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/lit/ - Literature

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7850544 No.7850544 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading and drinking today, /lit/?

Pic related.

>> No.7850569

A Short History of Portable Literature by Vila Matas.

Vittel mineral water.

>> No.7850596
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Tfw quitting smoking and can't drink neither alcohol nor coffee because of smoking habits, stuck with tea

>> No.7850606
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>having a double-double from Tims and reading Windelband
>might buy a bottle of fortified wine from the wine store with the clerk who thinks I'm hitting on her but I'm actually just friendly and autistic later, and read Gramsci all night

>> No.7850628

wtf is a double double

>> No.7850639
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reading Joyces Portrait of the artist as a Young'un

Im nearly halfway through and some priest is going on and on about hell.

Drinking Titos

>> No.7850640

how bourgeois can you get

>> No.7850641

probably a dumn british thing just ignore it

>> No.7850660

standard serving method of coffee at Tim Hortons in Canada: 2 cream and 2 sugar. It's unpleasantly sweet, but THs serves cheap coffee that needs disguising in order to be drinkable. And I say that as someone who drinks it all the time.

>> No.7850674

what's Tim up too?

>> No.7850676

nice larp

>> No.7850684

>cheap coffee

its literally beans, how the fuck can coffee be more expensive

>> No.7850688

I can't drink and read. when I start to drink I like to get fucked. so first few beers are good then after that I can't concentrate and have to turn on an action flick like face off.

>> No.7850697

so this coffee chain has its own term for 2 cream 2 sugar? who the fuck do they think they are. what does one call 2 milk 2 sugars at tims. or 2 milk 1 sugar?

>> No.7850704
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>> No.7850711

There are different qualities of beans, different kinds of beans. Robusta beans are cheaper and of a lower quality than Arabica beans, which have a better flavour. Is this all entirely new to you?

I dunno... I think it was a customer thing that became cultural and the chain adopted it. A 'regular' is single cream and sugar, but I don't think there's any other shortcut orders. I dunno man, it's cheap coffee sold affordably. Not really worth too much thought.

>> No.7850723
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drinking water currently but will probably drink some rum or scotch later (I'll also be finished with this book by then and read some comics)

>> No.7850724

American soldier in Vicenza?

>> No.7850727

kafka on the shore and the devils backbone adventure pack

>> No.7850730

it appears my state has one of these tim Hortons bake shops. I shall travel and try ordering a double double coffee. do they have bear claws?

>> No.7850754

yes the bean thing is new to me. Why don't they just use the better beans? Its probably because some people just prefer theirs or something

>> No.7850756

Bourbon and Pale Fire

>> No.7850759

club mate

>> No.7850765
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Pic related and Houellebecq's essay on Lovecraft.

>> No.7850813
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/lit/ is full of drinkers

what a surprise

>> No.7850818

I'm sure some people would say they like the flavour, but I'm sure it's a profit thing. The contrast here is usually with Starbucks... you can easily imagine the working/middle class divide that these two chains cater to. While Starbucks tries to market their coffee as being high quality and demonstrative of the regions from which they source the beans, Tim Hortons is just a blend of coffees sourced cheaply. It's better than gas station coffee, but it's still not great: just a basic cup of coffee that's usually fresh.

The marketing at Tim Hortons plays heavily upon a nostalgia for a wholesome Norman Rockwell sort of canadiana... farmers and families and kids playing hockey on ponds and such. It is so entrenched in the Canadian food market (bigger than mcdonalds) that it gets associated with Canadian culture and, to an extent, is exempt from criticism, lest you appear unpatriotic or, even worse, like an american!

Never known them to have bear claws, but there's plenty of other donuts.

>> No.7850841

epicurus and laphroaig 10yo lad

>> No.7850850 [DELETED] 

Sophocles - Oedipus at Colonus
Steinbeck - The Red Pony

Water/fruit juice
Malta with dinner
Sleepytime tea at bedtime

>> No.7850855

writers have always been drinkers. nothing has changed

>> No.7850857

Sophocles - Oedipus at Colonus
Steinbeck - The Red Pony

Water/fruit juice
Malta with dinner
Sleepytime tea at bedtime

>> No.7850932

I just call that book Moby the Cock cause I keep it real.

