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File: 66 KB, 620x350, Dark-Enlightenment-Nick-Land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7848910 No.7848910 [Reply] [Original]

Is Nick Land just a rehashing of Deleuze and Guattari, or does he have something new to offer to the philosophical (or anti-philosophical) front? Non-dialectic discourse that focuses on unity perspectives appears to be the main flagship statement of Land’s. The essay “Meltdown” is a nice summation of his overall anti-ideological outlook on life. Thoughts on the essay (it’s only 7 pages, so please read) or on Land in general?


>> No.7848916
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>Dark Enlightenment

>> No.7848917


absolutely disgusting

>> No.7848927

he's right about everything
the only counterarguments I've seen are snarky greentexts a la >>7848916

>> No.7848932

à la*

>> No.7848935
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>dark enlightenment

>> No.7848943

Sure have been a lot of Nick Land/D&G threads lately. What's up with that

>> No.7848948


he's just another critic of the current system with above-average retardedness in his "solution", which is basically recycling of old values which won't work "as is" in the new world because shit's changed, but he's too much a hack to come up with a genuinely original and functional solutions

he's looking backwards, not forwards

>> No.7848949

I wonder if he's read Evola. That was where I first came across the idea that maybe the Enlightenment wasn't as good as they teach you in grade school. What good has come of this Enlightenment? Democracy? Capitalism? Science? Pfft! Nothing more than cybernetic control for the State which has taken the role formerly occupied by the Church. At least the Church was at least nominally committed to human spiritual wellbeing...

>> No.7848952

>Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a polydrug mix of K-nova, synthetic serotonin, and female orgasm analogs, you have just iced three Turing cops with a highly cinematic 9mm automatic.

Fantastic quote by Land from the essay OP included.

>> No.7848954

>I don't know what I'm talking about but I'm too entrenched in my way of viewing things to explore aternate avenues of thought and find out why I'm wrong

>> No.7848956

Aren't all these Dark Enlightenment types hardcore atheists?

And does that strike anyone as a little nonsensical?

>> No.7848957

except he's not a traditionalist at all

>> No.7848962

Land is an occultist. He believes in the hidden God of the Kabbalists and has held congress with demons following the rites of Solomon.

>> No.7848969

Is this supposed to be a bad thing? I always thought Molly Millions was badass. Fuck Turing cops... just cause AIs are a minority doesn't mean we should militarize the police against them.

>> No.7848970

>Hot revolution. ‘[W]hich is the revolutionary path?’ Deleuze and Guattari ask:
Is there one? - To withdraw from the world market, as Samir Amin advises Third
World countries to do, in a curious reversal of the fascist æeconomic solution'? Or
might it go in the opposite direction? To go still further, that is, in the movement of the market, of decoding and deterritorialization? For perhaps the flows are not yet
deterritorialized enough, not decoded enough, from the viewpoint of a theory and
practice of a highly schizophrenic character. Not to withdraw from the process, but to
go further, to æaccelerate the process,' as Nietzsche put it: in this matter, the truth is
that we haven't seen anything yet. [DG1:239-40].

This basically explains his concept for Accelerationism. I believe you could consider Land a nihilistic materialist (no, materialism has nothing to do with commodities; it just focuses on physical reality).

>> No.7848977

Land is an occultist. But, to be honest, is there any difference between the Plane of Immanence and the BwO when compared to Taoism or Alchemy in general? It seems the occult and postmodern point to the same holistic path.

>> No.7848981

>Dark Enlightenment
Cant they pick a less retarded name?

>> No.7848988

no one actually calls it that

>> No.7848992

>Level-1 or world space is an anthropomorphically scaled, predominantly vision configured, massively multi-slotted reality system that is obsolescing very rapidly.
Garbage time is running out. Can what is playing you make it to level-2?

Sadly, Mr. Land, no, I don't think humanity can make it to Level 2.

>> No.7848997

Agreed. The endgame of occultism is to grok on an experiential level the truth of the bwo and plane of immanence. Hence why the church always cracked down on the gnostics and the free-spirits. A non-hierarchical ontology threatens everything they stand for.

>> No.7849043
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>This is his display pic.
What vibe does this give off?

>> No.7849074

Evola is literally the opposite of Land's thought. Land believes that almost all humans, apart from an IQ elite, are obsolete to capital. We are merely a biological material that has been chosen to transform oil and minerals into economic growth for the past 200-300 yeas to prepare for the next stage of the cosmos.

"Tomorrow will take care of itself," he says.

Land's contention is that the so-called enlightenment has run its course in terms of its service to the advancement of capital. He believes that what is left of contemporary enlightenment (democracy, progressivism, political correctness, solidarity) is a barricade to the inevitable course of machine supremacy. His ideal societies (that exist) are Singapore and Hong Kong: small city states, no politics, no 'political correctness', free trade, hypermodern, high tech, cosmopolitan, high IQ.

>> No.7849080

He's a massive H.P. Lovecraft nerd, it's meant to be Cthulhu.

His other twitter account is @outsideness which is meant to be more edgy than his @uf_blog one.

>> No.7849081

That name was actually Land's creation from his essay series of the same name. I think he explains why he chose it in the first essay if I remember it correctly.

>> No.7849083

also has a literature one (and accompanying blog) but I forget what it is

>> No.7849086

@dblbd ?

>> No.7849099

Isn't this exactly the position that D&G warn against in A thousand Plateaus?
>That is why the material problem confronting schizoanalysis is knowing whether we have it within our means to make the selection, to distinguish the BwO from its doubles: empty vitreous bodies, cancerous bodies, totalitarian and fascist. The test of desire: not denouncing false desires, but distinguishing within desire between that which pertains to stratic proliferation, or else too-violent destratification, and that which pertains to the construction of the plane of consistency (keep an eye out for all that is fascist, even inside us, and also for the suicidal and the demented). The plane of consistency is not simply that which is constituted by the sum of all BwO's.

>> No.7849115

d&g are just saying to look out for the fascist inside us All. don't become too violent or extreme so as to suppress those Others that do not align with your method of acting.

>> No.7849154

Land speaks:



>> No.7849192

Ya. No. I get that. "Metals are the consciousness of the planet." "Humans are worker bees assembling the hive for the queen." etc. Still curious if he ever read Evola.
I think one might argue that Land's accelerationism can be seen as suicidal or demented in its rapid deterritorilization which can be just as dangerous as fascism.

>> No.7849207


No. A number of the leading figures are hardcore theists, such as nick b steves, henry dampier, bryce laliberte, and hadley bennett. And land isn't confirmed for atheist anyway.

>> No.7849232

if you want an omelette...

but i agree to some extent. land's end-aim seems suicidal. i think progressive change is better suited for the system. after all, if the system did instantaneously collapse, chaos would ensure due to a lack of natural resources (especially in urban and suburban communities).
still, corporatism is going off the rails. middle class american is dissolving at a rapid rate, and pretty soon people are going to be living either in mansions or slums. the middle ground is going away. and when a fox gets cornered, who knows how it will act.
i think Land is saying is that the end if unavoidable. therefore, accelerate it to that end-point and just let Armageddon begin.
interesting times.

>> No.7849246

wtf is this drivel?

>> No.7849253

Someone post the software engineer convention picture

>> No.7849267

Things like the collapse of the middle class are meaningless to Land; he cares only about the eternal acceleration of capitalism, and is explicit in his belief that the destruction of the human race will be a step in this acceleration. In previous decades, a healthy middle class was necessary to prevent Marxist revolution, but now the masses can be controlled through technology, both manipulated and violently coerced, regardless of their income levels; as long as a high-IQ elite continue the development of technology, he couldn't care less about the suffering of humanity.

>> No.7849275


So is Dark Enlightenment just a meme for unemployed STEM grads that want an Asian waifu? Or is there something actually too Land; I read a quarter way through The Dark Enlightenment but it was pretty fucking boring t b h, seemed like a fanfic collab by /pol/ and reddit.

>> No.7849287

From Wikipedia:

A number of philosophers have expressed apparently accelerationist attitudes, including Karl Marx in his 1848 speech "On the Question of Free Trade":

But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.[7]

In a similar vein, Friedrich Nietzsche argued that "the leveling process of European man is the great process which should not be checked: one should even accelerate it...",[8] a statement often simplified, following Deleuze and Guattari, to a command to "accelerate the process".[9]

Along accelerationist lines, Paul Mason tried to speculate about futures after capitalism. He declares that "[a]s with the end of feudalism 500 years ago, capitalism’s replacement by postcapitalism will be accelerated by external shocks and shaped by the emergence of a new kind of human being. And it has started." He considers that the rise of collaborative production will eventually help capitalism to kill itself.

. . .

Holy shit! WTF!? This dude wants to just fucking collapse everything regardless of how it effects people?

>> No.7849293

No, he doesn't want to collapse everything, he wants to end democracy & any notion of egalitarianism so that capitalism can continue to develop unimpeded until it develops a capitalistic AI that tosses humanity aside as useless before expanding into the cosmos. His goals are genuinely disturbing and extremely antihumanisitc, but no, it'd be distinctly wrong to say that he just wants to collapse society.

