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/lit/ - Literature

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7841392 No.7841392 [Reply] [Original]

>flip to last page to see exactly how many pages there are
>try really hard not to read anything
>read the end of the last sentence anyway

>> No.7841506

The amount of god damn times this had happened...

You will yourself not to but your eyes are drawn there by a god like force.


>> No.7841534
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Better to just flip a page or two before the end to see how many pages.

I've done that shit, though. Even if I'm on the last page, my eyes want to read the last words and I can barely concentrate.

>> No.7841541

>lying in bed at night
>start reading book
>read for 1 hour
>decide I've read enough
>pick up phone and browse internet for 2.5 hours

>> No.7841543

>Going the entire book without reading the actual last words, even on the last page, you relish every single sentence until you get to the last one.
>feels so fuckin-goodmanhnnnnnng

>> No.7841547

>the last sentence reads something along the lines of "Character x lay on the floor dead"

>> No.7841553

It takes a lot of self discipline actually. I start a book gladly but immediately want to indulge in the satisfaction of the end, despite knowing it'll ruin it for me. It's like skipping a meal for dessert. It's an awful urge and I hate it.

>> No.7841566

>tfw i can get 50 pages done in an hour
feels good man.
can finish short books in 3-4 days

>> No.7841578

>along the lines of "Character x lay on the floor dead"
sounds like a cliffhanger from a saga, what the hell are you reading?

>> No.7841582

you're disgusting. oink oink

>> No.7841712
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>he doesnt squint really hard so that only the number can be read

>> No.7841748

Fuck man I just finished Ulysses and feel like it was ruined for me. I think I could have resisted reading that last page early except that I got that retarded edition where the blurb on the back is literally the last few lines of the book. It was beautiful all the same but goddamn that made me mad

>> No.7841833
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Fuck, I do this so often. I already read slowly as is, so it takes me a long-ass time to finish books.

>> No.7841846

Me right now

>> No.7841848

and the tide was wayyyy out

>> No.7841883

>The summary on the back gives away key elements of the plot

>> No.7841901

>tfw attention span has been so thoroughly shot by the internet that you can hardly read a quarter or half a page without switching to the internet
>tfw turn off my computer and go into a black out and come to on the computer

>> No.7841910

>reading for plot

>> No.7842117

>get "the man who japed" about someone who defaces a statue under a totalitarian government
>glance at last page
>"My name is Allen Purcell and I'm the man who japed the statue"
> ayyy

>> No.7842200

Half of the time I could spend reading the book I am constantly flipping to the last page to see how many pages I have left. Am I autistic?

>> No.7842292

I prefer closing the book and looking at the position of the bookmark. It's so satisfying to see its progress.

When that happens to me, or I see a spoiler on /lit/, I always forget it.

>> No.7842297
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>exciting chapter
>turn the page
>a page and a half left of the chapter, your eyes drawn to the last few lines.
>mfw when I try not to read ahead.

>> No.7842313

>be fast enough that you could read 100 books every year (reading 30% of them everyday)
>be so lazy that you don't and end up with 20 last year and none in nearly 4 months

>> No.7842316

>When that happens to me, or I see a spoiler on /lit/, I always forget it.
Because I am a degenerate I watch anime, to choose what to pick I spoil myself the story, then I place it in a list, that way I know is a reliable information but I forgot about the actual plot.

>> No.7842547


>reading anything by Shakespeare
>feels like a really important scene
>scan whole page and next for something like [he dies]
>find it

why, self?

>> No.7842571

This happened to me:
>download second son trilogy from fallon to reader
>start reading
>weird opening if i say so myself
>it's almost as if she started at the end with huge backstory
>three chapters in i realize i started with third book of trilogy
>hap.gif irl for half an hour

>> No.7842578

would recommend, one of the most unique experiences reading something,

I also know that there are people reading last pages first intentionally, but my autism prevents me doing that even though i liked it when it accidentally happened to me

>> No.7842579
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>book describes a hot lady or a sex scene
>try not to interrupt reading to fap

>> No.7842689
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>tfw you just put down a book to browse /lit/ and see this

>> No.7842696

>look ahead to see when the chapter ends
>get fixated on reading the page number on every page and on how slow you're reading.

>> No.7842724

>I prefer closing the book and looking at the position of the bookmark. It's so satisfying to see its progress.

This. I do flip to the end sometimes but usually try not to open the book completely so I can just see the page numbers and small amount of text (which I usually do not read).

>> No.7842742

>I prefer closing the book and looking at the position of the bookmark. It's so satisfying to see its progress.

Holy shit what is this hivemind

>> No.7842967

>reading a wikipedia article about a concept introduced in a book I haven't finished yet
>it mentions that the main character dies

>> No.7843130

>>mfw when I try not to read ahead.

>> No.7843145
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I don't know why they even print stuff on the back? Who has ever been convinced to buy/read a book because of the dank back cover description?

Not me.

>> No.7843173

the back of stoner did that for me. i didn't read the back until i was a chapter in. i mean it wasn't a huge spoiler but i was like "ok he has a daughter and she leaves cool wtf"

>> No.7843181

>I prefer closing the book and looking at the position of the bookmark. It's so satisfying to see its progress.
that's so damn satisfying. i can't wait to close the book after a long sesh and see how far that bookmarked moved. especially on a particularly long book.

>> No.7843298

OP here, this was what I read that made me make this thread. motherfuck I was just trying to find the endnotes

>> No.7843306
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I always read the last sentence

>> No.7843314

How do you know how close you are to the end if you don't get to the end tho? Most books have extra pages at the end. Anyone know what those are for btw?

>> No.7843315
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Shut the fuck up, faggot

>> No.7843336

Lol I think it has happened to everyone who has read it.

>> No.7843438

This gave me a hardy chuckle.