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/lit/ - Literature

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7844122 No.7844122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So lit what's with all the redditors and /pol/tards lately? Many books of extreme low quality are popping up a lot lately. I've also noticed some /pol/ posters who are expressing their racist and sexist views on this board.

I just wanted to warn you guys so you can try to filter them out before it becomes something like /tv/. I've been gone for several months and been lurking this past few weeks and noticed the quality has gotten much lower. Although there has been some interesting threads lately as opposed to the same shitposts meme trilogy.

I suppose I could deal with the redditors since /pol/tards have a way of completely damaging the whole board with their racism and DA JOOS type of views.

I don't mean for this to be a shitpost but this board is easily one of the best boards on here and it would really be a shame if we let /pol/ damage the board like they do with so many others.

Also to keep it /lit/ related post what you're currently reading. I've just started reading fear and loathing in las vegas.

>> No.7844127

oy vey the goyim know

>> No.7844132

You are overreacting, you worthless faggot. You have a lower threshold of tolerance and higher asspain sensitivity for views you don't particularly like. Gain some self-awareness of this shortcoming or it will leave you a shitty pleb for the rest of your gay life.

>> No.7844133

>"Those who do not get it and realise there is nothing to get"

This basically sums up my Pynchon experience

>> No.7844156


Says all this:

>So lit what's with all the redditors and /pol/tards lately? Many books of extreme low quality are popping up a lot lately. I've also noticed some /pol/ posters who are expressing their racist and sexist views on this board.
>I just wanted to warn you guys so you can try to filter them out before it becomes something like /tv/. I've been gone for several months and been lurking this past few weeks and noticed the quality has gotten much lower. Although there has been some interesting threads lately as opposed to the same shitposts meme trilogy.
>I suppose I could deal with the redditors since /pol/tards have a way of completely damaging the whole board with their racism and DA JOOS type of views.
>I don't mean for this to be a shitpost but this board is easily one of the best boards on here and it would really be a shame if we let /pol/ damage the board like they do with so many others.

Then says this:

>Also to keep it /lit/ related post what you're currently reading. I've just started reading fear and loathing in las vegas.

Top bait, anon.

Also I'm stealing that Venn. You could say it's diagreat!

>> No.7844160

OP is right about the poltards though, they need to be contained before we turn out like /tv/. Redditors usually adapt after a while or leave, it's just the new ones that post hitchhiker's guide and that nonsense.

Kek. Me too.

>> No.7844167
File: 98 KB, 896x896, DS-good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from David Shrigley, you should read his books, they're unlike anything else.

>> No.7844183

I actually found hitchiker's to be mildly amusing. Not really funny and not really boring. Something slow to pass the time.

>> No.7844186
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This is now a Hilaire Belloc thread. This is my second book by him and this should be essential conservative reading, don't understand why he doesn't get more love. Planning on reading Europe and Faith and The Great Heresies after this.

>> No.7844195
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>> No.7844205

For me it was just overrated maybe if I read it when I was younger I would have enjoyed it but I don't exactly hate it I do see though why so many people on here dismiss it without a second's thought

>> No.7844215


I feel this way too and it makes reading him kind of irritating. Because either I'm wrong and I'm missing something very fundamental to the experience.

Or Pynchon seriously lacks sincerity and that's the way I'm inclined to feel. I kind of struggled through V being impressed by some of it but afterwards I read Absalom, Absalom and felt much more fulfilled.

>> No.7844228

Quality is subjective.
/pol/ is going mainstream.
Nationalism, non-semiphilia, racial cliquishness, and traditional gender roles are progress. You are on the wrong side of history.

>> No.7844235

That is NOT how a venn diagram words.

>> No.7844243

That diagram is failing. It admits that it is failing, and does not know how a Venn diagram works. Are you going to help it or simply criticize?

