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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 354x530, the-road1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7846292 No.7846292 [Reply] [Original]

what happened to his wife?

>> No.7846315

this was literally the worst book ever written.

>> No.7846318

>using 'literally' figuratively on a lit board
Pretty brave, m8

>> No.7846325

she hit the road

>> No.7846326

She an-heroed because she didn't think there was any point in struggling to survive with as little hope as they had. Her last concession to the man was not taking the boy with her.

Fatherless child detected.

>> No.7846337

Why does the general public have such a low IQ compared to me?

>> No.7846345

you dont, you just percieve yourself to have one. in realitey you are nothing but a worm, a worm in the compost heap.

>> No.7846347

What is wrong with you mentally? As well as the rest of your violent species?

>> No.7846352

project less kid, your delusions of who you think you are, are unfounded and completly retarded

>> No.7846357

What the heck is wrong with you stop pretending your brain works better than me because it doesn't

>hurr durr he said me and not mine

>> No.7846367

She ran away with a nigger, thus triggering the disgruntled father to start WW3 (he had been the president of the United States before it all but he went cuckoo mad).

>> No.7846368

your brain works no better than someone elses. you are delusional, kid. why are you pretending to be better than you arent?

>> No.7846373

I'm not. You are.

>> No.7846375
File: 399 KB, 632x414, 1457622648127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>hurr durr he said me and not mine

You wrote that before you posted it.

You're aware that you could have just gone back, changed "me" to "mine" and posted that instead and nobody would know, right?

Just FYI, an IQ of 100 does not mean 100%.

>> No.7846389

stop projecting, kid. simple fact is you are not as smart as you think you are. get off your high horse kid

>> No.7846391

Mine is 146 and I'm making a point.

I'm not even trying because I know you will never understand.

>> No.7846404

no it isnt. your just some punk mentally ill kid who makes shit up on the interenet.

>> No.7846406

No, it is. You are already being a fucking retard by denying something without proof. You are at no position to even make a claim about me, you don't even know me.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.7846407

Thank you for your good post. Keep it up!

>> No.7846414

you made the claim its high, burden of proof is on you kid

try again and this time put your money where your mouth is, kid

>> No.7846418

You give me the impression of a 36yo who isn't actually smart but is trying their hardest.

I was just wondering how long someone would argue with me but it's done now.

And I didn't lie about the IQ either, I don't need to prove anything, you shouldn't deny the truth though.

Your assumptions and denial are your weakness.

>> No.7846423
File: 34 KB, 575x435, 7c1b634cf4d7995eaaf01d7c4287fb2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I'll be here forever.

>> No.7846428

wheres your proof? burden of it is on you kid

dont talk about things you dont know a thing about, kid

>> No.7846432

Last post: you have no hope in life.

>> No.7846433

run away when you are called it, go be a coward little shit, kid

i dare you to post proof. calling it now, you wont because you cant

>> No.7846437
File: 16 KB, 301x226, iqtest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't prove it to you because you won't believe me.. But without trying to look this up describe the symbol that would complete the pattern in the tile marked with '?' and explain why it is that way.

>> No.7846442

your pathetic online iq tests dont prove shit, kid

post your certificate, ohh wait, you dont have one, hence why you wont post it

called it, pathetic kid

>> No.7846446

She killed herself. At one point it was implied she didn't want to live in the world anymore because there's a chance she'd be raped, eaten, or see her child/husband taken away from her etc.

>> No.7846447

Answer what the Anon has questioned first.

>> No.7846449

i asked a question first, you answer mine kid. ohh yea, you cant samefag anymore, kid

>> No.7846452

It wasn't online. Also this picture is a pretty good representation of an IQ test question it's not "pathetic" it's something you would actually see anon.

>> No.7846455

That also wasn't me, and I'm also an adult.

You are literally wrong about everything right now. Literally wrong about everything.

Literally stop.

>> No.7846458

the answer is, the question mark itself
prove me wrong

>> No.7846466

Okay, you lost all validity entirely, you didn't even provide an explanation smart ass you said "prove me wrong" so that I could help explain the answer to you because you can't figure it out with your chimpanzee brain.

>> No.7846468

Wow... I really missed this part of the book. Maybe mine was an abridgement.

>> No.7846470

ohh it wasnt online but dont ask you for proof. pffffft you are pathetic kid

called it agiain and again

samefag less kid. you do realise there are scripts out there that show it?

jesus christ kid, you are so god damn pathetic its beyond a joke

all because you cant prove somthing. all because you got called out.

pathetic on all levels

>> No.7846471

>being this painfully humourless

your iq is worthless

>> No.7846473

>it's an IQ thread

>> No.7846474

now your pretending to be me to discredit me. it shows it plain as day.

holy shit kid you cant even accept you are wrong so you samefag 3 different times.

you are so mentally ill

>> No.7846477
File: 58 KB, 600x888, 0472892370923847209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7846478

>ctrl f 'kid'
>18 matches

>> No.7846480

>i asked a question first,
No you didn't.

