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/lit/ - Literature

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7842970 No.7842970 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever mispronounced a word or used the wrong one and embarrassed yourself?

>tfw just tried to pronounce "contemporaneously" and kept having to start over until my qt crush said "just say modern"

>> No.7842979


>> No.7842982

I've pronounced Prowst the wrong way for the longest time and I like it the wrong way better than Proost.

>> No.7842987
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>be me
>talking about Jame Joyce in lit class
>bring up "Dub-liner"
>professor pauses, unsure how to respond, and says "Ah yes... DUBLIN-er"

>> No.7843009

I have always pronounced baccalaureate as bachelorette

>> No.7843017

I doubt anyone will top this, but when I was younger I thought bourgeois was pronounced like "boar-gee-oys"

>> No.7843018

I used to say epi-tome instead of ep-it-o-me when I was 12.

>> No.7843023
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>tfw you mispronounce a word but you're surrounded by plebs so no one notices

>> No.7843025

Used to pronounce panacea like pa-na-kia

>> No.7843035

a frog-faggot being dumb? Shocking


>> No.7843040

I said Pynchon like pin-chin once. My professor corrected me on my pronunciation and the whole class laughed.

>> No.7843041

>tfw you pronounce everything correctly but poshfags judge you for your pleb accent

>> No.7843055

I used to be pretty awful for pronouncing certain words. I found that reading the Greek works, and reading more in general, had helped me immensely with this issue.

>> No.7843056

Think this is a super common one

>> No.7843057
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>> No.7843059

>tfw you adopt a posh accent for the sake of fitting in
>tfw noone suspects a thing


>> No.7843062

my mans I feel u on a spiritual level.

>> No.7843063

i always have a hard time with clandestine.

>> No.7843064

This is why I can't discuss Russian or Greek lit with normos.

>> No.7843067


facade and pseudo

I pronounced facade as 'Fay-Kade' and pseudo as 'Suede-Oh' until I was promptly corrected by a complete stranger.

>> No.7843068
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*record scratch*


>> No.7843073

I pronounced "paradigm" as pare-a-dig-em when I was 17

>> No.7843078

i did the same thing for facade when i was in elementary school. the pokemon ruby/sapphire games had just come out and Slaking used Facade.

>> No.7843079
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loving it

>> No.7843082

It's not Prowst?!

>> No.7843093

melancholy - mel-ANC-oly
archive - ar-chive (ch, not k)

>> No.7843097

it's 'proost' but the 'oo' sound is much shorter than in English 'tooth' or the like. It has a bit of a 'u' in 'but' edge to it. The r is kind of rolled as well.

>> No.7843099

That is a fucking crime desu

>> No.7843101

im not following.
do you mean like melon-solly?
because if that's a hard C it's correct

>> No.7843107

>Yfw when you tell her 'modern' is not even close to a synonym for 'contemporaneously'

>> No.7843108
File: 719 KB, 1183x1200, what are you doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to pronounce /lit/ as "lit" and used as "you-st"

>> No.7843111

He means that he was placing the stress on the second syllable. Like in e-MOH-tion-al

>> No.7843113

>your face when when you repeat the word word

>> No.7843115

mel ankh olly

>> No.7843118


>not saying "lit"


what do you say? L - I - T ?

>> No.7843122

i always pronounce used and youst, but i am from the southern US.

"used to" becomes "yousta"

>> No.7843126

I pronounce the t's at the end of syllables which apparently people in Canada and the US don't do. As in 'what' having a hard t not a d sound, or the last syllable in Toronto being 'toe'. I don't do this on purpose but people comment on it sometimes. No idea where it comes from.

>> No.7843129

I have no idea what this means how it's different from how it's supposed to be pronounced

>> No.7843133

People just omit 't's. Either they sound like a 'd' or they just disappear more or less. Like 'different' sounds more like differend or even differenn. I pronounce it with a t sound and a tiny exhale

>> No.7843135

i still sometimes say omnipotent as omni-potent

>> No.7843137

No but I used to think that "Foucault's Pendulum" was written by Michel Foucault and my highschool philosophy teacher corrected me.

>> No.7843138

you're saying you sound like a fag

>> No.7843140

yea same. i thought it was "Pendulum" by Foucault. I still probably mispronounce Foucault.

>> No.7843147


>> No.7843148

I just sometimes have people ask me what my accent is even though I grew up in the same place as them. it's barely noticeable except on some words

>> No.7843166

Yeah i know what you're saying. I'm in Michigan and often T sounds in the middle or ends of words are dropped

And so on.

Toronto is definitely Toronno

>> No.7843216
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In my German class, I accidentally said Scheißt der Ball instead of Schießt der Ball.

>> No.7843217
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>mfw Michigan accent

>> No.7843219
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>> No.7843233

I used to pronounce the word chivalrous 'shiv-all-rus' so that the word rhymed with walrus

>> No.7843244


>> No.7843246
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>> No.7843254

yeh but we don't know how you say walrus, plus in my accent they do rhyme.