>> No.7844244

there's nothing to get about the diagram, you dip

>> No.7844245

Found the /pol/tard everybody

>> No.7844246
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 1433211519887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have a problem
>with le mean sexism >:( I shall valiantly defend women on the internet to defeat le friendzone!
you are a faggot and need to kindly return to reddit

>> No.7844252

>quality is subjective
>x, y and z are progress
you're quality and you're mum is progress

>> No.7844254

well if you have a problem with your car stop posting about it on a literature forum already
same goes with sexism, if it's not directly about women stop shitposting about it

>> No.7844256
File: 620 KB, 704x657, blini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please kill yourself. I would chose a fellow /pol/lack (with the hole shitposting consequences) over a sjw hippie cuck plebbitor any fucking time

>> No.7844267


>> No.7844277

so you like hole shitposting with your fellow pollacks?
By the way, if he's your fellow your statement is mostly useless. Think before you write.

>> No.7844296

posts about pleb books

posts /pol9k/ topics

Plebbitors gonna pleb but at least they're on topic

>> No.7844311

The point of this board is to discuss literature. Not to discuss "muh race war" and "muh white male superiority". Seriously no one likes sjws but this isn't the place to talk about them. OP made a valid point about these fucking poltards, they destroy the fucking board. Go back to /pol/ where its welcomed and people share the same views.

>> No.7844320

I only lurk on /pol/ and keep the shitposting out of /lit/. And I hate /pol/ian shitposting on this board as much as the others do.

>"hole shitposting" was supposed to be irony you fucking faggot

again, kill yourself. or fuck off my board

>> No.7844337

Yes, I agree with your point, but it's also not a place for plebbitors to push their dumb pseudo-intellectual mediocre books and act like smart-asses. At least /pol/acks discuss (beside annoying shitposting sometimes) real politics and economy

>> No.7844359

That's not how irony works. Maybe you should go have a discussion about real politics and economy with your fellows.

>> No.7844383

>real politics and economy
>implying these are /lit/ topics

books or GTFO

>> No.7844392


>someone makes a post about The Bell Jar or some other shit book
>invariably the frog posters show up and turn the "discussion" into "MEN ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN WOMEN, THE LATTER CAN'T CREATE ART, THEY'RE WORTHLESS WHORES!"

>someone makes a thread about, say, the Dialectic of Enlightenment
>invariably the /pol/-mongrels show up and turn the thread into a "discussion" about how Jews are trying to breed out whiteness

>someone makes a thread about a work by a black person
>invariably the thread turns into a "discussion" about how whites are much better than blacks

>someone makes a thread about a feminist work or a feminist perspective on something
>invariably thread gets turned into a "discussion" about how men are oppressed (instead of making a separate thread where you discuss such a work; there must be one)


4chan has become an inverse tumblr. Everything is about identity politics. All threads must revolve around gender, sex, or race.

>> No.7844397

I really, really like this post.

>> No.7844403

I would rather shit posting than teenagers who know nothing about philosophy or economics acting like their opinions matter. The current ethical meat eating thread is one of the worst threads in recent memory.

>> No.7844443

This anon gets it.

How do we filter out all the bullshit?

>> No.7844463

Censorship. And I mean that unironically. Ban them.

>> No.7844473

you have written very true words.
there just as much complaining and bitching and being generally unnessecary here as there is on tumblr.

>> No.7844476

Kek. I'm all for it but how do we get the mods to do that

>> No.7844486

Didn't some anon a few months ago say they were gonna start a new /lit/ like website? PatricianChan I think they were gonna call it

>> No.7844494

Threads started on race, gender, religion, or politics must have a work stated in the title.

As for the garbage in threads, you sort of just have to report off topic stuff.

>> No.7844496

Also, Mein Kampf may not be the work referred too.

>> No.7844647

Classic redditor ladies and gentlemen. This post serves as pure proof of the invasion of the retarded leddit hordes.

>> No.7844670


>> No.7844677

Did you read the post I made?


