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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 776 KB, 800x1166, harry_potter_and_the_methods_of_rationality_cover_by_yariasari-d7rsr2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7840311 No.7840311 [Reply] [Original]

Come on, /lit/.
I know you enjoyed it.
No need to be all tsundere about it.
No tattoo would appear on your forehead as soon as you accepted that you liked a book that also happens to be liked by people who browse reddit or tumblr saying "NOT PART OF THE INTERNET ELITE".

Now, let's just talk about it.

>> No.7840703
File: 3.20 MB, 1500x2000, Methods_of_rationality_by_zerinity-d4a9rv5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has nobody around here even tried reading it?

>> No.7840893

I've only heard of it. What happens? Do they join the army in it?

>> No.7840940

Please explain, I have no idea what this is

>> No.7841075
File: 16 KB, 292x425, snap-cover-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry being raised by rational parents instead of the shitty abusive people who lock him in up bellow a staircase with the sole company of spiders and dust in the original series completely changes Harry's personality, world view and mindset.

This completely different protagonist change the way the story goes in amusing ways. For example, instead of getting butthurt at Draco Malfoy's smugness and sadistic tendencies, he goes the rational way of making an ally out of him, since he's the son of the extremely intelligent, powerful and influent Lucius Malfoy.

He actually end up making an ally out of everyone that seems powerful enough to be an important piece in the future of his world domination plan. Sometimes it's very hard and take some clever political meddling.

It's the Harry Potter series with a machiavellian mastermind smart enough to exploit seemingly harmless magical items and to mix them with ordinary science.

It's the kind of character that if put into Jesus's place, would wonder if he could kill people by turning their watery bodily contents into wine as soon as he learned that he could change water into it.

Obviously as Mary Sue as a Mary Sue could be, but Draco and Dumbledore and some other people are also overpower as fuck for it to be fun and genuinely interesting.

Most people agree that it starts to pick up after chapter 5, and that if you aren't hooked by the time you reach chapter 10, just put it away.

The chapter are very short, so reaching chapter 10 wouldn't take you more time than browsing some stupid 4chan threads.

Oh, maybe this will interest you:

The author slams Rony mercilessy hard, making the idea that he could become an important character in that book, as say, even as one of Harry's closest friends, seems ridiculous. A LOT of retarded HP fans got extremely butthurt at that, but could really rationaly argue against that, forcing them to realize that Rony and a lot of Rowlings other characters and rules were shitty to the extreme.

It's a book as amusing to an open minded HP fan as it is to a passionate hater.

Check this shit out already then tell me if I was lying. It's so underrated it's sad.

>> No.7841085

It's fucking Autism: The Fan-Fic.

>> No.7841099
File: 88 KB, 1024x563, harry_potter_and_the_methods_of_rationality_by_catophilosophus-d66o14q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, in the best sense.

>> No.7841120

>lock him in up bellow a staircase
> in up bellow
Pick one.

>> No.7841122

It's a way to ultimately funnel people into his website (less wrong) and this cult of a theoretical AI called "roko's basilisk". The author of this retarded fanfic and proponent of this autistic theory are one in the same, Eleizer Yudkowski.


Roko's Basilisk rests on a stack of several other not at all robust propositions.
The core claim is that a hypothetical, but inevitable, singular ultimate superintelligence may punish those who fail to help it or help create it.
Why would it do this? Because - the theory goes - one of its objectives would be to prevent existential risk - but it could do that most effectively not merely by preventing existential risk in its present, but by also "reaching back" into its past to punish people who weren't MIRI-style effective altruists.
Thus this is not necessarily a straightforward "serve the AI or you will go to hell" — the AI and the person punished need have no causal interaction, and the punished individual may have died decades or centuries earlier. Instead, the AI could punish a simulation of the person, which it would construct by deduction from first principles. However, to do this accurately would require it be able to gather an incredible amount of data, which would no longer exist, and could not be reconstructed without reversing entropy.