>> No.7843269

>equating modern with contemporaneous

what kind of people are you around op? are you one of them? disgusting.

>> No.7843278


>> No.7843284

It's a girl who I have a crush on. I could write 10,000 words in this thread right now about my feelings towards her.

>> No.7843293

Mildly smug i'm not fluent in using memes

>> No.7843305

>"The architectural style is similar to Piet Mondrian's artwork who was working modern with the architects."
>"Centralized systems are more indicated for workshops where there are a lot of working bays with a lot of operators working Modern."
>"Working modern, African-American leaders such as W.E.B Du Bois and Alain Locke recognized the importance of art in engendering a positive perception of black culture."
Why do we even teach female children to read?

>> No.7843317

This feel

Fuck the Brits and this bullshit

>> No.7843320

>I could write 10,000 words in this thread right now about my feelings towards her.
things that won't happen: the post

>> No.7843332


Fuck this word, fuck Demosthenes, fuck Cato, fuck Cicero

>> No.7843344

i hope at least a few dozen of them are about how her vocabulary usage is sub-par and how much it disgusts you.

>> No.7843365

She is actually very intelligent for her age and in the context of our conversation I both mispronounced and misused a word where "modern" would have made more sense. I said something to the effect of "in terms of modern standards....". Nothing about her disgusts me besides how much of an emotional and instinctive effect she has on me, and how much power she therefore holds over me. I try my best not to make it obvious how much of an effect she does have over me, but at times I feel like screaming and sobbing and rubbing my face all over her shoes.

>> No.7843371

>What I said

>Who corrected me
My friend whose mom is an English prof

>What I said

>Who Corrected Me
My dad, who read The Stranger in college

>> No.7843377
File: 10 KB, 193x245, worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very intelligent for her age
what is she, fucking 12 or something? you don't use this phrase for adults.

>Nothing about her disgusts me besides how much of an emotional and instinctive effect she has on me, and how much power she therefore holds over me

>> No.7843380

Its literally pinchin though

>> No.7843383

I wish I had literary parents, or parents who at least saw the value in books when I was younger. I was raised by an alpha, art-is-bullshit father and a stupid, submissive bitter mother. I wish I had been raised in Oslo by a father who worked in the linguistics department of the university and a mother who worked as a part-time librarian. In virtual reality this is the life I will choose to live.

>> No.7843384

It's Pynch-ON.

You can even hear him say it in the Inherent Vice promo video.

>> No.7843392

Actually, my bad, he doesn't say it in that, they say it in The Simpsons, and they wouldn't say his name wrong when he's doing voice acting for them.

>> No.7843397

She's seventeen. She's very well read. She is the kind of girl who always gets top grades and is on top of everything and well organized and mature but secretly depressed in a way that seems to both fuel her academic abilities and prevent her from experiencing genuine happiness.

>> No.7843408

9,847 to go, sperglord

>> No.7843412

>wish i was raised by cuck in Oslo amongst Somalis and Arabs
Lol dude

>> No.7843425

I'm french. When I was little I went to live for a while in the UK where I went to an english school. I integrated with my fellows the bongs and all went well until I had to do a one on one presentation about a subject in front of a teacher. It was a kind of oral preparation but at the time I spoke fluently so no problemo.

>Me: "So then I have an idea and write it on a shit with my pen"
>"you what?"
>"I write the idea on a shit of paper"

>Me: "I was on vacation and I went to the bitch"
>"you went to the bitch"
>"yes and me and my brother made a huge sandcastle on the bitch"

>"the problem is for people in a war piss seems impossible and for people in poss war seems impossible"

Remember I was nine so of course my opinions were miss universe tier. But my accent never got better.

>> No.7843439

Yo kiddo, take deep breath and try to think about the situation objectively. You said something sort of embarassing in front of her, so what? If the same thing had happened with one of your friends, you wouldn't have even remembered it the next day. If you are constantly clamming up around her because you are worried about saying the wrong thing... well you aren't going to be very fun to hang around, are you?

I posted >>7842889 earlier, and it reminded me of you. Do not put pussy on a pedestal, just be yourself around her and don't get all weird. If she doesn't like the real you, then you saved yourself a lot of heartache by finding that out early on.