It's censorship of people who want to talk about unrelated things. Ban them. If a thread is made about The Bell Jar then people who want to discuss how feminism has emasculated men and 2D women are the future must take that discussion elsewhere. Discuss the book, or fuck off.

That doesn't mean you can't make a thread about a work written about your 2D women

Same with a book about, say, slavery. Then people who want to talk about academia being run by Jews are off topic.

Feel free to make a thread about some literature about Jews running academia, but don't post it in a thread about a book about slavery.

>> No.7844678

>I've just started reading fear and loathing in las vegas.

redditor detected

>> No.7844688

What the fuck? So every thread should be quality controlled? People should be forced to stay on topic for fear of deletion? You're clearly from reddit you faggot. I don't like how literature is being replaced with politics, but I'm not going to take away what makes 4chan great. Trying to make more rules and increase the frequency of bans and quality control is a sign of reddit. You come from there and try to make this place like that shitty site where you get banned for stepping out of line. Fuck off.

>> No.7844693

>wahh why are right wingers always right, why am i such a degenerate

Im laughing at all these libruhls who think they own the board

>> No.7844698

Liberalism are right-wing.

So is neoliberalism.

>American politics

>> No.7844702

>Implying we don't speak American here
Europoors go suck a dick

>> No.7844709

>So every thread should be quality controlled?
>People should be forced to stay on topic?

>reddit, reddit, reddit

Kill yourself

>> No.7844712

Why does /lit/ complain so much? In regards to board quality you have to be the biggest whiners on the site. This board is fine.

>> No.7844715

>So every thread should be quality controlled?
Yes, this isn't /b/. This is a board to discuss literature, not your personal pet bullshit theory.

>reddit spooks

Newfag, go home

>> No.7844719

that's leftists for you. most liberal board? most whiny and emasculated posters, yes.

they live in a culture of complaint and they hate themselves and their culture

they want to turn everything into a political correctness safe space and ban all dissenting opinion

/lit/ are marxists, face it. they have been brainwashed by their cultural marxist professors and are trying to destroy western civilization

>> No.7844742

/pol/ is that way =>

"If you don't like it, leave it" is what I hear from people with similar political dispositions to yours

>> No.7844764

>So every thread should be quality controlled?
That sounds like a dream

>> No.7844774

Enjoy SomethingAwful then. Moderated by fifteen fucking Redditor broads and turned into a hugbox overnight because of "quality control."

>> No.7844777

removing offtopic shitposting =/= "hug box"
though of course hugbox is a meaningless buzzword anyway

>> No.7844787


People are waking up


Neo4chan is basically leddit II

>> No.7844859

I'm with OP on this one. /pol/ needs to fuck off. I frequent /pol/ all the time and I never bring that shit to this board no matter how much I may agree with them on certain topics. Its cancerous and should be left where it is. I too have notice redditors starting shit quality threads. The best thing to do is just sage and ignore. And as far as us being the most pickiest board, it's true. We don't want to discuss young adult literature or fantasy sci fi novels. We want to discuss top quality literature. Sure it's okay to have a thread about pleb books once in while but they shouldn't be back to back.

>> No.7844861

/pol/lacks, robots and pedophile culture are good for the health of the site as a whole, since they help to deter the normies from occupying the site and turning it another banal place like Reddit.
The problem with /lit/ is that it doesn't have the same level of aforementioned posters as other boards which in turn makes it more hospitable for redditors. Fellow 4chan posters are the lesser of two evils.

>> No.7844970

But I've never even been on reddit. I'm just getting sick of seeing "muh white male superiority" like >>7844311 stated. I'm also annoyed at the redditors for starting shit threads about shitty books.

>> No.7844974

>Facebook image
>So lit what's with all the redditors and /pol/tards lately?

go whine about how this board doesn't pander to your interests you turd, only newfags pretend /lit/ hasn't always been shit.

