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7853894 No.7853894 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone want to have a discussion about this book? I'm currently reading it, and enjoying it quite a lot. What are your thoughts about it? Questions you have?

>> No.7853898

My favorite book. It's pretty remarkable for its time. Predicts philosophical trends extremely well. Actually had to put it down after 600 pages and resume it a few months later because I felt like if I kept reading it I'd kill myself.

>> No.7853957

I agree, there are several times where I can see how he predicted not just philisophical trends, but the nature and spirit of US culture. It reminded me of Delillo in White Noise, but about 30 years ahead. How many times have you read the book? I can tell it benefits from several re-reads.

>> No.7853993

I've read it 1.5 times. I started from the beginning after putting it down to take a course on it. One thing I noticed on re-reading was that the introduction of almost every character is ominous. I especially like how Otto is introduced for that reason, though I can't stand anything about him. The parapraxes are also filled with foreshadowing. Who is your favorite character so far? I'm fond of Anselm

>> No.7854031

what course?

>> No.7854033

>tfw started with Carpenter's Gothic
>tfw working my way backwards through his releases

one day i'll get to you

>> No.7854034

>white noise
How so?

>> No.7854053

I don't entirely see how (at least in this case) Otto's introduction is omnious. What about it is foreboding? And I'm fond of Stanley and his creative process

>> No.7854059

Not like it was the same message per se, but just the writing style he uses sometimes: Gaddis has described it before as a "cacaphony of sound", and the constant intrusion of the narrative by these ads (on the radio, on public transportation) reminded me of the "white noise" of the television ads in Delillo's book.

>> No.7854063

That's a really stupid way to go through his bibliography

>> No.7854087

I read Agapē Agape and am now reading Carpenter's Gothic but only because I don't have the time to devote to The Recognitions etc with University still going on.
And anyway, that anon may not be concerned with the evolution of Gaddis' work. Reading in chronological order is only important if you're looking to see how a writer grows and develops and while it may seem like a necessity to me and you it isn't a necessity to everyone.

>> No.7854091

Did you enjoy Agapē Agape? I read it about a month ago and found it very interesting.

>> No.7854104

He's introduced looking in a mirror in a bar. A sign above the bar says "If you drive your father to drink drive him here." There's also a dollar bill on the wall above the mirror. He is the character that is most obsessed with his reflection, he has the whole finding-the-father story, and he gets caught up in the counterfeiting scheme

A seminar on just The Recognitions

>> No.7854112

My favorite parts of this book are the parties, but the one that really killed it was that one where all these artists and pseudo intellectuals start talking about a bunch of stuff and all the references they give are wrong, like the Pavlov Kitten

>> No.7854115

That's interesting. I never noticed that about his introduction before. I think you're right. One of the reasons I like this book so much is how layered it is, and how much effort Gaddis puts into every detail- the art of Flemish painting is a representation of the novel as a whole, and I love how meta that aspect is.

>> No.7854404

Yes, I absolutely loved it. After I read Gaddis' bibliography I plan on reading it again.

>> No.7854412

>if I kept reading it I'd kill myself

Why? I don't understand

>> No.7854863

I have a pdf of it that I got from libgen but after a few pages I decided that it was too good not to physically own. Is the penguin edition ok or should I try to get the Dalkey archive one?

>> No.7854874

Dalkey Archive.

>> No.7855082

Definitely my favorite novel. Gaddis is a master. The characters on display here translate quite coherently to todays New York City hipsters. Way, way beyond his time in this and JR.

>> No.7855219

Loving it so far. Does Otto remind anyone else of Cyril?

>> No.7855258

I've heard it's very depressing, and I'm not really looking to read a depressing book at this point in my life.

>> No.7855403

It's only depressing if you're a pussy. I found it hilarious myself.

>> No.7856679

I've been thinking about reading it, does it stay engaging through its length?

>> No.7856691

It dips a little I'm the middle (I'm thinking of a long stretch where you lose sight of Wyatt and everyone else is just dicking around), but it stays engaging of you can find the humour in everyone's mannerisms.

>> No.7856693


The last 100 or so pages are absolutely worth it though, where Stanley's plight and pilgrimage comes to a head.

>> No.7856698

I recommend this site to anyone who's reading or read it.
Found tons of small details about it here that made me like the work more.

>> No.7856722

Alright, I'm taking your opinion as gospel and I'll take it on

>> No.7856734

i just ordered it and if i don't enjoy it i'm going after you sons of bitches

>> No.7857431

It is also extremely helpful in explaining some of Wyatt's interior monologues, and adds a lot of information that strengthens the book's themes.