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7853980 No.7853980 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books about falling in love with the idea of someone rather than the person themselves?

Apart from Stoner

>> No.7853987

Confession of a Mask.
And probably like 90% of autobiographical books.

>> No.7853992

>And probably like 90% of autobiographical books.
Any in particular you would recommend?

>> No.7853995

East of Eden
Under the Volcano

>> No.7853997

Ernesto Sabato - The Tunnel

>> No.7854004

The Great Gatsby

>> No.7854006

Quentin S Crisp - Blue on Blue

>> No.7854011


>> No.7854025

On the Road

>> No.7854058

my diary desu

>> No.7854064

its called real life.

>> No.7854088



>> No.7854105

Paper Towns by John Greene

Shit book, but that's what its about.

>> No.7854130
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But every thought you have of someone is the "idea of them"

Is the concept of a person transcendental to you?

>> No.7854146

>"Instinctively the young Hitler found the only correct attitude in his love for Stefanie: he possessed a being whom he loved, and at the same time, he did not possess her. He arranged his whole life as though this beloved was already entirely his. But, as he himself avoided any personal meeting, this girl, although he could see that she walked the earth, remained a created of his dream world, towards whom he could project his desires, plans and ideas"

>> No.7854150

>t. English literature sophomore

No. But we all fall into the trap of becoming emotionally attached to an imaginary version of someone that we have built up in our heads and ignore any contradictions with reality.

>> No.7854160

>hitler was a waifufag

>> No.7854166

Woops meant for >>7854130

>> No.7854179

>"Adolf, perhaps, already realised that, if he wanted to win Stefanie, he would have to speak to her or take some such decisive step. Nevertheless he felt instinctively that it would abruptly destroy his life's dream if he actually made Stefanie's acquaintance. Indeed, as he said to me, 'If I introduce myself to Stefanie and her mother, I will have to tell her at once what I am, what I have and what I want. My statement would bring our relations abruptly to an end'"

>> No.7854183

/thread literally the subject matter of the book.

>> No.7854192

this is the only time i will do this

>my diary to be completely frank

>> No.7854215

Came here to say literally this

>> No.7854295

the razors edge

>> No.7854335

is this book easy to read for foreigners?
want to start reading books in english, but I also don't want to waste my money

>> No.7854342

Not him but yes.

Though you could just read it free online: http://www.ibeschool.com/ebook/The-Great-Gatsby.pdf

>> No.7854361


>> No.7854365

This a thousand times desu

>> No.7854385

cheers, i appreciate your post.
will check if i'm able, but if so, i'll buy it.
nothing better than holding a sweet book in your hands.
i asked because i have to read english history books due to uni, its really frustrating having to translate nearly one word a sentence

>> No.7855306

literally every john green book

>> No.7855312
File: 176 KB, 525x787, Nadja1_525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is pretty much the plot of Nadja

>> No.7855315

M. Butterfly, but it's a play and not prose. The movie is good, too.

>> No.7855319
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You know, if you like that The Tunnel, I know another book you would enjoy--The Tunnel!

>> No.7855356

Which country?