>> No.7845203

>>Yes, this isn't /b/. This is a board to discuss literature, not your personal pet bullshit theory.
Which is why you do your part and get dubs in every off-topic thread. The mods don't care. It's your job to derail them. It is democratic.

>> No.7845208

No, we can discuss Mein Kampf here. Why wouldn't we? Is someone going to go on a genocide after? We discuss Lolita too.

>> No.7845215

>We don't want to discuss young adult literature or fantasy sci fi novels. We want to discuss top quality literature.
But some YA and fantasy is top quality. Wait, are you conflating fantasy and SF? Do you actually know that little and still presume to judge the entire genre?

>> No.7845603

Holy fuck, you have no idea what this site even stands for.

>> No.7845612

>furry not allowed
>mlp banned all over the place
>moot constantly shutting down pedos

No, YOU don't understand this site

It's for autists to obsess over niche media, not for plebs to whine about politics and social activism

the political aspect of the site was always pure newfag cancer

>> No.7845621

Seriously just because there is no censorship doesn't mean it's alright to go around and shitpost on why blacks are chimps and why all women are whores. That shit doesn't belong on /lit/ unless it is the book's topic but even then i doubt it's actually literature and besides your more likely have a lively discussion on that shit at /pol/ and /r9k/.

>> No.7845661

You're definitely missing a lot if you thought V. was insincere. I completely identified with the sort of manic depressive malaise and aimless spiritual vagrancy in the book.

>> No.7845675

Facebook filenames don't look like that, it is most likely a 4chan filename (same amount of digits) with that part at the start to bait retards like you.

>> No.7845715

but politics and social topics are at least relevant to literature.
don't know why you brought up pedos as proof of censorship, pedo content is illegal and morally condemnable.

I personally like political discussion on /lit/ provided it doesn't descend into garbage tier memeing and edgeposts.

the supposed /pol/ posts are posts discussing nationalism, European crisis and the perception of decline of conservative values. I haven't seen posts describing blacks as chimps or women as whores (granted, I'm not on /lit/ that much so I might have missed it)

try to be a little understanding. places like these are the only relatively sane forums where you could discuss conservative positions.

>> No.7845719

like that one thread about zizek's statement regarding the cologne mass rapes.

some people were complaining about racism when the topic in contention was whether the current European policy is good and expressing doubt about the possibility of integration etc.

I actually remember having a good discussion about the morality of refugee intake vs incidents like cologne.

>> No.7845732

real talk I don't get David Shrigley

if you want to discuss real politics and economy then go to fucking /pol/ or /biz/. Even if you want to discuss a book directly related to politics, it would probably be more suited to /pol/, as they are likely more enthusiastic to engage with the subject matter in the first place.

sorry to any /pol/tards hanging around this thread, but /pol/ is a fucking dump. Just take a look at it now, the place is infested with memes, shitposting and retarded race war threads which are less about discussion and more about flinging shit at each other like monkeys. We don't want you to bring more of that shit to /lit/, a board which is already pretty garbage as it is.

>> No.7845758

>ignoring by filtering will make it all go away
Cancer is cancer, ignoring it won't stop it from spreading. Report and move on.

>> No.7845761
File: 64 KB, 167x298, 1457152324620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>So lit what's with all the redditors
>I've just started reading fear and loathing in las vegas.

>> No.7845790


>> No.7845962

>try to be a little understanding. places like these are the only relatively sane forums where you could discuss conservative positions.
But that's your problem, not mine. Fuck off and fine relevant places to discuss those things. This is not your libertarian safe-space, faggot.

>> No.7845982

The elitism of aristocratic white males (i.e. racism and sexism) is the core of /lit/ and always has been.

>> No.7846019

We should ban discussion of the following authors (for the same reason that /a/ banned Naruto): Hitler, Rand, Evola
Also ban anyone that says Ludovici is a better translator of Nietzsche than Kaufman

That will go a long way in removing cancer

>> No.7846024

Agreed. I've read Gravity's Rainbow a bunch of times. Love the book, but I can't tell if its high art or just a funny looney toons bit.