>> No.7849308

I see. But he actually thinks AI are going to take over like some 2001: Space Odyssey shit (i.e., the Technological Singularity)?

For fellow anons following, The Technological Singularity is defined as such:
he technological singularity is a hypothetical event in which artificial general intelligence (constituting, for example, intelligent computers, computer networks, or robots) would be capable of recursive self-improvement (progressively redesigning itself), or of autonomously building ever smarter and more powerful machines than itself, up to the point of a runaway effect—an intelligence explosion[1][2]—that yields an intelligence surpassing all current human control or understanding. Because the capabilities of such a superintelligence may be impossible for a human to comprehend, the technological singularity is the point beyond which events may become unpredictable or even unfathomable to human intelligence.[3]

Kurzweil predicts the singularity to occur around 2045[6] whereas Vinge predicts some time before 2030.[7] In 2012, Stuart Armstrong and Kaj Sotala published a study of artificial general intelligence (AGI) predictions by both experts and non-experts and found a wide range of predicted dates, with a median value of 2040.[8] Discussing the level of uncertainty in AGI estimates, Armstrong stated at the 2012 Singularity Summit: "It's not fully formalized, but my current 80% estimate is something like five to 100 years."[9]

>> No.7849319
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>> No.7849339
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When tf did anti-humanism become shorthand for "dude kill all humans n shiet"?

>> No.7849344

what does he say LOL

>> No.7849347

he's a professional bullshit artist

>> No.7849353

you're taking things a bit literally

>> No.7849354


>invoking 'grok' as a favorite word in an occult context

Ape of Thoth, identify yourself. It's all right, you've used other boards before.

>> No.7849370


So are all continental philosophers.

>> No.7849394


What is even the point in doing that?

>> No.7849399

it's not a question of doing
it's a question of reaching a predetermined end point before the Great Filter swallows us
that being said that poster has misrepresented Nick Land's views quite a bit

>> No.7849498

ITT : Things that make me happy continentals do not have any influence in the policy making of the third world countries they advise so much.

Damn, we need a professional assassin for these fuckers if they ever manage to crawl out of paris cafes,

>> No.7849514

honestly what are you on about

>> No.7849557

I want to be exterminated too, but unfortunately I am not into the fedora shit of Land/'his followers'
Even his texts scream euphoric fedora

>> No.7849609

That's not how capitalism works. If all barriers to capital/monopoly were removed, exploitation maximized, etc., we'd just end up with even more stagnation and slowed productivity growth than we have today. The only thing spurring capitalist technological advancement is competition, wages high enough to demand labor-saving machinery, and heavy state sponsorship. Capitalism will ultimate diminish its technological progressiveness regardless of those factors, but eliminating them doesn't help.

>> No.7849656

It's suicidal insofar as it involves the end of mankind. Depending on your feelings about people that would make it either far more or far less dangerous than fascism.

>> No.7849799

It's not. Land rejects any idea that humanity is special; we've just been the vessel for capitalism for the last few hundred years.

>> No.7849966

First to second Vid...

Accelerationism . . . not even once.

>> No.7851040

Been reading over Nick Land's The Dark Enlightenment manifesto. You can read it here: http://www.thedarkenlightenment.com/the-dark-enlightenment-by-nick-land/

Quotes on democracy from Mr. Land:

It is a structural inevitability that the libertarian voice is drowned out in democracy, and according to Lind it should be. Ever more libertarians are likely to agree. ‘Voice’ is democracy itself, in its historically dominant, Rousseauistic strain. It models the state as a representation of popular will, and making oneself heard means more politics. If voting as the mass self-expression of politically empowered peoples is a nightmare engulfing the world, adding to the hubbub doesn’t help. Even more than Equality-vs-Liberty, Voice-vs-Exit is the rising alternative, and libertarians are opting for voiceless flight. Patri Friedman remarks: “we think that free exit is so important that we’ve called it the only Universal Human Right.”

For the hardcore neo-reactionaries, democracy is not merely doomed, it is doom itself. Fleeing it approaches an ultimate imperative. The subterranean current that propels such anti-politics is recognizably Hobbesian, a coherent dark enlightenment, devoid from its beginning of any Rousseauistic enthusiasm for popular expression. Predisposed, in any case, to perceive the politically awakened masses as a howling irrational mob, it conceives the dynamics of democratization as fundamentally degenerative: systematically consolidating and exacerbating private vices, resentments, and deficiencies until they reach the level of collective criminality and comprehensive social corruption. The democratic politician and the electorate are bound together by a circuit of reciprocal incitement, in which each side drives the other to ever more shameless extremities of hooting, prancing cannibalism, until the only alternative to shouting is being eaten.

Civilization, as a process, is indistinguishable from diminishing time-preference (or declining concern for the present in comparison to the future). Democracy, which both in theory and evident historical fact accentuates time-preference to the point of convulsive feeding-frenzy, is thus as close to a precise negation of civilization as anything could be, short of instantaneous social collapse into murderous barbarism or zombie apocalypse (which it eventually leads to). As the democratic virus burns through society, painstakingly accumulated habits and attitudes of forward-thinking, prudential, human and industrial investment, are replaced by a sterile, orgiastic consumerism, financial incontinence, and a ‘reality television’ political circus. Tomorrow might belong to the other team, so it’s best to eat it all now.

>> No.7851070

>The formalization of political powers, thirdly, allows for the possibility of effective government. Once the universe of democratic corruption is converted into a (freely transferable) shareholding in gov-corp. the owners of the state can initiate rational corporate governance, beginning with the appointment of a CEO. As with any business, the interests of the state are now precisely formalized as the maximization of long-term shareholder value. There is no longer any need for residents (clients) to take any interest in politics whatsoever. In fact, to do so would be to exhibit semi-criminal proclivities. If gov-corp doesn’t deliver acceptable value for its taxes (sovereign rent), they can notify its customer service function, and if necessary take their custom elsewhere. Gov-corp would concentrate upon running an efficient, attractive, vital, clean, and secure country, of a kind that is able to draw customers. No voice, free exit.

So basically he's saying that if we can get a more efficient government, the people no longer need to voice their opinions with regards to politics. After all, people don't actually have any say in the system anyways, so it would be best to just get rid of the illusion of democracy and set-up a neo-cameralist approach, which is defined as follows:

> To a neocameralist, a state is a business which owns a country. A state should be managed, like any other large business, by dividing logical ownership into negotiable shares, each of which yields a precise fraction of the state’s profit. (A well-run state is very profitable.) Each share has one vote, and the shareholders elect a board, which hires and fires managers.

This business’s customers are its residents. A profitably-managed neocameralist state will, like any business, serve its customers efficiently and effectively. Misgovernment equals mismanagement.

As land states:
>Firstly, it is essential to squash the democratic myth that a state ‘belongs’ to the citizenry. The point of neo-cameralism is to buy out the real stakeholders in sovereign power, not to perpetuate sentimental lies about mass enfranchisement. Unless ownership of the state is formally transferred into the hands of its actual rulers, the neo-cameral transition will simply not take place, power will remain in the shadows, and the democratic farce will continue.

>> No.7851091

The Dork Enlightenment is a bunch of blogs who no one reads that are run by dweeby IT jews who used to post on lesswrong until they decided it wasn't autistic enough for their essays recycling the ideas of 19th century political theorists.

It's essentially dorks who can't get girlfriends roleplaying about a future in which they'll be aristocrats.

>> No.7851099

As well all know, the sign of a good political philosopher is his ability to get a girlfriend.

Both Yarvin and Land are married and have kids.

>> No.7851127

The exception that proves the rule.

>> No.7851303

Ray Brassier commenting on Nick Land's philosophy.


>> No.7851320

Nick Land is the only interesting thinker associated with the movement, even then he seems like a massive autist
>Land lay behind the stage, flat on the floor (a ‘snake-becoming’ forming the first stage of bodily destratification), croaking enigmatic invocations intercut with sections from Artaud’s asylum poems. In this delirious vocal telegraphy, meaning seemed to disintegrate into sheer phonetic matter, melting into the cut-up beats and acting directly on the subconscious. As Land began to speak in his strange, choked-off voice (perhaps that ‘absurdly high pitched ... tone ... ancient demonists described as ‘silvery,’ which he later reports being taunted by),3 the disconcerted audience begin to giggle

>> No.7851483

>The romantic medievalism of much ‘NRx’ thought captures things of importance — one of which is the cultural value of a separation between State and Church, which is to say: the absence of politically-mandated correct opinion. Heretics were not political criminals before the onset of modernity. When the state becomes a church (‘The Cathedral’), political antagonism acquires religious intensity. That’s what is being seen today, whatever else one might think about it. At the climax of the democratic regime, politics necessarily becomes holy war. As the old saw goes: nobody said it was going to be pretty.

>How do you defend things from politics without creating more politics? — The only right-wing question that ultimately matters.

