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File: 348 KB, 690x874, ezra_pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7839216 No.7839216 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of this bloke?

I like his attachment to the Western tradition

>> No.7839232

Great poet, terrible thinker.

>> No.7839237

you're wrong

>> No.7839265


have you read any of his essays? this guy was an intellectual giant.

>> No.7839268

One of the greatest poets of the 20th century. Apparently, he had mad beef with Hart Crane, but I can't find in anything about it.

>> No.7839277

if you can't find anything on it, where did you even get this idea from?

>> No.7839315

His poems are alright but the guy was a total pussy. He's on the losing side of one war and suddenly he's all apologetic and regretful and shit. Real easy to be a fascist when you're winning.

>> No.7839338

Reading his criticism you get the impression he wanted to toss out most of the Western tradition, at least in literature. After all most post-medieval art was tainted by usury

>> No.7839354

Not bad, shame he was into making fascist propaganda later in his life.

>> No.7839355


>> No.7839408


hi jidf

>> No.7839448

provide evidence of his regret/apologetics

correct me if i'm wrong, didn't they put him in a cage outside for weeks and weeks following the liberation? after being a POW for weeks of neglect and psychological abuse, he was declared insane and thrown into a mental hospital for years, right?

So....I mean, can you put two and two together?

>> No.7839475

"'Any good I've done has been spoiled by bad intentions – the preoccupation with irrelevant and stupid things,' [he] replied. Then very slowly, with emphasis, surely conscious of Ginsberg's being Jewish: 'But the worst mistake I made was that stupid, suburban prejudice of anti-semitism.'"

>> No.7839484

woah, interesting. elaborate senpai

>> No.7839530

>realizes he's wrong about something
>dude what a pussy lmao
Please try to hide the fact that you're underage

>> No.7839534


>> No.7839542

no, that was a legitimate critique. Don't be offended just because you're also a pussy

>> No.7839543

you missed the point of my entire post- was this before or after his mental breakdown and animal esque treatment and therapy?

you do understand that a basic rule of jurisprudence, is that the individual is mentally COMPETENT to testify- why do you think that is?

>> No.7839555


>> No.7839561


>> No.7840396

An oft misunderstood genius. It's a shame he isn't taught as often in universities as he used to be. Go to any university or even public library and you will see the massive amount of scholarship that has been made on his work. You would think he was a minor poet due to the little attention he gets now. He basically formed the center of the Anglo-American modernist movement, or at least built the foundation depending on your perspective.

>> No.7840497

>He basically formed the center of the Anglo-American modernist movement

Wasn't that Eliot?

>> No.7840570

>created modernism
>educated or networked with nearly all major modernist writers of his time
>cool voice
>amazing poet

He will live on as an icon of the 20th century, perhaps one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. People spit with rage when the hear his politics but they are the political views of a true artist. The vision, intensity, and revolutionary nature of his politics are that of a true artistic genius.

>inb4 Tumblr gets triggered by his politics

>> No.7840598

Yes and the US government were going to execute him for treason until Hemingway and a load of writers that were influenced by Ezra publicly defended him. He plead insane to avoid the bullets but his "treatment" totally broke him. After he was released he was forced to lie low and was never in a position to voice his fascist beliefs. SO the machine processed him and tried to torture the confession that he was in fact an egalitarian humanist. This confession under torture by modern academia is the only reason he is allowed in the classrooms. Much like Nietzsche, he is conscripted to causes; gay rights, socialism, feminism, liberalism, etc that Nietzsche and Pound would've responded to with a roar of laughter.

>> No.7840613

>Wasn't that Eliot?
Eliot was essentially Pound's protege. The only reason Eliot is now touted as "the center of modernism" in most literature educational programs these days is because he's much more palatable to contemporary mores than Ezra "Mussolini Was Right" Pound.

>> No.7840651

>attachment to the Western tradition
Pound was one of the first to incorporate East Asian philosophy into western poetry.

Don't really care about his politics because it has only limited bearing on his philosophy.

That said, no-one will ever really understand the Cantos without reading a shit-ton of secondary literature. More so than is the case with Ulysses, IMO.

>> No.7840659
File: 30 KB, 335x548, ezra-pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's on the losing side of one war and suddenly he's all apologetic and regretful and shit.
Literally one of the first things he did after being released and returned to Italy was to give the fascist salute. Are you deluded?

>> No.7840674

What a shitty thing to do. A lot of his friends risked their reputation standing up for him, and he does this shit. He seemed like the most generous friend in the 1910-1920s ... don't know where all his hatred came from.

>> No.7840827

true genius, would offer fellatio.

fuck democracy

>> No.7840843

Pound was a great modernist poet. No denying that. His earlier Cantos and Personae are fantastic, some of the best in the modernist canon, but his later Cantos essentially became didactic bullshit that was intended to convince the reader of Pound's politics - when you read the later stuff with is rambling madness about usury, you feel sorry for the guy and how mad he went. The Cantos are the probably the most metatextual poems ever written.