>> No.7843451

We first met at a charity store where I sometimes go to buy books and to try on clothes if nobody is watching. I was squatting to see the books on the lower shelves and wearing black denim jeans which are a little too tight and strangely tailored but which I wear because the other three pairs of black denim jeans I own, one purchased from a Goodwill store in the area I previously lived, are also poorly proportioned in some way that make me averse to wear them. I was also wearing a black and white plaid shirt with a white tshirt underneath which I had tucked into my belted waist, with the shirt untucked (I have it tucked most of the time, as I appreciate the Donnie Darko-aesthetic for males, which is somewhat aristocratic looking or at least formal in a way which isn't square, and if I were a girl I think I'd feel very attracted to boys ((I'd call them boys even if they were men, perhaps, as the word implies a romantic interest or that the individual is a potential romantic interesting, which "guys" and "men" don't seem to do in my perspective at least)) who looked like Donnie Darko ((Conor Oberst and even Sufjan Stevens looks somewhat similar and are in the same category of 'boys' I imagine I'd be horny for and attracted to) and my hair longish since it needed cutting but I kept convincing myself that it wasn't quite long enough to warrant cutting yet plus I'm very specific about how I like to my hair to look after a cut (I'm very specific about things associated with my life, and in elementary school my mom once asked for a private appointment with a hairdresser who made mean comments subtly expressed about how I demanded a private appointment rather than waiting with other people, since one of the previous times I'd had my hair cut around that time I had experienced what was in common parlance a "breakdown" and tried ripping my hair out in the smaller downstairs bathroom while screaming crying) and I was also wearing a brown jacket which my father had purchased and which I sometimes feel makes me look like a preppy kind of guy though the comfiness and now-worn appearance of the jacket compensates for any anxieties I have regarding its appearance and the way others perceive me as a direct consequence of said appearance and I was holding a backpack over one shoulder which was pretty much empty besides a bunch of receipts and pieces of plastic and paper etc and the books were mostly the type of books you find in a charity store and to be open and frank and honest when I did see a book I recognized but had already read or had no intention to read despite recognizing it as a book perhaps worth reading and belonging to a tier of literature I respect I made something of a point, as though acting for a camera filming my existence for an audience who were closely observing and judging my character from without, of removing the book from the shelf and reading the synopsis or just tilting it towards me a little

>> No.7843470

When I was younger Id use words and phrases out of context/incorrectly

Thats far worse than mispronouncing imo

>> No.7843495

>She is actually very intelligent for her age
Humbert Humbert pls.

>> No.7843499

and making subtle facial expressions and sort of performing internal, non-visible expressions of fake surprise as though impressed at seeing something "worthy" of my attention in a collection of books otherwise populated by books intended for individual perhaps less intelligent (but realistically more competent, probably, in terms of living happily, forming relationships, and so on) than myself and while reading the synopsis of The Virgin Suicides I noticed a pair of red converse all-stars in my peripheral vision (which is, in my opinion but based only on a "hunch", superior to the peripheral visions of most of my contemporaries) though I was so focused on my own internal performance (I really didn't need to buy a book at the store and was there mostly in the hope that a girl would be there, though at this point I was just focused on the moment-by-moment narrative of my own life as viewed by a non-existence other) that I did not pay any real attention to the shoes and thus body beside me and did not even imagine that the shoes were worn by and belonging to a girl who I would subsequently feel something like love for (although I realize that having never experienced anything close to mutual love between myself and a girl and having suffered loneliness and isolation and a decline in my mental health throughout my teens and early 20s I had ((have)) become perhaps incapable of feeling a genuine sense of love towards another person and even if so have lost or never gained the capacity to express this love in a healthy way which the love-object would appreciate and feel inclined to love me in return as a result of said expression) and it was only when I stood, having returned The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides, which I had read before and whose author's physical appearance I can form a pretty detailed mental image of immediately while also being able to link, internally, to various facts and individuals and objects, including the fact he had graduated from college and moved to Europe with his family in his 20s before returning to the United States and working for the National Society of Poets (or a group with a similar name and purpose) while claiming to write his debut "on the weekends" and whose name is Greek in origin and who attended the same conference in I believe Italy with David Foster Wallace and Mary Karr and Franzen, Z. Smith et al. and who featured with Wallace not only in the group photo taken during that trip but also in another photo posted on /lit/ occasionally in which the author of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Woa also features and which is a book (TVS) that has been adapted onto film directed by Sophia Coppola (spelling?) who is a member of what might be described as a "cinematic dynasty" and whose sister recently directed the movie adaptation of James Franco's debut book of short stories

>> No.7843506

I asked my German exchange what her Lieblingsleid was instead of her Lieblingslied.

>> No.7843510

>is on top of everything
Clearly not on the only thing you care about.

>> No.7843512

I used to call my mom "ironic" when she was being angry with me.

>> No.7843523

>tfw your crush is a lit grad and you made a buffoon out of yourself attempting to hold a conversation with her

>> No.7843525

For some reason I always fail to use ironic properly. I guess I don't understand it's true meaning. It's just one of those words I can't seem to wrap my head around.

