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7843185 No.7843185 [Reply] [Original]

So, what's the next Thomas Pynchon novel going to be set around?

>> No.7843209

Japanese insurance adjuster

>> No.7843218

There might not be one.

That was Vineland.

>> No.7843236

It's called infinite jest. He basically rewrites the novel to show the world how a guy with talent would have done it

>> No.7843239
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Do you think Pynchon contributed to SpongeBob at all?

>> No.7843250


This place would implode. It'd be best to just delete /lit/ forever after that.

>> No.7843264

A reincarnated Russian Spetsnaz-turned-Buddhist monk flees across the Antarctic after discovering Braille code threats from an anonymous character named "OCK" on the back of his Wheaties box.

>> No.7843280

An aging writer with no idea what made him critically acclaimed in the first place writing novels that his early fanbase tend to dismiss as "pay checks" or "him having fun". Twist: he is trying as hard as he can to be relevant again and is in a suicidal spiral.

>> No.7843285

medieval Europe, calling it

>> No.7843290


I actually have a theory similar to this that he thinks he's losing his legacy and doesn't know how to stop it or catch up to where he thinks he should be. I won't bore you with it, though.

>> No.7843291

>implying the man who's never given an interview in his life is concerned with how people perceive him

>> No.7843346

If his latest novels come out of any insecurity, it's probably an insecurity about nearing death and being under-read. Pynchon is a man of the people, but the people don't read him; critics read him, professors read him, but the men and women he passes on the street every day haven't read a word of him. The fact that his novels have been more accessible lately could stem from his feeling like he wants to reach a broader audience not for more money, but just to connect with people more. The young man wanted the critical acclaim and the awards, but the old man just wants to be read.

>> No.7843357


My theory >>7843290 is similar to this also.

>> No.7843393

or perhaps he places so much value in his public perception that he avoids interviews out of a terror of being judged harshly?

>> No.7843420

French writer becomes Muslim,becomes director of Internet company, goes in to space.
Or something like that

>> No.7843424

it's gonna be sci-fi, we went from inherent vice, to bleeding edge, to the next futuristic pulp thriller set in the near future

>> No.7843437

If some blogger caught up with him and asked him for a comment, and he spilled his spaghetti, would you be disappointed or happy.

>> No.7843455

>in 1998, a South African reporter pursued the author, took an awful photo, and tried to shake his hand. (“Get your fucking hand away from me,” Pynchon said.)

unlikely desu

>> No.7843464

he just knows that he gets more PR by being a recluse. See the main character Bill in DeLillo's novel Mao II (the character is pretty obviously partly based on Pynchon).

On topic:
It's going to be about an American student studying Chinese who reads Confucius in the original traditional Chinese and discovers secret prophecies in the text. He does some research and realizes that the prophecies that concerned the time between Confucius' death and the present have all come true. The prophecy also says something about the next year, but he is unsure about the translation. He thinks that the next prophecy says that great power will come the one who jerks the most, yet it is about who LURKS the most. In his effort to jerk off as much as possible he constantly lurks /gif/ and thus maybe fulfilling the prophecy anyway. The novel ends with the student thinking about what Confucius might have meant with 'great power' and whether he actually did the translation correctly.

>> No.7843500

The final book of ASOIAF

>> No.7843918

I would read that book. Please write it anon.

>> No.7843968

This is great.

>> No.7843990
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Pynchon get off /lit/ and write the book already

>> No.7844001

Who do you think does the voice?

>> No.7844005

Shh our secret writers ; )

>> No.7844107

All wrong.
It'll be historical fiction surrounding the Civil War. Gonna be another tome.

>> No.7844655

I didn't realize how much I needed this til now

>> No.7844694

But Pynchon doesn't write historical fiction, he writes speculative fiction.

>> No.7844720

>i am le clever semantics man xD

>> No.7844795

What the fuck? this is so mediocre.

>> No.7844823

If he ever writes another novel, which he truly might not, I'm hoping he sets it farther in the past than Mason & Dixon. Like ancient Greece, Egypt, Biblical times, maybe medieval England. Something like that.