>> No.7846132

People who complain about post quality are the same people who shitpost.

>> No.7846152

>I don't mean for this to be a shitpost

Somehow I doubt this statement is very genuine.

>> No.7846158

You may not use it as a thread starter.

>> No.7846160

>I haven't seen posts describing blacks as chimps or women as whores
are you new?

>> No.7846206

or why don't you suck it up and deal with it like a normal person, gaycunt?

>my delicate liberal sensibilities have been raped by conservatards!!!!!!!

>> No.7846214

>I haven't seen posts describing blacks as chimps or women as whores


>> No.7846217

Please, the problem is injecting /stormfront/ shitposting where it isnt wanted or appropriate.

A Sylvia Plath thread requires oven shitposting, not a diatribe on the fall of modern women.

>> No.7846233

I need the threads about women, homosexuals, and non-whites to allow for shitposting about how I am superior to all of them, otherwise I won't know who I am as a person.

>> No.7846252
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I am going to continue to post my naughty views

>> No.7846255

>frog faggot being a cancer

You should be the first to be eradicated, school shooting piece of shit

>> No.7846262
File: 15 KB, 270x200, 1457786753136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are welcomed to try
puerile insect

>> No.7846270

no, a normal person would try to prevent irrelevant discussion on their board. That's how you prevent a board from going to shit, like /pol/'s current state.
A braindead /pol/fag, on the other hand, uses terms like gaycunt, raped and conservatards against people they disagree with because they are too stupid to engage in coherent discussion. They rely on memes to communicate, and are unable to contribute to a thread outside of name calling and general shitposting

>> No.7846291

You don't understand, libcuck swine.

/pol/ in its current state is PERFECT.

IT's politically INCORRECT.

Gentlemanly and evidence-based discussion with reasonable arguments is a liberal indoctrination that you've been taught by liberal views in school.

Discussion of complex issues is a way to try to subvert people from the redpill. What you see on /pol/ is proper /pol/ discourse.
See a Bernie-poster, SHUT HIM DOWN. See someone defending liberal views, SHUT HIM DOWN, etc.

you can do this witth calls of them having to fuck off back to THAT place, or posting infographics with conspiracy theories, or posting Jew images.

It's /pol/ culture, and it's against liberalism. you don't see this because you're brainwashed

>> No.7846297

>hates the Jews
Pick one.

>> No.7846306

Holy shit you sound exactly like the Black lives matter squad.
>gentlemanly and evidence-based discussion with reasonable arguments is a liberal indoctrination
>discussion of complex issues is a way to subvert people

This is almost word for word what the intersectional feminists say about the Enlightenment traditions being racist and sexist.

>> No.7846311

jesus, the sad thing is, at a first glance I thought you were being completely sincere

>> No.7846360

>Nationalism, non-semiphilia, racial cliquishness, and traditional gender roles are progress.

These are ideas opposed to the false notion of "progress"

>> No.7846374

we must redpill the brainwashed people on here

women are better off in a traditional society where they don't work

>> No.7846379

Liberalism is product of modernity, with both right and left varients. Unlike the Old Right which is traditionally anti-captialist

>> No.7846390

What exactly terrifies you about Evola discussion?


>> No.7846394
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But we all already agree on that

>> No.7846396

people on here unironically believe women are fit enough to pick their own sexual partners

>> No.7846397

>essential conservatives reading

>> No.7846398


not in /lit/ I haven't.

>> No.7846399

Is the /pol/ spread across the web a result of low-income people finally figuring out how to use the internet?

>> No.7846401

>At least /pol/acks discuss real politics and economy

>> No.7846403

"Pedpill" also a false notion, you can support a return to traditional principles without resorting to shamless racism and mysoginy

Stop reading the Daily Stormer and explore the European New RIght

>> No.7846405

>European New Right
>not racist
wew lad

>> No.7846408

Absolutely racist, but not necessarily supremacist.