>> No.7843544

das eist doch nicht so schlimm

>> No.7843546

(the name of which I forget, but I know James Franco went on to write "Actor's Anonymous" which features among other things and individuals the ghost of River Phoenix who died aged 23 outside the Viper Club in Los Angeles owned in part by Johnny Depp) and so after returning this book (the movie adaptation of which I really enjoyed by the way, partly because the 1970s-era music makes me think of my mother who is very depressive and who remembers that decade as her favorite and who listens almost exclusively to the music from that decade and routinely states that no decade produced as much good music and so on as the 1970s, which is a statement I regularly challenge which usually makes her angry) and standing (something I hate doing after squatting or sitting due to my relatively short height being quote unquote exposed to the perceptions of others, who may in the case of females ((erotically)) and males ((competitively)) viewed me as an attractive individual, and who may after my standing be compelled to laugh internally or dismiss me as an attractive person and feel somewhat hostile towards me for not being so despite appearing to be so while sitting) the girl turned and with an expression of shock at the sudden movement beside her turned and first reacted with a general, instinctive shock and then with something I perceived to be a feeling of pleasant surprise, her slightly open mouth expressing what I felt and feel convinced what would have been, had it been expressed in words, a sort of whispered "wow" or "oh my". Surprised myself by her beauty my repressive tendencies were unable to react in time and before I could urge myself to say nothing and rush away I said "oh hello" and she smiled and said "hey" and smiled with her mouth closed (perhaps compensating for it having been open, and thus associated with the idea of being a "mouth breather") but so wide and genuine that I too smiled a smile that is, I know, despite any physical flaws I may have, very attractive to the opposite sex, and which is very similar to the smile I smiled when I was a beautiful young boy, my eyelashes thick and pressed together a little and my two front teeth and nearby teeth visible as my top lip retracts over them and when I smiled this way and she smiled her way we both recognized immediately I feel that we were each each other's "type" and attracted to each other and since I am very attracted to the idea of having a wife or at least a long-term, intimate, trustworthy female romantic partner I knew that, due to also being "predisposed" (or possessing of the tendency to) invest a great deal of my time to fantasizing and imagining romantic and mostly non-sexual scenarios involving myself and the girl I am currently attracted to / crushing on I knew that this would be a girl I would spend at least a few weeks if not months daydreaming about and dating in my imagined interior world in which the quality of the dialogue and emotional impression it has on me is superior

>> No.7843549

The definition of irony is 'your actions having the effect opposite of that which you intended'.

If you decide to start lifting weights to impress girls and the girls are turned off by your gym obsession then your actions were ironic.

>> No.7843557
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Yeah I understand the definition of the word I just find myself using it in the wrong context. I have no explanation for it to be honest. Maybe I'm just retarded I don't know.

>> No.7843560

I was sure the correct word was "indiota" instead of "idiota" and thought everyone else was wrong or bullshitting me.
I still think everyone else is wrong by the way.

>> No.7843566

I once tried to use yuroditical instead of describing someone as erudite.

>> No.7843576

I always pronounce it as lit, same as any other board (b, mu, r9k, etc). Do you say slash lit or slash lit slash or literature or what?

>> No.7843577
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>> No.7843581

It's foocoh, but I still say fohcallt because fuck French.

>> No.7843587
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honestly prowst is better

>> No.7843590

>She's seventeen
Yeah, okay, alright. You lost me there. I've had it with precocious teenagers who seem smart. That's the worst fucking age. You must be 19 or something too.

>> No.7843591

You had me till the secretly depressed part. That's her clay feet. All women are "depressed" and crazy. You'll realize this someday.

>> No.7843595

Anyone else have tf?

>> No.7843597

tried to say "delineated" in uni class. I'll say "defined boundaries" next time

>> No.7843600

"hey there is this place on the internet where i can pretend to be smart"
"oh really anon, wat is it called?"

>> No.7843607

"You ever read Camus?"



"Uh no..."

"Really? I can't believe you've never read Camus..."

"I've never read 'kay-muss' but I've read 'cam-ooo..."



End scene

>> No.7843610
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>tfw your family didn't know what "congenital" meant

They thought it meant pee-pee

>> No.7843613

I'm 25 years old.

She barely ever acts depressed. Occasionally she panics and has something of a breakdown and she has been hospitalized once (at her parents' insistence) for becoming unresponsive and barely sleeping / eating etc. She always seems distant from me in a way I find both attractive and a little saddening. It's like she's competing against herself at all times and barely ever wins enough to allow her to celebrate a little by escaping her thoughts.

>> No.7843636

Oh, so you are a pedophile. The "smart for her age" comment makes sense now.

>> No.7843642

Well I'm glad you have someone to feel that way about. Why don't you try asking her out?

>> No.7843658

I'm effectively a mute. I barely say more than 100 words each day, and haven't done for some years. While typing I am articulate, entertaining and profound when speaking out loud I tend to mumble, mispronounce words, stutter and say things which aren't at all funny or interesting.

>> No.7843664

I hope you don't mind if I publish all this under my name.

>> No.7843676

Had a professor pronounce Goethe "go-ith"

i cringed, saw a couple of other kids cringe. nobody said anything, though

>> No.7843689

What do you think a guy of her dreams would look/act like?

>> No.7843702


Oh. Look. Wow. The magic pixie dream dust girl meme. The magic pixie dream dust girl who's going to change op's life with her beauty and deep thoughts and old soul who just totally gets him and understands him and why he's such a fucked-up introvert.