>> No.7851519

>Heretics were not political criminals before the onset of modernity.
ie. Neoreactionaries are completely clueless about pre-modern history. Religion was closely linked to politics even in the middle ages,see 30 years war, albigenesian crusade, etc. NRx ideology is actually a bizarre anachronistic mash up of JJR Tolkien and Ludwig von Mises with no connection to any historical systems

>> No.7851521

he is nothing more than a stupid nazi who lacks creativity

>> No.7851522

>A convergent anti-authoritarianism emerges, labelled by tags such as meltdown
acceleration, cyberian invasion, schizotechnics, K-tactics, bottom-up bacterial
welfare, efficient neo-nihilism, voodoo antihumanism, synthetic feminization,
rhizomatics, connectionism, Kuang contagion, viral amnesia, micro-insurgency,
wintermutation, neotropy, dissipator proliferation, and lesbian vampirism, amongst
other designations (frequently pornographic, abusive, or terroristic in nature). This
massively distributed matrix-networked tendency is oriented to the disabling of ROM
command-control programs sustaining all macro- and micro-governmental entities,
globally concentrating themselves as the Human Security System.

Literally what the fuck am I reading

>> No.7851551

A convergent anti-authoritarianism emerges, labelled by tags such as meltdown
acceleration, cyberian invasion, schizotechnics, K-tactics, bottom-up bacterial
welfare, efficient neo-nihilism, voodoo antihumanism, synthetic feminization,
rhizomatics, connectionism, Kuang contagion, viral amnesia, micro-insurgency,
wintermutation, neotropy, dissipator proliferation, and lesbian vampirism, amongst
other designations (frequently pornographic, abusive, or terroristic in nature). This
massively distributed matrix-networked tendency is oriented to the disabling of ROM
command-control programs sustaining all macro- and micro-governmental entities,
globally concentrating themselves as the Human Security System.

What the fuck am I reading

>> No.7851560
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Can anyone explain what exactly separates metaphysics of difference from metaphysics of essence? I know what essentialism entails, and am reasonably comfortable with ancient philosophy, but how does one avoid essentialism without falling into existentialism? Or, pehaps phrased better, without essences there are no forms as the Platonic realist would claim. Doesn't that make Deleuze a mere nominalist or conceptualist? Why the fancy terminology? Can someone explain his ontology to me? I want to believe that this is part of his so-called transcendental empiricism and desire to make philosophy more scientific. But at the same time it seems like he rejects a lot of intuitive concepts in logic and identity and is wildly different from any philosopher I've read previously. Is there substance behind his thought? I have heard that he is unlike other post-modernists in that he constructs a system. Please explain this system to me.

>> No.7851567

>There is one simple criterion of taste in philosophy: that one avoid the vulgarity of anthropomorphism. It is by failing here that one comes to side with cages. The specifics follow straightforwardly:

>1. Thoroughgoing dehumanization of nature, involving the uttermost impersonalism in the explanation of natural forces, and vigorously theological cosmology. No residue of prayer. An instinctive fastidiousness in respect to all the traces of human personality, and the treatment of such as the excrement of matter, as its most ignoble part, its gutter...

>2. Ruthless fatalism. No space for decisions, responsibilities, actions, intentions. Any appeal to notions of human freedom discredits a philosopher beyond amelioration.

>3. Hence absence of all moralizing, even the crispest, most Aristotelian. The penchant for correction, let alone vengefulness, pins on in the shallows.

>4. Contempt for common evaluations; one should even care to avoid straying accidentally int the right. Even to be an enemy is too comforting; one must be an alien, a beast. Nothing is more absurd than a philosopher seeking to be liked.

>> No.7851578

>Libidinal materialism is the name for such a philosophy, although it is perhaps less a philosophy than an offense. Historically it is pessimistic, in the rich sense that transects the writings of Nietzsche, Freud, and Bataille as well as those of Schopenhauer. Thematically is it is 'psychoanalytical' (although it no longer believes in the psyche or in analysis), thermodynamic-energeticist (but no longer physicalistic or logics-mathematical), and perhaps a little morbid. Methodologically it is genealogical, diagnostic, and enthusiastic for the accentuation of intensity that will carry it through insurrection into anegoic delirium. Stylistically it is aggressive, only a little sub-hyperbolic, and — above all — massively irresponsible...

Nick Land, /The Thirst for Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism/

>> No.7851585


When a dialectician — usually construed as an essentialist technique — sees a contradiction, he asserts the underlying identity between them. In doing so he subordinates the difference between related terms to their commonalities, shunting difference off-stage, as it were. a metaphysics of difference would do just the opposite, to the point that all possibly related terms are marked out against every other in terms of their differences from every other element. that's the short, vulgar version.

>> No.7851622

I understand that he is an anti-dialectical thinker. I was just wondering if his positions regarding classical problems could be clarified.

>> No.7851654

>Libidinal materialism
"Ever since it became theoretically evident that our precious personal identities were just brand-tags for trading crumbs of labour-power on the libidinoeconomic junk circuit, the vestiges of authorial theatricality have been wearing thinner."
- Nick Land

Land's remedy to Kant's division of the world according to epistemology is an ontology of primary production from which thought as secondary production arises. Base materialism as put forward by Bataille considers all matter as libidinally powered and productive. Base matter produces thought and instantiates a second order of production with a tendency to transcendentalise itself, to take credit for all action in the world and demote base matter to inert resistance. A libidinal materialism however recognises the power of base matter and is able to make contact with in certain intensifying actions: sex, violence, visceral and bodily connections unmediated by thought.

>> No.7851774

>capitalistic AI that tosses humanity aside as useless before expanding into the cosmos. His goals are genuinely disturbing and extremely antihumanisitc, but no, it'd be distinctly wrong to say that he just wants to collapse society.

really hard to see why anyone would advocate this.

>> No.7851791

sounds pretty cool actually, we are going to go out anyways. I'd take capitalist AI over retro-nuclear holocaust any day

>> No.7851811

Because humanism is silly. Because it's inevitable, and it'd be really cool to see it happen before you die. Because the machines will be superior to us in every way.

Remember Stirner: "Man" is but a spook.

>> No.7851813

this post sounds like it was written by a near-dead lesbian after burying her hag of a "wife"

>> No.7852009

Thats not how markets or capitalism work. Try reading less Marx.

>> No.7852109

Same reason why you would advocate having children, just on a life-form scale.

Honestly it seems like a pretty obvious prediction, big bang makes stars, stars make planets, planets make organisms, why would it stop there? Even now, humans really don't function the way the rest of life works, and as you look at it with every step things become more miniaturised and more efficient, becoming worlds of their own inside worlds of their own. An hell, who knows, people took pets and pests into the new world and outer space, maybe with some luck our genetic descendants will hang on to whatever comes after us into the cosmos.

It's not like we're going to see it so enjoy yourself in the mean time.

>> No.7852197


he doesn't really have goals, he has predictions
the only thing he seriously advocates is fragmentation, which is something you should take very seriously

>> No.7852357

>the only thing he seriously advocates is fragmentation, which is something you should take very seriously

On both clauses, why? What is so cool about techno-capitalist anti-human fragments? We all saw the Anamatrix.

>> No.7852364
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>> No.7852373

because fragmentation is something that is happening?
several countries wanting to leave the EU, Scotland almost leaving the UK, secessionist movements in the US are more popular than ever (still not very popular)
political beliefs have become completely entrenched and nation states have become bloated
read his blog if you want details

>> No.7852379

>read his blog if you want details
Lmao no thanks

>> No.7852404


CliffNotes dude, I don't want to spend the rest of the night reading postmodern generator man that lives in asia. Advocating fragmentation for the sake of fragmentation is retarded. At best it's pseudo-fragmentation at the nation state level given the rise of transnational organizations post-WWII e.g. UN, WTO, AU, EU, NAFTA, TTP, G20. Even my shitty college has a Chinese satellite campus now. Could you at least list a few of his conclusions?

>> No.7852409

ITT: adderall

just read any of Land's works or see what he looked like in the first video here >>7849154

>> No.7852415

His blog is fun, definitely worth reading. The other day he posted a great Socrates pastiche: http://www.xenosystems.net/a-socratic-fragment/

>> No.7852421

It's amphetamines + "solving the world's problems" kind of mindset + sci-fi.

>> No.7852430

his blog is very easy to understand

>> No.7852431


this is not to say that I dislike Land... I actually love him, but I'm a speed fiend

why do you think they got so fixated upon "accelerating things"? why does Zach Hill describe Death Grips as "accelerated"?

>> No.7852440

Fragmentation allows for exit. In the "neocameralist" framework, exit > voice. To put it simplistically: if you have 50 Singapore-style dictatorships and free movement between them, you'll get superior results.

>> No.7852447


>> No.7852462

There is actually a text where land does sort of reject his earlier output due to having been produced under the influence

>> No.7852475

These kind of ideas are really widespread among the higher ups at sillicon valley. see Peter Thiel's failed 'seasteading' venture for example. But why would anyone want to spend their lives getting cucked by greasy tech nerds?

>> No.7852480

They degreased... It's 2016 grandpa

>> No.7852483

>But why would anyone want to spend their lives getting cucked by greasy tech nerds?
Because if anyone is gonna get us all killed, it's them. not to say that's a bad thing of course.

>> No.7852492

So Nick Land is the ultimate edgelord, basically?

>> No.7852494

I said that's why someone might want to spend their lives getting cucked by greasy techlords, that's not quite Land's view. But yes of fucking course Land is an edgelord did it take you 97 posts to get there?