>> No.7850941

Actually trying to recover today. Tuesday, i drank 1.5 liters of seagram 7. Then I found a bottle of jack and downed that. Then I drank three bottles of sake.

So I was basically dead thursday when I started to sober up, and I spent all day laying in bed and shivering, didn't get any sleep.

So then I had to go to physical therapy this morning on no sleep at all. Now I'm here, saying that I'm not going to drink anymore, but I'm guessing I'm a good thirty seconds away from scrounging up a bottle.

>> No.7850963

I'm reading Heart of Darkness now, what do you think of victory?

>> No.7850970

where do you go to get bear claws?

>> No.7850972
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Ensam by August Strindberg, H2O

>> No.7850981

Is there an English translation of that? Alternatively, is the French piss-easy?

>> No.7851032

I'd not heard of them before you mentioned it and I googled. I guess the Dutchie or apple fritter would be closest, but thats just a guess.

>> No.7851068

>no bear claws

pray for Canada
you should suggest to Tom that he should make some bearclaws

>> No.7851075

tim Horton isn't a real person you stupid American

>> No.7851081

its aboot time you explained

>> No.7851088

Infinite Jest and Jim Beam

>> No.7851129

very lit lifestyle

>> No.7851159

I wouldn't know, reading it in Dutch desu.

>> No.7851319

He was, you dipshit. A pro hockey player who opened a shop after retirement. then it grew. ??? profit.

>> No.7851326

well ill be fucked. we should start naming restaurants after famous people. like a burger place called kanye wests something

>> No.7851330


>> No.7851399

Drinking dubliners and reading a guiness

>> No.7851449

>not reading white wine


>> No.7851473
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The book isn't about James, its about Dublin

>> No.7851475
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>> No.7851481

i'm drinking red wine, and as a result i'm not going to be reading anything, because i can't concentrate on reading properly when i'm drunk
this is my 4chan shitposting time

>> No.7851615
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Done reading for the night at this point.

>> No.7851630


>> No.7851751

That cover looks like a Mills & Boon...

>> No.7852002


>humans have always been drinkers, nothing has changed


>> No.7852031
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I posted this before, but the alcohol really helps me to clear my mind and focus better on the text. I'm also a high-functioning alcoholic.

>> No.7852042

lmfao that godamn cover holy shit

>> No.7852044

finished this book a month ago.

i think a joint would be better.

>> No.7852058

Found it at a used book store >shrug

>> No.7852059


No wonder you faggots don't have any friends.

You don't even drink regular fucking alcohol.

>> No.7852063

nah, i'm not insulting the book.

i'm just saying the cover is funny

>> No.7852065

I've never liked pot. I've been trying to keep a steady buzz going while reading this. Yesterday I sat down with a 4-pack of Old Rasputin and made it through ~250 pages in one sitting. Hoping to get the same results today.

>> No.7852078

if I drink generic american beer#4 like you I will have friends?

>> No.7852087

I finished up smirnoff green apple malt when I bought it for a girl I liked, does that make me gay?

>> No.7852113


Yeah, probably.

>> No.7852132

My Phila brah.

>> No.7852246

Is regular alcohol budweiser and popov?

>> No.7852390

Drinking Dr. Pepper and some Dunkin Donuts coffee + rice milk. Trying to work up the mental energy to read a few more pages of The Tunnel. Not working out so well.

>> No.7852393

Ayy. The reason I quit drinking when I turned 21. Had a murderous hangover for days.

>> No.7852400

fuckin only 652 pages

you could finish that in 4 nights easily

>> No.7852411

Yeah. I'm enjoying it so far (p. 78). I'm a bit afraid I'll come out looking like Gass by the end of it though.

>> No.7852438

Black Kraken Rum and reading Moby Dick lads

>> No.7852445
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Clamato and Vodka + reading The Guermantes Way

Im on my second read through but taking it slow.

>> No.7852452

>not drinking Wild Turkey in order to be just like J. O. I.

>> No.7852469

reading brothers karmazov
drinking lean

>> No.7852470
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Leafing thru jazz lit: Wideman, Cortazar, Mackey.
Drinking Heinekens.

>> No.7852479

Comfy. As. Fuck.