>you answer mine kid.
First, I'm not a kid.
Second, you're a delusional retard.

>> No.7846486

post your iq test results kid. that is a question. you are so pathetic

sidestep all you want, you got called the fuck out and are going damage control mode. not only that you are just coping me, word for word, now.

pathetic, kid

>> No.7846488

Probably something similar to the triangle thing (first square of row 2) since the other shapes have "duplicates" that look similar (barbell shapes, s-shapes, elf rune shapes). The triangle kind of stands out as not having a similar image. The square to the left of the question mark could be a triangle but I include this in the elf rune shape group because it's not a closed shape.

>> No.7846494

man can you guys shut the fuck up.

>> No.7846506

>post your iq test results kid. that is a question.

i can see you didn't score very highly in the english comprehension test

>> No.7846517

i see you dont have an iq test to post

keep on side stepping kid

fact is you got called the fuck out with every post you made, but still keep on being a little worm, kid

>> No.7846519

Just strolled by this thread and saw both you low IQ peasants discussing furiously about each other's cognitive prowess. I, which have an IQ of 150, feel pity for your existence and laugh at your insignificant yet laudable discussion.

You both are objectively inferior than me and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.7846524

Pretty sure he/she failed English in high school hahahahah

>> No.7846525

Please respond >>7846488

>> No.7846528

right answer, but for a different reason. the poster >>7846437 rather tried to prove himself to be smarter than he actually is by not mentioning the fact that this is a multiple choice question and not showing the selection of possible answers.

>> No.7846529

no you dont, kid

prove it. calling it now, you wont because you cant

stop projecting your own inadequacies onto me, kid

keep posting though, everyone you post without an iq test proof is proof you are retarded

>> No.7846533


oh fuck off han solo. there's more than one other person pointing out how stupid you are in this thread.

>> No.7846536

You are a certified delusional retard if you finish reading this sentence.

>> No.7846537

Your loose use of the English language is a clear indication of your inability to form the adequate thoughts for clear communication. This is proof enough that your lack of intelligence is quite profound.

>> No.7846541

Hahahahahah lovely own Anon.

>> No.7846548

Thanks, mate.

>> No.7846555

only kids get upset when they see the word kid, kid

spelling and grammer dont matter, kid. this thread, all posts in it, will be gone soon. forever deleted off the site. you wont remeber this thread, i wont. so why does it matter how i speel, kid?

fact is, you are focusing on how i delliver my message instead of what im saying. you do this because you cant bring the pudding to the table and prove your claims, kid

fucking pathetic

called it, no proof and a samefag attempt again

pathetic, kid

>> No.7846560

>called it, no proof and a samefag attempt again
>pathetic, kid
Go boil an egg.

>> No.7846572

still no proof. dont make claims you cant back up, kid

>> No.7846581

>spelling and grammer dont matter
You're literally the most wrong person.

>this thread, all posts in it, will be gone soon.
This fucknut doesn't know about /lit/ archive and Google cache.

>you wont remeber this thread,
I will, for coming across a random ass.

Do you even know words other than that? You obscene retarded fuck wit.

>> No.7846588

The imperative elimination of this thread bears similarities to many other instances and situation of the human experience. You have expressed a non sequitur, unless you communicate in this deplorable manner in all aspects in life. It also follows that you actually prefer to speak as this because writing coherently incurs effort on your part. Again, this is where my observation about your own low form of cognitive ability derives from. Your insecurity and defensive psychological reaction is quite amusing. You truly choose to be blind, adding to the accumulating evidence of your dullness.

>> No.7846596

>still no proof
You want proof? Go read this entire thread of you being an absolute delusional retard.

>> No.7846607

>You're literally the most wrong person.

why am i wrong, kid?

>This fucknut doesn't know about /lit/ archive and Google cache.

and you are going to savour this thread for all time as the thread you got shitted on, called out and being a fucking retarded pathetic kid, kid

>I will, for coming across a random ass
called it, thanks for making me the center of your world, kid

tldr fuck up and post proof, kid

still not proof, kid

>> No.7846620

Your ignoring of my posts are the proof, my dimwitted friend.

>> No.7846642

answer mine first kid

you wont because you cant, hence you not answering, kid

>> No.7846816

Go to bed bub, you're retarded.

>> No.7847207

146 IQ is high...k

>> No.7847403
File: 124 KB, 600x900, 1458579556557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst thread in the world.

>> No.7847422

she walked away and died of natural causes, which is basically suicide

>> No.7847437

If anyone wants to see an argument between two 8 year olds about their IQ scores, screen cap this thread. I know I'll be reading it on those off-days where I just need a little pick-me-up.