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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 48 KB, 800x600, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7838497 No.7838497 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most /lit/ way to kill yourself?

>> No.7838498

weight of your own novel

>> No.7838501

At your desk, with a fur coat on your back.

>> No.7838508

Hanging yourself, using boxes of your newly published first work as a stepping stool

>> No.7838507

r/ing philip mainlander screencap

>> No.7838510

alcoholism, syphilis, ship wreck, 9/11

>> No.7838511


>> No.7838514

You don't.

>> No.7838520

>we didn't start the fire

>> No.7838524

At the same time?

>> No.7838531

you shoot yourself through the eye with a tiny pistol

>> No.7838533

that would be the second coming of DFW. fersure

>> No.7838862


>> No.7839093

double barrelled shotgun to the head

>> No.7839144

paper cuts

>> No.7839155

old age

>> No.7839174

>ship wreck, 9/11
>at the same time

Do you read?

>> No.7839182

sudoku seems neat

>> No.7839185
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>> No.7839189

Choke on the page of a book.

>> No.7839193

>ink or lead poisoning
>old age/Alzheimer's/dementia
>in a manner that maximizes the irony/symbolism/alliteration of it

>> No.7839385
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Suicide by microwave oven.

>> No.7839451


>> No.7839498
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Use your imagination anon

>> No.7839525

cyanide capsule

>> No.7839529

Tie yourself with a copy of Growing Up in Bhutan and jump of a bridge
And btw, since I'm a newfag, how do you post a PDF here

>> No.7839532

3rd party filehost

>> No.7839539

Swimming out into the ocean until you drown from exhaustion seems pretty /lit/, I couldn't name any author or character in literature that ends it this way though.

Also drowning seems like a rather horrible way to die.

Those books were really good

>> No.7839577

Holy Shit hahahahaha

>> No.7839579
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Two handguns simultaneously.

>> No.7839585
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>> No.7839588

That depends entirely on your favorite epoch or literary movement

>ancient: have a hawk drop a turtle shell on your head
>medieval: poison self via ear
>renaissance: conflagrate self
>enlightenment: suicide by cops
>romanticism: drown
>modernism: shoot self just before you manage to drink yourself to death
>postmodernism: you're already dead inside, just let your body wither away because it doesn't even matter anymore, it never did

>> No.7839611


>> No.7839620

>>ancient: have a hawk drop a turtle shell on your head

I don't think that qualifies as suicide

>> No.7839638

well I don't see you suggesting anything

>> No.7839648

I did, actually.

We are allowed to post more than once per thread, you know?

>> No.7839652
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>> No.7839658

Hemlock wine.
Did you even start with the Greeks?

>> No.7839659

stop judging me, I didn't come here for this

>> No.7839660

It's a tailor made solution, really

>> No.7839671

Shot yourself with colt while driving sting ray into a cheep hooker on top of your father's grave

>> No.7839680
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>suicide by cops

>> No.7839683

By drinking yourself to death over the course of a few decades.

>> No.7839701
File: 66 KB, 600x405, Pushkin-v-Moskve_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a duel with some fucking guy Dantess

>> No.7839706
File: 477 KB, 600x694, mishima poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living life as poetry with a dash of blood

>> No.7839841

spend your days working day and night in your book. then, try to publish it and, irrespective of results, kill yourself in the central city square holding a backpack containing nothing but a diy copy of the book with a handwritten note in the 1st page.

>> No.7839851
File: 85 KB, 306x500, palefire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a night of thaw, a night of blow,
With great excitement in the air. Black spring
Stood just around the corner, shivering
In the wet starlight and on the wet ground.
The lake lay in the mist, its ice half drowned.
A blurry shape stepped off the reedy bank.
Into a crackling, gulping swamp, and sank.

>> No.7839865

get sick and go run after ya girl on a rainy winter night

>> No.7840080


stop eating, drinking, or moving until you cease to exist

>> No.7840087

>implying anyone on /lit/ has enough willpower

>> No.7840089

>Heh nothin personal me

>> No.7840185

Hanging of course

>> No.7840231

You cannot go wrong with Nerval, DFW and Caraco.

>> No.7840281

Being murdered and to have the murderer make it look like suicide.

>> No.7840393

Double suicide with your death obsessed lover.

>> No.7840412


>> No.7840442
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>> No.7840465

Seminal Marxist Nicos Poulantzas killed himself by jumping out of a window with a bunch of his favourite books.

>> No.7840470
File: 12 KB, 220x293, Poulantzas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