Jesus Christ, John Green's stuff is better than this.

Just write it down and send it off to some shlock lit agent in New York and hope it eventually finds its way into the only bookshops left at O'Hare Airport under the Teen Romance section. You've actually got a decent shot as it's one of the last genre's that's still selling.

For fuck's sake.

And for the love of God find an older girl to talk to. You're 25? Half your age plus 7. It always works. Right now you're not allowed to date anyone younger than 20, do you understand? Truthfully at your age you shouldn't be going after anyone under than 21 so you can go out to the bars and have fun together.

Now for fuck's sake take this bullshit to /r9k/.

>> No.7843708

I have considered that and her attraction towards me is largely a result of my pretending not to notice her watching me and acting in a way I believe she would feel attracted to me while she does watch me and I affect naivety towards that fact and act "cute" or "mysterious" etc. But while talking to her etc I am incapable of being anything but honest and genuine and really I think she appreciates that and responds in kind and since I pretty much long to escape my own isolation by means of communicating purely and openly with another person I do so with her though I also embellish pretty much everything I say to make myself sound more impressive and deep and experienced that I really am (I have read a great number of biographies and so on about "famous" individuals and this is one thing they all appear have in common, which is perhaps narcissism or something not too dissimilar from it) and perhaps it's only because I am insecure and afraid people will leave me but in essentially tricking her into investing in an image which isn't the true me, I feel almost at all times detached from her and sort of vaguely bored around her, as though I'm just performing, although I do sincerely enjoy learning about her and questioning her about her past and her ambitions and her opinions and preferences etc. I just feel "too far gone" at this point to ever feel happy or content or appreciative of a relationship between myself and another individual.

>> No.7843711

it's just manic pixie dream girl, anon.

no dust

>> No.7843770

I was in Germany at the time, I had heard the word several times there and before going there, but I opened my mouth I pronounced it as dutch, the same u as in deuce.

>> No.7843776

>entertaining and profound

>> No.7843825
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>> No.7843873

What does that have to do with you not asking her out?

>> No.7844170

Mate if you have to add "for her age" she's too young for you.

>> No.7844226


First it was barse, then it was bass like in sea-bass, then eventually I overcame my retardation and settled for the most obvious way it should sound, 'base'.

>> No.7844251

I use to say cuck-ide-uhs for cicadas?
Ay-ess-thetic instead of ass-thetic for aesthetic

>> No.7844255

I once heard someone mispronounce Purdue as Per-duay, so I think you can be forgiven.

>> No.7844261

I'm German and I once pronounced the word Pendant as if Hitler had invented it and not how it's supposed to be pronounced, in a French way.

>> No.7844263

it's pronounced "lit" you faggot.

>> No.7844275
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>She is actually very intelligent for her age
>but at times I feel like screaming and sobbing and rubbing my face all over her shoes
>secretly depressed in a way that seems to both fuel her academic abilities and prevent her from experiencing genuine happiness

I'm prescribing you with a 4 week course of /pol/

>> No.7844278

Anon means a feminine rhyme, I think. Long second syllable

>> No.7844282

I pronounce elbow as elba

>> No.7844287


Fucking terrifying

>> No.7844291
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>Don Kwicks-oat

>> No.7844292

The Dark Era of the Universe will pass,
any idea pertaining to humanity will be just an afterthought,
Everything that ever existed will unexist,

Before me and my friend stop arguing whether it is ther-mop-uh-lee or ther-moe-pie-lay. I prefer the latter.

>> No.7844310

For the longest time, I would say conductive when I meant conducive.

>> No.7844313


Don Key-Oat-E, right?

This shit scares me and i'm too afraid to ask

>> No.7844322


Why are you alive?

>> No.7844335

My mum had to tell me it's pronounced TARN-hoiser, not TAN-howser. At least she's cultured enough to know.

>> No.7844336

>Not knowing the difference between the two.
She is a pleb OP. You have lost nothing.

>> No.7844345

It means the hot gates, if you break the word in half like hot gates, it is thermo, then pylae. pylae is pronounced like pylon because they have the same root word AND they mean the same thing.

>> No.7844366

English plebs pronounce Greek words as though they were English words, using trochees (THER-mo PIE-lay)

Meanwhile patricians who know what they're doing realize that Greek favored dactyls (her-ROD-a-tus; thoo-CY-di-dez, uh-reh-STOPH-uh-nez)

>> No.7844400

The 'u' in Camus' isn't pronounced as 'oo' tho.

>> No.7844423

>trying to transcribe pronunciation with crude syllables that don't read the same in every accent

The IPA exists for a reason, niggers.

>> No.7844430

Not even close. Remember the J is pronounced as H, so Donkey Hott.

>> No.7844439

It's pronounced 'Don key-khoh-te'.

>> No.7844447

That's a forward slash.

>> No.7844450

I didn't know how to pronounce it until I heard it in a Joanna Newsom song.

I don't hang out with people who read so I've never had to say it out loud.