>> No.7846410


>> No.7846411

stormfront has nothing to do with male chauvinism. just sayin.

>let me use my psychoanalysis I know you better than you do

>> No.7846416
File: 783 KB, 245x139, TwiggyC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad /lit/ has gone to complete shit. It is 69 degrees and I am about to spend the next EIGHT HOURS outside in the sun reading and raking and digging and planting flowers. A couple of years ago I would have went to the shade to check my phone to see what was going on here with you anonymous retards but now that distraction no longer draws me in.

>> No.7846419

>there are arbitrary guidelines dictating relevance

political discussion has relevance in literature m8


>> No.7846420

nice false flagging

>> No.7846421

In the sense of particularism, perhaps. In the sense of progressive universalism that aims to deconstruct the right of difference between the self and the other? No

>> No.7846431

>wanting censorship on fucking 4chan

This is how you spot a redditor

You have to go back

>> No.7846439

post pic of u're gaping asshole, babygrill

>> No.7846441

The no censorship ethos was just a way to keep out normies. Now that the racism has become largely unironic and we are receiving a huge influx of actually racist teenagers it serves no purpose.

Think of it like the refugee situation. Your culture just lowers the quality of the board.

>> No.7846445


Back to /r9k/, frog shit

>> No.7846451

>every post who doesn't align with my liberal views should be removed!

Fuck off.

>> No.7846462

You are free to post rigorous conservative arguments. What we don't want is cuck cuck nigger jew cuck libcuck FUCKING WHITE MALE cuck nigger CURRENT YEAR cuck

>> No.7846463

That isn't even what anybody is saying. If you post a detailed interpretation of some historical racism pertaining to literature then that's fine. It's the people who just spout nonsense that are the problem, it doesn't matter which political beliefs in particular they have.

>> No.7846465

only if it's not relevant to the discussion

>> No.7846475

The culture of racism that developed on 4chan was almost entirely to keep it below the "mainstream", newfag

>> No.7846479

It's always relevant to redpill others on the genocide being perpetrated on the white man

>> No.7846482

You're mixing up cause and effect. Racists flocked to 4chan because of the anonymity and lax moderation, and now they come because of the reputation it subsequently developed.

>> No.7846489

>moot predicted this with /pol/umblr

>> No.7846495

as mentioned here, >>7845732, most political discussion is more suited for /pol/ than /lit/, even if it pertains to literature. Of course, there is overlap, but many of the politics threads that happen on /lit/ often aren't directly related to books at all, the literature serving only as a thin veil for explicit political discussion.

Pay attention to the thread, that was never the argument. You can post about whatever views you hold, as long as you don't talk purely in memes, like most of /pol/ does

>> No.7846496

seriously, where are all these poltard shitposts?

>> No.7846501

mostly during america hours, to be honest

>> No.7846505

I had a lively philosophical discussion about the morality of discrimination.

lit is undeniably more well read than most of pol and I actually agree with you about pol shitposts ruining this board

>> No.7846509

content in literature are worthy of discussion so if I make a thread about arendt, would that be acceptable to you?

>> No.7846510

If /pol/ presence is unchecked it will infect the board. Just look at /his/

>> No.7846511

We don't get those at all really, or sparsely.

>> No.7846513

His was shit from the start- philosophy and religion discussed by people who read neither.

>> No.7846514

his is slightly less retarded int

>> No.7846526

the dfwposting will be replaced by equally shitty shitposts

it's fine, celebrate diversity. diversity is strength. not all poltards. stop being so bigoted. polphobia much?

>> No.7846527

sure, although it would definitely be preferable if you were discussing the content of a specific book, rather than the overarching views the author represents. In broad generalizations you lose detail, and without detail arguments become menial in their lack of tangible support, that's how /pol/ fell down that slippery slope so long ago

>> No.7846915

inb4 /pol/tards call everyone a cuck because we don't give them a free pass in their stupid book choices

>> No.7846961 [DELETED] 

>rigorous conservative arguments
If you mean rigorous conservative arguments, then yes.