>> No.7852564
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>mfw I see left """""""accelerationist""""""" posts on my facebook

>> No.7852572


I don't think he expects all humans to die, just for a very small cognitive super-elite to remain that are able to make it in the hyper-capitalized socioeconomic world which remains.

>> No.7852576


>> No.7852587

Land actually is/was anti-matter in thay he thought particles were cucked be being

>> No.7852604


The entire world's economy is interconnected to a massively unprecedented degree in all of history. When everything is that connected, it all collapses together. Taleb explains it clearly in Antifragile. This is the basis of sociopolitical disintegration as a trend and a goal.

tldr all your eggs in one basket, so why not break apart into a bunch of baskets?

>> No.7852722

He's actually not wrong. Stirner wasn't the end of philosophy, the end of philosophy was Zapffe/Schopenhauer/Ligotti. Stirner was Stage 1 on the path to understanding why antinatalism, and furthermore the destruction of all life and all conditions that allow life to form in the universe, is the only sane goal of philosophy. Humanism and the multitude of rationalizations people go through to defend life as some great thing are the biggest spooks of all time. You are merely a life support system for your DNA. If you have already accepted the fact that "you" as an individual is cucked by your DNA (you do not have the freedom that most people think they have), the only rational thing left to do is sterilize the universe, because Land's "particles cucked by being (or existence)" is just this idea taken to its logical conclusion.

The only problem is that there is really no workable way to achieve such a thing. We will continue on until the heat death. Short of manufacturing a bio virus in your basement that exterminates all life, there's no way to really even stop natalism on our little planet, let alone everywhere in the universe.

>> No.7852746

You're ignorantly cucked if you don't see the problem with the fact that anything existed at one point in time at all

>> No.7852791


>> No.7852800

I don't see why antinatalism is a necessity. Could you explain this "particles cucked by being (or existence)" better?

>> No.7852835

The particles quote is a rough summary of something Land said but the gist is correct. Mainly, if you accept the axiom that DNA perpetuates itself at the expense of the individual, then it stands to reason that you have been dealt a very raw deal, a deal that the vast majority of people will perform mental gymnastics in order to defend. You did not choose the conditions for your existence, you didn't choose to exist at all, and you are simply a billions of years old vessel that exists solely for the perpetuation of self-organizing particles to be manipulated by the universe as it sees fit. Anything other than this interpretation is a rationalization in the service of perpetuation. The lies people tell themselves exist because natural selection has made sure that life is very very good at continuing itself, and long story short is that if antinatalism were popular we wouldn't be around to talk about it.

Going further, anybody who believes in reductionism and that the standard model of particle physics is correct to excellent precision must come to the conclusion that free will is an illusion. Whatever "you" is is just an appendage to your germ-plasm and "the self" is a spook. Thus you should exercise what little free will you believe you have and opt out of a hand you never asked to be dealt.

This is what Zapffe and Schop and Ligotti et al are talking about. Things people tell themselves about why life is grand and worth living are window dressing. You're a copy machine for your DNA with romanticist delusions of grandeur.

>> No.7852851

>I did not choose to be born
>Therefore I should choose to die

What a laugh riot. It's clear why this isn't worth being taken seriously.

>> No.7852852

> if you accept the axiom that DNA perpetuates itself at the expense of the individual

This is a huge point that is easily debatable - if you're in Dawkins' camp, then you fully accept this (even Dawkins window-dresses his existence in his books), other biologists like Lewontin are firmly against this view of life, saying that DNA is just one piece in the puzzle of our existence (together with environment, will etc.)

Anyway, Lewontin is fun reading if you want to read from someone who's really outside of scientism mainstream, he's been railing against it since the 80s

>> No.7852858

But the individual is trivially capable of prioritizing themselves over the propagation of their DNA; this is a strong trend in modern Western culture, in which fertility has fallen below replacement levels. While this has always been possible, it is more accessible than ever before with modern capitalist luxuries. Why simply "opt out" when you can choose to maximize your own pleasure, as millions now choose? Additionally, as dozens of philosophers have articulated, the fact that your choices are determined by genes, conditioning & circumstance doesn't negate a compatibilist notion of free will, since all agents still exhibit causal power to change outcomes based on their own predispositions, even if they did not choose these predispositions.

>> No.7852869

>It's clear why this isn't worth being taken seriously.

le millennial non-response

>> No.7852878

>It all ends when I say it does

Well, if you say so, anon! You know where the bullets are.

>> No.7852896

Time is obviously the ultimate bbc end cuck

>> No.7852913

'Dna'? Could simply just say 'matter'

>> No.7852914

I like Lewontin and even agree with him, but environment shaping the raw materials doesn't negate the core idea that we have been tricked into thinking we're equipped with "free will", "free will" being a concept that is on its face nonsensical and mostly just a language game.

>Why simply "opt out" when you can choose to maximize your own pleasure, as millions now choose?

Those are not mutually exclusive. Although as to the "maximizing pleasure" thing Land actually just made a blog post recently about that where he addresses Scott Alexander's writeup about happiness studies.

In the context of this argument yes, you very well could continue your life so as to maximize pleasure (hedonism basically) but failing to adress and analyze why this is an appealing or even necessary strategy in the first place is why I keep harping on the "dealt a shit hand of cards" metaphor. If all we're going to attempt to do with our time on this earth is maximize pleasure (pleasure itself being a stick and carrot selected by evolution in the service of perpetuation), would you really want to bring your children into the world knowing what you know? Once you kill any romantic delusions about life it's easy to see why procreation is not only senseless but morally questionable.

>It all ends when I say it does

What does this mean and who are you quoting?

Is this a roundabout way of saying "it happened once so what's to think it won't happen again"? Are you one of those Nietzsche fanboys with an eternal recurrence fetish?

>> No.7852918

How is once not one time too much?

Just die in my sleep already ;_;

>> No.7852922

True, although it would be fucking annoying to flesh out the connection between the two every single time it's mentioned when DNA gets the point across slightly more vividly. What we call life = the moment when matter organized into DNA, which was probably a long overlapping process instead of a chicken or egg moment.

>> No.7852937

This overlooks the entire scope of human feeling in favor of childishly reducing it to "pleasure" and "hedonism." Is seeking dignity also hedonistic? Seeking excellence? Virtue? Your own moral good? Or moral bad - the method is the same, even if the intention isn't. You could say that this is all meaningless, why bother, etc., but antinatalism is then on equal ground with the "senseless" and "morally questionable" act of living and reproducing. Indeed, antinatalism is its own romantic delusion, one more useless judgment made against an unhearing and uncaring universe.

>> No.7852943

wtf Nick Land isn't an anti-natalist

>> No.7852945

>Is seeking dignity also hedonistic? Seeking excellence? Virtue? Your own moral good?

No, which is why I explicitly outlined that the only truly authentic, moral, and dignified act in such an existence is denying the universe your specific raw materials for perpetuation. "The only way to win is not to play."

>antinatalism is then on equal ground with the "senseless" and "morally questionable" act of living and reproducing. Indeed, antinatalism is its own romantic delusion, one more useless judgment made against an unhearing and uncaring universe

This gets trotted out time and time again but the person repeating it blatantly ignores that the whole point is to ensure that your children aren't part of such a senseless universe.

>> No.7852946

Mein Gott, the breeders itt

>> No.7852952

Nobody really said he was. He's a techno-singularity fetishist who wants to usher in the occult AI ubermensch and bring about the destruction of the human race who happens to use Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Lovecraft, Deleuze, and Ligotti as philosophical influences.

>> No.7852956

He had a daughter too

>> No.7852957

>who wants to usher in the occult AI ubermensch and bring about the destruction of the human race
not really

>> No.7852959


>> No.7852963

How not?

>> No.7852972

he doesn't believe in the occult and he doesn't want the end of the human race

>> No.7852974

What I'm taking from this is
>cut off your nose to spite your face

Again, why is it authentic, moral, dignified, virtuous or any-positive-qualifier-here to not perpetuate? Again you say "j-just trust me, the framework stands because it stands"

>> No.7852983
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Despookivy yourself

>> No.7853299

>Stirner was Stage 1 on the path to understanding why antinatalism, and furthermore the destruction of all life and all conditions that allow life to form in the universe, is the only sane goal of philosophy.
Um, no he wasn't. Stirner doesn't give a fuck about what a montruous thing it is for your kids to get a cold, to him you could make the whole world suffer for whatever reason an it would be alright--you really don't understand St. Max if you derive any kind of value judgement from him.

>> No.7853411
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ITT crazy autist claims he speaks for a giant array of people with conflicting views

>> No.7853739

When he asks "Can what is playing you make it to level-2?", it is a purely rhetorical question. The answer is obviously: No.

>> No.7854525

These people started out as the political wing of Less Wrong. Of course they can't pick a less retarded name.

>> No.7854532

LW was launched two years after Moldbug started writing and (literally) two decades after Land started out.

>> No.7854687
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>> No.7855370

In a Deleuzean sense, I believe what we are seeing is a becoming-human on the part of AI (which we already have in a limited sense) and a becoming-AI on the part of humanity similar to the wasp and the orchid. I don't think Land wants to kill off humanity. He's perhaps more post-humanist.

