonna re-sort them once you're settled? I love all the old paperbacks.

>> No.7865162

Jin Yong


It's Ken Liu acutally.

2nd book is translated by Joel Martinson and 3rd is Ken again.

Translations are fine. The series is western enough that it doesn't lose that much. First book is probably the most Chinese and the bits I skimmed show the English is fine.

>> No.7865207
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>> No.7865347
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>> No.7865406

there's alot in here I could get into.

>> No.7865453

These threads often lead to interesting conversations about potential reads with people you know are into the same literary area codes as you.

>> No.7865522

"a pic of my kindle"

>> No.7865616

Envious of that Juenger collection. Great stuff.

Tell me about Von Rezzori, anon.

>> No.7865634


>> No.7865682
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Step aside, patrician coming through.

>> No.7865706

why are you reading Octavio Paz? lol

>> No.7865712

Bolano mentioned him alot and a mexican friend of mine urged me to read it

You don't like him?

>> No.7865726

Never heard of anyone who enjoyed him. Haven't read much of him but i really liked his Sor Juana book.

>> No.7865728
File: 8 KB, 354x500, yhst-137970348157658_2409_1283099364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two Ulysses. Vintage and Dover Publications. Which should I keep? Dover Publications is brand new, Vintage is a bit old.

>> No.7865734

why did they have to ruin it with the text below Joyce

>> No.7865743
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>> No.7865750
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>> No.7865756

Why am I a fag when I posted what the OP wanted?
>don't even know why I'am responding to you

>> No.7865807

>Piketty's Capital
>the fucking PoS
You couldn't be more of a poseur, holy shit.

>> No.7865812

This is my new favorite image
Master patrish

>> No.7865841

Nice math books

>> No.7865928

Why'd you stop?

>> No.7865983

*tips fedora*

>> No.7865991
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Started cooking lunch and forgot

>> No.7865996
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>> No.7866002

bookshelf threads have that same appeal as opening a pack of trading cards and hoping you get something good

>> No.7866005
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>> No.7866010
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>> No.7866017 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7866022 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7866029 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7866045
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>> No.7866050
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>> No.7866061
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>> No.7866207
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Rezzori's books often have a jaunty tone, beckoning the reader into his maze of nostalgic reveries. Beneath the playful prose his themes tend to ooze pessimism. Overall, his books are a joy to read. For starters try Memoirs of an Anti-Semite or Oedipus at Stalingrad.

>> No.7867139

hahaha i've never seen a more obivously nread bookshelf

and it's all insufferable pseudointellectual titles

>> No.7867188


not that guy but-

>never seen a more obivously nread bookshelf

maybe true

>and it's all insufferable pseudointellectual titles

if you consider hobbes, heidegger, & nietzsche to be 'pseudo' intellectual, who are genuinely intellectual writers? Do you have a bias against philosophy?

>> No.7867189
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>> No.7867196
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>> No.7867208


>Women and Men
Is that actually good, anon? and how did you acquire it?

>> No.7867849

What's wrong with American Gods? It's pretty entertaining.

>> No.7867859

Too much philosophy and too little literature. If you don't stop now you'll end up a philistine.

>> No.7867878

I got it by biting the meme-bullet and buying it on Amazon.
It only came recently, so I haven't actually waded into it yet, but I've read a few scattered pages here and there as I tend to whenever I'm excited with a new book, and I'm happy with the purchase so far. Only time and a linear read through will tell, though.

>> No.7867909

But that's pretty much what /lit/ is. Besides also claiming to love Joyce to seem like a pretentious snobby cunt.

>> No.7868471


>> No.7868483
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Hi /lit/ I just started reading and this is my complete collection I'm looking to branch out and I'm completely unfamiliar with what /lit/ likes any recs xd

>> No.7868508

inherent vice and bleeding edge

>> No.7868753

We like Captain Underpants

>> No.7868760
File: 3.00 MB, 4128x2322, infernoofautism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saved this

>> No.7868826

you think hes read paradiso ?

>> No.7868872

It bothers me that you spent that much on a book without reading any of his other works. Would you partially consider yourself a collector as well as a reader?

