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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 96 KB, 334x518, LordOfTheFliesBookCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7840926 No.7840926 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this masterpiece?

>> No.7840944

Heavy-handed and it will always be high school-core but it's not a bad read. It's definitely memorable.

>> No.7840945

A little heavy handed with the symbolism.

I don't like how it demonized the survival instinct, and the desire to seek out and destroy things you're afraid of. Parables like this always feel really flimsy and unsatisfying to me; you can 'prove' anything in a fiction where you're pulling all the strings.

>> No.7840975

island of doctor moreau 1000 times better

>> No.7841014

>kids book
>ass rape a pig with a spear

Why are bongs such degenerates?

>> No.7841019

You need to give a "but" or an "is" in that sentence buddy.

>> No.7841022

You should check out his lesser read work 'The Inheritors,' great prose experiment and better take on primitivism

>> No.7841053


>> No.7841080

My english teacher thinks Piggy deserves to be called a Christ figure more than Simon, what do you think?

>> No.7841112 [SPOILER] 
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I don't.
Therefore I amn't.

>> No.7841212

Golding is a great, underrated writer (underrated despite winning the Nobel). His prose is as lean, dense, and hard as can be. In every book of his that I've read, there is a stretch of writing that is spine-tingling astonishing. I agree that The Inheritors is superb. Also recommend The Spire, Pincher Martin, and the supremely creepy Darkness Visible.

>> No.7841398

The boy they killed on the beach is a better Christ figure d e s u than piggy or Simon

But the truth is that there's no redemption for anyone on the island