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File: 439 KB, 960x1275, Incal-Eng-0_zoomed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7839930 No.7839930 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever read The Incal? According to wikipedia it has a "claim" to being one of the best comic books ever

>> No.7839960

jodorowsky is a horrible film maker and this is not a comic board you retard.

>> No.7840009


Jodo too senpai for you

>> No.7840023

If you like and get deeper aspects of Alan Moore, you'll like the Incal.

If you like art, philosophy, psychology, creativity and/or mysticism you will also like the Incal.

Bummed that I just missed out on owning the extra large hardcover.

>> No.7840027

I agree with this.
Awfully memy personality too

>> No.7840031


>> No.7840040

Typical Jodorowsky fan

>> No.7840045

Im not a comic fan (i bought that comic book because im a fan of Jodorowski), but its a great read.

>> No.7840046

It's a masterpiece.

>> No.7840370

did jodorowsky edit that page?

incal is okay, but you can see Jodo's pseudo-religious taint all over it. moebius tried to save it, but in the end Jodo spewed his rancid, tainted seed into the story's mouth and it choked.

>> No.7840382

This. /tv/ has been memeing Jodorowsky hard for the last couple of years for God knows what reason.

He had an absolutely fucked childhood and has insane ideas, and they're sometimes fun to read because of how insane they are, but none of it is good by a long shot.

>> No.7840557


>> No.7840571

>did jodorowsky edit that page?
What makes you ask?

>> No.7840589
File: 856 KB, 1606x1039, Sharaz-De-de-Sergio-Toppi-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overrated desu.
Edena and Arzach are the best.
Also Toppi is better than Moebius.

>> No.7840712

it sounds like Jodo's standard puffery.

>Edena and Arzach are the best.

'cause Mr Rape It With Love wasn't involved.

although i thought Aedena's end was a little.. er.. vague. he was probably getting tired of it all.

>> No.7840830

>it sounds like Jodo's standard puffery.
oh i thought you meant the cover page in the OP

>> No.7841477

Clearly, you haven't watch'd Jodorowsky's Dune.

>> No.7841491
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, frame_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can anyone hate this guy he's great
for all the drug associations though his films sure suck on any kind of drug. stone sober with maybe some jalapeno chips is the way to go

>> No.7841493
File: 444 KB, 1205x1560, Moebius - Arzak4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the art in their stuff but most of the time I have no idea what the fuck the stories are about.

>> No.7841505

If you're not in the mood for vacuous bullshit he sure can get boring fast

>> No.7841626

you refer to the documentary about how the financial backers pulled out once they learned what he was trying to do. not the film.

which never got made. because the financial backers pulled out once they learned what he was trying to do.

>> No.7841632

jodorowsky's dune was never made u got damn imbecile holy shit

>> No.7841638

watch kenneth anger films instead, theyre a lot more homoerotic and are like 20 minutes long so you don't get bored of dudes in leather and random occult symbols, but similar to jodowrosky

>> No.7841675

anon, google Jodorowsky's Dune. It's a documentary that was made in 2013. It's excellent mate. Incal is a bunch of recycled material from the Dune book Jodorowsky made - it never became a movie. It's a very cool comic though. Highly recommended.

>> No.7841943

so why the fuck didn't jodo make an Incal film rather than waste all that time with Dune? if he wants to rape something with love, he can rape himself.

>> No.7842700

it's pretty fun, I bought some months ago.

I like it because it doesn't care in being serious; it's funny, it's light, it has a lot of ideas. I can easily forgive those common mistakes jodo tells (telling instead of showing) that show very clearly he didn't have previous experience in writing comics.

It's different. Try it. If you don't like it it's okay, but you've read something different. The worst part of it was the Brian Mihael Bendis introduction.

>> No.7842782

incomprehensible rubbish

>> No.7842826

This guy gets it

>> No.7843680

all of Jodo's comic work is like that. the Saga of Alandor, the adventures of Alef-Thau. dude thinks he's a mystic. or he wants people to think he's a mystic.

the portrait of him as Alan Mangel in Moebius' "Madwoman of the Sacred Heart" is pretty close; philosophy teacher who gets lots of pussy, has adventures, shits his pants every time someone fires a gun and has a drug-fueled south american epiphany. oh, and fathers the second coming of jesus.

kind of a Hail Mary Sue.

>> No.7843706

it's literally The Fifth Element