>> No.7844464

>She is actually very intelligent for her age
This is the justification that literally every cradle robbing man has used since the dawn of time.

>> No.7844492

>say bourgeoisie
>someone says the r is silent

>> No.7844497

This thank you. OPs qt crush is a moron.

>> No.7844501

this can't be real

>> No.7844531

Yesterday morning I was talking about the split between Orthodoxy and Catholicism with my priest and I pronounced 'schism' with a hard c. I've never heard it said out loud before so I'm not too broken up about it tbqh.

>> No.7844539

Should called them out on their bougeoisie education

>> No.7844544

most people do
only the clergy always pronounces it with hard c

>> No.7844547


>> No.7844548

They're both acceptable

>> No.7844561

It isn't.

>> No.7844563

Oh, good to know.

>> No.7844586
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I have more trouble with film.

>want to talk about "Jan Svankmajer"
>try to say s and v and the same time followed by "ank-mage-er
>want to talk about Georges Melies
>pronounce it "George's me lies"

>> No.7844625

Anything with an ae

>> No.7844633

>hi do you have Borgeys Fickionays?

>> No.7844792

Holy fuck, you are ALL wrong.
Spanish speaker here, it's: Don Key-HO-te (Ho, like HOHOHO, like Santa Claus)

>> No.7844867

This. But make the H hard as fuck

>> No.7844874

This girl I know says Wiki like WEE-Kee
and rhetoric like rhetORic
it's cute

>> No.7844887

How is wiki pronounced then?

>> No.7844890

like a bostonian saying wicked

>> No.7844892

shes right

>> No.7844981

I'm not from the US and English is not my first language. How the fuck am I supposed to know how a "Bostonian" says wicked. The only reference I have in mind of someone saying wicked is from the Harry Potter films.
Also I'm pretty sure it's wee-kee-pee-deeah

>> No.7844988

>too much time of 4chin
>see memes inside of words

>> No.7844999

this is a perfect explanation to someone who speaks french but would make no sense otherwise.

>> No.7845003


>> No.7845022

I work in an English speaking country, but English is not my native language so it happens, most of the people will just correct you and roll with it.

>> No.7845030
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I'm American... I had never heard Dubliner pronounced before.

>> No.7845032

it's to troll americans
the bantz in incorporated into the language

>> No.7845041

had you heard of dublin?

>> No.7845049


but you know the city in Ireland? it's just that plus "er", like someone from New York is a New Yorker. they're not a New Yorkeeeer or something.

>> No.7845051

Did OP kill himself or something? I enjoyed the confessional, even if it was a weird hybrid of Neon, Molly Bloom, and John Green.

>> No.7845056

A few days ago I found out Americans pronounce 'respite' as 'res-pit' instead of the sensical British way, 'res-piyt'

I'm American.

>> No.7845078

i did not know this

>> No.7845095

it was around the time of my 18th birthday when I learned that the word that people vocalize as "suttle" was the same word "subtle" that I'd been reading in print all my life.

I got that they were both synonyms for "understated," I just never realized they were the same word. so I said "subtle" in conversation for the first time and guess how I pronounced it?

luckily it was to a close friend, not to a group or in class or anything. he busted on me hard, though.

>> No.7845103

Constantly and everything. I'm dyslexic so just reading the words with the letters ordered properly is hard, much less replicating them verbally.

>> No.7845107

physically ill m8

>> No.7845109

kept saying whilst to americans
apparently they don't use it
also don't use cunt around them either

>> No.7845243
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one girl at work was trying to say 'aldous huxley' but pronounced it ALOO-DUS
she was hot so it was hard not to laugh in her face. I was polite but she obviously felt stupid, rightly so

>> No.7845526
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OP, it depends on the setting. If youre getting anxious around people because you want to use certain words you're not sure of, you probably have a disorder or are hanging around some pretentious assholes, perhaps a historic re-enactment community.

>> No.7845717

>don cayootee ;DD

>> No.7845773

Tfw have a relatively expansive vocabulary and can be very eloquent in immediate digital communication but don't know how most words beyond everyday words are actually pronounced because of social reclusion for the past decade, my cousin pointed out to me last Christmas that 'drought' wasn't pronounced 'draught'

>> No.7845779
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>> No.7845784

Still wrong though. It is „Schießt den Ball".

>> No.7845851

It's normally Americans that do this and it's infuriating

>> No.7845858

Should be shosta-ko-vich

>> No.7845860


>> No.7845861

Drop the R I mean

>> No.7845862
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>"Go eth"

>> No.7845872

One time I said Desocrates instead of Descartes
No one seemed to notice and I felt even more alone

>> No.7845875

the fuck is she protesting?

>> No.7845882

i once said 'persephone' as PER-SEA-PHONE

>> No.7845910


>> No.7845931

you could have just pretended you were doing a crazy Irish accent

I still don't know how lambasted is pronounced.

also I pronounced awry aww-ree for a while when I was younger.