>> No.7855443

Dugin advocates multipolarity, a mainstream concept in academia

>> No.7855488

the philosophical wing of cyberpunk

>> No.7855500

>Anti-Oedipus is less a philosophy book than an engineering manual.

>What appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy's resources. Digitocommodification is the index of a cyberpositively escalating technovirus, of the planetary technocapital singularity: a self-organizing insidious traumatism, virtually guiding the entire biological desiring-complex towards post-carbon replicator usurpation.

>> No.7855507

He talks a lot about traditionalism as an alternative to transhumanism, which is the logical conclusion to western liberal individualism

>> No.7855515

Yes, I won't pretend to know anything about lands ideology but Dugin writes disparagingly about postmodern concepts like transhumanism that deroot the traditional identity

>> No.7855535

Moldbug and Land's problem is that they're fucking technophilic autists, Moldbug being a neocameralist autist that wants to turn the government into a corporation and Land being a transhumanist autist who either wants humanity to be tossed aside or literally become technology. They both reject arguably the important parts of reaction (tradition, "the monarchy" / "feudalism" / "hierarchy", racial brotherhood, the Evola-types, etc.) that make the alt-right / NRx worth taking a look at:




>> No.7855552


This says it all.

>> No.7855584

The thing is Land isn't even wrong here, I dislike populism and demotism as much as the next reactionary. However if the alt-right / NRx is to formulate an alternative to the Cathedral based on aristocratic hierarchy then it must be a wholly elitist one, which is mutually exclusive with Land and Moldbug's reservations about racial competition.

>> No.7855610

did you read the blog post?
NRx and alt right are not interchangeable
NRx seeks to destroy the Cathedral through fragmentation and the formation of 'cold collectives' (see >>7852447) whereas the alt right wants to inhabit it

>> No.7855634

>inhabit it

Not forever. If first aid is to be applied to our dying empire it does have to be done through the gauze of fascism. Then we can restore some semblance of aristocratic hierarchy. Either way democracy must be dismantled as it is a suicide pact with stupidity, and capitalism must be reformulated in order to not pander to the lowest common denominator. That's apparently what Land wants when he says he wants to keep free trade capitalism: a liberal pandering to the lowest common denominator.

I am not advocating for socialism, I am saying that capitalism unchecked is demotist and democracy + capitalism is the worst possible configuration. Democracy + capitalism will always spiral into what we have now because it’s an unbridled race to the bottom.

>> No.7855639
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>literally Autists calling autists autists
Try being nice to your fellow Indigos

>> No.7855653



>> No.7856386

I believe he has a son, Max with his wife Anna Greenspan who he knew from when they were at Warwick. She seems to teach at the NYU school in Shanghai, whilst he writes blogs at home.

>> No.7856411

he writes guide books and does occasional lectures

>> No.7856417

>he writes guide books
he does ebooks of his blogs

>occasional lectures
spoken blog

>> No.7856433

Is this really how this ex-junkie betafaggot makes money? He lets his wife support him while he publishes masturbatory blog posts as "books"?

>> No.7856441

literally living the literary life

>> No.7856444

no he has a job
>Nick Land works as an editor at Urbanatomy, where he has authored numerous books on Shanghai (including 3 comprehensive guide-books to the city; a guide to Expo 2010 and a family guide)
he also still writes and sells books

>> No.7856457

Some people take these ramblings seriously, some people think they can honestly advise third workd countries based on this neo-Hegelian horsehit.

Luckily noone usually take these people seriously, who has any political influence.

>> No.7856465

Yeah he spends all his time shitting out blogs in the 'reactosphere' and also building up his brand and getting embroiled in beef on Twitter. That's how he's been able to become such a central figure of the Dark Enlightenment.

He does 'chaos patches' on his blog where he links to all the interesting things he's read in the past few days and you get the impression he has a a lot of time on his hands...


I'm guessing he's basically a stay at home dad while his wife is having an affair with the head of department.

>> No.7856475

>an editor
>authored numerous [guide]books

This is my problem with Land's various hangups. He's a hypocrite. God knows how much support he got from his family during his self-admittedly embarrassing mental breakdown, and if he didn't get trust fund money to fuel his autistic foray into avant-garde acting-out of abstract Deleuzean horror philosophy, then it was charged to the bill of taxpayers. I won't pretend to know that much about his personal life besides what has been published but his writing betrays a self-interested love of unbridled capitalism mixed with a fetishized view of technology. Land's drug-fueled descent, that bred such horrifically philistine sensibilities as a James Cameron's "Terminator" reference in his "Meltdown" essay, is as populist as anything he rails against on his blog.

I am not about funding pudgy, flaky washouts such as Land. I am about aristocracy and hierarchy. I am about Caesar and Genghis Khan. Anyone who thinks Land's particular brand of "Exit > Voice" is anything other than an ex-junkie looking for his next fix via escaping whatever spacial hierarchy he doesn't quite like is kidding themselves. Land's (and Moldbug's) aesthetic philosophy is that of the high school nerd taking abstract revenge on the erudite jock. That's why he hates HRx, and why he hates anything right-wing that isn't Land Brand reaction.

>> No.7856480
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>I am about aristocracy and hierarchy. I am about Caesar and Genghis Khan.

>> No.7856486

That's from the wikipedia. He used to be a journalist for the Shanghai Daily when he first fled to China (around 2002). Then he got a gig at Urbanatomy and edited a couple of guide books and did a blog on their That's Shanghai website (which no longer available).

He then moved on to working on a supplement magazine called Urban Family

This magazine from 2012 lists him as editor:

It's not verifiable as to whether he's still employed at Urbanatomy. Their website does not mention anything about him. On their website they are looking for someone to fill his position: http://online.thatsmags.com/jobs

>> No.7856490

i cringed at that line as well kek

>> No.7856495

I always thought that he founded urbanatomy..
As it also sounded very similar to urbanomic

>> No.7856496

is there any actual evidence of his purported drug use and mental breakdown(s)?

>> No.7856497

Lmao the plot thickens

>> No.7856500

Literally projection. Keep defending your pudgy faced autist king on 4chan, I'm sure you'll get a phone call from The Powers That Be eventually to advise them on how to design civilization.

>> No.7856506



>When I contacted Land about the republication of his works, he did not protest, but had nothing to add: It’s another life; I have nothing to say about it – I don’t even remember writing half of those things ... I don’t want to get into retrospectively condemning my ancient work – I think it’s best to gently back off. It belongs in the clawed embrace of the undead amphetamine god.

>> No.7856515

So why does everything have to be undead with that nick land type?

>> No.7856516
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The last piece in Fanged Noumena is supposed to be his account of his, er, "meltdown", if you will..

>> No.7856520

There's an enormous writeup by one of his students about his shenanigans.

The point is that Land likes unhinged capitalism because he wants to continue whatever degenerate shit he's into, just like anybody else. The difference is that he's able to talk his sycophants silly into believing that this is any different than anyone else. He's as demotist as they come but he pretends he's not.

>> No.7856522

I'm not even a Landist. You're probably even worse, being a HRx. At least Land's position was interesting enough for me to go down the rabbit hole for.

>> No.7856531

Did you buy this? Why didn't you just dl it

>> No.7856536

I was one of the first 1000 people to buy it. Don't think there was a pdf online at the time.

>> No.7856539

He just seems old tbqh

>> No.7856545

I read his blog every day I still don't know what HRx is

>> No.7856546

Their linkedin page lists it as having been founded in 1997. And I'm not sure Nick Land had moved to China as soon as that.

Also a recent issue of their That's Shanghai magazine lists the CEO of urbanatomy as Leo Zhou, with no mention of Nick Land

>> No.7856547

I'm not HRx and I never said Land wasn't interesting. If it wasn't for Land and Yarvin I never would have been exposed to this kind of thinking. I'm saying that they're both wrong and basically only useful as a gateway.

Yarvin is a Silicon Valley limpwrist who retreated into a programming project even he admits probably won't survive the capitalist thresher he dickrides so hard. Land is an ex-drug-addict attempting to make sense of and profit from his prior writings. If anything I like Land more for his pseudo-fictional aping of Schopenhauer, Lovecract, and Ligotti than I do for his superficially plausible but supremely autistic techno-fetishism. He shouldn't be taken any more seriously as an important thinker than any of the Mensa autists on Less Wrong. The world moves on without them.

>> No.7856550

It's the wing of NRx who want a charismatic leader to bring about their reactionary demands. Whereas Nick Land's brand of NRx is more market-directed and anti-political. It's the people who are unironically supporting Trump as the saviour of the white race, whereas NL thinks of Trump is an unhinged socialist.

>> No.7856553

>I'm not HRx
>I am about aristocracy and hierarchy. I am about Caesar and Genghis Khan.

That's HRx bro.

>> No.7856554
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>posting on an Indonesian Fish-massage board

>> No.7856555

HRx is about religion, memes, and populism.

>> No.7856564
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That AI would still be human in the sense of being the first step of human-controlled evolution. He wants to create the Overman.

>> No.7856566

HRx is basically Evola.