>> No.7868911

Not him, but I imagine most people who post in these threads do. Why show off a collection if you don't consider yourself a collector?

>> No.7868916

I am a collector. thank God books are cheap.

>> No.7868926

They definitely are, especially compared to most other things people collect.

I can limit myself to $50/mo and still need another bookcase each year.

>> No.7870054

Am the guy you responded to.
I'd consider myself a small-time collector. Not much up there worth bragging about though so far except for W&M and those Gil Orlovitz novels.
And I've read three of McElroy's other books - a friend of mine is huge fan, so I borrowed them from him. He and I would talk about W&M fairly often, but neither of us were really prepared to go for it. I eventually did so that we could both read it; figured it was only fair for me to buy it, cuz he'd bought the others so far.

>> No.7870065
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>> No.7870113
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>all those Everyman's Library books

>> No.7870454

I have a storage unit that I keep read books in or I donate them

Why would I fill my shelves with fiction books I don't intend to read again ever?

I cycle literature into storage but keep philosophy around to reference

>> No.7870932

seriously this

>> No.7870948

Missing Game of Thrones, The Martian and The Name of the Wind.

Not yet patrician.

>> No.7871175

fucking triggered

>> No.7871321 [DELETED] 

>john cena
>karl marx

>> No.7871332

>john cena
>karl marx

baka desu senpai

>> No.7871470

it's a meme to dislike penguin

>> No.7871483
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This isn't even my main board, brah.

>> No.7871499 [DELETED] 
File: 3.48 MB, 4608x3072, 1450650920174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my conservative shelf so people can make fun of me again - Balthus has been replaced by Crippled America (I now have a separate shelf for art and architecture books).

>> No.7871503

>the circle

>> No.7871551

You could use some Strauss and Oakeshott

>> No.7871558

And that's not even a notable bookshelf. What's your main board?

>> No.7871570
File: 19 KB, 620x372, michael-fassbender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i anxiety buying books
>tfw browsing a book shop is my favorite thing to do apart from paying

>> No.7871577

/p/ and /r9k/

>> No.7871582

>reads books once

>> No.7871600

I guess there's no collections to show off from there, unless it's a NEET nest.

>> No.7871661


>> No.7871671

i like it

>> No.7871705

r8 Knausgard's bookshelf and working place.


pay close attention to picture 10 in the gallery

>> No.7871748
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my dad liked reading

>> No.7871767

Haven't read it yet.




Yea it was.


Yea I'm pretty hoopy.

The Hobbit is on another shelf.

What would you suggest?

I have the Bible committed to memory. Don't need a copy.

I don't read trash pleb books like GoT, The Martian, and Name of the Wind.

>> No.7871777

cool. is he dead?

>> No.7871785

nah, almost 80 tho

>> No.7871843

it's popular therefore you're not allowed to like it.

>> No.7871855

This is my favorite so far

Any particular reason why you have them books specifically displayed like that on the right?

>> No.7872024


>> No.7872054

So do you just go to the book store and purchase every book that says neoconservatism on it?

>> No.7872269

>in a drawer
>spines not facing out
>all look brand new but one or two
nice confederacy of dunces though senpai

>> No.7872303

>all look brand new but one or two

Probably 3/4 are second hand. I try to pick ones that are in decent condition though. And if you saw the spines they wouldn't look so good. I put them on the spines because some book covers stick out more than the text (see bottom row... penguin "premium" editions), and until I get a shelf I don't want the spine to sag in so much.

>> No.7872325
File: 2.20 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20160331_193712330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my little corner library. I rarely come here.

My favourite book is probably Brideshead Revisited.

>> No.7872334
File: 2.39 MB, 1245x933, shelf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my stuff, which is really the only stuff which I would actually consider literature. Everything on the left is cheap Sci-Fi, Southeast Asian detective novels, and war fiction. Just got back from Barnes and Noble though so the right shelf just got reformatted, pic related

>> No.7872346

The history of middle earth gave me more pangs of hatred than the chinkee-chinaman books.

>> No.7872350

What's wrong with Eggers IJ?

>> No.7872354

almost as good as a kindle pic.

