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7838035 No.7838035 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite young adult/children book series?

pic related

>> No.7838045

post your tits if you're my ex-gf

>> No.7838049
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i was a true young weeb

>> No.7838059

Boxcar children
Spiderman novels

>> No.7838133


>> No.7838142


>> No.7838186

House of the Scorpion was hard core.

>> No.7838191

Jasper Fforde's Shades of Grey, It's still waiting on its sequels, but it's easily the best book aimed at that age bracket I've ever read

>> No.7838192


but then why do you spend all day on this board belittling others for reading genre fiction instead of true literature (tm)?

>> No.7838235

I absolutely loved Redwall when I was a kid. I read all of them up to Triss, and by then I had outgrown them. 10/10 would recommend to any kid.

>> No.7838247

Garth Nix stuff

Specifically Sabriel and Keys to the Kingdom Series

>> No.7838296
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Pic related, Serpent's Egg Trilogy and Keys to the Kingdom were some of my favourites as a preteen

>> No.7838322

Most Discworld books, especially the ones with Death or Vimes

>> No.7838418

what the fuck

>> No.7838464

my niggah

>> No.7838535

Harry Potter

>> No.7838538

Edge Chronicles

>> No.7838567

The rangers apprentice

>> No.7838590

>/lit/ is one person

>> No.7838617

only girls read young adult books

>> No.7838912


this, some old maniac cloning himself for harvestable organs was fuckin heavy for me in like seventh grade

>> No.7838927

I took The Bad Beginning home when I was in the fifth grade and read it in one sitting. Daniel Handler is seriously so based tbqh.

>> No.7839107
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pure irodalom

>> No.7839337
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Animorphs fostered my love of science fiction
I also read Narnia and Harry Potter, though those never dominated my life like Animorphs did

>> No.7839357

myy nigga!

>> No.7839364

Harry Nigger and the philosopher's stoned

>> No.7840340

Ron Weedsley

>> No.7840350


>> No.7840376

All of Pierre Bottero

>> No.7840381

The Day My Butt Went Psycho

>> No.7840401

The brothers lionheart. God damn, that shit was dark.

>> No.7840424

Narnia, and I do think children should read the series

>> No.7840477
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this or Artemis Fowl

>> No.7840605

Pendragon Series

>> No.7840671
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Thanks for reminding me that I loved to read Horrible Books as a child.

Never liked fiction, but I consumed those like crazy when I was a kid

>> No.7840781
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This was my dads.i asked him to read it to me and he did, explaining the big words and references. I loved it

>> No.7840786

Merlin saga by t.a barron

>> No.7840799

family made me read the christian propaganda that is CS Lewis but I loved His Dark Materials. to be honest I chose to start reading "grown-up" books at about age 13/14 as I thought it would give me a head start for when I read the heavier stuff as I got older.

>> No.7840823

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.7841000

Absolutely loved those books
A series of Unfortunate events, the Alex Rider series, the Inheritance cycle, His Dark materials.
I was a really prolific reader as a child

>> No.7841041

I liked it too,
Grijze jager in dutch, or grey hunter

>> No.7841436
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when I was younger these were absolutely awesome. After that House of the Scorpion, Sea of Trolls, the Eragon series

>> No.7841445
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>edge chronicles

>> No.7841538

Seventh Tower and Shade's Children were also really good from what I remember.

>> No.7841542

Dude, YES! These books were wonderful.

>> No.7841690

I was a fan of this. Pretty damn well-made story for a kid's book. I remember some scene near the beginning where the narrator... Falls through a window or something? With a graphic description of him being cut all over by the glass. For some reason the hundreds of cuts from shards of glass just stuck with me really vividly as an image.

>> No.7841958



love them

>> No.7841970

Wow, I remember Deltora Quest. Apparently there was an anime made of it as well.

>> No.7842000

It started out really good, peaking with The Austere Academy. But then he got into all that VFD nonsense. There was nothing wrong with the formula. I know there's a concern it could have gotten too repetitive, and if so, he either should have come up with a different formula to be repeated for the next few books, or just ended it with the book after 5. There are probably other possibilities too, and I don't know how good any of these methods would have been, but I can surely say that any of them would have been better than what he did. That was complete horseshit.

>> No.7842022
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and all the sequels

>> No.7842029

There was something involving cows that was really fuckin weird/neato, too.

I'm 3nding that one.

>> No.7842032

I read the fuck outta Deltora Quest.

I still remember a part where they're eating delicious fruit and they all pass out except the kid who ate some of the bitter skin and it they were all going to be eaten by a giant bird who hunts around there because the fruit knocks people out. Somehow they survived, as usual.

>> No.7842044

There is a part where the Westerner is asked if he would like to fuck a woman, or maybe a boy or finally a duck.

I am not making this up.

>> No.7842047
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GOAT YA fantasy series coming through.

>> No.7842524

jesus christ that is a spooky cover

>> No.7842541

As pleb as it may sound I'll go for Harry Potter.

>> No.7842545

My dad made the quacking noise

>> No.7842648

I agree anon, I got sick of being cucked by every VFD red herring. I enjoyed Ersatz Elevator, but that's the book that where everything started to change.

>> No.7842691
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>> No.7842709

Does anyone know the Magic Shop books?
With S. H. Elives and the rats and whatnot?

>> No.7843104


You three anons have pretty much defined my childhood reading tastes. Absolutely brilliant choices.

>> No.7843197


>> No.7843520
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The Enchanted Forest Chronicles

>> No.7843538
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>> No.7843580

That book was fucking awesome. I never got to read its sequel(s?) though

>> No.7843622

I read Animorphs, my favorit being the hork bajir and andalite chronicles.
I never did finish the series but from what I've heard I really dodged a bullet.
still a little butthurt they didn't get to keep their dinosaur morphs.

>> No.7843632

is this the one where the 3 children are on a boxcar children type of adventure complete with magic?
and then the sequel just completely went off the rails. never mentioning them again and featuring a kid they met briefly who turned out to be the last of the ancients, destined to unite all seven seals or some such nonsense?

>> No.7843660
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Not a series, but i really enjoyed this one in highschool.

>> No.7844007

Wot wot.

>> No.7844078
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have some more

>> No.7844080
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>> No.7844211

yes, I had forgotten about Over Sea, Under Stone, but that is where the story starts. the children's uncle Merriman is the mentor to the other boy, too. But whereas the Drew children stumble into their adventure and Merriman bails them out, the other boy, Will Stanton, is destined for his adventure. I didn't take it as the Dark is Rising "going off the rails" so much as the children in OSUS were only glimpsing the larger picture that Merriman was embroiled in, as a means of introduction.

anyway, the writing was at a higher level than pretty much anything else written for older children, so I liked them for Cooper writing at my actual reading level.

>> No.7844599

Brian Jacques entire series of fables had me as a kid.

>> No.7844610

if you're not in this post you're an eejit

>> No.7845554


I don't think you understand the series... there were more than 2 books. The boy in the 2nd book (Dark is Rising) is actually the main character and meets up with the kids from book 1 later.

Anyway, this is probably my favourite childrens series too.

>> No.7845579
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not even memeing when I say I adored this book when I was 11

>> No.7845705


I have this in my bookshelf, is it worth blasting through (I'm not a YA)?