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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 433 KB, 800x533, Tru7h_in_a_Fedora_by_HLTru7h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7849142 No.7849142 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't read fiction

>> No.7849156

>just had a thread with a similar picture saying the opposite.
Dam it, /lit/ which is it?

>> No.7849160

I can't fathom the mindset of anyone who saves images like that. Do you just save them when you see them or go out and look for them when you have the urge to make another generic thread? Are you fishing for angry responses from people who don't read fiction?

>> No.7849167

it's him in the pic; he's fresh from reddit

>> No.7849179

literary fiction is the only type worth reading. At least it has value compared to genre fiction.

>> No.7849182

what is the actual difference though?

>> No.7849221

This pic is used by a fairly popular youtube personality vvvortic

>> No.7849235

You got us OP! Too many people mock fiction here

>> No.7849243

Literary fiction is more serious and can offer social/political commentary along with complex emotions with a more styled, elegant prose. Genre fiction is designed for mass appeal along with a prose that's for achieving exactly that. Focuses more on plot and solely entertainment instead of any big questions. Literary fiction simply has merit and can stand the test of time.

>> No.7849269


>> No.7849315

>social/political commentary

So can fantasy and sci-fi

>reading for propaganda instead of aesthetics

You're just as bad as the genreplebs, to be blunt

>> No.7849330

>>reading for propaganda instead of aesthetics
This desu

>> No.7849331

Waste of time

>> No.7849332

>So can fantasy and sci-fi
Yes, both of them can be literary fiction. Can be, but aren't usually.

>> No.7849336

Anything that has an obsession with the innovation of the art is literary enough for me tbqh

>> No.7849356
File: 169 KB, 234x270, loail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only read what /lit/ tells me. It isn't fun and I've attempted suicide several times already but at least I know I'm accepted by a community.

>> No.7849359

that's the way anon

at least you're better than genre fiction readers

>> No.7850452

You are a piece of shit. Go and kill yourself

>> No.7852544
File: 281 KB, 495x597, 1458323481339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7852560
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1430689478169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that's me

>> No.7852608

>reading books for stories and drama
I really hope none of you faggots indulge in this

>> No.7852659

I don't see a problem even with genre fiction. Sure, it's masturbatory in nature -- fairly entertaining while being read, with little lasting impact, but what's wrong with enjoying a bit of frivolous fun? Breaking up heavier texts with something lighter keeps it fun.

>> No.7852680

i think /lit/ takes issue with the

>reading for fun