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7844157 No.7844157 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading? What were you reading prior? What do you plan on reading next?

I'll start:
>Currently- In Cold Blood

>Prior- White Noise

>Next- Child of God

>> No.7844571

Reading is. Wee todd ed!!!

>> No.7844596

>prior (all withing the past week or so)- the art of war, the kreutzer sonata and other short stories, the universe in a single atom, the psychedelic experience, and don't sweat the small stuff (kek all you want)
>next- probably "kitchen confidential", Gogol's overcoat, and The Stranger

>> No.7844603

>the god delusion
>the martian

>> No.7844607

The Trial

The Iliad

The Odyssey

>> No.7844619

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (in Japanese)
Heart of Darkness
Probably Blood Meridian, but I'm not sure as I'll likely be reading Murakami for a long while. First time I'm trying to read a book in Japanese.

>> No.7844723

Crime and Punishment

>> No.7844730

Current: Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me - Farina, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Diaz
Previous: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Thompson
Next: probably To the Lighthouse - Woolf

>> No.7844745

>The Idiot - Dostoevsky

>A Hero of Our Time - Lermontov

>Oedipus - Sophocles

>> No.7844755

>The Well Of Loneliness. About 150 pages are left

>The Voyage Out

>Not sure yet. Either Sense & Sensibility, A Wild Sheep Chase, or A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man.

>> No.7844760

Good luck Anon.
I read some of Murakami's short stories in Japanese. It was an interesting experience.

>> No.7844770

>Currently. Atlas shrugged
>prior. War of the worlds (mediocre stuff, atlas shrugged so much better)
>next. Iliad and odyssey so i can get ti Ulysses. I also wanna read stoner from what i heard about it not sure which path to choose.

>> No.7844802

beware of pity and infinite jest

>> No.7844809

Currently Reading:

Insurgent, Huckleberry Finn

Trying to get back into reading, starting at a high school level.

Any recommendations?

>> No.7844812

start with the greeks

>> No.7844818


well i guess i replied

>> No.7844819

What to end with

>> No.7844825


Current: The Satanic Verses - Rushdie
Previous: A Little Life - Yanagihara
Next: No idea, might do some nonfiction about the Middle East

>> No.7844840

Perfume / On Love And Death
The Baron in the Trees

>> No.7844848

you never end

>> No.7844852

Lost in the funhouse
Nabokov's Dozen
Poisonwood Bible

>> No.7844853
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>Currently - Of Human Bondage
>Prior - Leaves of Grass
>Next - A Supposedly Fun Things Ill Never Do Again

>> No.7844947

>Last Read

Light in August

Absolom, Absolom!

I'm in a Faulkner class, btw.

>> No.7844954

> Currently - The Dhammapada
> Prior - High Magick; Theory and Practice
> Next - Buddhist Scriptures

>> No.7844965

I just reread 1984 and finished up Catch-22 and Farenheit 451.
I read Brave New World, but I would rather forget about that
Next is Lolita maybe?

>> No.7845089
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Journal of Albion Moonlight

alternating for the past two months Mason & Dixon// Debt: The First 5000 Years

Middle C by Gass

>> No.7845229

>currently: The Recognitions
>prior: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>next: probably The Corrections, maybe something by Barth

>> No.7845247


>Journal of Albion Moonlight

Interested in your thoughts on this one. Worth it?

>> No.7845250
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Who is John Galt?

Last: Freud & Jung

Current: Atlas Shrugged

Next: The Freud Reader

>> No.7845286

>Currently - LotR: Fellowship of the Rings
>Prior - The Hobbit
>Next - I have an abridged version of James Frazer's The Golden Bough that I plan on rereading after I finish all of LotR

I've never read anything by Tolkien before except for some bits of the Silmarillion, but I finished the Hobbit last night and ventured about 100 pages into Fellowship today and it is one of the comfiest things I've ever read. I'd willingly read a million pages of just hobbits doing hobbity shit.