>> No.7846976

I appreciate that the quality of discussion on here is dropping but their have always been people with racist and sexist views on /lit/, please stop trying to turn this place into some sort of sanitised circlejerk.

>> No.7846990

I'm kind of tempted to ban Evola because every thread about him is just "hurr I've never read anything in my life how2 Evola/???" but there is literally no reason to ban discussion of Rand or Hitler.

>> No.7846995

/his/ was dead on arrival

>> No.7847098

Right now I'm wondering about many people are actual redditors newfags and how many are genuine /lit/izens. Lit is usually a home board to many of its prime users. They don't frequent other boards as much as they do /lit/ so they would really notice /pol/'s presence.

>> No.7847122

All i know is there are too many brazilians and spanish speaking cucks here nowadays

>> No.7847127

Why is the definition of racism and sexism broadening? Why does the left want to destroy progression?

>> No.7847137
File: 25 KB, 307x499, 41aUKnbe1pL._SX305_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anon wants a better board then anon should stop reacting to bait and shit completely, quit complaining and only write quality posts, make relevant threads with content to be discussed, choose related pics, refrain from idiotic opinions or memes and learn to sage.

>> No.7847155

>no fun allowed

just go to reddit dude

>> No.7847164

>complains about worthless shitposts
>makes another vacuous meta-thread
A thread died for this garbage.

>> No.7847185

This... is probably true. However much I hate every other thread turning into an identity politics thread, I guess there's no satisfactory alternative to the pol/r9k protection racket

>> No.7847189

My biggest problem with /pol/ isn't exactly their immature contrarian views but the fact that they can't speak without spewing memes, "WE WUZ" "are you kidding me?" "Cuck" "muh 577 trillion" and so on and so on, there us not a single unique idea to be expressed, just the same vomit spewed into each others mouths. And the worst part is they think they're funny.

>> No.7847192

this dead white mans post has no discrenable talent


>> No.7847221

Reddit is becoming more and more alt-right by the day though, I keep seeing shit like "who /pol/ here" on even the most normie websites. I think it has a lot to do with the Trump campaign.

>> No.7847237

>Also to keep it /lit/ related post what you're currently reading. I've just started reading fear and loathing in las vegas.
Okay, so you're a hypocritical idiot with shit taste who knows little to nothing about /lit/ and is probably a member of the invasion of new posters he's criticizing.

There has always been a healthy undercurrent of racism and sexism on /lit/, and there have always been conservative and traditionalist posters who have no qualms about sharing their views. Dead white men are far and away the most beloved writers on this board and always have been; the KJV Bible routinely tops polls as one the most popular books on the board.

If you have a problem with opinions that contradict your own, maybe you should fuck off to r/literature or some other forum that will censor people you disagree with.

>> No.7847256

>inb4 /pol/tards call everyone a cuck because we don't give them a free pass in their stupid book choices
But this is exactly what you and OP are doing. You're insulting anonymous posters as "/pol/" because they don't give a pass to writers like Sylvia Plath and Zadie Smith. The truth is, you don't know what boards people here browse, you simply notice that conservative ideas and posters are growing in popularity.

>> No.7847299

There's absolutely nothing wrong with reading Hunter. His drug storytelling is one of the best out there, he manages to put into words what a high feels like really well. It's not great prose, character development or philosophy but it's a great account of a certain generation and time in north America. You're just a faggot who probably never goes out and uses all his time to shit post or work at his shit job.

>> No.7847366

>praises dead white men
>hates Hunter S. Thompson
At least be consistent, you brain-dead sack of shit.

>> No.7847377

Seriously, he's the wet dream of any Catholic or traditionalists in general, and not the retarded Rand/Evola type.