>> No.7845937

> bury me ten feet under.tga

>> No.7845941
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>a 25 year old dating a 17 year old is a pedophile

>> No.7845948

>she has been hospitalized once (at her parents' insistence) for becoming unresponsive and barely sleeping / eating etc
Okay so she's crazy.
We've all flirted with sub 18 year old girls man, don't actually fall in love with them though.

>> No.7845958

The first word I remember screwing up was "oh-né" for "one." It was the name of a PS uno game I had at the time. Thank agnostics I was but a kid and not the lit buff of today.

>> No.7845987


i said "lingerie" as "lin ger ee" until i was 17 and i had to play off saying it infront of friends as a joke

>> No.7845989

now THIS is autism

>> No.7846025

I once pronounced "Danube" as dan-ew-BAY in front of an Austrian

>> No.7846062

Why would he care he'd call it 'Donau' anyway

>> No.7846115

i thought earnest meant the same thing as endearing
i pronounced pynchon pinecone
i thought complacent meant content

>> No.7846121

they did but they only mocked you after you'd left

>> No.7846359

My middle school history teacher said "modren" instead of "modern."

>> No.7846435


I used to pronounce "Gauge" like "Gouge" for a long time. English is not my first language and i really never had the opportunity to listen it around; just supposed it sounded like that.

Once in middle school i mistook sadism for masochism. In front of a girl that was kind of a /lit/ buff. The face she gave me that day...

On elementary school my spanish teacher wrote "Payazo", instead of doing it with "s".
I knew, but i didn't say a thing; i didn't care.

>> No.7846578

more like Trono

>> No.7846614
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>lit grad

>> No.7846702
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>"lin ger ee"
kek, that's how Shaneene said it

>> No.7846792

>Once in middle school i mistook sadism for masochism. In front of a girl that was kind of a /lit/ buff. The face she gave me that day...

you were discussing S&M--with a freaking GIRL--when you were 12 or 13? jesus, europe really is different…

>> No.7846800


My friend has been using the word droll to mean dull for years just because they sound the same. I can't bring myself to correct his illiterate ass.

>> No.7846989
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>last two digits are 87
>he's not even irish


>> No.7847566


>> No.7847581

becoming 18 by 1999, I mean.

>> No.7847603

>and who attended the same conference in I believe Italy with David Foster Wallace and Mary Karr and Franzen, Z. Smith et al. and who featured with Wallace not only in the group photo taken during that trip but also in another photo posted on /lit/ occasionally in which the author of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Woa also features and which is a book (TVS) that has been adapted onto film directed by Sophia Coppola (spelling?) who is a member of what might be described as a "cinematic dynasty" and whose sister recently directed the movie adaptation of James Franco's debut book of short stories
rather interesting thanks

>> No.7847611


>> No.7847618

how the fuck is it pronounced?

>> No.7847657


>> No.7848237

i get it because don key

>> No.7848254

But, you pronounced his name correctly.

>> No.7848267

I always pronounced it dub-liner don't worry

>> No.7848270

told my history teacher i 'splooged' on a shopping trip instead of splurged. It was in front of some student, he just laughed and corrected me.

It was incredibly embarrassing.

>> No.7848557

itt: ipa illiterate fucks

>> No.7849075
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>tfw native language is basically unmispronounceable
thank you based castille for oppressing all them catalans and tugas

>> No.7849084

ghorj lewiss borgees

>> No.7849093

*Horhay Lwis Borhays

>> No.7849103
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Cirno pronounced as 'Sir-no' instead of 'Churn-o'.

>> No.7849109

She doesn't know, that's the point.

>> No.7849125

It's 'aw-rah-tor'.

>> No.7849130

It's not unusual for it to get anglicised to Girth

>> No.7849131

At first, I thought faux was pronounced as "fox" and Descartes as "des-cart-es"

>> No.7849152


As long as it's legal I think it should be at the discretion of the involved parties.

I think similarity in age was more heavily enforced by earlier generations because most people followed a very traditional educational pattern: high school to 18, college from 18 to 22, professional life onward. Today that structure is very jumbled. Additionally, our parents (Baby Boomers) had a significant age gap with their parents. There's also a lot to consider in the matter of approval of friends and family and the community.

There's definitely a line but I don't really think it's fair to label someone with a word specifically used to identify criminals when they are obeying the law.

>> No.7849482
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How tall are you?

>> No.7849847

I thought discipline was pronounced like disciple. Fuck that's confusing.

>> No.7850058

ah, the age old question.

>> No.7850081

...well then...

>> No.7850084



>> No.7850094
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>> No.7850112


>> No.7850190
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I was on a palaeontological dig in Romania the summer just passed. I found a Zalmoxes vertebra in the bank of a river and shouted to my colleagues: "Guys, I've found a vertebrae!" accidentally pluralising. Most embarrassing moment of my entire life

>> No.7850195
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>> No.7850201
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>> No.7850203

People from South America (or some parts of Southern Spain) will say it with a soft H, like "HO HO HO". The rest of Spain does indeed pronounce it with a strong H, like in "Loch Ness".