>> No.7845335

My negroid

>> No.7845346



The crying of lot 49

>> No.7845403

The Island of Doctor Moreau —Wells
A Man Cannot Cry —Keverne
Kalevipoeg —Kreutzwald

>> No.7845461

Wonderful read. Bit unnerving but some fantastic prose poetry. I've always had an affinity for surrealism and this was the perfect blend without being too "out there"

>> No.7845486

Prior: Stoner
Current: Odyssey
Next: not sure. I have a nice little back log. Maybe oblomov, or catcher in the rye. I haven't read it in years and it's meme'd endlessly

>> No.7845494

>Last Read
In the heart of the heart of the country

Invitation to a Beheading

Either Butcher's Crossing or Ada, anyone who has read either of these tell me your thoughts

tell me about the class anon

>> No.7845509

current: Futbol a Sol y Sombra - Galeano

prior: Notes from Underground - Dosto

next: the trial

>> No.7845511

I was reading Light in august last summer but got bored after 100 pages because the christmas backstory was dragging like a motherfucker. I know I'm a pleb. But, how do you like it so far?

>> No.7845512

I'm reading Heart of Darkness right now. how did you like it, anon?

>> No.7845514

infinie jest. this is a book i plan on reading for the next few months, while reading the books mentioned in "next" simultaneously as soon as i can get my hands on a copy.

Shadow's Edge, the night angel trilogy. awful books.
a knight of the seven kingdoms. george rr martin. it was ok. nothing special.

i cant decide between
the book of the new sun, the big short or h.p. lovecrafts necronomicron.

>> No.7845520

I'm planning on reading the trial when I finish my current book. I have only read notes from underground so far, do you think i need to read more books by dostoevsky given that he was a big influence on kafka?

Also, any other authors i should read before reading the trial? I'm trying to go in depth about existentialism starting with dostoevsky which will lead me finally to sartre and camus.

>> No.7845591

There really isn't any "necessary" reading for the trial, but if you want to have a good time read Invitation to a Beheading, and watch Brazil after reading the trial.

>> No.7845596

Nice, man. You'll love Absalom, Absalom! How is Light August so far? I have a copy that I plan on reading.

>> No.7845604


Current-The Book of Job (for Easter)

Next-A Midsummer Night's Dream

>> No.7846351

Yo mama

>> No.7846362

Victoria by Hamsun
Story of Art by Gombrich
Death in Venice by Mann
Either Lolita or that Ishiguro book my friend lent me so she stops breaking my balls about taking it back

>> No.7846370

>Currently - Ulysses
>Prior - The Stranger
>Next - Siddhartha

>> No.7846371

>Currently - Finished The Stranger a few minutes ago. Will start Kreutzer Sonata in a while.
>Prior - Love and pedagogy by Unamuno
>Next - Kreutzer Sonata, then Essay on Blindness by Saramago

>> No.7847076

>Kalevipoeg —Kreutzwald

Based Estonia is based

Current: crime and punishment
Prior: art of the deal
Next: something by turgenev

>> No.7847086

>Currently- Don Quixote

>Prior- Gargantua and Pantagruel

>Next- The Clouds

>> No.7847114

Ulysses - James Joyce

Julius Caesar - Bill Shakespeare

Trout Fishing in America, The Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster, and In Watermelon Sugar - Richard Brautigan
(I have them all in one edition)

>> No.7847119

I too am reading Ulysses
Thoughts anon?

>> No.7847134

t. Redditor who just discovered /lit/

>> No.7847177

The Night Land

The Fall (though I took a break from TNL to read it)

Altered Carbon or The Stranger

>> No.7847193

Last- Oblomov
Current- Man Without Qualities
Next- Under the Volcano

>> No.7847195

I only read books in one sitting. I read Boris Schneiderman's 'Guerra em Surdina' last sunday, I'm going to read Hemingway's 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' this sunday and read the first volume of the complete Tolstoy's short stories (there are three volumes).

>> No.7847196

Last - Snow Country
Current - A brief history of Ireland + Selected Poems of Anna Akhmatova
Next - The Man in the High Castle

>> No.7847201

Don Quixote

Wittgenstein's Poker

Faust Pt. 1

>> No.7847206



The Trial. I've been thinking about rereading War and Peace though.

>> No.7847209

What did you think about The Stranger?