>> No.7844898

Oh hell that'd be great

>> No.7844928

I hope it's about magicians & real magic.

>> No.7845478


I like that

>> No.7845652

Elizabethan England pls

>> No.7845973

meme magik

>> No.7846997

I fucking hope so

>> No.7847032

He has another tome left in him. Even if he's going for something with more mass appeal I doubt he wants his last book to be "lite".

I remember someone here posting an idea of him writing a novel about the mysteries associated with Shakespeare which I thought was really neat

>> No.7847107

I would ejaculate

>> No.7847292
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Breakspear on a Bungee Cord?

>> No.7847363

You guys think good ole Tommy has ever published anything under a pseudonym?

I'm fairly certain he has (though I have no concrete proof).

>> No.7847373

If you're thinking it's that Cow Country book then I completely disagree with you. It reads nothing like a Pinecone.

>> No.7847381


>Cow Country book

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7847408


>> No.7847584


I can 100% confirm that Cow Country was not Pynchon

>> No.7847591


>I can 100% confirm that Cow Country was not Pynchon

Are you the Adrian Jones Pearson pseudonym then?

>> No.7847601

That sounds nice on paper, but Pynchon is an inherently American author. I don't think he would try that, not that it would be any good.

>> No.7847604

pls be a vampire

>> No.7847619

I have no idea how the rumour even started. If you've read a single Pynchon book you can start to identify his style which is completely absent in Cow Country. Im convinced people just bring it up as some kind of ongoing joke

>> No.7847714

Some retard who works for Harpers thought it'd make for an amusing blog post and ran with it. That's basically how the rumor spread. I agree that Pinecone has a very distinct style that's immediately recognizable when you read something of his.

>> No.7849611
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(aint engineering like a square no way)
I’m doped right now
man vineland is good!
if you agree with bloom ...
would you please.. get out of here

this pynchon right here
is awfully crazy, better annotate it
i fear government
and corporations i’m politically jaded
hash and red cap while i read
but american sublime is all i need
finish with v, read bleeding edge,
mason and dixon time to read again
man i love pynchon

i wanna read pynchon for the rest of my life
put proust aside, i’m done with james joyce
put on some miles, plasticman is so choice,
i love watching cartoons made for young boys
so pack me a bowl, let’s read on
sucked in by the prose, whats goin on
i’m slothrop in london, head of achtung
got a big dong, no inamorata anon
always on the run, the zone ain’t no fun
you never did, the kenosha kid
your words aren’t wasted, when you write by waste and,
just read ‘last song’ and all i can say

this pynchon right here
is awfully crazy, better annotate it
i fear government
and corporations i’m politically jaded
hash and red cap while i read
but dense pomo plots are all need
finish ATD, read inherent vice,
skim slow learner, back to slothrop’s plight
man i love pynchon

i can’t tell you what i learned from pomo,
i could recite a plot line or two
you know of course they hold some truths, like:
when a conditioned cock detected bombs
and when the mechanical duck turned its poop on
or when mondaugen crashed at foppl's too long
or stencil had a one letter clue to go on
read against the day like 'what the hell is goin on?'
hard to complain when the chums are so damn fun
words aren’t wasted, when you mail by waste and,
rereading V and all i can say is ...

( und so weiter . . . )

>> No.7850526

I would really love to have a recorded interview with Pynchy before he kicks the bucket... I wish there was one from like the 70's that was recorded but isn't allowed to be shown until his death.

>> No.7850558

Holy shit.

>> No.7851156

that's true but I think Pynchon is ultimately interested in America's cultural roots, even if those roots exceed the geographical limitations of what the USA is. It's easier to imagine a pynchon novel set in 16th century england than 16th century north america.

>> No.7851175


this bro smoked so much weed he literally turned into pynchon AY LMAO

>> No.7851190
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Pynchon died before Mason and Dixon got published. The remaining books were written by a couple of ghostwriters.
Source : I know his family

>> No.7851225

This is not true

source: I am a Pynchon