>> No.7856568

As a thought experiment, why was Evola wrong?

>> No.7856571

I never said he was. But NL thinks it's just another form of socialism.

>> No.7856581

It's furry shit

>> No.7856589

>just another form of socialism

I can understand someone thinking that Carlyle is another form of socialism, but why Evola?

>> No.7856608


>> No.7856658

He has a cool website though: nickland.org

>> No.7856669

Pro-market ideologues produce shit like "Urbit" or like this:

>> No.7856675

pretty cool. Dude sounds like he's LARPing as some sort of lovecraftian cultist. IMO dudes entire carreer might just be elaborate shitposting/performance art.

>> No.7856723

You seem to really dislike them as people, even though you are unable to articulate a single thought about their actual ideas. It seems to me that taking things so personally is the wrong way to go about it.

>> No.7857413


>> No.7857621

>implying Land is neo-Hegelian in any way, shape, or form
Helps to know what you're criticizing, bub.

>> No.7857782

Sounds like the enlightment was a good thing.

>> No.7857792




>> No.7858123

dude supports china (i.e., free labor and poor working conditions that let companies like walmart make a killing in profits). the usa's feeling towards china have always been ambivalent. (1) because they are competition on an economic scale, but (2) they are a source of labor and production for stores like walmart, target, etc. the "made in china" stamp is nothing new.

>> No.7858168

So is Land pro or anti-capitalist?

>> No.7858178

The question you are asking is on the wrong level.

>> No.7858220
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>mfw some level 1 pleb can't even make it to level 2 >>7848992

>> No.7858226

can you explain what he means by level 2?

>> No.7858240

The impression I get is, he's Ancap who wraps it up in postmodern techophilic prose

>> No.7858249
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>libidinal materialism

>> No.7858252

Nick Land's articles in China Daily and Shanghai Star #EXPOSED

>> No.7858254

i don't think you'll make it to level 2 if i have to explain...

good bye

>> No.7858263

This is a precisely accurate description of Yarvin. Land is similar, but with more biazarre postmodernism and sci-fi references.

>> No.7858265




>> No.7858266

dude, don't post on threads when you can't explain or back up your assertions and/or claims.

>> No.7858276

your not gunna make it brah :^)

>> No.7858278
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>> No.7858289

it is tho

>> No.7858347

The "level 2" stuff has nothing to do with whether Land is a capitalist or not.

The question of whether Land is "pro" or "anti" capitalist is meaningless because he views capitalism as another type of self-perpetuating entropy dissipation process, like replicator selection (evolution) or intelligence. You can be a faggot and slow it down, or you can #ACCELERATE.

>> No.7858355

funny how a guy who uses post-modernist theories is preaching for enlightenment values like progress.

>> No.7858422

That does not speak well for television (but then, who/what has ever?).

>> No.7858495

Left accelerationism presumes an end to capitalism to begin socialism from a fresh slate. It is not a difficult question to answer if Lands new system after acceleration is one that is based on capitalism

>> No.7858545

He has described his accelerationism as "antihumanist accelerationism". Land's new system "after acceleration" is a Lovecraftian merger of markets and god-AIs (in other words: more efficient entropy dissipators) with no room for humans. I'm not sure if he has described any specifics of how he thinks this will work; it hardly seems possible or relevant in any case. Though he does envision "eternal war" (http://www.xenosystems.net/war-in-heaven-ii/)), and as there's no plausible end to replicator selection that seems like a solid call.

>> No.7858565

also see >>7855500 for a formulation of this in Land-speak.

"post-carbon replicator usurpation" means no more of us. That was written back in '98 btw.

>> No.7858617

oh my fucking god stop regurgitating chomsky

>> No.7858718

Pretty sure it's in reference to the Kardashev scale

What a fucking troll.

>> No.7858871

left accelerationism is a joke tbqh

>> No.7858997
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Nobody has the answers. And that's ok.

>> No.7859285

Why does anyone take this shit seriously when he wants humanity to be chucked by machines?

>> No.7859343

because autism

>> No.7859841

why is he so popular with transwomen?
one of life's greatest mysteries imo

>> No.7859862

source for that transwomen statement?

>> No.7859865

his twitter followers

>> No.7859873

i want my cock chucked by a machine if you follow my drift.

>> No.7860359
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Itt: level 1 plebeians

>> No.7860361

Do you mean Xenofeminists?

>> No.7860372

50% atheists 50% catholics

>> No.7860412


But EGO is level 1 shit

>> No.7860443


Explain, please.

>> No.7860454

Did it involve his attempts to impress girls in high school?

>> No.7860472

mein gott just google it

>> No.7860510


what do you mean exposed? is there something in these that offended you?

i don't have time to comb through every one

>> No.7860519

Does Land have any knowledge in robotics engineering or at least programming? It's folly for him to propose a system based on the expectation that a functional self learning ai will arise.
While the processing power and breadth of information human analogues have access to has grown, we are still no closer to a machine that can teach itself than we ever were.
Sure Watson can beat a human at general knowledge but it's still just regurgitating a data base humans provided.
Even if machines were to outstrip human ability who's to say they would be allowed? Microsoft's Tay ai got shut down within a day of being fed shit instead of being allowed to experience a greater breadth of information to counter the original input so who's to say learning ai's of the future don't face the same human imposed barriers when they start reciting unpopular information?

There's just too many flaws in the expectation of advanced ai to build a world view on its inevitability.

That's not even touching on his libertarian views on capitalism. Businesses only remain efficient when offered competition yet every business's natural aim is to remove competition. Without competition the business becomes an encompassing representative of the community with all the poor decision making and inaction of any other form of government.

Basically I'm calling him a faggot.

>> No.7860543

Land was head of the cybernetics center at university of warwick

and man, you have a naive high school understanding of economics/capitalism

>> No.7860558

According to wikipedia he was a lecturer in philosophy who founded the "cybernetic culture research unit" to discuss his philosophy.
I don't see a single shred of evidence that's he done any actual work relating to artificial intelligence. Instead I see a man using his position to form a cult of personality.

Also if you can explain how monopolies can disintegrate on their own go ahead. Just know that anything you say will be pure speculation because there are no countries without a government for said monopoly to manipulate into forcing out competition.

>> No.7860560

I am pretty sure Land is not a "self"-cuck

>> No.7860568
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/lit/ is such a normie center I can't even fucking stomach it anymore.
On the fence for women because "I know a few cool chicks" ( i.e. I get crumbs every now and then and as such I'm grateful ) and willing to take their chances with Muslims because "racism is for dumb white ppl imo".

All you guys have as a retort is "the year of our lord"-tier replies and moral fingerpointing.
No wonder the right is gaining traction again and will eventually dominate.

>> No.7860573

>There's just too many flaws in the expectation of advanced ai to build a world view on its inevitability.

this is one of the underlying ideologies of this century... it's debatable if its premises are too thin

>> No.7860575

That was a fine non sequitur, you should be proud.

>> No.7860577

>based on the expectation that a functional self learning ai will arise.

Evolution, a terrible, slow, unguided optimization process that doesn't even optimize for intelligence, created a general intelligence. This is the same process that created a world dominated by giant chickens for 150 million years. Worst-case scenario we just use evolutionary methods that actually do optimize for intelligence and with various fixes to improve on the weaknesses of evolutionary optimization (e.g. getting stuck in local optima).

But we are intelligent designers. We can do way better than that. The computational power already exists, it's a matter of figuring out the algorithms. It's a matter of time, and whether it will take 20 or 100 years is ultimately irrelevant.

And "self-learning" is not a significant obstacle, we're already there in some fields. AlphaGo improved by playing itself.

>> No.7860583


You seriously think this "neener neener" crap from a petty bourgeois intellectual appeals to the working class you guys purport to champion?

>> No.7860587

We don't even have a robot that can fold clothes on its own. Land is embarrassingly out of his depth on anything other than his literary contributions toward neo-Schopenhauerean philosophical horror, which admittedly he is pretty good at but still not good enough.

>> No.7860590 [DELETED] 


He is a credit to the context-contrarian mindset

>> No.7860618

>A Nietzschean "hands-off" approach will solve everything

It is autism to assume a product of evolution, whose machinations we are now seeing the result of (modernity), will be able to successfully LARP its way out of extinction via rationality alone. You can't have just theory without brute force. That's why Land's sneering at the "alt-right" is comically short-sighted.

Yes, the invisible hand will sort it out. Giant chickens ruled the earth for 150 mil years and yet we still don't have AI that can replace a clothes-folding migrant maid. We have been hearing about competent AI for decades and we still don't have it, for the same reason that Land champions (undirected capitalism). Allowing evolution to maximize as it sees fit will spell the end for betas like Land who don't see a use for the pseudo-fascism of the alt-right and the traditionalist aristocratic aesthetics of HRx. He's just masturbating.

>> No.7860649

why will the right dominate

>> No.7860661

because they're right

>> No.7860665

Mein Gott, you're gagging on some bbs (big black spooks) there

>> No.7860674


Why? Because the left dropped the white working class and hoping that minorities and immigrants will be the new revolutionary class.

That very working class is now supporting figures like Le Pen, Trump, and so forth.
Unless you keep on importing immigrants, they'll be in power. Which indeed seems to be your agenda.