>> No.7872392

I'm sorry you're a pleb.

>> No.7872397


19:10 onward is /lit/

>> No.7872426

I don't even have friends, much less undergrads, to come over and mock my shelves.

What was the context before 19:10?

>> No.7872447

>people in my flat
haha jokes on you

>> No.7872608
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>What was the context before 19:10

>He hasn't watched peepshow

>> No.7872631

I don't have time to watch Peep Show I'm too busy reading dryden

>> No.7872640


>> No.7872697

Is 19:10 a new resolution?

>> No.7872852

he's a turncoat fuck

>> No.7872869
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>being this /lit/-core

>> No.7872951

I might eventually, but I haven't so far.

>> No.7873695

Looks like the only book you've read is Lord of the Flies. Tell me, anon, are you a poseur?

>> No.7873937

>There’s a lot of the author in the frustrated film maker Jim Incandenza, who in his work had very little interest in telling a story, opting to experiment with handmade lenses and innovative lighting effect. Jim scorned pedestrian narratives and parodied established genres; he held his audiences in almost utter contempt, refusing to pander to their need for easily palatable entertainment. Finally he succumbed, making what he considered the perfect entertainment. Then he killed himself.


>> No.7873976

>axe body spray

underage b&

>> No.7874138

>Starting Strength
>Infinite Jest

Getting meme'd by multiple boards

>> No.7874436

haha now I kind of wish I had a bookshelf so that I could get rid of all these piles of books...

>> No.7874505
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>> No.7874512

You are 17 years old. Nobody any older would have The Dangerous Book for Boys

>> No.7874522

I was seventeen until six months ago, fuck you.

The dangerous book for boys is GOAT.

>> No.7874527

Pseudo-intellectual /lit/ teen.

>> No.7874528

I don't believe you, but agreed that the dangerous book for boys is GOAT.

>> No.7874531

Well at least I'm /lit/

I used to be nothing

>> No.7874544

You're pathetic is what you are.

>> No.7874551


Suh dude

>> No.7874566


>> No.7874568

>defining yourself by the literary suggestions of an anime website

You are not nothing. You are a fucking child.

>> No.7874570

War and Peace was an awful read.

Maybe it would be better if I read it in the original Russian? It was one of my worst reading experiences, and also one of the longest. That is a terrible combination.

I kept seeing it and I let you lit fucks convince me to read it. Now I want to know why, who likes War and Peace and why?

>> No.7874578

So many fucking humanities majors in this thread. Have any of you ever purchased a book that wasn't dictated to you by a syllabus?

>> No.7874598

Maybe I should just add an /s after every ironic post I make because obviously the reading comprehension level has gone down on this board

>> No.7874601

i read water margin this year. dont see it on /lit/ too often

>> No.7874886

Of course, the ones dictated to me by anime porn forums.

>> No.7874899

comes across like a sampler of someone just get to break into reading, which is fine, but it's a pretty weak collection

comfy looking setup though

>> No.7874912

>water margin
>things fall apart
>complete pkd

>> No.7874919

thats the copy i accidentally stole from my high school
it's got red marker all over it

>> No.7874922

>tfw too paranoid to post bookshelf because someone might doxx me based on my more obscure books/interests by cross referencing online literature forums and the public elements of my private goodreads account (ex, you can look up a book and see who has read it even if their acct. is set to private)

just fuck my life up

>> No.7875037
File: 363 KB, 557x605, e8105eafc4e6aaa422365060c4093b1a5089cd48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women and Men
>complete Kafka
>aestetically appealing sorting system

I don't get this whole 'The rise and fall of the Third Reich' meme.

>> No.7875278

Only the American and English works on mine were on syllabi. My university never offered courses for literature not originally written in English.

If you count thesis and independent studies, those do take up a shelf or two also. But I made the reading lists for them.

>> No.7876190

yeah what's wrong with penguin?

>> No.7876233
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>> No.7876238
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oops wrong order

>> No.7876239
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>> No.7876263
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These are the ones I would consider my own.
Bought most of them myself,for myself.
Feels nice to say that.

>> No.7876269
File: 3.28 MB, 3984x2988, 20160401_121726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a couple more.

