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7830237 No.7830237 [Reply] [Original]

If you became a world known author and someone discovered all your 4chan posts, would be you fucked?

>> No.7830246

Nooooope. They are EBIG

>> No.7830447

good thing I only shitpost so i can say i was only making fun of the community

hank green
baby shoos never worn

>> No.7830453

No because they are relatively tame compared to my fiction.

>> No.7830458

>not getting the Selected Tweets publisher to publish your Selected Shitposts

>> No.7830460

How would they discover our posts if we don't have a trip?

I'm protected by anonymity.

>> No.7830464

also threads 404

>> No.7830471

this is my dream to be honest

i hope one day that graduate students will study my shitposts

>> No.7830496

If I ever become a world known author it will be because I'm the Ed Wood of authors, so my posts would just go towards that.

>> No.7830524

Well yeah, I say 'nigger' a lot. Moreover, all my justifications for doing so would just make it worse.

>> No.7832248

this to be honest.

>> No.7832251

it wud be paul de man all over again t b h

>> No.7832265

>implying everything posted to 4chan isn't recorded in a big ass database with ur ip attached to it

ever seen
>u must wait longer to delete this post

it's cuz it hasn't been recorded to the database yet

and also google records all the captchas u solve so between that they already know who u are bro

google is run by jews, when they start the goy holocaust ur gonna be the first one in the ovens, but as long as we don't let hillary take our guns we can still fight to the death and not die like a pizza

>> No.7832270

Not particularly

>> No.7832307

I'm more concerned that someone might discover any of the accounts I'd maintained at various Internet forums between the ages of 10 and 15.

>reached 15k posts at one place
>every single one of them probably cringe-inducing

>> No.7832417

I believe that once my memoir is finally published and my work well-received by a wide and varied audience, the eventual identity I will be granted as a famed writer will result in at least one biography being written about my life. Since my debut memoir essentially fulfils the function of a biography, then the individual who does take up the task of writing about my life in a more entertaining and profound way than I already have will have to make a great deal of effort in interviewing those who have been associated with my life in some way, and will, if they are efficient biographers, notice my frequent references to 4chan in my work and make the effort of discovering the countless posts (many of which are often re-posted as "pasta") I have made over the years and use them as a secondary means of narrating the development of my character and intellect over this time.

>> No.7832421


Or your fanfiction

>> No.7832431

jesus christ lol

>> No.7832436

Nah, it'd just be about 10,000 posts of me calling people faggots or making dick jokes. Pretty much what my writing is too.

>> No.7832559

One of these days candidates for President are going to be grilled on their message board posts as teenagers. That's going to make me feel old as fuck.

>> No.7832567
File: 20 KB, 720x146, Shakespeare scares me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd get assassinated
i'm going to give you a swirly

>> No.7833223


>> No.7833454

200 years from now we'll all be remembered as navy seals

>> No.7833457

le medeeum is le massage

>> No.7833838

I live in Britain so if my 4chan posts were ever somehow linked to me I would go to jail.

>> No.7834658
File: 62 KB, 620x348, 0smirkinggymnasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incest fetish
>foot fetish
>being mean in critique threads
i would pivot to find a new audience as an edgy shock author

>> No.7834973

>ever seen
>>u must wait longer to delete this post
>it's cuz it hasn't been recorded to the database yet
How fucking long do you think does it take to save an IP and some text in a database? Takes about as long as it takes for your post to show up on 4chan.

>> No.7835357

My mobile posts or my desktop posts?

>> No.7835368

I have not posted anything I would be ashamed of

>> No.7835489

came here to see if Gaskun had posted yet. Not let down.

>> No.7835739

I'd probably get the kike puppetmasters on my back from discussing holocaust revisionism on /pol/, and I would probably get some serious death threats from the muslim community.
There's also some porn stuff I don't want discovered

>> No.7835830
File: 246 KB, 1600x1022, 1164662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm protected by anonymity.

>> No.7835870

>anti Semitic
>anti black
>anti Muslim
>anti Mexican
>anti feminist
>anti gay degeneracy

Hopefully Trump gets elected emperor for life and all my enemies will be in internment camps or ash trays by that point

>> No.7835971

Nah, there'd be so much wildly contradictory shit no one could work out which ones were sincere and which were bait/memes/shitposts

>> No.7836591
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idgaf about the weirdest of fetishes my favorite person in the entertainment industry has, but your readers would feel betrayed if you turned out to be some closeted neo-nazi, and you know that's true.