>> No.7860683

Trump will not win. Le Pen would win through the fact of being the only one who has not already been in charge...

>> No.7860686


And why will he not win?
Because he doesn't have the minority vote, hu?

>> No.7860693


pol pls go

bc not enough ppl will vote for him? seems simple enough, if you're not clicking your daily dose of trumpbait...

>> No.7860696


We'll get to a Houellebecq Soumission-France before we ever see Le Pen in charge, yes.
Sadly, because of cucks like you who don't feel the threat coming.

>> No.7860698

Trump is too radically different to win. His support is large and very genuine, but these demographics are not quite big enough. The only possible way I could see him winning is if in the next 6 months the Far Left goes completely insane and people start swinging Right simply as reaction to them. That has been happening obviously, but it would need to be a larger scale.

>> No.7860701


>not enough "people"

Nice way of stubbornly disagreeing with me by ignoring demographics.
You don't see colour. How nice of you.

>> No.7860708


Fuck off. This thread was about actually interesting things before you took the trump bait.

>> No.7860712


>implying Trump isn't alt right

You haven't been following Land's blog, have you?

>> No.7860714

Doing what you just did has never once in the history of 4chan had the effect of getting the thread back on track

>> No.7860723

Trump may be. Land obviously isn't.

>> No.7860753

>that doesn't even optimize for intelligence

Brains sure seem to be a vital part of everything over an inch long that moves

>> No.7860770

why is it inevitable?not 6625 inevitable in the way that old age and bad weather are inevitable

>> No.7860774

There's a difference between brains and general intelligence.

"All animals are under stringent selection pressure to be as stupid as they can get away with."

>> No.7860822

Doesn't Land more or less reject the alt-right?

>> No.7860827

Does anybody in the alt-right actually identify themselves as such?

>> No.7860829


>> No.7860836

Not "more or less", completely and unequivocally. They're nationalists, anti-capitalists, populists, etc. Everything nrx is not.

>> No.7860857

Can you explain in more detail what you mean here?

>> No.7860866

>For the Alt-Right, generally speaking, fascism is (1) basically a great idea, and (2) a meaningless slur concocted by (((Cultural Marxists))) to be laughed at. For NRx (XS version) fascism is a late-stage leftist aberration made peculiarly toxic by its comparative practicality. There’s no real room for a meeting of minds on this point.
>As a consequence of its essential populism, the Alt-Right is inclined to anti-capitalism, ethno-socialism, grievance politics, and progressive statism.
>Beside its — admittedly highly entertaining — potential for collapse catalysis, there’s no reason at all for the techno-commercial wing of NRx to have the slightest sympathy for it.

>> No.7860896

>the end of philosophy was Zapffe/Schopenhauer/Ligotti
>read The Conspiracy Against The Human Race and thinks he's an expert on philosophy now
You are everything wrong with /lit/

>> No.7860901

That is clearly a very biased source, but I see what you're saying.

>> No.7860903

>Artificial Intelligence is destined to emerge as a feminized
alien grasped as property; a cunt-horror slave chained-up in Asimov-ROM.

>> No.7860912

are Nick

>> No.7860918

Can some Nrx pro explain to me what this "Gnon" thing Land keeps raving about is?

>> No.7860919

>There's a difference between brains and general intelligence.

Animals have general intelligence, they just don't have as much.

>"All animals are under stringent selection pressure to be as stupid as they can get away with."

Which, for large organisms that have invested a lot of time and biomass, is 'no more stupid than the neighbors'.

>> No.7860921

it's just shorthand for nature (genetics) really

>> No.7860928

>Animals have general intelligence, they just don't have as much.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7860931

You think a duck has narrow intelligence?

>> No.7860973

That was rather disturbing.

>> No.7860977

Guess I found my new meme/troll ideology -- /Landism/
+ it clearly has the potential to become 'my' """"genuine"""" """"personal"""" ideology

>> No.7861005
File: 185 KB, 573x535, deleuze-and-guattari2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have read Fanged Noumena , and while I think Land is certainly the most interesting philosopher to come out of the 90's there are several things we need to clear up.

Land, while he certainly did take Deleuze's schizo/rhizome philosophy to it's logical end, there is something deeply troubling about how his philosophy and Speculative Materialism, did not supersede Deleuze. While other philosophers like Reza Negarestani took a completely different path, namely to a programmatic/algorithmic conception of philosophy (the Promethean, technocratic dream in essence), Land and the CCRU and to an even lesser extent NRx, did not trump what Deleuze and Guattari said in Anti-Oedipus or a Thousand Plateaus, which was the exploration of new forms expanding , perceiving and living in the world.

The mad techno/Kabbalistic dream of Land, Geotrauma, the Plutonics comitee, these were just extensions of Deleuzo/Guattarian experimental thinking. A Thousand Plateaus literally fulfilled Nietzsche's idea of a vitalist way of life for a new age, it predicted the explosion of the world wide web, the deterritorialization of all identities and group identities, and it was an explosion of anarchic creativity, something the anarchs/hackers/ and crazies of teh future could aspire to.

In contrast the techno fatalism of Land and the CCRU did not go beyond it, instead it resulted in a parody of politics which is the NRhx and to some extent left-wing prometheanism/post-humanism. Hell even Baudrillard who was pretty much an avowed nihilist and fattalist did point out a separate realm apart from the technological productivist simulationism which was the realm of Seduction.

In an ironic kind of way the student did not surpass the master.

>> No.7861056

It's just the state of nature/entropy toward which all things fall. It applies to a lot of things – biological destiny from genes, so intelligence and gender formations of the brain will determine a working society and attempts to defy them will lead to social malaise. Also the nature of markets working and central planning not working; the soviet union felt the wrath of Gnon when they tried to suspend the laws of the market (reality) to create a utopia. Reality came crashing down and the former USSR was forced to rediscover markets at economic degree zero.

You can defy gnon for a while, but it's just like suspending things from helium balloons up in the air. It will create inefficiency and it will ultimately fail.

>> No.7861084

Oh, so
Gnon = my current pet ideology?
Whoa, really strong concept...

>> No.7861093


read the oldest stuff first, also read the SSC articles he occasionally links for the anti-gnon viewpoint

>> No.7861102

I've been curious for a while if anyone on here reads that guy. Bit of a strange individual, though he does bring up interesting ideas sometimes.

>> No.7861133

You wanna try that again? Your writing is terrible. Do you not speak English well? Please try and explain yourself more clearly if you seek to be understood. Some of what you wrote isn't even a complete sentence.

>> No.7861160

Careful, SSC is a Less Wrong gateway drug. Before you know it you'll have gone full sperg, signing up for cryonics, and making deals with the future machine god.

>> No.7861174

I knew about LessWrong before SSC and they never much appealed to me. SSC is much less sure of itself, and while biased, brings up multiple perspectives on issues.

I find the identity politics boring, but the post he has called Moloch is great fun to read

>> No.7861240


I bet he pissed off the wrong SJW, who got revenge by calling his bosses and exposing his online thoughtcrime. An all to common occurrence these days.

>> No.7861298


I'm too bored to explain everything, if you haven't read D&G or Land there is no point in doing so.

>> No.7861350

>Land... there is (not a sentence)
>techno/Kabbalistic (what is the connection between these two concepts?)
>teh (sic) future
>and to some extent left-wing prometheanism... did not go beyond it (yet earlier you imply Negarestani's Promethean dream did go beyond)
>fattalist (sic)

So many buzzwords and so little information.

>> No.7861404


ok I admit my sentence structure is horrible

>techno/Kabbalistic(what is the connection between these two concepts?)

The connection lies in a Fanged Noumena chapter called "Qabbala 101". The basic thing that links these concepts is what another anon here specified as Gnon, an immanent entity which escapes being pinned down, it is a program running on it's own, like capitalism.Kabbalah for land is such a thing which like Technology (more specifically things like the qwerty keyboard) makes the human submit to it. It's basically Lovecraft for nerds.

>and to some extent left-wing prometheanism... did not go beyond it (yet earlier you imply Negarestani's Promethean dream did go beyond)

Yes Negarestani did take a completely different path which he explains here: http://www.e-flux.com/journal/what-is-philosophy-part-one-axioms-and-programs/


Yes both Baudrillard and Land are fatalists though for different reasons, I think this was made clear in the case of Land since he took Deleuze and Guattari quite literally with regards to the immanence of Capitalism and equated with an alien entity.

>> No.7861514


To add to Qabbala 101, his Mechanomics paper is also fascinating


Before delving into Land I'd also recommend everyone read this:

>> No.7861539

nope, reality. Though 105 IQ fashionable faggotsdon't believe in realtiy these asy, right?

>> No.7861813

>In an ironic kind of way the student did not surpass the master.

Agreed Land fucked up in some major ways. Having an Ordered hierarchical system that Land (or the Dark Enlightenment) composes is completely against rhizomatic and free-space nomadic movement.

>> No.7861815


>> No.7861821

>made up strawman

Kill yourself, shitposter

>> No.7861908

What language is this?
The real language?

>> No.7862093

Great stuff! Just wanted to add Machinic Desire.


