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7846130 No.7846130 [Reply] [Original]

which works of dickens have you read?

how did you feel about them? which did you like the most? why?

this year i've read great expectations, david copperfield, and a tale of two cities and i found them all to be amazing. two cities was the most urgent and concise but i felt that great expectations was more complete. copperfield is hella bloated but still felt worthwhile. basically every paragraph he writes is good. damn.

>> No.7846204

>even during yuro hours these cunts on /lit/ still don't care about the greatness of dickens

shit a windmill

>> No.7846227

he's pleb sentimental shit. garbage prose too.

>> No.7846229

I have read those three, hard tomes, and bleak house ... obviously his talent for creating characters in a few brush strokes is a strength, and he is very much a writer of depicting social problems in entertaining ways, something later american naturalists made more dry and boring, less eccentric. Barkis is willing. Bleak house features a spontaneous combustion and an unending legal battle, showing us the legal system was always an intermnable glacier motivated by money. Great writer.

>> No.7846234

no discernible criticism

>> No.7846282

I'm reading Oliver Twist at the moment. I think it's pretty good.

>> No.7846298


Here are my favorites:
* Bleak House [the most complete]
* The Pickwick Papers [the funniest]
* Great Expectations

I also really liked:
* A Tale of Two Cities
* Oliver Twist
* Christmas Books [A Christmas Carol and other novellas]
* David Copperfield
* Nicholas Nickleby

I've also read:
* American Notes and Pictures from Italy
* The Old Curiosity Shop
* Christmas Stories [short stories]
* Martin Chuzzlewit
* Barnaby Rudge (also based on real-life events like AToTC)

He was a genius at characterization, and his concern for the less fortunate/powerful is still relevant. Delightful phrasing (once you get accustomed to the style). Also nice to read something where everything comes together in a satisfying way in the end (most of them do anyway).

>> No.7846314

what did you make of Barnaby Rudge? given that I own it, is it worth the time or should I just go with Pickwick/Nickleby?

>> No.7846316

Dickens was a pioneer of the "paid by the word" artistic school of writing.

>> No.7846321

desu, give me an honest, working writer like dickens over a bourgeoisie layabout like proust

>> No.7846338

Our Mutual Friend is underrated.

>> No.7846386

Christmas Carol nearly brought me to tears

>> No.7846668

Dick XD

>> No.7846786


I found Barnaby Rudge to be the weakest of what I've read, certainly among the novels. Between the two you mention, I would definitely recommend reading Pickwick first. One thing I think is interesting with Dickens is how his writing generally got darker over time, and Pickwick is a good thing to read to get a baseline on that. It was his first major work, and it shows a kind of humor and even joyfulness I don't think Dickens ever got close to again.

>> No.7846795

Christmas Carol>>>>>>>>>Select parts of "A Tale of Two Cities">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Everything else>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The parts where you are supposed to feel bad for Pip in Great Expectations.

>> No.7846889

Thanks. I'm into the idea of Pickwick because it's his first and he's young as fuck writing it, but it's hard to choose. I figure I'll read them all if I have my way of it anyway.. but probably stick to the majors for now and then track back around for Rudge

>> No.7846895

Bleak House is my fav. He's quite similar to Dostoevsky and I've found that people tend to either like both or hate both.

>> No.7846896

Tale of Two Cities
Great Expectations
Hard Times
Oliver Twist

Tale of Two Cities is my favourite book.

>> No.7846906

Interesting comparison, and I like it. I love both of these authors, and there are distinct similarities in the kinds of stuff they write.

>> No.7846984

Turgenev is in there, too, I would think. Haven't read Dosto, though.

>> No.7848814

bump 2 save from the gallows

>> No.7848825

I read a Christmas Carol ages ago but I don't remember the writing except for that line about being an undigested potato or piece of beef from stew.

>> No.7849000

>not remembering "there's more of gravy than of grave about you!"

>> No.7849002

I've read Pickwick, Great Expectations, Bleak House, Christmas Carol, and Hard Times. Bleak House is far and away my favorite. Hope to read all of his before the ashes of my fire turn gray and cold tbqhwu famalamadingdongs.

>> No.7849334

I feel the same way about dickens and mortality desu

>> No.7849374

this desu senpai