>> No.7840875

It came from seeing people like Gaudier-Brzeska and Hulme killed in the war, plus he bought into the social credit meme and convinced himself he knew about economics.

>> No.7840911

> Implying usury isn't the cancer of civilisation.

>> No.7840946

Did he write in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French?
Genuinely want to read his poems now.

>> No.7840957

All I know is people compare my writing style to his way too often for my comfort.

>> No.7840993
File: 23 KB, 635x476, grand-budapest-hotel-willem-dafoe-adrien-brody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that like the villain from the budapest hotel

>> No.7841043

English, but he uses bits of other languages here and there

>> No.7842129
File: 38 KB, 390x270, bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"mad beef" lol
not really, Crane respected Pound a lot and his rejection letter from Pound was a big deal for him. Pound had no problems with Crane, just thought his poetry was missing things.

>>created modernism
this is wrong. he helped father imagism along with HD. modernism isn't a movement, it's a period.

>> No.7843465

pretty hot. he could totally catch the pipe

>> No.7844983

It's a shame he's left out of the curriculum -even by his countrymen- but then I do think it really all boils down to the whole fascism thing.

He's overrated (and overexaggerated) in his capacities as a translator, I think, though the nigga did have a working knowledge of a lot of languages.

Also, he did H.D. dirty.

>> No.7845147

cite one faggot

>> No.7845156

Is that Kylo Ren?

>> No.7845165

he has nothing worth reading. prove me wrong

>> No.7845881

ha, never noticed that. was probably an inspiration to the characters look

>> No.7845917


>> No.7845920

I'll bet they do.

>> No.7845921

ABC of Reading. Enjoy.

>> No.7846155

When did you become this cynical? do you think it was a sudden revelation or a gradual metamorphosis?

>> No.7846159


pick any essay out of this book, friend.

>> No.7846170

>what a shit thing to do, he didn't compromise himself...

What a weak female post

>> No.7846967


Might as well post this while the thread is still alive

>> No.7846983

This was after that, when he was middle-aged.

>> No.7846988

This is correct

>> No.7847008

You don't understand. Pound became a fascist because he cared too much, because, when the people he loved were slaughtered for nothing more than a politician's paycheck, he couldn't cope.

>> No.7847018

Let's be real here fascism wouldn't have such a bad rep if it wasn't for the whole anti-Semitism deal.

>> No.7847036
File: 121 KB, 553x692, 1456046447230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Eliot and always wanted to dig into Ezra's work. Should I start with the Cantos or should I first read up on his life and the shit he went through?

>> No.7847038

Great poet. I'm not a fascist but his fascism makes me like him more.

>> No.7847045

Start Personae or Ripostes. Starting with The Cantos will be an unpleasant experience.

>> No.7847046

Oh its another Ezra Pou-- I mean fascism discussion thread

>> No.7847057


Seems pretty good to me.

>> No.7847072

kinda showed he was a loony when he supported the nazis

>> No.7847464

does fascism upset you?

>> No.7847484

I was just pointing out that Ezra threads usually never talk about his poetry and always derail into fascism debates

>> No.7847490

this. kind of puts a sour taste in your mouth when you find out he supported a bunch of losers.

>> No.7847493

There is nothing inherently evil with being a fascist. like you said he stood up for the people being killed. he didn't know that it would pick up such a bad image later on

>> No.7847497

agreed. I wouldn't be surprised if it made a comeback. I could easily see Trump sliding that way once he gets elected

>> No.7847503

>all these triggered libruls

He was just telling it how it is. Stop deluding yourselves with your marxist fantasy world

>> No.7847506

He is one of the few Modern poets that I can honestly say, I don't understand him. Gertrude Stein and Pound are enigmas to me.

>> No.7847522

>I like his attachment to the Western tradition


He is a breath of fresh air with so many degenerate leftist poets of the 20th century

even his political views were on point

>> No.7847643

I think he BTFO of all the fascist haters

>> No.7849105

Eliot was also a better poet. Pound had a lot of great ideas and important things to say. He made vital contributions to the modernist movement and art in general. However, when judged solely by their works as poets, Eliot was clearly superior.

>> No.7849278

>tfw Ezra will never advise you
>tfw Ezra will never help you make literary gains


>> No.7849285


meme author
not getting into the western canon desu

>> No.7849320

Would it make any sense without the whole anti-semitism deal?

>> No.7849327

It was gradual. Took a little over a decade. Once you become a man, you'll understand.

>> No.7850196

I like to imagine an older yet spry Ezra Pound pacing around the room while I write. When my prose is good he gets really excited and fidgety and starts saying "Yes! Yes! YES!" and if it starts to lag he shakes his head and starts chastising me in another language.