>> No.7841648

I read the first two books as a kid and thought they were shit. Never looked back.

>> No.7842481

why does the picture on the second book look like if a human dick was pulled out of the soil?

captcha: trees

>> No.7842504

>It's a way to ultimately funnel people into his website (less wrong) and this cult of a theoretical AI called "roko's basilisk"
roko's basilisk isn't what the whole thing's about, that's just one idea they've written on, and to call lesswrong a cult is womanly hysteria

>> No.7843461

Don't ever reply to women ever again.

>> No.7843481

LessWrong is not a cult lol, it's just an internet community of people who want to figure out what rationality is but don't really understand philosophy. Yudkowsky is definitely very good at explaining certain ideas about logic though.

>> No.7843485

Thought fan-ficiton was allowed on lit?

>> No.7844915

Defined way better in way less words.

>> No.7845090

I just started reading this. Can you buy an actual physical book copy or are all the pics of self made books?

>> No.7845122

I preferred Fallout Equestria.
Pip's neo-orthodoxy gnosis and teleological suspension of the ethical opened my eyes to the world. I instantly joined my local church, learnt ecclesiastical Greek and an now posting this from a Romanian monastery. I hope you too may have such blessed lives.

>> No.7845249

its a metaphor for the whole book being a bunch of dirty spunk

>> No.7845267

>AI superintelligence is a vengeance-fueled YHVH-tier punisher figure

The reek of internalized christian guilt is strong with this one

>> No.7845273

Got another question - when was this written? Presumably after the Deathly Hallows?

>> No.7845452

I enjoyed it up to about the part after they break into Azkaban. It was among other things a pretty good example of a power fantasy / Mary Sue done well. Also as someone who read and enjoyed HP when I was younger it was fun to see the autistic power gaming of HP magic.

Unfortunately the author got too obsessed with preaching about some of the sillier aspects of LWism and stuff kept happening that just didn't make any fucking sense for a 12 year old kid no matter how precocious.

There's no reason to read it if you're not an SF reading autist though.

>> No.7845459

I used to be into it, years ago. The last thing I remember is something about Harry helping break Bellatrix out of prison. I also remember a scene where 11year old Draco talks about raping someone which was a pretty fucking weird thing to do include.

Is it still ongoing? How far into the timeline are they?

>> No.7845798

"My sister was a witch," Petunia repeated. She looked frightened, but stood her ground. "Her husband was a wizard."

"This is absurd!" Michael said sharply. "They were at our wedding - they visited for Christmas -"

"I told them you weren't to know," Petunia whispered. "But it's true. I've seen things -"

The Professor rolled his eyes. "Dear, I understand that you're not familiar with the sceptical literature. You may not realise how easy it is for a trained magician to fake the seemingly impossible. Remember how I taught Harry to bend spoons? If it seemed like they could always guess what you were thinking, that's called cold reading -"

>I understand that you're not familiar with the sceptical literature.
Top kek, Quality writing.

>> No.7845803

Wait, how come there's three volumes? I recall reading this a while ago and I don't recall it being so long as to be three books long. Or are they just different editions

Also guys this is genuinely a good book, doesn't really fit into any established genre construction and the novelty of it is great

>> No.7845988

It's completely retarded and Yidkowsky is the most autistic man alive.

>> No.7845991

If autism was a resource, this series would be for it what Siberia or the Middle East is for oil.

>> No.7845996

It's a cult.

It's religion for IT super-spergs who find the concept of God "irrational", but who tremble at the idea of a hypothetical sentient AI quasi-divinity torturing them for eternity for their sins of not donating more money to AI development.

>> No.7846005

>THE FILE NAME sounds so much more interesting than any harry potter kiddy tier material.


>> No.7846014

I haven't spent much time on LessWrong, in fact only when it's linked to on other sites, but I have never even heard of this Basilisk thing before.

