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File: 58 KB, 620x372, the cuckold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7852118 No.7852118 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get an analysis of this video? I want an explanation of exactly what is wrong with it.


>> No.7852151

Sounds like Odysseus has read some Nietzsche/Stirner/Machiavelli

Also all the stupid patriarchy/women shit is just annoying

>> No.7852202

He is too opinionated. I am all for treating women well but what does this have to do with interpreting a work from 3000 years ago

>> No.7852334


He's a confirmed cuck you know.

>> No.7852354


>> No.7852392

>men AH lay us

>> No.7852424

>trying this hard and saying so little

>> No.7852432


>> No.7852437


>> No.7852439


>> No.7852443
File: 201 KB, 499x683, 5bb016cf395e6bd738cde90f93d98713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7852446

it wasn't bad until he went full-cuck mode

>modern feminism
>talking about a 2800 years old book

>> No.7852449
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I hate people like this. What's wrong with needing a man? I feel empty without a woman.

>> No.7852461

I think its the contrary, not that a woman needs a strong man but a man needs a strong woman

>> No.7852467

To be fair 4chan cherry picks things from the thousands of things he says to make him seem that way.

>> No.7852474

better than the people who use history to support their modern misogyny

>> No.7852476

I'd say it is different for every person. It is fucked up that feminism tries to make women feel bad for they way they might feel.

>> No.7852486

I doubt John speaks for all of "feminism" or that there even is a "feminism" that all women agree upon.

>> No.7852487

Jesus christ what an awful video, please do not share again OP.

>> No.7852513

Is it?

>> No.7852545

>calling the Odyssey a book
Well, I think we all know who the real cuck is here.

>> No.7852551

We just need first wave Christian feminism to come back desu. I want a strong woman because I'm a strong man. Why does there have to be an imbalance?

>> No.7852562
File: 354 KB, 484x600, hack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked his CC world histroy 1&2 series. But yeah his "patriarchy" stuff is absolutely annoying.

Still, he is a millionaire who has teens wordwide beg for his dick so there's that.

>> No.7852566

im pretty sure girls just want to sleep with him in the most innocent sense possible

>> No.7852567

how did you read it? as a bunch of papers with no bindings?

>> No.7852907

who and when with what historical facts?

>> No.7853074

patriarchy doesn't promote male hypersexuality or promiscuity

>> No.7853431

He makes the slaughter at the end of the poem sound much worse by conveniently omitting that the suitors were plotting to kill Telemachus and both Odysseus and Penelope knew this. He also fails to mention that Penelope and the faithful maids point out the maids that betrayed Odysseus (not only sleeping with the suitors, but helping them plot murder) fully expecting them to kill those maids.

I'm not totally against the PTSD reading as an intellectual exercise, there's actually an interesting reading of Paradise Lost that involves PTSD recovery, but saying that killing the suitors was unjustified just isn't considering the cultural context. Killing the people who ruined your home and tried to kill your son is hardly unreasonable for the Greeks, especially when you have the literal goddess of justice saying you should.