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7851503 No.7851503 [Reply] [Original]

>Book comes with a ribbon bookmark

>> No.7852051
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>remove book from backpack
>one corner of its cover was folded upward the whole time

>> No.7852062

I like everymans too OP

>> No.7852739
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>the pages are too heavy to be turned with one hand and I have to let go of the subway pole every time

>> No.7852811

muh niqqu

>> No.7852832


>> No.7852838

I don't get it

>> No.7852846

The feel is...
>get a book to read on the subway
>subway is too full and you have to stand
>fuck it, I'm not standing around like an idiot for the whole ride, I'm gonna read anyway
>the pages are too heavy
>have to let go of the pole to use both hands
>risk falling on your face to turn pages
>keep doing it because fuck the man

>> No.7852923

Are you reading the Commandments or something? An original copy of Politeia?

>> No.7852927

For some reason I thought there was more to it then that

Well thanks for explaining

>> No.7852979

This happened to me last weekend when I went to the tiki bar

>> No.7853003
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>ribbon bookmark isn't pink

>> No.7853004

godamn gooks

>> No.7853099

If you're only using one hand, you have to turn the pages with your thumb. But if the pages are to heave or too big, you can't turn them with your thumb alone as the page would just fold a bit and limpidly hang midway over your book.

>> No.7853136
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>book comes with two ribbon bookmarks

>> No.7853308

not at all. it's a matter of page size and paper quality. hardcovers are the worst for this.

>> No.7853360
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>> No.7853840
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>can't wait to finish the current book I'm reading to start the next one
>finally start the next one
>20 pages in I'm already thinking about the next book I'll read

>> No.7853893

this tho

>> No.7853921
File: 2.97 MB, 500x583, feel_drops_gif_by_mavenguy-d71jzb8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


too many books to read.

>> No.7853928
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>enter small town bookstore
>that smell

>> No.7853930

>not using a kindle in the subway

>> No.7853932

>not being able to stand on the train without holding onto something
nice equilibrium

>> No.7853938

instead of holding the book in the middle, hold it at the bottom, with your thumb on the pages and other fingers on the cover, this allows you to turn pages one-handed. or hold it at the top by using your middle finger and forefinger to hold the pages open, using both of them to turn the pages.

>> No.7853955

dusty old books and occasionally an owner trying to mask the smell with a cheap candle or incense stick?

I prefer the bigger ones like Chapters that have a coffee store in them.

>> No.7853983
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>> No.7854078

>asking to get jacked

>> No.7854603

That pepe made me laugh like a fool.

dude weed tb h

>> No.7854618

Why don't you just wrap your arm around the pole with your elbow, in a hug-like way.

>> No.7854625

b-but that's not even a word in german