>> No.7852495

i like you

>> No.7852498

Dunno if you are reading that but El Perseguidor by Cortázar is amazing.

>> No.7852506
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Not the guy you're responding to, but El perseguidor is up there with Carpentier's Concerto barroco as one of the best narrative treatments of a jazz artist I've ever read.

Pic related is my copy of Las armas secretas.

>> No.7852711

my nigga I'm going old rasputin tonight too

>> No.7854691

These look great. Too bad I can't read spaniard.

>> No.7854716
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Pint of G&T
This thread makes me feel cozy

>> No.7854735

Holy shit the reddit influx is real

>> No.7854756


>> No.7854769
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What's DFW's best short story/essay collection? Going to purchase the consensus result immediately.

>> No.7854782


"Fluid Dynamics and Transport of Droplets and Sprays"

>> No.7855293
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>mfw you're me

>> No.7856161

kraken rum and plath's ariel

>> No.7856191

Oblivion I say.

>> No.7856194

Boxed wine and Ulysses

>> No.7856221
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I do fancy the same type of intellectual activity with a little touch of style if you know what I mean

>> No.7856239

reading Sartre
drinking spicy chai tea
feeling depressed

>> No.7856272

Recchia isn't even in bardolino region. If you had stuck with their valpolicella ripasso from Negrar where they're actually based then I would maintain a modicum of respect for you.

Secondly you're probably the same kinda nerd who would wear Cuck Taylors with a three piece suit and leather gloves.

So edgy.

>> No.7856287


Young Hearts Crying

>> No.7857010

Coors light Bukowski notes of a dirty old man

>> No.7857140

Hilary Putnam,
Realism with a Human Face

I am drinking Schweppes Ginger Ale, why does it matter?

>> No.7857143

Gonna start on my re-read of Kafka's The Trial today. I generally drink mineral water during the day.

>> No.7857147

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

drinking water

>> No.7857314

Generally I read for about three to four hours every evening/night and for around two in the day. As an actual alcoholic I have a pretty ritualised pattern of drinking - wine or a nice bottled beer with supper, a six pack of beer starting at 9-10pm, then from 1am onwards I get through a few measures of a spirit of some sort, generally whisky or gin. At the moment I'm finishing off a collection of Etgar Keret's short stories, but tonight I'm starting Celine's Journey to the End of the Night. I read quickly so depending on how fast I am, I may get to start Salman Rushdie's Shalimar the Clown at around 3 or 4 tomorrow morning. Certain drinks suit certain reading material - one can be as drunk as anything and read something like Murakami or Keret, I think, but books with different prose styles or discussing a higher level of ideas require a degree of sobriety. The one constant would be poetry - no matter how drunk or how high, I don't have trouble reading and understanding any poetry, regardless of style. Anyone else get this with poetry?

>> No.7857325

infinite jest and coffee here

>> No.7857331

Man, your Canadian is showing.

I sure hope mine isn't

>> No.7858373
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Hunnid years of solitude and whiskey

>> No.7859754


Nice bitch nails fag.

>> No.7859966
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>> No.7860094

Granted I live in Texas, but every bar and restaurant here serves Titos. A lot of places even use it as their well vodka since it's pretty decent and inexpensive. Maybe regional, but definitely not hipster.

>> No.7860106
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>being a degenerate

>> No.7861525

green tea and macbeth

>> No.7861611
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afternoons are for whiskey

>> No.7861620

ITT: fedoras

>> No.7861649

How am I a fedora?

>> No.7861656

what the fuck? how do you guys read while drinking anything other than tea or water

>> No.7861668
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>> No.7861679

don't be a pussy

>> No.7861894

>that stiffy
same to be honest

>> No.7862263

You are a cute couple of fucking meme'd faggots.

>> No.7862270

I love you. How about a beer next?

>> No.7862308

J. Lohr cabernet sauvignon and Master & Margarita (Burgin and O'Connor translation)

White wine is for women and pedantic homosexuals

>> No.7862316

>Two-Hearted Ale
My nigga. You from Michigan?

>> No.7862346

>White wine is for women and pedantic homosexuals
And James Joyce.

>> No.7862659


>> No.7864153

It was his drink of choice.