>> No.7850208

HAHA, you absolute bleedin pleb

>> No.7850211
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>> No.7850217
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Not quite what you're asking but . . .

The head of the department at the school where I teach English pronounces indefatigably "in-de-fa-TEEG-ably". I tried to politely inform her of the correct pronunciation, but she insisted she was right, and I ended up just letting it go. I just hope she looked into it afterwards and is too embarrassed to tell me I was right, but I sincerely doubt it.

>> No.7850293

I just realized yesterday that banal was bah-nal and not bain-al

>> No.7850324

Really! I never knew how to pronounce it until I heard it in a Magnetic Fields song


>> No.7850334

>tfw two relatively young english major parents
>dad always corrected my grammar and read to me

feels good my dudes

>> No.7850340




>> No.7850388

never considered that. that is confusing.

>> No.7850405

It's pronounced pinecone

>> No.7850407

there's something terribly sad and banal about that.

>> No.7850413

but it's cam-ee

>> No.7850432

>in educational development class
>professor says "puberty" as "poo-brr-ty"
>everyone giggles

>> No.7850468


It's Pin-shawn

>> No.7852137

sounded more like "pinch on" to me

>> No.7852189

When I was little I pronounced ambivalent as ambi-vay-lent and being publicly corrected caused me to become obsessed with pronunciation, to the point where I won't use a word until I've looked up its etymology and pronunciation

I'm taking an art history unit for fun and the prof keeps on pronunciation protagonist as 'pro-tadge-onist' and I just don't get it.

>> No.7852518

i gave a speech in fromt of my entire highschool once and in the speech i had a line that said "all the time" and i emded up saying "all the teem"

>> No.7852548

I don't really get this joke. Is it just ironic because he is trying to sell himself while also trying to hide his identity?

>> No.7852554

pinch - pinsh- awn - on

same deal

>> No.7852557

I used to think it was "state of the arc"

>> No.7852586

Kaf-ka, much laughs were made that day.

>> No.7852591

A cat named lucky being run over by a car?

>> No.7852644

Lmao, can't talk to women your own age so you pick off insecure highschoolers. Protip, if she's really "cool and interesting" she's going to find a way better guy than you when she expands her dating pool beyond highschool boys.

>> No.7852649

One time I pronounced nihilism "knee-heel-ism." I never tried to act like I knew what I was talking about ever again.

>> No.7852666

Guys if you don't intentionally mispronouncing words and expressions to spot-the-autist, you're living life wrong.

>> No.7852762



>> No.7852815

>you're not allowed to date anyone younger than 20, do you understand?
I'm pretty sure you don't make the rules Mr. Bossypants.

>> No.7852837
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>very intelligent for her age
>rubbing my face all over her shoes

>> No.7852839

To this day I still pronounce meme as 'mehm' in my head. I never say the word out loud so it doesn't matter. 'Meem' just sounds misplaced and awkward in every sentence.

For a long time I thought the music company Epiphone was pronounced like epiphany, and that epiphany was spelled epiphone.

I don't have many of these, I came 3rd place in the district spelling bee in 7th grade after all.

>> No.7852842

>I still pronounce meme as 'mehm' in my head

how does this happen

>> No.7852845

I started browsing 4chan when I was 12.

>> No.7852873

I spent almost ten years living a secluded life, and didn't even talk much before. I think I mispronounce approximately 10% to 15% of my vocabulary although t's easier in foreign languages with less frequent mismatch between graphemes and phonemes. I still have a weird accent and avoid as much as possible to speak with people.

>> No.7852880
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where did 10K word guy go? i enjoyed his slightly histrionic, john green ramblings. they remind me of a situation that i'm currently in.

>> No.7852930

I have a hard time just saying "conversation"

I CAN say right but I have to slow down or else it comes out sounding like "Con-FER-sation"

The "V" keeps coming out as soft "F" instead. Its subtle but I know I say it like that and its infurating. Few ever catch me actually saying it.

>> No.7852938
File: 34 KB, 500x281, get dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll show you some Dub-liners

>> No.7852942

Non-anglo here. I thought the expression was "I arrest my case" until a girl laughed in my face for saying it.

>> No.7852954

i thought veil was pronounced 'veal'

>> No.7852989

i don't understand

>> No.7853006

Drowt or draft depending on if its weather or drinking

>> No.7853156

Jesus Christ lad that is absolutely terrifying

>> No.7853161

I feel you!

>> No.7853171

listen to the song "ironic" by bo burnham

might help you

>> No.7854898

welshman detected

>> No.7854930

I have a awful lecturer who always pronouces the word 'specific' as 'Pacific' so now every time I go to say specific I think 'Don't say Pacific, don't say Pacific' because it's a running joke in our department now and then I panic and always stutter on the word. I never had that problem before until she came along.

>> No.7854950

Have you ever try to put your front teeth on your lower lip that makes it sound like a "V"?