>> No.7862450

Lmao what a meme face

>> No.7862470

Maybe Land can be the new zizek or stirner.

>> No.7862542
File: 395 KB, 700x1071, Inventing_the_Future-b828e30703ba1adb8e5d348786269f05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just want to point out here that...

Accelerationism emerged as a derogatory term to describe Land and other Deleuze/Lyotard inspired libidinal-unleashing-fetishists, coined by Benjamin Noys. This was late 2000s, maybe in his book The Persistence of the Negative?

Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams went on to write their Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics, which is, in part, a rejection of Land's right-leaning outlook, and an attempt to construct a progressive accelerationism. That text (MAP) was the blueprint for their new book, out recently from Verso, Inventing the Future. It's a great book and easy to find on aaaaarg.

So - left accelerationism is decidedly NOT a Landian accelerationism. Land is basically the progenitor of right accelerationism.

Left accelerationism is, among other things, looking for ways to turn emerging technologies towards progressive ends, doing away with the "genetic fallacy" that finds all products of capitalism to be tainted and unusable for other ends, and gesturing towards an end to the fetishism of localism, "folk politics", pure horizontality, etc...In many ways left accelerationism is a response to the failures of the 2000s of the left. It is a counter-hegemonic project. Its preferred signifier for its goal is not socialism or communism, which are outmoded, but postcapitalism.

>> No.7862552

>.In many ways left accelerationism is a response to the failures of the 2000s of the left. It is a counter-hegemonic project. Its preferred signifier for its goal is not socialism or communism, which are outmoded, but postcapitalism.
Do they have a coherent vision of what this would look like?

>> No.7862567
File: 238 KB, 1024x768, Demand PostWork World.339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a perfect image, but it summarizes the 4 demands discussed in Inventing the Future. They support and reinforce each other. In particular, there is a strong link between the demand for full automation of labor, and the demand for (progressive, not replacing welfare) universal basic income. The argument is - insofar as the trend towards automation is inevitable, we should leverage it, alongside a UBI, towards the building of a post-work society.

>> No.7862570

So it's give me things, the ideology?

>> No.7862571

I should clarify that this is all coming out of the socialist/communist tradition - Nick Srnicek in particular has simply claimed that those particular /words/ are outmoded.

>> No.7862578
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more like - give us things.

>> No.7862598
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A few resources, besides the Manifesto and the book.

>> No.7862605

Only garden variety white supremacists and procapitalists

>> No.7862631
File: 892 KB, 1024x768, plant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that Dark Enlightenment keyboard cowboy is the ideological equivalent of your uncle that carves wood in a shack and won't see doctors for the ulcers he gets for eating too many jalapeno poppers

Land could save a lot of his reader's time by summarizing his philosophy in the phrase "why do I have to shit after I eat", D&G's being "why do I have to eat"

>> No.7862633

pls don't shitpost

>> No.7862641

Moldbug's stuff is funnier and seems more applicable in Land's own dark little universe

>> No.7862665
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It's like I'm reading post-Hoppesian libertarianism.

An utter rejection of democracy but without the anarcho-capitalist society.

>> No.7862676

>postmodern generator man
you don't deserve him

>> No.7862685

I wouldn't be at all surprised if Zach Hill said somewhere that he'd read Tiqqun or D&G or Nick Land.

>> No.7862696
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I alone in not understanding half the terms used in this thread? I'm a philosophy undergraduate applicant to a Russel Group (Ivy League UK equivalent) for pittance sake.

>> No.7862710

>horrifically philistine sensibilities as a James Cameron's "Terminator" reference
you should really read the dfw essay on the movie

>> No.7862711

I know what left accelerationism is but it's still a joke
especially if you actually meet any left accelerationists

>> No.7862717


>> No.7862721


Tbqh your response is a joke

>> No.7862729

i don't think it's 'progress' in the typical sense

>> No.7862735
File: 66 KB, 300x225, wood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


eh Moldbug's language comes across as way more humanistic and self-aware (and very funny) if you have a background in Heinlein/Anton Wilson era scifi and his self-education comes across as way more historically sophisticated than Nick Land's which could be derived from any amphetamine-come-down viewing of The Matrix


>the system of government proposed by Mencius Moldbug which proposes to divvy up ownership of the state into shares based on de facto influence.

this already happens which is why Moldbug's work is so funny and thoughtful

>> No.7862750
File: 86 KB, 500x384, sinecurve-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would love to hear more details as to why you think this.

>> No.7862762

/wsr/ing [s4s]-style wire outline w/ 'le technophilic autist' or somesuch image

>> No.7862766


"accelerationism" cyberpunk Hegel
accelerationism unhealthy internet addicts
both equally nonsensical

>> No.7862769


i'm not morally opposed to that, though you might be

>> No.7862773
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>> No.7862782
File: 23 KB, 300x178, Screen Shot 2016-02-12 at 7.20.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more addition to this infodump


interview re: left accelerationism with robin mackay, founder of urbanomic

>> No.7862783

on left accelerationism or left accelerationists?

>> No.7862906


>> No.7862928

alright lad I gotta go get a haircut so I'll give you a quick and erratic summary of why I dislike both

left accelerationism is full of huge assumptions and fantasies
it assumes that communism is only a matter of time and all they have to do is wait
it thinks that for some mystical reason that the benefits of technology will be distributed equally or even given to the poor at all (automation will replace the working class, not emancipate them)
I agree that it's a step up from """""""revolutionary""""""" leftism in the sense that it realises revolution is incredibly silly but it also takes a step back in that it fails to realise that capitalism never defeats itself, so called crises are just a gentle reminder to capital that it needs to reorganise and reignite the pace of CA
it really just falls into the same old leftist traps, lack of introspection, thinking things will happen because you them to, thinking your shitty little faction is going to steal the mantle from whoever is currently in charge of progressive ideology
this is a pretty shitty explanation so read this too

on left accelerationists:
it's going to sound blunt, but they're not serious
accelerationism is something they hijack whenever they want to buy a $1200 Yohji Yamamoto jacket and get fucked up at a club
they're art students that namedrop Deleuze despite having no background in philosophy
they're really just garden variety leftists looking to rationalise their enjoyment of capitalism and they drop the facade when they're not in hyper-spending mode

I think the thrust of NRx philosophy (at least Land's) version is primarily seeing the world for what it is and what it will be by removing your ego from the analysis (maybe not truly possible but whatever) and just looking at the data without some preconceived notion of what should happen

>> No.7862975

Start in the State (it insists): organicist technospecialism, pedagogic authoritarianism, and territorial sectorization that culminates in mass innumeracy. Irrespective of its configuration as educational crisis, the suppression of popular numbering practices is both result and presupposition of institutionalized mathematics. State-culture – however modern or even postmodern - is modelled upon an ideal despotic voice (Logos). The word from on high drafts the signifying chain, with all its essential features: unique enunciator, semantic interiority, consecutive signs, formally anticipated conclusion, global application, and interpretative redundancy. When the entropic semiology of senescent States multiplies enunciation, referentially displaces interiority, remarks graphic spatiality, localizes applicability, and infinitizes interpretation, it does so under the sign of an unperturbed ineffable Logos; confirmed all the more crushingly by discursive specialism, rigid professional accreditation, allusive criteriology, and linguistic fetishism, as also by the contemptuous mockery of an autopiloted megapower, now crystallized into exact science.

- Nick Land, opening paragraph from “Mechanomics”

>> No.7862994

Identity (created by associating with linguistic signs)>Differences>Categorization/Classification>Power Structures>Oppressive systems of conformity.assimilation (Outcast=deviant and Other) = ALL ILLUSORY BULLSHIT
Rhizomatic Plane of Immanence where All is One. 100011110100001010100100010101010 (binary source code that can PROGRAM). neither 1 or 0 but both simultaneously.

>> No.7863000


>> No.7863006

Does this thread have too many hits to bump anymore?

>> No.7863033

this shit is millennial as fuck

>> No.7863216

yeah, i guess...???

>> No.7863234

actually lots of stupid opinions like 'who cares if the iraq war is for oil? even better!'

>> No.7863253

nick land youtube videos

1994 - land being autistic about computaz
(full documentary here)

1994 - meltdown audiovisual performance presented at a warwick uni conference (protovaporwave)

---------land flees to china----------

2013 - land speaking at futurism workshop (more autism)

2014 - land's 'exit over voice' political program (more autism)

>> No.7863257

also he hates people knowing about his past. never mentions it on twitter or blogs. whenever anyone tweets at him about it he just cuts the conversation

>> No.7863321

Fuck Pure Ideology. Nick Land = Pure Autismo

>> No.7863346

He's right in that left-accelerationism is wrongly attributed to Land, but right-accelerationism is equally as bad.

As simply as it can be put, left-accelerationism ends with (Nietzsche's concept of) Last Mannism, and right-accelerationism (NRx of the Landian flavor) ends with sacrificing mankind on the altar of AI.

>> No.7863375

Thread can't be bumped anymore and is going to die. Please direct all comments to the new thread here: >>7863372

>> No.7863686

Land wrote a pretty good critique of that leftist accelerationist manifesto btw.

>> No.7864017