>> No.7847212

>House of Leaves
>Confederacy of Dunces
>New York Trilogy

>> No.7847227

I liked how it managed to create very vivid images with such concise prose. I enjoyed it even though I knew all about it and its themes already from lurking around here. It was a nice read

>> No.7847245

Read more Russians after Lolita, pale fire is a nice short read too.

>> No.7847260

Been reading them for a while, even though this is my first Nabokov's. I'll check Pale Fire, thanks.

>> No.7847265

Anna Kerenina
The world as will and idea
For whom the bell tolls

>> No.7847268

>currently - white noise
exactly halfway through if page count is anything to go by. I love how smarmy this shit is. Haven't read anything quite like this in a while

>prior - Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 72
Loved this, even if at times it felt like a dragging behemoth. I think thompson's work shouldn't go beyond 200-300 pages to be honest and this was about 500

>next - Jack Kerouac - Dharma Bums
Only read On the Road, which I liked, so I'm excited to dig into this

>> No.7847274

Current > The Big Sleep

Prior > The Invisible Man

Next > Strangers On A Train

>> No.7847291

The Tunnel - Gass
The Crossing - MemeCarthy
Absalom, Absalom! - GOAT

>> No.7847432

>The world as will and idea
how was it?
did you enjoy it?

>> No.7847692


The Master and Margarita

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.7847770

Brothers Karamazov
Lost in the Funhouse
idk either Dubliners or Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, haven't decided yet

>> No.7847801

>Dubliners or Portrait
If you're doing so to prepare for Big Man Joyce's Big U, I'd say first Dubliners. Portrait is more important to Stephen's part in the novel than Dubliners is overall.

>> No.7847820

Kafka on the Shore.
The Grand Chessboard.
The God of Metaphysics.

>> No.7847823
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>Currently; Technique du Coup d'Etat by Curzio Malaparte

>Prior: La Horde du Contrevent by Alain Damasio

>Next: Sonietchka by Ludmila Oulitskaïa

>> No.7847854

Choose Your Own Adventure: Hostage

Plowshares into Swords

A short book detailing NVA and Vietcong equipments through the Vietnam War

>> No.7847914

Under the Volcano is enjoyable in a depressing, spiraling-downward way.

Prolgeomena to Any Future Metaphysics

Sheila Sinclair's Quest

Understanding the Psychic Nature of Man

>> No.7847963

That's my next too!!!!

>> No.7848444
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>Currently - Moby Dick

>Prior - In Cold Blood

>Next - Henry IV

>> No.7848502

Count of Monte Cristo
Paradise Lost

>> No.7849515

Current- Infinite Jest
Previous- The Temple of The Golden Pavilion
Next- Either Ulysses or The Savage Detectives

>> No.7849533

Currently slowly making my way through l'etranger, after that I'll probably continue picking through Terence's plays.

Anybody know other French philosophical texts an intermediate could get through?

>> No.7849535

Previously - The Mouse that roared
Currently - Woodcutters
Next - The Religion War

>> No.7849536

I love it. Absalom, Absalom! is fucking awesome.

>> No.7849538

How was The Mouse that Roared? I have a copy.

>> No.7849540

Moby dick

Lord Jim, Crying Lot of 49, Dubliners

its between Spring Snow, Lord of The Flies and Huckleberry Finn

>> No.7849927

>Lord of The Flies and Huckleberry Finn
Did you not go to high school

>> No.7849955

One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.7849980

>implying there are no other countries besides 'murica

>> No.7850001

I just assumed since half the books he's reading/read are by Americans

>> No.7850008

You'd be amazed how much trash America exports.

>> No.7850089

Hey dudes, please answer.
Has anyone read Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time"? Should I read the 1998 one or the one he collaborated with Leonard Mlodinow in 2005?
Actually, are they even the same, do they go over the same ideas, did you like one better than the other?

>> No.7850110

Do you like it better than Sound and the Fury?

>> No.7850969

No Longer Human

Thank You for Smoking

The Gin Closet

>> No.7852174
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American Psycho

The Iliad

The Odyssey or Heart of a Dog

>> No.7852215

Kafka on the Shore, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice
Hear the Wind Sing, The Association of Small Bombs