As far as I can tell the core of LessWrong is something called the Sequences, which are just a series of little essays/stories about logic.

>> No.7846022

>The story of three young homeless meth addicts with brains so rotten that they repeatedly run into a stone pillar in their local train station trying to get to Hogwarts (what they also call their STD that they share between them). They also meet older, smellier and hairier hobos that they take for wizards. Meth is magic.

>Methamphetamine Snorticus!

>> No.7846039
File: 62 KB, 640x480, H1hGDl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Basilisk just underlines how spergy these people are, but if you're willing to waste time on the site, there's a million examples to be found.

Pic related: how a Lesswrong meetup looks like.

>> No.7846045

Last time I wanted to make fun of Yudkowsky I got banned "for posting fan-fiction" (which is indeed a rule)

Anyway, he's so fucking autistic that it's not even funny anymore. People are actually starting to cite him for his "AI research", i.e., posting on the internet about how AI will kill us all because a machine learning algorithm got good at Go.

>AI Visionary Eliezer Yudkowsky on the Singularity, Bayesian Brains and Closet Goblins


>> No.7846049

Would you be able to argue against what he says there or are you just discounting it because it's an internet neckbeard saying it?

>> No.7846056

He states a ton of common-sense truths in an extremely preposterous way

>Horgan: Do you think you have a shot at becoming a superintelligent cyborg?

>Yudkowsky: The conjunction law of probability theory says that P(A&B) <= P(A) - the probability of both A and B happening is less than the probability of A alone happening. Experimental conditions that can get humans to assign P(A&B) > P(A) for some A&B are said to exhibit the "conjunction fallacy" - blablabla didn't even answer the question

or another one

>Horgan: Do you have a shot at immortality?

>Yudkowsky: What, literal immortality? Literal immortality seems hard. Living significantly longer than a few trillion years requires us to be wrong about the expected fate of the expanding universe. Living longer than, say, a googolplex years, requires us to be wrong about the basic character of physical law, not just the details.

Immortality is hard because the life-span of the universe is finite, hurdur

>> No.7846058
File: 442 KB, 590x395, yudkowsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This face is "nerds will take over the world, fucking vapid jocks" epitomized.

Of course you could, but why would engage with a sperg whose hobby is debating intricate details of arcane techno-fantasies for hours on end, when you can just mercilessly make fun of him?

>> No.7846148

What do you think a /lit/ meetup would look like?

>> No.7846175
File: 879 KB, 245x230, he shakes his head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you wondering why someone hadn't read edgy fan fiction of kids genre fiction?


baka fampai

>> No.7846187

>Are you wondering why someone hadn't read edgy fan fiction of kids genre fiction?

My brain fails to understand this question

>> No.7846194

>My brain fails to understand this question
I sincerely do not doubt that considering your taste in what yourself would call literature.

>> No.7846195

would anyone else here ctrl+z the entire history of STEM if they could?

>> No.7846201

I think technically that would include all tools anon. And it's up for discussion if language is a tool.

>> No.7846209

organized language can go. we were happier when we lived short, triumphant, meaningless lives instead of long, confusing, meaningless ones

>> No.7846224

Read is past tense

>> No.7846782

I got as surprised as you, but seems like it reached the thousand page mark in seemingly short time.

>> No.7846866

Nah, people like Yudlolcowsky aren't even proper Scientists, Technologists, Engineers or Mathematicians, just a weird internet club.

>> No.7847146

I find /lit/'s passionate hatred of LW/Yudkowsky fairly bizarre. I mean obviously he can't write for shit, and the rationalism stuff is a bit myopic, but I haven't seen this level of bile directed at anyone except perhaps Coelho.

>> No.7847240

I tried reading it, but I just sorta gave up.
Everything was so dragged out and none of the people even remotely spoke like people.
I was hoping for more examples of bending the rules of the HP universe to clever or funny effects, but it barely had any of that either.