>> No.7876277
File: 429 KB, 1266x2493, IMG_20160401_212221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A picture of the small books.

>> No.7876278
File: 2.63 MB, 3984x2988, 20160401_121746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all there is -minus a pile of research material, ms and dirty undies in my office.

>> No.7876284
File: 966 KB, 2560x1440, DSC_0184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh,and the history books.
And a few comics about history.

>> No.7876297


I wouldn't say shit tier Sagan because all Sagan is good. But seriously? Only contact. I would at least hope for Cosmos since you could get a copy for like 3 bucks. Check out Demon Haunted World or Dragons of Eden

>> No.7876299

I love all your Edogawa Ranpo. What got you into him?

>> No.7876305

Why do you own Meinkampf?

>> No.7876309

Why wouldn't he own Mein Kampf?

>> No.7876333

I came across the author in some material about Poe. History of the detective story or something.

It's too bad that is pretty much all there is availble in English. I may be missing a volume and I think "One Sen Coin" is in a Jappo lit anthology.

>> No.7876342
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The Young Hitler I Knew is bredy gud too.

>> No.7876516

He's the father of Japanese detective fiction, but I wouldn't have thought something on English detective fiction would mention him, besides as a bit of trivia about his pseudonym.

Apparently the detective stuff just doesn't sell very well in English, so Kurodahan Press doesn't have much planned for putting out more of him yet. Specifically, re: the boy detectives one: "Yes, we are working on the second book in the series, but since the first one has sold so poorly we're not in much of a hurry."

>> No.7876526

It looks like you might not have Moju: The Blind Beast though. It's definitely worth getting if you're going for completion, though the whole end bit could have been skipped. The film version is much better imo.

>> No.7876580

Damn. Rampo really pumps my nads. Sad to hear Boy Dicks didn't do well.

I wish I could remember what book referenced him. It was his pseudonym that stood out. I picked the Rampo Reader first and finished it in one sitting.

Yes I am missing that one. I still need to see the film adaptation. I only have two Rampo-films, Watcher In The Attic and The Mystery Of Rampo.

>> No.7876670

why tf do you have useless commodities and googaws on display in front of your books, fettering the accessibility of those books, on your bookshelf?

absolutely fucking disgusting

>> No.7876720

hey, what copy of the bhagavad gita is that, i cant quite make out its a very attractive cover, and looks much thinker than the one i have

>> No.7876780

My library and my writing room are separate.

Research/reference are on hand, so it is not an issue.

Pleasure reads stay on my nightstand.

>> No.7876787
File: 116 KB, 875x875, 1458331029851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat setup. Are the shelves from a throwaway piece you found?

Prefer Oxford pbs to Penguin desu.

>> No.7876870
File: 20 KB, 578x519, 12376172_998645440191759_7905362993182704942_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dunno desu my dude, bought it off a Lithuanian hare Krishna preacher in the street

>> No.7876932

did you get the tundra meme from lulu?

>> No.7877904

>buying so many books you cant keep up reading them
>i know that pleasure and that pain

>> No.7877909

>keeping your books in mint condition means your a poseur?

>> No.7877914

aaah thanks for your reply, i think i found the one you have after browsing through many varients and as you said it is that particular one that is often handed out from the hare krishnas, around the world, i guess they see that version as the ultimate version,

>> No.7877931
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>> No.7877934
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>> No.7877947
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>> No.7878020

whos that one the cover of the magazine? that girl from those sia songs?

>> No.7878029

why is your copy of Candide so fat?

>> No.7878031
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>> No.7878056

I am a Cat is by far one of the comfiest books I've ever read, its a shame that comfort only lasts the first three chapters. Goes a bit askew and deviates from Natsume's original goal after that imo

>> No.7878116


>> No.7878143
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>> No.7878334

>tfw don't want to post because new books are being delivered later today and at 300+ posts, my shelf won't get the attention it deserves

M-maybe next time

>> No.7878449

Just make another thread, this one's already at the bump limit.

>> No.7878979

>Guns, Germs, and Steel
I hope you didn't buy that on purpose, Anon.

>> No.7879799

>people taking the bait